Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962)
səhifə | 4/4 | tarix | 07.01.2022 | ölçüsü | 513 b. | | #79491 |
| Bu səhifədəki naviqasiya:
- Environmental chemicals (Baillie-Hamilton PF, 2002) and POPs (Lee DH et al, 2006)
- This association was confirmed in Greenland (Inuit), Taiwan, Japan, Native American, Slovakia and Belgium (Dirink E et al. Obesity, 2010).
- An environment-wide association study (EWAS) on type 2 diabetes mellitus supported (Chirag J et al, PLoS One 2010)
- Establishing cause-effect relationship between xenobiotics exposure and MS
- POPs are very diverse, small, slowly act, dangerous to handle and
- Best way to eliminate toxins (evidence-based detoxification therapy)
- Park KS, Cho YM, Lim S, KimPak Y, Lee W, and many collaborators, Korea
Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962) Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962) Fetal malnutrition (thrifty phenotype hypothesis. Barker DJP and Hales CN, 1992) 3 Mitochondrial dysfunction (Lee HK et al, 2006) Environmental chemicals (Baillie-Hamilton PF, 2002) and POPs (Lee DH et al, 2006)
This association was confirmed in Greenland (Inuit), Taiwan, Japan, Native American, Slovakia and Belgium (Dirink E et al. Obesity, 2010). This association was confirmed in Greenland (Inuit), Taiwan, Japan, Native American, Slovakia and Belgium (Dirink E et al. Obesity, 2010). An environment-wide association study (EWAS) on type 2 diabetes mellitus supported (Chirag J et al, PLoS One 2010) Confirmed in experimental studies (Lim S, PLoS One, 2009; Ruzzin J et al, Environ Health Persp, 2009)
Establishing cause-effect relationship between xenobiotics exposure and MS Establishing cause-effect relationship between xenobiotics exposure and MS Etiologic treatment: drug development and clinical trials
POPs are very diverse, small, slowly act, dangerous to handle and --- Current detecting methods are too expensive Need cheap and valid method (for diagnosis): i.e. CALUX (chemically activated luciferase expression) assay Best way to eliminate toxins (evidence-based detoxification therapy)
Park KS, Cho YM, Lim S, KimPak Y, Lee W, and many collaborators, Korea Park KS, Cho YM, Lim S, KimPak Y, Lee W, and many collaborators, Korea Wei Y-H, Taiwan Nanjo K, Tanaka M. Japan
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