World Trade Organization Organisation Mondiale du Commerce Organización Mundial del ComercioYear No. of persons arrested
The centralized data of arrests made under the Customs Act, 1962 and other relevant allied acts are not available on the departmental website at present. (Question 29: Page 123, paragraph 300) According to the Secretariat's Report, "India has made important efforts in the field of enforcement, such as having specially trained IP Judges in general courts, training judges on issues specific to IP litigation." Please provide some statistics, such as the number of civil/criminal lawsuits relating to IPR and the average length of the IPR cases. Also, please describe whether these statistics are available to the public or not, and if not, what possibility there is of access. Reply: India being a federal structure, the enforcement of IPR Acts is also being carried out by the state authorities. These lawsuits are pending right from the district level to the Apex Court of the country. As on date no centralized system is there to maintain this information and so it is difficult to define the average length of the IPR cases. Information to the party concerned to the case is always available. IV. DEVELOPMENTS IN SELECTED SECTORS (2) AGRICULTURE (ii) Agricultural policy objectives Yüklə 1,35 Mb. Dostları ilə paylaş: |