2.3. Фярдин ятраф мцщити
Инсан (щяйат мярщяляляри)
population; change / growth; inhabitants; the old; pension; career; future plan; life; dream; beginning; end; ambition; progress; success; achievement; job occupation; the youth.
Йашайыш йери
residence; campus; dormitory; accommodation; lodge; lodging; rent; Essential service; water; electricity; rooms to let; detached/semi detached/terraced house.
democracy; Royal; President; Monarchy; Mayor; Republic; Parliament; kingdom; citizen; constitution; law; revolution; flag; EU; refugee; hostage; government; public; MP; society; politics; problem; embassy; consul; electoral system.
Йер кцряси/cоьрафи адлар
territory; peninsular; mainland; South /North Pole; jungle; plain; border; port; harbor; Sahara; Arctic; population; deserts; mountain ranges; Bays; Amazon rainforest; Mount Everest.
Тябият/ Тябият щадисяляри (щава)
solar system; flood; disaster; fauna; waterfall; axis; meadow; desert; coal; pole; wildlife; tsunami; avalanche; volcano; hurricane; thunderstorm; thunder and lightning.
Йашайыш йери
block of apartments; hotel; landlord; maid; skyscraper; residence; cabin; estate; campus; terrace; motel; rent; hostel.
Avadanlıq/мяишят яшйалары
cash book; screwdriver; electric heater; kitchen equipment; garbage bin / can; cork-screw; toaster; oven; dishwashing liquid; can/bottle opener; blender; dish towel.
pedagogical; exam; diploma of achievement; Education Department; score; faculty; tutor; mentor; certificate; award; licence; international Olympiad /conference; competition.
Тиcарят обйектляри/işçiləri/инвеnтар
supermarket; book-store; clothes store; cash desk; newspaper; line; check; customer; counter; scales; stationery; bookstall; grocery; mall; musical shop; druggist;
Хидмят обйектляри/işçiləri
parking garage, drugstore, bakery, lobby.
Pumpkin; chicken; pork; whisky; wine; soft / alcohol drink; champagne; ham; yogurt; seafood; chops; pizza; bacon; toast; salad dressing; mustard.
Гида вя yeyinti обйектляри/yемякляр/işçiləri
vacant table; healthy /junk food; pancakes; delicious food; restaurant; waiter / waitress; night bar; refreshments; wine; hot /cold cereal with milk; fresh / frozen food.
passenger; porter; journey; ship; sailor; captain; baggage; van; yacht; truck; tram; conductor; air-liner; waiting room; ticket collector; helicopter.
Мядяниййят/идман обйектляри/işçiləri
world cup; trainer; competitor; stadium; Olympic Games; gold / silver/bronze medal; concert hall; singer; ballet; first night performance; spectator; painter / artist; exhibition; sculptor;
telegram form; paper boy; insured letter; postmark; express mail; special delivery; zip / area code; post / greeting card; money order; package.
bank; manager; loan; bill; operator; cashier; money; bank accountant; cash; exchange rate; credit / plastic card; cash- machine; check book; wages; board of directors; rate of exchange; inflation; short / long term credit; financial operation;
rest area; hotel; page / single /double room; holidays; vacation; reservation; trip; beach; hiking; tourist discotheque club; entertainment; relaxation; luxurious hotel;