Could India please provide electronic links to these laws?
Reply: The corresponding websites are indicated below:
Karnataka Transparency in public procurement Act of 1999:
TN transparency in tender Act 1998: rules/finance/
TN transparency in tender rules 2000: rules/finance/
Canada 48, 49:
Report by the Secretariat (WT/TPR/S/249): Part III. Trade Policies and Practices by Measure: (4) Measures Affecting Production and Trade; (v) Government Procurement: (b) Regulatory Framework: paragraph 224, page 107:
The Secretariat's Report states that, "India does not have a unified piece of legislation regulating government procurement." The Report also states that there are sectoral laws which also regulate public procurement in addition to various government instruments and agencies including ministries and departments with their own public procurement systems.
Given the many policies and regulations applying to procurement, how do suppliers determine which rules are relevant for a given procurement?
Reply: Rule 137, 160 and 161 of the General Financial Rules contain the basic principles of public buying. Chapter 6 of the General Financial Rules, 2005 contains general rules applicable to all Ministries or Departments regarding procurement of goods, engagement of consultants and outsourcing of services. Detailed instructions relating to the procurement of goods can be issued by the procuring ministries/departments in conformity with the general rules contained in this chapter.