Yallow and Berson found high serum insulin in type diabetes, thus insulin resistance : common underlying biochemical abnormality

Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962)

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Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962)

  • Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962)

  • Fetal malnutrition (thrifty phenotype hypothesis. Barker DJP and Hales CN, 1992)

  • 3 Mitochondrial dysfunction (Lee HK et al, 2006)

  • Environmental chemicals (Baillie-Hamilton PF, 2002) and POPs (Lee DH et al, 2006)

This association was confirmed in Greenland (Inuit), Taiwan, Japan, Native American, Slovakia and Belgium (Dirink E et al. Obesity, 2010).

  • This association was confirmed in Greenland (Inuit), Taiwan, Japan, Native American, Slovakia and Belgium (Dirink E et al. Obesity, 2010).

  • An environment-wide association study (EWAS) on type 2 diabetes mellitus supported (Chirag J et al, PLoS One 2010)

  • Confirmed in experimental studies (Lim S, PLoS One, 2009; Ruzzin J et al, Environ Health Persp, 2009)

Establishing cause-effect relationship between xenobiotics exposure and MS

  • Establishing cause-effect relationship between xenobiotics exposure and MS

  • 3 Koch’s postulates

  • Etiologic treatment: drug development and clinical trials

POPs are very diverse, small, slowly act, dangerous to handle and ---

  • POPs are very diverse, small, slowly act, dangerous to handle and ---

  • Current detecting methods are too expensive

  • Need cheap and valid method (for diagnosis): i.e. CALUX (chemically activated luciferase expression) assay

  • Best way to eliminate toxins (evidence-based detoxification therapy)

Park KS, Cho YM, Lim S, KimPak Y, Lee W, and many collaborators, Korea

  • Park KS, Cho YM, Lim S, KimPak Y, Lee W, and many collaborators, Korea

  • Wei Y-H, Taiwan

  • Nanjo K, Tanaka M. Japan

  • Members of Molecular Diabetology in Asia

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