Compiled by a team of concerned Muslims

Yüklə 479 b.
ölçüsü479 b.

  • Compiled by a team of concerned Muslims

  • May Allaah (SWT) give all - Halaal & Tayyab Rizq

  • with Barakah, Abundance & Khayr. Aameen.

  • Coordinating Contacts:

  • Dr. Salman Zafar Shaikh

  •;; 732-949-8948; 732-801-4590

  • Br. Muhammad Yusuf Dadani

  •; 732-852-3453; 732-721-8390;

  • DISCLAIMER: Information contained herein comes from emailing with farmers, phone calls to Halaal meat producers, and internet research. We need further investigation into our Halaal Meat and its hidden ingredients by experienced Islamic scholars, health professionals, and scientists and a Certified Halaal source of livestock needs to be created for the protection of the Muslim community & beyond Insha’Allaah

What are Halaal Farming Conditions ?

  • What are Halaal Farming Conditions ?

  • References in Qur’an & Ahadith

  • Some Fiqh Rulings

  • Contaminants in our Meat

  • Health Problems with “Unnatural Feed”

  • What is “Natural” ?

  • What is “Organic” ?

  • Proposed Halaal Categories

  • Halaal Certification Implementation Insha’Allaah

  • Some Contacts (for information / help)

  • Conclusions & Action Items

1) Animal be permissible to eat, is alive & conscious at slaughter time, and is not contaminated [Contaminated: Impure due to a mixture with unclean or dangerous substances.]

  • 1) Animal be permissible to eat, is alive & conscious at slaughter time, and is not contaminated [Contaminated: Impure due to a mixture with unclean or dangerous substances.]

  • 2) That the farmer and the slaughterer are Muslims of sound mind, or People of the Book (Christians or Jews) who believe in their own Book and adhere to its tenets [Cannot be applied to current Kosher or US standards but may apply to individual]

  • 3) Dhabeeha must be in the Name of Allah; Sharp knife; Out of sight of other animals; Allow blood flow; Clean

  • Question for the Ulema:

  • What is the degree of permissibility of the various common contaminants in meat? Need definition of “Halaal Farming Conditions” for the Halaal Industries.

According to Imam Shafi and Imam Jafar, it is Haraam to eat of animals who ate Jallalah (filth). ? According to Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik and Ahmad ibn Hanbal - it is Makrooh per - Need to confirm this Insha’Allaah.

  • According to Imam Shafi and Imam Jafar, it is Haraam to eat of animals who ate Jallalah (filth). ? According to Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik and Ahmad ibn Hanbal - it is Makrooh per - Need to confirm this Insha’Allaah.

  • The book, Fiqh us-Sunnah by Sh. Syed Sabiq, translated by Muhammad Sa’eed Dabas, states: “jallalah refers to animal that eats the waste or flesh (? Arabic Azera=Faeces) of other animals, such as camels, cows, sheep, chickens, geese, and so on. Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) forbade the drinking of such animals' milk.” (Vol. 1, page 12: “Impurities” / Arabic Vol.2, "Food”) The Ahadiths reported in the same chapter are to the meaning that the Prophet SAW forbade drinking milk of Al-Jallalah according to The Five Narrators (except Ibn Majah), Tirmithi said it is Sahih. In another Hadith, He SAW, forbade riding that animal, narrated by Abou Dawoud. A third Hadith, narrated by Ahmad, Nassaii, and Abou Dawoud, He SAW, forbade riding, and eating meat of AlJallalah.

  • Fiqh according to Four Schools (Arabic), AlJaziri AbdulRahman, Vol. 2, Chap. Food: "It is lawful to eat animals that feed on Najasah, called Jallalah, but it becomes Makrouh if its smell becomes bad as a result of the feeding, also, in addition to its meat, milk and eggs will have the same ruling. It is recommended that it is kept and fed for 40/30/7/3 (camel, cow, sheep, chicken respectively) days until its smell changes, as narrated by Ibn Omar (cover camel only). Schools of thought differences cited: Hanbali: Jallalah that most its food is feces, is HARAM to eat, ride, milk, except if kept and fed clean food for 3 days. Maliki: "Mashhour", (means most Maliki Scholars are of the opinion) -it is Moubah to eat the meat, but Makrouh to drink the milk. Others are assumed to be of the opinion mentioned by the author above.

  • Dr. Ahmad Sakr: "Islam dictates that if an animal has received meat and/or blood while the animal itself is Halaal (permissible), it becomes Haraam (forbidden). In order for it to become Halaal again you have to put that animal in a quarantine area for 40 days before you slaughter it to make it Halaal.”

  • Regarding the Jalalah about the animal eating najus things, according to Mufti Syed Ahmedul Quadri of IDEA, Dallas, Tx (972-671-4330/ 671 4332) Hanafi Fiqh does not considered the meat or milk from that animal as Haraam compared to Shafi Fiqh. But they accept the hadith of 40 days quarantine.

  • Imam Luqman Ali (Fiqh Jaafri) believes livestock should not be fed on any Najasah (impure substances including feces, blood, swine, dogs, dead bodies and their parts, etc.), haraam material or animal products of any kind. They should be fed vegetable products, preferably organic.

  • Shaykh Imran Hosein, in his book, One Jama’at, One Ameer, states, “When Muslims resort to dairy and food farming it not only ensures them provision of sustenance, but, also, food which is not contaminated by chemicals and hormone injections etc.”

  • But are all our scholars fully aware of the extent of contaminants & unnatural feeds in the US Meat Industry and its affect on health (e.g. Mad Cow Disease) ?

  • Unnatural feed e.g. Feeding dead pork etc. to cattle etc. are new situations requiring Ijtihaad.

  • According to Shaykh Samer Rey, the teacher of Hamza Yusuf, the flesh or milk of an animal that ate najus, such as the milk of pigs, is haram according to Hanbali, and very makrooh (it should be avoided) according to the other schools of thought. He teaches, “When we study Surat al Kahf, 18:19: Let him find out which is the best food to be had and bring some to you, that you may satisfy your hunger therewith,” we learn what makes the people noble of character, and receive Allah’s protection and guidance, is that they look not only for the halaal food, but choose the purest food. If it is not the best meat it should be avoided because that will have an effect on our spiritual life. By avoiding doubtful meat, we save our health, our money and our spirit. People need to learn to give up some convenience, to go beyond just saying “Bismillaah” and eating - We should spend the extra money to buy the better meat and eat less of it. This is more Islamic and following the Sunnah of the Prophet. Lack of eating spiritual food results in lack of iman. Work on your ego, work on your desire, start being aware.”

  • Need to provide our Ulema - the full information on the contaminants in our Meat etc., and their effects on health and then requesting Judgement re. Halaal, Haraam, Makrooh, Mashbooh etc. Insha’Allaah.

  • “A series of tests conducted by Charles Gerba, a Microbiologist at the University of Arizona, discovered far more fecal bacteria in the average American kitchen sink than on the average American toilet seat.” (Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser)

  • Feces, and other garbage such as newspaper and sawdust from the slaughterhouse floor, gets processed along with animal scraps into the protein formula.

  • Contamination can also result from irresponsible slaughterhouse practices. Government records describe mice infestation, grease and rainwater leaking onto meat; unsanitary knives; equipment sullied with day-old meat and fat scraps; and carcasses being dragged across floors.

  • The rate for deadly E. coli illness remains steady, with 73,000 people stricken and 61 killed a year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • Deadly strains of viruses and bacteria in feces are the result of overuse of antibiotics on farm animals, which promote the development of diseases resistant to treatment.

Toxic chemicals are sprayed on the grass and grain that the animals eat. These pollutant compounds accumulate in the fat of livestock and poultry. An Environmental Protection Agency study showed that consumption of animal fat and dairy products containing traces of dioxin, a byproduct of burning plastics and medical waste, can cause cancer in humans. The study linked dioxin consumption to thyroid and liver disorders.

  • Toxic chemicals are sprayed on the grass and grain that the animals eat. These pollutant compounds accumulate in the fat of livestock and poultry. An Environmental Protection Agency study showed that consumption of animal fat and dairy products containing traces of dioxin, a byproduct of burning plastics and medical waste, can cause cancer in humans. The study linked dioxin consumption to thyroid and liver disorders.

  • Meat contains 14 times as much pesticide residue as plant foods; dairy products, more than five times as many. Ninety-five percent of human exposure to dioxin comes through meat, fish, and dairy consumption.(McCarthy, Colman, "Dioxin Burgers," Washington Post, Sept. 24, 1994)

  • According to an analysis of federal and state data by the Environmental Working Group (EWG),

  • between 1990 and 1995 more than 450 fertilizer companies or farms in 38 states received shipments of toxic waste totaling more than 270 million pounds. Under the guise of 'recycling,' polluting industries use toxic waste laden with dioxin, lead, mercury and other hazardous chemicals as raw material for fertilizers applied to U.S. farmland.

  • The journal, Toxicology and Industrial Health, suggests that combinations of agricultural chemicals found in groundwater, can significantly influence the immune and endocrine systems as well as neurological health. Over 1 million children a day consume an unsafe dose of organophosphates.

  • As described by Virginia Messina, PhD and Mark Messina, MPH, RD in the Dietitian's Guide to Vegetarian Diets, frequent meat eaters have higher breastmilk levels of the pesticides DDT, chlordane, heptachlor, and dieldrin, and industrial compounds or byproducts, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzodiozins.

Animal byproducts are the remains of pig, chicken, horse, cattle and sheep, dog, cat, rodent and road-kill, which are made into animal feed. (Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser) They help the livestock gain weight more quickly.

  • Animal byproducts are the remains of pig, chicken, horse, cattle and sheep, dog, cat, rodent and road-kill, which are made into animal feed. (Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser) They help the livestock gain weight more quickly.

  • Use of pork-based protein supplements is the norm. Nearly all dairy cows and the majority of beef herds receive pork supplements to increase weight gain, even if they are grass-grazed. Most farmers prefer pork bone meal because it is easier for the cows to digest and is much cheaper than non-pork based supplements.

  • Rendering the protein of infected animals into agricultural feed is responsible for the spread of Mad Cow Disease and other viruses, although it is prohibited in the US to feed sheep or cattle remains to sheep or cattle. However, 15% of licensed feed mills and 30% of unlicensed feed mills were found breaking US laws for sanitary conditions, keeping rendered animal species separate, and proper labeling.

  • According to Dr. Stephen Emanuel of Agway Feed Co. (518-573-3185/315-449-6203),

  • 75% of halaal meat produced in the year 2000 came from pork-fed cows.

  • Concentrated protein formulas provide most farm animals with about 5% of their dietary intake.

  • Protein is the building block of cells. Quarantining the animal for 40 days does not clean the body of these cells, nor does it cure the possible viruses living in the meat.

Meat By-Products: The non-rendered, clean parts, other than meat, derived from slaughtered mammals. It includes, but is not limited to, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, livers, blood, bone, partially defatted low temperature fatty tissue, and stomachs and intestines freed of their contents.

  • Meat By-Products: The non-rendered, clean parts, other than meat, derived from slaughtered mammals. It includes, but is not limited to, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, livers, blood, bone, partially defatted low temperature fatty tissue, and stomachs and intestines freed of their contents.

  • Meat and Bone Meal: The rendered product from mammal tissues, including bone, exclusive of any added blood, hair, hoof, horn, hide trimmings, manure, stomach and rumen contents, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably in good processing practices. This is the most commonly used product..

  • Hydrolyzed Poultry By-Product Aggregate is the product resulting from hydrolyzation, heat treatment, or a combination thereof, of all by-products of slaughter poultry, clean and un-decomposed, including such parts as heads, feet, undeveloped eggs, and intestines, feathers and blood. The parts may be processed in such a fashion as to make it suitable for animal food, including heating (boiling at 212 degree F, or 100 degree C at sea level for 30 minutes, or its equivalent, and agitated, except in steam cooking equipment). It may, if acid treated, be subsequently neutralized. If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind, the name must correspond thereto.”

  • [ American Association of Feed Control Officials]

  • Female Hormones (Estrogen) increase the weight of the animal in a short amount of time. They shorten the natural 2-year growth time to six months.These hormones may affect the gender balance within the human body, especially when boys or men are eating these hormones.

  • It is "very likely" that hormone residues in North American beef is a factor in the early onset of puberty among girls in recent decades, said Carlos Sonnenschein of the Tufts University School of Medicine at Boston.

  • Pediatricians say the onset of menstruation has steadily decreased in recent decades. The average age for a first period is now 12½, up from age 14 in 1900.

  • "The length and amount of exposure to estrogens (a class of hormones) is one of the most significant risk factors in breast carcinogenesis.

  • The incidence of breast cancer has been rising steadily, most quickly in rich countries. In 1997, around the world, close to 400,000 women died of the disease. The number of new cases reported annually approached 900,000 in 1997, up from 572,000 in 1980.

  • A hormone used in dairy cows to increase milk production is genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). The FDA failed to investigate studies showing that the oral feeding of rBGH led to thyroid cysts and prostate activity in male rats.

  • Because rBGH is illegal in Europe, it is illegal to export American dairy products to Europe.

Animals are routinely given antibiotics to cure them from illnesses, largely caused by farming conditions and corn-based diet. [See antibiotics]

  • Animals are routinely given antibiotics to cure them from illnesses, largely caused by farming conditions and corn-based diet. [See antibiotics]

  • “Overuse and misuse of antimicrobials in food animals contribute to the emergence of resistant forms of disease-causing bacteria. Such resistant bacteria can be transmitted from food animals to humans, primarily via food. Infections can result that are difficult to cure because the resistant bacteria do not respond to treatment with antimicrobials.” (WHO Global Principles for the Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance due to Antimicrobial Use in Animals intended for Food)

  • According to a new federal monitoring system launched in 1996, when a drug was first approved for animals, evidence of infections resistant to that drug in humans was

  • negligible. By 1998 resistance levels had jumped to 13 percent and by 1999 to nearly 18 percent. That's far faster than the gradual erosion of effectiveness that is common to antibiotics over time.

  • Each year, food-borne pathogens cause 76 million illnesses and 5,000 deaths, according to the CDC.

  • The USDA estimates that salmonella is present in 35 percent of turkeys, 11 percent of chickens and 6 percent of ground beef.

  • US law does not allow the animal to be slaughtered within 30 days of receiving antibiotics.

Manufacturers add preservatives mostly to prevent spoilage during the time it takes to transport foods over long distances to stores and then our kitchens.

  • Manufacturers add preservatives mostly to prevent spoilage during the time it takes to transport foods over long distances to stores and then our kitchens.

  • Nitrites, used in combination with salt, serve as antimicrobials in meat to inhibit the growth of bacterial spores that cause botulism, a deadly food-borne illness.

  • Preservatives such as Nitrate gives the meat an artificial red color and prolongs shelf-life, leading people to falsely assume that meat is fresh.

  • The nitrate content of food is of concern since it is known that nitrates are formed into nitrosamines in the body which can be carcinogenic.

  • Nitrates and nitrites can cause allergic reactions.

  • Preservatives are believed to cause hyperactivity in children

“Manufacturers of genetically altered foods are exposing us to one of the largest uncontrolled experiments in modern history.” - Dr. Martha Herbert, pediatric neurologist

  • “Manufacturers of genetically altered foods are exposing us to one of the largest uncontrolled experiments in modern history.” - Dr. Martha Herbert, pediatric neurologist

  • Genes of pigs and other animals are combined with fruits and vegetables

  • People with food allergies are unknowingly exposed to these allergens when eating GM foods, if the allergenic food gene is mixed in with an unrelated food product.

  • Nearly all food is genetically modified, unless it is labeled “Organic.”

  • US producers do not have to label GM foods.

  • Biotech companies are not required to consult with the FDA on new GM foods, and those who voluntarily do so do not have to follow the FDA’s recommendations.

  • "With genetic engineering, familiar foods could become metabolically dangerous or even toxic. Further, the potential toxic or carcinogenic effects could have substantial latency periods." A Statement by Scientists Concerned About Trends in the New Biotechnology

  • GM crops will also further our reliance on vast monocultures, objectors state. (Just 15 food crops today supply 90 percent of the world's food and energy intake.)

  • "The benefits of biotechnology are many and include providing resistance to crop pests to improve production and reduce chemical pesticide usage" --World Health Organization Expert Consultation on Biotechnology and Food Safety

Since 1983, a significant portion of our diet can legally be irradiated, including cookies and crackers, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, meat, chicken, spices, and eggs.

  • Since 1983, a significant portion of our diet can legally be irradiated, including cookies and crackers, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, meat, chicken, spices, and eggs.

  • Most likely to be irradiated: pre-made fast food meat patties.

  • High-energy irradiation blast breaks molecules and DNA, and creates free radicals that damage vitamins and kill the living enzymes in fresh foods.

  • Untested chemicals and known carcinogens are created by this process.

  • There are no long-term human studies, but animal testing showed increased tumors, reproductive failures, kidney damage, and vitamin deficiencies.

  • Irradiation kills most insects/bacteria, can increase shipping/storage life, and allows packers, processors and restaurants to avoid food poisoning lawsuits. It also allows centralized production, because a large company that irradiates can ship food a long distance without ripening and drive local farmers who don't irradiate out of the market.

  • Irradiated foods are usually not labeled.

  • Irradiation is sponsored by the US Energy Department, to dispose of nuclear waste.

  • In 1988, an irradiation plant in Georgia leaked radioactive water into the public sewer system, costing taxpayers $47 million in cleanup costs.

  • Irradiation does NOT kill Mad Cow Disease, botulism, or other illnesses.

  • [Organic Consumers Association:]

A handful of food processing corporations monopolize the US food market.

  • A handful of food processing corporations monopolize the US food market.

  • They receive tax subsidies to create artificially low prices for meat and dairy products.

  • All cows on the market are sold from the farms to commercial feedlots unless they are first purchased directly from a rancher or farmer.

  • In a commercial feedlot, animals are fattened for slaughter. Cows are fed on a diet of primarily corn plus pork protein supplements. Implanted with growth hormones to accelerate weight gain.

  • Cows go directly from commercial feedlot to commercial slaughterhouses.

  • States with the most commercial feedlots are Texas and Oklahoma.

  • Muslim butchers performing Dhabeeha at commercial slaughterhouses are slaughtering dairy calves almost guaranteed fed on pork protein, and beef herds most likely fed on pork protein.

  • After slaughter, nitrate is added to meat to give it a red color and prolong shelf life.

  • A Massive Garbage Recycling Business? “Less than 45% of the average steer finds its way to the supermarket meat counter. The discarded meat scrap, hides and bones are sold to renderers. If this waste material was not recycled, the price consumers pay for meat would invariably be higher… The rendering industry annually contributes more than $1 billion to the Gross National Product and is responsible for more than 400 million trade dollars into this country. Of the more than 5 billion pounds of animal fat produced by U.S. renderers, almost half is exported.” (Griffin Industries)

Natural beef cows have not been fed any meat-based protein

  • Natural beef cows have not been fed any meat-based protein

  • Natural beef has no hormones or preservatives.

  • “Natural” has no label involving a registration process.

  • You have to ask the farmer to find out if the animals are Natural.

  • Basic Natural feed is grass, hay, corn, beans and oats.

  • Food is not organically grown, thus it will contain chemicals.

  • Usually livestock has pasture access and get lots of exercise.

  • Stalls are roomy and clean and offer free choice hay and water, fans.

  • Farms are usually owned by a family who cares deeply about the animals.

  • Cattle do receive antibiotics when necessary. By US law, animals cannot be slaughtered for 30 days after receiving medicines.

  • An animal is considered “Natural” after living 3 months on a Natural farm.

  • Dairy products labeled “Natural” do NOT come from Natural cows.

  • If the animal is NOT guaranteed as Natural, it must be assumed that it ate pork products even if it was grass-grazed, as this is the standard ingredient of the protein formulas sold in all farming supply stores.

Regulated by US Govt. FDA.; See

  • Regulated by US Govt. FDA.; See

  • Organic is a philosophy and system of production which mirrors the natural laws of living organisms with emphasis on the interdependence of all life. It benefits the environment, defends ethical treatment of livestock, supports small farmers, and contributes to the health of consumers.

  • The Key Goals of Organic Farming:

    • To replenish and maintain soil fertility
    • Eliminate the use of toxic and persistent chemical pesticides and fertilizers
    • Avoid the use of hormones, antibiotics and other drugs in farm animals
    • Build and maintain biological diversity
  • Rules For Organic Farming:

    • Land on which organic food is grown must be kept free of pesticides, fertilizers, genetically engineered or irradiated foods for three years.
    • Farmers and processors must keep detailed records of methods and materials used in growing or processing organic products.
    • All feed and pasture on which organic cows graze must be organic.
    • Animals are not allowed Hormones or Antibiotics but they are Vaccinated.
    • An animal is considered Organic after 3 months on an Organic farm.

“Take note that the word halaal as it is understood universally today failed to capture the true essence of “wholesomeness” as promoted by the concept of Halaalan Thoyyiba, and is the direct contributing factor in the failure to fully capitalize on the Muslim market.”

  • “Take note that the word halaal as it is understood universally today failed to capture the true essence of “wholesomeness” as promoted by the concept of Halaalan Thoyyiba, and is the direct contributing factor in the failure to fully capitalize on the Muslim market.”

  • Surah Al Bakarah 168 is a divine guidance addressed to all Mankind on the selection of the best food for human consumption, and brings about the totality concept promoted by Halaalan Thoyyiba, which is for the well-being of Mankind in general.

  • An economic miracle: The Supreme Islamic Consultative Council for Halaalan Thoyyiba in Malaysia has introduced a world-wide effort to guarantee food safety as well as spiritual requirements of halaal food products.

  • The Fatwa Council for Halaanan Thoyyiba is based in Saudi Arabia and includes Sheikh Abdullah Sulaiman Al-Muneei, Sheikh Fawzy Fadhil Al-Zefzaf (Al-Azhar University), Dr. Saud Mused Al-Thubaitti (Umm Al-Qura University ), and Datuk Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim Shukri.

  • “Compliance to Halaalan Thoyyiba is not a simple “no park, no alcohol” concept as widely perceived but goes far beyond that. Likewise, ... meat processed in the halaal manner is not halaal if it is infected and dangerous for human consumption... The sourcing of ingredients, raw materials, storage and handling are part and parcel of the overall Halaalan Thoyyiba process.”

  • References for the drafting of the Standard is based on the current FAO/WHO Guidelines for Foods, Drinks and Goods Utilized by Muslim by JAKIM of the Prime Minister's Department of Malaysia, ISO 9000 series and ISO/IEC Guide 62, MS ISO 8402:1996 on Vocabulary and Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.

Insha’Allaah High Impact & Self Funded:

  • Insha’Allaah High Impact & Self Funded:

  • Make it easy for Muslims in North America and Overseas to get Halaal food (High Impact)

  • SELF-FUNDED, and may even generate some funds for worthwhile Islamic Activities Insha'Allaah (like Kosher certification raises money from companies being certified).

  • Certification should be done by large umbrella Muslim organizations e.g. Islamic Shoora Council of North America (ISNA, ICNA, WDM and NC) instead of organizations formed primarily for the purpose of certification. Large umbrella organizations provide more reliability & acceptance by the Muslims at large Insha’Allaah.

  • If ISNA / ICNA / Shoora Council etc. do not come forward, perhaps less trusted organizations will take the lead, aiming at lucrative returns. Ordinary Muslims may be deceived by “phony” Halaal symbols / certification.

  • A lot of worldwide “Halaal meat” is currently suspicious. It is quite difficult for an ordinary Muslim to totally avoid Haraam food products.

  • Organic Dhabeeha may provide excellent Dawah opportunity Insha’Allaah

Coordinate within the Islamic Shoora Council of North America (ISNA, ICNA, WDM and NC)

  • Coordinate within the Islamic Shoora Council of North America (ISNA, ICNA, WDM and NC)

  • Agree on more conservative Fiqh for Dhabeeha / “Halaal Healthy” (include ISNA & ICNA scholars). E.g.:

    • Accept only hand - slaughter by Muslim saying Bismillaah Allaahu Akbar
    • NOT “AhleKitaab Meat” (without Dhabeeha) / Machine cut / Electric Shock etc.
    • Organic / Natural, No hormones (e.g. BGH ?
    • Avoid unnatural feed e.g. dead meat fed to cows etc. - (causes Mad Cow / Foot & Mouth Disease etc.)
  • Register / International copyright the Halaal symbol (like Kosher) - get good lawyers advice

  • Coordinate implementation of checking process with local units of ISNA, ICNA etc. or Majlis AshShoora (Council of Masajid) of the state where the factory / farm lies. Start with Meat / Poultry in certain states.

  • The agreements with the companies should include the provision for checking at will on demand (surprise inspections any time) - get good law advice on contract

  • There could also be local, national & international hotlines for customers etc. who have suspicions regarding the products, leading to surprise inspections.

  • Recent New Jersey, Illinois Halaal laws; Minnesota, California, Michigan, New York, Texas and Virginia--are considering similar legislation: So far these laws may only be benefiting non-Muslims exporting to Muslim countries, and if reputable Muslims do not control certification, these Laws may actually Harm Muslims!

  • Publicize the process within North America and Internationally (e.g. with Muslim countries importing food from North America / Rabita / US - Arab Chamber of Commerce / OIC for worldwide implementation using Islamic Umbrella Organizations in other countries Insha’Allaah)

  • Encourage / Support starting of Muslim businesses for Halaal Organic farms / food industry, cooperate with responsible, honest American farmers struggling against corporate greed & environmental pollution.

In addition to the animal itself being permissible to eat, alive at slaughter time, Dhabeeha by Muslim in the Name of Allaah (SWT), we may need multiple Halaal Categories e.g. based on:

  • In addition to the animal itself being permissible to eat, alive at slaughter time, Dhabeeha by Muslim in the Name of Allaah (SWT), we may need multiple Halaal Categories e.g. based on:

    • Halaal - Tayyab (Good) - Pasture-grazed, Organically raised; Organic feed
    • Halaal - Natural - Animals raised without protein supplements, hormones, or filth (Only “Natural” / “Halaal” feed, but Not necessarily “Organic” feed)
    • Halaal - Mubah (Permissible) - Pesticides, Chemical Fertilizers, Preservatives, Antibiotics etc. Allowed, BUT before 40 day “Natural/Halaal feed” quarantine ?
    • Makrooh / Mashbooh - Hormones, Irradiation, Cruelty in farming or slaughtering ?
    • Haraam by certain Madhab / Makrooh by others ? - Animal which has eaten feces, filth, pork or non-pork Animal Based feed, Hormones, Genetic Engineering
    • Haraam - None of the above / To be established ?
  • Consensus needs to be reached on all above by Ulema considering scientific knowledge of current farming practices. Also, define “Halaal feed” for 1) Poultry & 2) Cattle (May be different - chicken eats insects etc. but NOT meat as part of its natural diet ?)

  • Muslim sponsored projects should aim for the most conservative / best categories Insha’Allaah.

Recent New Jersey, Illinois Halaal laws;, Minnesota, California, Michigan, New York, Texas and Virginia--are considering similar legislation: So far these laws may only be benefiting non-Muslims exporting to Muslim countries, and if reputable Muslims do not control certification, these Laws may actually Harm Muslims!

  • Recent New Jersey, Illinois Halaal laws;, Minnesota, California, Michigan, New York, Texas and Virginia--are considering similar legislation: So far these laws may only be benefiting non-Muslims exporting to Muslim countries, and if reputable Muslims do not control certification, these Laws may actually Harm Muslims!

  • Chicago Sun-Times: April 9, 2001: Legislation would certify food meets Islamic rules, By Dave MKinney Sun-Times Springield Bureau

  • SPRINGFIELD--Muslims could soon have state consumer safeguards to ensure that food meets their religious specifications. To follow the teachings of Islam, the 450,000 Muslims in the Chicago area seek out food that is deemed halaal, a term that simply means that it is prepared following Islamic customs. Meat, for example, is halaal if it comes from an animal that received an Islamic blessing before it was slaughtered. That term also applies to foods that don't contain alcohol, blood or pork products, for example. Last week, the Illinois Senate unanimously approved legislation that would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to deceptively market food as halaal if it is not. The proposal, sponsored by Sen. Christine Radogno (R-La Grange) also would put the state's Agriculture Department in charge of ensuring that food meets the Islamic standard. The agency performs a similar function for products that are deemed kosher for Jewish consumption. "I have a mosque in my district, and they approached me about working with the community to try to get this passed," Radogno said. "It was important to them for a couple of reasons. One, they want the protection. But they also view this as a symbolic acknowledgment of their presence in the community." Chicago has the third-highest Muslim population in the country, and the group has increasingly become more involved politically. If the House approves Radogno's legislation, and Gov. Ryan signs it, Illinois would not be the first state to adopt a halaal law. New Jersey was the first--Radogno modeled her bill after that state's law--followed by Minnesota. Five other states--California, Michigan, New York, Texas and Virginia--are considering similar legislation. Dr. Sabri Samirah, president of the United Muslim Americans Association in Palos Hills, has worked with Radogno to get the bill approved by the Senate. He said it is nothing less than groundbreaking for members of his faith. "To us, we feel very happy, very proud," Samirah said, "that we finally may be able to have such official recognition by the state of Illinois in terms of a law that respects the interests and needs of the Muslim community."

Does NOT define “Halaal” (Separation of State and Religion)

  • Does NOT define “Halaal” (Separation of State and Religion)

  • Has detailed disclosure forms for Halaal sellers which include questions on slaughtering mechanism, feed etc. for different types of Meat/Poultry sold

  • Has lot of questions on disclosure form for users to determine if it is Halaal by their definition

  • Makes it an offense / has penalties for false correct information

  • Seems to offer a good solution Insha’Allaah. But need to further check if the disclosure form needs more questions etc.

Reach Consensus among Ulema about Halaal food categories, in light of scientific knowledge of current farming practices.

  • Reach Consensus among Ulema about Halaal food categories, in light of scientific knowledge of current farming practices.

  • Also consensus on “Halaal feeds” for 1) Cattle and 2) Poultry (For now, “Organic feeds” may be too expensive due to extra requirements and USDA regulations etc.)

  • Establish Halaal Certification process - preferably by large umbrella Muslim organizations e.g. Islamic Shoora Council of North America (ISNA, ICNA, WDM and NC) instead of organizations formed primarily for the purpose of certification.

  • Encourage / Support starting of Muslim businesses for Halaal Organic farms / food industry e.g. Norwich Meadows Farm, NY / Br. Na'im AbdurRafi, ISNA Meat project, Texas ?

  • After Establishing this Certification, & Muslim Halaal farms, Publicize the process in North America and beyond (e.g. with Muslim countries importing food from North America / Rabita / US - Arab Chamber of Commerce / OIC for worldwide implementation using Islamic Umbrella Organizations overseas Insha’Allaah)

  • Promote US Legislation ONLY AFTER Muslims are Driving the Process Insha’Allaah. Otherwise recent legislations like in New Jersey, Illinois, Minnesota etc. may only benefit non-Muslims exporting to Muslim countries, and if reputable Muslims do not control certification, these Laws may actually Harm Muslims!

  • Most important - make du’as: May Allaah (SWT) forgive, guide & unite the entire Ummah, & provide all, Abundant Halaal & Tayyab Rizq with Barakah & Khayr. Aameen.

Br. Mazhar Hussaini, ISNA Halaal Meat Project; 312-839-3394 or 630-759-4981. Br. Ahmed ElHattab, ISNA Meat Project 317-839-8157x236. Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed, ISNA Secretary General 317-839-8157x222; Dr. Ahmad Sakr; Canadian ISNA Halaal certification brothers.

  • Br. Mazhar Hussaini, ISNA Halaal Meat Project; 312-839-3394 or 630-759-4981. Br. Ahmed ElHattab, ISNA Meat Project 317-839-8157x236. Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed, ISNA Secretary General 317-839-8157x222; Dr. Ahmad Sakr; Canadian ISNA Halaal certification brothers.

  • Br. Zaheeruddin (CAMRI, ICNA, NYC): Wrote books on Halaal / Haraam products.; Tel.: 718-848-1640Home 718-848-8952Work; Dr. Muhammad Yunus (Former President, ICNA) 850-547-9733Home; Br. Syed Ghouse Nadwi (California) 909-595-4246, 909-880-0201

  • Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed 847-392-8960H,F - Chairman, Muslim Consumer Group,

  • Naved Hussain Maria Hussain done research

  • Br. Abo Omar FORHALAL@HOTMAIL.COM 815 727-2716, Chicago ; Dr. Sabri Samirah, president of the United Muslim Americans Association in Palos Hills, (Chicago) worked to get the bill approved by the Illinois Senate 708 923 037.

  • Soundvision:

  • Br. Alper Bolat, Publisher, HalalPAK, 608-270-0571,, AN NAS LLC, POBox 46069, Madison, WI 53744

  • South African National Halaal Authority


  • Brothers in England - Halaal symbol for European Union petition.

  • Malaysia:

  • Br. Yaser ElMenshawy, Chairman, Majlis AshShoora of New Jersey: 732 661-0421; Br. Mohammed Younes and Br. Mahmoud Hamza in ICPC, NJ who helped with NJ Halaal Law

  • Norwich Meadows Farm, Norwich NY: Muslim-owned Organic Farm - Br. Na'im AbdurRafi

  • Meadow Raised Meats, Amy Kenyon PO Box 103 East Meredith, NY 13757 tel. 607.278.5602 email Naturally raised cows.; Gary De Moe, De Moe Farms: Large-scale distributor of live Organic cattle, Elk Mound, Wisconsin. 715-879-5306.

  • Coordinating contacts: Dr. Salman Zafar Shaikh:;; 732-949-8948; 732-566-3599; 732-801-4590; Br. Muhammad Yusuf Dadani:;; 732 817 3453; 732 721-8390; 732-801-4582

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