Yallow and Berson found high serum insulin in type diabetes, thus insulin resistance : common underlying biochemical abnormality
səhifə | 1/4 | tarix | 07.01.2022 | ölçüsü | 513 b. | | #79491 |
1. Yallow and Berson found high serum insulin in type 2 diabetes, thus insulin resistance : common underlying biochemical abnormality 1. Yallow and Berson found high serum insulin in type 2 diabetes, thus insulin resistance : common underlying biochemical abnormality 2. Molecular approach (insulin receptor and post-receptor mechanisms) was not successful 3. Epidemiologic approach by establishing a disease entity (syndrome X) proposed by Reaven (1988)
Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962) Genetic cause (thrifty genotype hypothesis. Neel JV, 1962) Fetal malnutrition (thrifty phenotype hypothesis. Barker DJP and Hales CN, 1992)
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