Could India explain in more detail what the criteria are for the allocation of slots in Indian airports? Is India following the IATA Slot Guidelines?
Reply: The Airports Authority of India (AAI), the agency responsible for slot allocation in India, is following a set procedure for allocation of slots. In addition, AAI is also following IATA Slot Guidelines for allocation of slots to international airlines operating from India.
How does India ensure the safeguards of a non discriminatory, neutral and transparent system for allocation of slots? How many airports are coordinated (IATA level 3) or scheduled facilitated (IATA level 2)?
Reply: To ensure the safeguard of non discriminatory, neutral and transparent system for allocation of slots to international airlines, there is a Slot Allocation Committee represented by members from DGCA (Director General Civil Aviation), BCAS (Bureau of Civil Aviation Security), defence authorities, JVC operators and Air India. AAI convenes a meeting wherein all the stakeholders – regulatory bodies and airlines are present. Slots as requested by airlines and the offers given by airport operators are discussed in this meeting. These slots/offers are further discussed and finalized in the schedule conference organized by IATA, twice in a year, which is attended by airlines and airport operatoRs
Any request received from airline for amendment to the existing slot or request for any additional slot is analysed on the principle of airport capacity and thereafter the slots are accepted or alternate offers are given.
In case of any dispute between airport operator and airlines, firstly efforts are made to resolve the dispute at the level of airport operator and the slot allocation committee. If the dispute still remains unresolved, the same can be addressed to appellate authority i.e. member (Ops.) in case of AAI airports and Airport Coordination Committee in case of Greenfield airports.
Out of 17 airports managed by AAI where international airlines operate, Chennai airport is a coordinated airport (IATA level 3), Kolkata and Trivandrum are scheduled facilitated airports (IATA level 2).
Could India specify under which conditions can a third country company supply ground handling services at airports in India?
Reply: This is governed by Section 3(1)(iii) of the Airports Authority of India (General Management, Entry for Ground Handling Regulation 2007). The details can be seen from the website
As regards the new ground handling policy announced in 2010: It is the EU's understanding that a new GH regulation was prepared last year by the Indian authorities with a view to limiting the access to ground handling services at big airports (in particular only one "independent" handler was possible in addition to the airport and the Indian carrier, and self handling was not possible for a number of ground handling services). The limitation was due to security concerns.
Has this regulation entered in force or has India decided to reconsider the limitations?