Me llamo: ___________________________ Fecha: _________________________
Español 2R Señora Porpeglia/Señora Federico
You will create 2 INSTAGRAM POSTS of 2 different cities from a country in Central America. (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama)
You must include the following:
Choose 2 different cities
Write 5 sentences about a pretend trip to each city in the preterite tense.
You must include at least 3 different tourist attractions in that city.
Use 10 words from the unit vocabulary
Include 2 pictures. Your post should look just like a post on the application. You will include your picture in color with your sentences underneath. You can use your own account to post your project . You will then screen shot it and send it to me. This MUST be completed on a computer. If you do not have an Instagram account you can use the templates provided on my website.
10 verbs are conjugated in the preterit tense. _____/10
You have 10 sentences. _____/10
You have 10 vocabulary words. ( Please underline them) _____/10
Your posts are appropriate pictures. _____/5
Grammar is correct and comprehensible _____/5
Project is on time. _____/5
You used class-time wisely for this project. _____/5
Total: _____/50 pts.

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