In Linux, driverul placii video este o exceptie in ceea ce priveste structura driverelor sub Linux. Mai exact, orice driver se afla in kernel.
Driverul pentru placa video este format din doua parti disctinte: Partea din kernel si partea din serverul X. Le voi dezbate pe fiecare in parte
In kernel va trebui sa aleget /dev/agpgart(AGP support) din caracter devices si Direct Rendering Manager(XFree86DRI support) daca aveti o placa care suporta asa ceva. Va trebui sa faceti apoi device-ul propriuzis folosind comanda:
mknod /dev/agpgart c 10 175
Aceasta a fost partea de Kernel. Partea a doua o reprezinta serverul X. Aici e ceva mai mult de spus. In primul rand va trebui sa sa va download-ati Serverul de X si driverele de la Va recomand sa downloadati Xfree 4.1.0. Desi Xfree 4.2.0 este realizat de ceva vreme, totusi puteti avea neplaceri destul de mari.
Ar mai fi o posibilitate de instalare a serverului de X, si anume prin packages-uri(RPM,SPM,DEB etc). Aceasta e necesara daca lucrati cu packages-uri, pentru a nu avea probleme cu dependintele. De exemplu, daca instalati Xfree-ul sub forma care o gasiti la, nu veti putea instala un pachet care necesita xlibs, deoarece desi exista in sistem, managerul de rpm-uri nu-l are in baza de date. Asa ca sfatul meu este sa-l instalati in forma asta. Veti avea nevoie de urmatoarele pachete:
xlibs,libxaw6,libxaw7,x-window-system-core,xbase-clients,xfwp,xlib6g,xlibmesa3, si xlibs-dev,libxaw6-dev,xlib6g-dev daca doriti sa compilati aplicatii bazate pe X.
Odata downloadat si instalat, serverul trebuie configurat. Multe distributii vin cu utlitare de configurare(ex RedHat vine cu Xconfigurator). Totusi cel mai indicat este sa folositi utilitarul care vine odata cu Xfree86, si anume xf86config, cel la care ma voi si referi in continuare.
Dupa excutarea comenzii xf86config vezi vedea urmatorul text:
This program will create a basic XF86Config file, based on menu
selections you make.
The XF86Config file usually resides in /usr/X11R6/etc/X11 or /etc/X11. A
XF86Config file is supplied with XFree86; it is configured for a standard
VGA card and monitor with 640x480 resolution. This program will ask for a
pathname when it is ready to write the file.
You can either take the sample XF86Config as a base and edit it for your
configuration, or let this program produce a base XF86Config file for your
configuration and fine-tune it.
Before continuing with this program, make sure you know what video card
you have, and preferably also the chipset it uses and the amount of video
memory on your video card. SuperProbe may be able to help with this.
Press enter to continue, or ctrl-c to abort.
Acesta este ecranul introductiv al acestei aplicatii. Apasati ENTER pentru a continua. Urmatorul text va fi afisat:
First specify a mouse protocol type. Choose one from the following list:
1. Microsoft compatible (2-button protocol)
2. Mouse Systems (3-button protocol)
3. Bus Mouse
4. PS/2 Mouse
5. Logitech Mouse (serial, old type, Logitech protocol)
6. Logitech MouseMan (Microsoft compatible)
7. MM Series
8. MM HitTablet
9. Microsoft IntelliMouse
If you have a two-button mouse, it is most likely of type 1, and if you have
a three-button mouse, it can probably support both protocol 1 and 2. There
two main varieties of the latter type: mice with a switch to select the
protocol, and mice that default to 1 and require a button to be held at
boot-time to select protocol 2. Some mice can be convinced to do 2 by
a special sequence to the serial port (see the ClearDTR/ClearRTS options).
Enter a protocol number:
Aceasta este sectiunea de configurare in care trebuie sa va alegeti mouse-ul. Trebuie sa fiti atenti la acest capitol, pentru ca daca mouse-ul nu este configurat corect, serverul X nu va porni. Daca aveti un mouse conectat la portul serial(COM1 sau COM2), alegeti 1 sau 2, in functie de cate butoane are. Daca mouse-ul este pe PS2 sau USB, va trebui sa alegeti optiunea 4. Asa ca tipariti cifra corespunzatoare mouse-ului pe care il aveti, si apoi apasati ENTER. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
If your mouse has only two buttons, it is recommended that you enable
Please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'.
Do you want to enable Emulate3Buttons?
Daca mouse-ul pe care il detineti nu are 3 butoane scrieti y si apasati ENTER, altfel scrieti n si apasati ENTER. In cazul mouse-urilor cu 2 butoane, al treilea va fi emulat prin apasarea simultana a celor 2. In continuare va fi afisat urmatorul text:
Now give the full device name that the mouse is connected to, for example
/dev/tty00. Just pressing enter will use the default, /dev/mouse.
Mouse device:
Aici va trebui sa introduceti numele portului pe care se afla mouse-ul. Informatii detaliate despre cum Linux isi noteaza porturile veti gasi in tutorialul Structura datelor din sectiunea Elemente de baza. Mai jos sunt puse porturile pe care se conecteaza mouse-ul in general:
COM1 -------------- /dev/ttyS0
COM2 -------------- /dev/ttyS1
PS2 -------------- /dev/psaux
USB -------------- /dev/input/mouse0 sau /dev/input/mice
Scrieti port-ul corespunzator mouse-ului pe care il detineti si apasati ENTER. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
XKB rules file '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86' not found
Keyboard XKB options will be set to default values.
Press enter to continue, or ctrl-c to abort.
Apasati ENTER pentru a continua. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
Now we want to set the specifications of the monitor. The two critical
parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the rate at which the
the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal sync
which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed.
The valid range for horizontal sync and vertical sync should be documented
in the manual of your monitor. If in doubt, check the monitor database
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/Monitors to see if your monitor is there.
Press enter to continue, or ctrl-c to abort.
In continuare sunteti setati ca veti configura monitorul. Aceasta operatie este foarte importanta, pentru ca in functie de monitorul ales veti putea rula anumite rezolutii. Apasati Enter pentru a continua. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
You must indicate the horizontal sync range of your monitor. You can
select one of the predefined ranges below that correspond to industry-
standard monitor types, or give a specific range.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a
sync range that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor. If in doubt,
choose a conservative setting.
hsync in kHz; monitor type with characteristic modes
1 31.5; Standard VGA, 640x480 @ 60 Hz
2 31.5 - 35.1; Super VGA, 800x600 @ 56 Hz
3 31.5, 35.5; 8514 Compatible, 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced (no 800x600)
4 31.5, 35.15, 35.5; Super VGA, 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced, 800x600 @ 56
5 31.5 - 37.9; Extended Super VGA, 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 640x480 @ 72 Hz
6 31.5 - 48.5; Non-Interlaced SVGA, 1024x768 @ 60 Hz, 800x600 @ 72 Hz
7 31.5 - 57.0; High Frequency SVGA, 1024x768 @ 70 Hz
8 31.5 - 64.3; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz
9 31.5 - 79.0; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 74 Hz
10 31.5 - 82.0; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 76 Hz
11 Enter your own horizontal sync range
Enter your choice (1-11):
Aici va trebui sa selectati monitorul cu performantele corespunzatoare monitorului pe care il detineti. Va recomand sa alegeti optiunea 6, astfel putand rula rezolutii de 1024*768 fara ca monitorul sa clipeasca. Daca aveti un monitor mai puternic alegeti un numar mai mare, iar daca aveti un monitor mai slab, alegeti un numar mai mic. Ideal ar fi sa introduceti manual parametrii, prin optiunea 11, insa nu cred ca ii cunoasteti exact, asa ca mai bine alegeti 6. Apasati numarul corespunzator monitorului dorit si apasati ENTER pentru a continua. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
You must indicate the vertical sync range of your monitor. You can either
select one of the predefined ranges below that correspond to industry-
standard monitor types, or give a specific range. For interlaced modes,
the number that counts is the high one (e.g. 87 Hz rather than 43 Hz).
1 50-70
2 50-90
3 50-100
4 40-150
5 Enter your own vertical sync range
Enter your choice:
Aici veti putea seta rata de refrash a monitorului. Aici e recomandat sa alegeti un numar cat mai mare. Eu va recomand sa alegeti 2 sau 3. Apasati enter dupa alegerea cifrei. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
You must now enter a few identification/description strings, namely an
identifier, a vendor name, and a model name. Just pressing enter will fill
in default names.
The strings are free-form, spaces are allowed.
Enter an identifier for your monitor definition:
Aici puneti numele monitorului si modelul acestuia. De exemplu eu voi pune Daewoo 431X(firma producatoare si modelul). Nu este obligatoriu sa completati, insa la o editare manuala a fisierului de configurare va ajuta foarte mult. In continuare apasati ENTER. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
Now we must configure video card specific settings. At this point you can
choose to make a selection out of a database of video card definitions.
Because there can be variation in Ramdacs and clock generators even
between cards of the same model, it is not sensible to blindly copy
the settings (e.g. a Device section). For this reason, after you make a
selection, you will still be asked about the components of the card, with
the settings from the chosen database entry presented as a strong hint.
The database entries include information about the chipset, what driver to
run, the Ramdac and ClockChip, and comments that will be included in the
Device section. However, a lot of definitions only hint about what driver
to run (based on the chipset the card uses) and are untested.
If you can't find your card in the database, there's nothing to worry about.
You should only choose a database entry that is exactly the same model as
your card; choosing one that looks similar is just a bad idea (e.g. a
GemStone Snail 64 may be as different from a GemStone Snail 64+ in terms of
hardware as can be).
Do you want to look at the card database?
Acesta este locul unde va selectati placa video propriu-zis. Apasati y si apoi ENTER ca sa treceti la urmatorul ecran. Ca sa va aflati numele exact la placii video scrieti lspci in consola si cautati in textul afisat. Ar trebui sa gasiti ceva de genul "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64)". In continuare voi afisa lista cu toate modelele de placi disponibile in Xfree 4.1.0
0 2 the Max MAXColor S3 Trio64V+ S3 Trio64V+
1 2-the-Max MAXColor 6000 ET6000
2 3DLabs Oxygen GMX PERMEDIA 2
3 928Movie S3 928
4 AGX (generic) AGX-014/15/16
5 ALG-5434(E) CL-GD5434
6 AOpen PA2010 Voodo Banshee
7 ASUS 3Dexplorer RIVA128
8 ASUS PCI-AV264CT ati
9 ASUS PCI-V264CT ati
10 ASUS Video Magic PCI V864 S3 864
11 ASUS Video Magic PCI VT64 S3 Trio64
12 AT25 Alliance AT3D
13 AT3D Alliance AT3D
14 ATI 3D Pro Turbo ati
15 ATI 3D Pro Turbo PC2TV ati
16 ATI 3D Xpression ati
17 ATI 3D Xpression+ ati
18 ATI 3D Xpression+ PC2TV ati
19 ATI 8514 Ultra (no VGA) ati
20 ATI All-in-Wonder ati
21 ATI All-in-Wonder Pro ati
22 ATI Graphics Pro Turbo ati
23 ATI Graphics Pro Turbo 1600 ati
24 ATI Graphics Ultra ati
25 ATI Graphics Ultra Pro ati
26 ATI Graphics Xpression ati
27 ATI Mach32 ati
28 ATI Mach64 ati
29 ATI Mach64 3D RAGE II ati
30 ATI Mach64 3D RAGE II+DVD ati
31 ATI Mach64 3D Rage IIC ati
32 ATI Mach64 3D Rage Pro ati
33 ATI Mach64 CT (264CT) ati
34 ATI Mach64 GT (264GT), aka 3D RAGE ati
35 ATI Mach64 VT (264VT) ati
36 ATI Rage 128 ati
37 ATI Ultra Plus ati
38 ATI Video Boost ati
39 ATI Video Charger ati
40 ATI Video Xpression ati
41 ATI Video Xpression+ ati
42 ATI WinBoost ati
43 ATI WinCharger ati
44 ATI WinTurbo ati
45 ATI Wonder SVGA ati
46 ATI Xpert 98 ati
47 ATI Xpert XL ati
48 ATI Xpert@Play ati
49 ATI Xpert@Play 98 ati
50 ATI Xpert@Work ati
51 ATI integrated on Intel Maui MU440EX motherboard ati
52 ATrend ATC-2165A ET6000
53 AccelStar Permedia II AGP PERMEDIA 2
54 Actix GE32+ 2MB S3 801/805
55 Actix GE32i S3 805i
56 Actix GE64 S3 864
57 Actix ProStar CL-GD5426/5428
58 Actix ProStar 64 CL-GD5434
59 Actix Ultra S3 928
60 Acumos AVGA3 CL-GD5420/2/4/6/8/9
61 Alliance ProMotion 6422 AP6422
62 Appian Jeronimo 2000 PERMEDIA 3
63 Ark Logic ARK1000PV (generic) ARK1000PV
64 Ark Logic ARK1000VL (generic) ARK1000VL
65 Ark Logic ARK2000MT (generic) ARK1000MT
66 Ark Logic ARK2000PV (generic) ARK1000PV
67 Avance Logic 2101 Avance Logic
68 Avance Logic 2228 Avance Logic
69 Avance Logic 2301 Avance Logic
70 Avance Logic 2302 Avance Logic
71 Avance Logic 2308 Avance Logic
72 Avance Logic 2401 Avance Logic
73 Binar Graphics AnyView ET6000
74 Boca Vortex (Sierra RAMDAC) AGX-015
75 COMPAQ Armada 7380DMT S3 Aurora64V+
76 COMPAQ Armada 7730MT S3 Aurora64V+
77 California Graphics SunTracer 6000 ET6000
78 Canopus Co. Power Window 3DV S3 ViRGE
79 Canopus Total-3D Verite 1000
80 Cardex Challenger (Pro) ET4000/W32(i/p)
81 Cardex Cobra ET4000/W32(i/p)
82 Cardex Trio64 S3 Trio64
83 Cardex Trio64Pro S3 Trio64
84 Chaintech Desperado 3F10 Voodo Banshee
85 Chips & Technologies CT64200 ct64200
86 Chips & Technologies CT64300 ct64300
87 Chips & Technologies CT65520 ct65520
88 Chips & Technologies CT65525 ct65525
89 Chips & Technologies CT65530 ct65530
90 Chips & Technologies CT65535 ct65535
91 Chips & Technologies CT65540 ct65540
92 Chips & Technologies CT65545 ct65545
93 Chips & Technologies CT65546 ct65546
94 Chips & Technologies CT65548 ct65548
95 Chips & Technologies CT65550 ct65550
96 Chips & Technologies CT65554 ct65554
97 Chips & Technologies CT65555 ct65555
98 Chips & Technologies CT68554 ct68554
99 Chips & Technologies CT69000 ct69000
100 Chips & Technologies CT69030 ct69030
101 Cirrus Logic GD542x CL-GD5420/2/4/6/8/9
102 Cirrus Logic GD543x CL-GD5430/5434/5436
103 Cirrus Logic GD5446 (noname card) CL-GD5446, 1MB
(upgradable to 2MB).
104 Cirrus Logic GD544x CL-GD544x
105 Cirrus Logic GD5462 CL-GD5462
106 Cirrus Logic GD5464 CL-GD5464
107 Cirrus Logic GD5465 CL-GD5465
108 Cirrus Logic GD5480 CL-GD5480
109 Cirrus Logic GD62xx (laptop) CL-GD6205/15/25/35
110 Cirrus Logic GD64xx (laptop) CL-GD6420/6440
111 Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop) CL-GD7541/42/43/48
112 Colorgraphic Dual Lightning ET4000/W32(i/p)
113 Creative Blaster Exxtreme PERMEDIA 2
114 Creative Graphics Blaster TNT RIVATNT
115 Creative Graphics Blaster TNT2 RIVATNT2
116 Creative Labs 3D Blaster PCI (Verite 1000) Verite 1000
117 Creative Labs Graphics Blaster 3D CL-GD5464
118 Creative Labs Graphics Blaster Eclipse (OEM Model CT6510)CL-GD5465
119 Creative Labs Graphics Blaster MA201 CL-GD544x
120 Creative Labs Graphics Blaster MA202 CL-GD544x
121 Creative Labs Graphics Blaster MA302 CL-GD5462
122 Creative Labs Graphics Blaster MA334 CL-GD5464
123 DFI-WG1000 CL-GD5420/2/4/6/8/9
124 DFI-WG5000 ET4000/W32(i/p)
125 DFI-WG6000 WD90C33
126 DSV3325 S3 ViRGE
127 DSV3326 S3 Trio64V+
128 DataExpert DSV3325 S3 ViRGE
129 DataExpert DSV3365 S3 Trio64V+
130 Dell S3 805 S3 801/805
131 Dell onboard ET4000 ET4000
132 Diamond Edge 3D nv1
133 Diamond Fire GL 1000 PERMEDIA
134 Diamond Fire GL 1000 PRO PERMEDIA 2
135 Diamond Fire GL 3000 GLINT 500TX
136 Diamond Monster Fusion Voodo Banshee
137 Diamond Multimedia Stealth 3D 2000 S3 ViRGE
138 Diamond Multimedia Stealth 3D 2000 PRO S3 ViRGE/DX
139 Diamond SpeedStar (Plus) ET4000
140 Diamond SpeedStar 24 ET4000
141 Diamond SpeedStar 24X (not fully supported) WD90C31
142 Diamond SpeedStar 64 CL-GD5434
143 Diamond SpeedStar A50 SiS6326
144 Diamond SpeedStar HiColor ET4000
145 Diamond SpeedStar Pro (not SE) CL-GD5426/28
146 Diamond SpeedStar Pro 1100 CL-GD5420/2/4/6/8/9
147 Diamond SpeedStar Pro SE (CL-GD5430/5434) CL-GD5430/5434/5436
148 Diamond SpeedStar64 Graphics 2000/2200 CL-GD5434
149 Diamond Stealth 24 S3 801/805
150 Diamond Stealth 32 ET4000/W32(i/p)
151 Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 S3 ViRGE
152 Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 PRO S3 ViRGE/DX
153 Diamond Stealth 3D 3000 S3 ViRGE/VX
154 Diamond Stealth 3D 4000 S3 ViRGE/GX2
155 Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE S3 Trio32
156 Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM with S3 SDAC S3 864
157 Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM with S3 Trio64 S3 Trio64
158 Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM S3 964
159 Diamond Stealth 64 Video VRAM (TI RAMDAC) S3 968
160 Diamond Stealth II S220 Verite 2100
161 Diamond Stealth Pro S3 928
162 Diamond Stealth VRAM S3 911/924
163 Diamond Stealth Video 2500 Alliance AT24
164 Diamond Stealth Video DRAM S3 868
165 Diamond Stealth64 Graphics 2001 series ARK2000PV
166 Diamond Stealth64 Graphics 2xx0 series (864 + SDAC)S3 864
167 Diamond Stealth64 Graphics 2xx0 series (Trio64) S3 Trio64
168 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2001 series (2121/2201) S3 Trio64V+
169 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2120/2200 S3 868
170 Diamond Stealth64 Video 3200 S3 968
171 Diamond Stealth64 Video 3240/3400 (IBM RAMDAC) S3 968
172 Diamond Stealth64 Video 3240/3400 (TI RAMDAC) S3 968
173 Diamond Viper 330 RIVA128
174 Diamond Viper 550 RIVATNT
175 Diamond Viper 770 RIVATNT2
176 Diamond Viper PCI 2Mb Weitek 9000
177 Diamond Viper Pro Video Weitek P9100
178 Diamond Viper VLB 2Mb Weitek 9000
179 Digital 24-plane TGA (ZLXp-E2) TGA
180 Digital 24-plane+3D TGA (ZLXp-E3) TGA
181 Digital 8-plane TGA (UDB/Multia) TGA
182 Digital 8-plane TGA (ZLXp-E1) TGA
183 EIZO (VRAM) AGX-014/15/16
185 ELSA GLoria Synergy PERMEDIA 2
186 ELSA GLoria-L GLINT 500TX
190 ELSA Gloria-4 S3 968
191 ELSA Gloria-8 S3 968
193 ELSA Victory 3D S3 ViRGE
194 ELSA Victory 3DX S3 ViRGE/DX
195 ELSA WINNER 1000/T2D S3 Trio64V2
196 ELSA Winner 1000 R3D RIVA128
197 ELSA Winner 1000AVI (AT&T 20C409 version) S3 868
198 ELSA Winner 1000AVI (SDAC version) S3 868
199 ELSA Winner 1000ISA S3 805i
200 ELSA Winner 1000PRO with S3 SDAC S3 864
201 ELSA Winner 1000PRO with STG1700 or AT&T RAMDAC S3 864
202 ELSA Winner 1000PRO/X S3 868
203 ELSA Winner 1000TRIO S3 Trio64
204 ELSA Winner 1000TRIO/V S3 Trio64V+
205 ELSA Winner 1000TwinBus S3 928
206 ELSA Winner 1000VL S3 928
207 ELSA Winner 2000 S3 928
208 ELSA Winner 2000/Office PERMEDIA 2
209 ELSA Winner 2000AVI S3 968
210 ELSA Winner 2000AVI/3D S3 ViRGE/VX
211 ELSA Winner 2000PRO-2 S3 964
212 ELSA Winner 2000PRO-4 S3 964
213 ELSA Winner 2000PRO/X-2 S3 968
214 ELSA Winner 2000PRO/X-4 S3 968
215 ELSA Winner 2000PRO/X-8 S3 968
216 ELSA Winner 3000 S3 ViRGE/VX
217 ELSA Winner 3000-L-42 S3 ViRGE/VX
218 ELSA Winner 3000-M-22 S3 ViRGE/VX
219 ELSA Winner 3000-S S3 ViRGE
220 EPSON SPC8110 (CardPC) SPC8110
221 ET3000 (generic) ET3000
222 ET4000 (generic) ET4000
223 ET4000 W32i, W32p (generic) ET4000/W32(i/p)
224 ET4000/W32 (generic) ET4000/W32
225 ET6000 (generic) ET6000
226 ET6100 (generic) ET6100
227 Elsa Victory II Voodo Banshee
228 ExpertColor DSV3325 S3 ViRGE
229 ExpertColor DSV3365 S3 Trio64V+
230 Gainward Challenger EV ET6000
231 Generic VGA compatible Generic VGA
232 Genoa 5400 ET3000
233 Genoa 8500VL(-28) CL-GD5426/28
234 Genoa 8900 Phantom 32i ET4000/W32(i/p)
235 Genoa Phantom 64i with S3 SDAC S3 864
236 Genoa VideoBlitz III AV S3 968
237 Guillemot Maxi Gamer Xentor RIVATNT2
238 Guillemot Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 RIVATNT2
239 Hercules Dynamite ET4000/W32
240 Hercules Dynamite 128/Video ET6000
241 Hercules Dynamite Power ET4000/W32(i/p)
242 Hercules Dynamite Pro ET4000/W32(i/p)
243 Hercules Graphite HG210 AGX-014
244 Hercules Graphite Power AGX-016
245 Hercules Graphite Pro AGX-015
246 Hercules Graphite Terminator 64 S3 964
247 Hercules Graphite Terminator 64/DRAM S3 Trio64
248 Hercules Graphite Terminator Pro 64 S3 968
249 Hercules Stingray ALG-2228/2301/2302
250 Hercules Stingray 128 3D Alliance AT3D
251 Hercules Stingray 64/V with ICS5342 ARK2000MT
252 Hercules Stingray 64/V with ZoomDAC ARK1000PV
253 Hercules Stingray Pro ARK1000PV
254 Hercules Stingray Pro/V ARK1000PV
255 Hercules Terminator 3D/DX S3 ViRGE/DX
256 Hercules Terminator 64/3D S3 ViRGE
257 Hercules Terminator 64/Video S3 Trio64V+
258 Hercules Thriller3D Verite 2200
259 Integral FlashPoint ET4000/W32(i/p)
260 Intel 5430 CL-GD5430
261 Intel 740 (generic) (null)
262 Intel 810 (null)
263 Interay PMC Viper ET6000
264 JAX 8241 S3 801/805
265 Jaton Video-58P ET6000
266 Jaton Video-70P CL-GD5464
267 Jazz Multimedia G-Force 128 ET6000
268 KouTech KeyVision 128 EV ET6000
269 LeadTek WinFast 3D S600 S3 ViRGE
270 LeadTek WinFast 3D S680 S3 ViRGE/GX2
271 LeadTek WinFast S200 ET4000/W32(i/p)
272 LeadTek WinFast S430 S3 968
273 LeadTek WinFast S510 S3 968
274 Leadtek WinFast 2300 PERMEDIA 2
277 MSI MS-4417 SiS6326
278 MachSpeed VGA ET6000 ET6000
279 Matrox Comet ET4000/W32(i/p)
280 Matrox Marvel II ET4000/W32(i/p)
281 Matrox Millennium 2MB mga2064w
282 Matrox Millennium 4MB mga2064w
283 Matrox Millennium 8MB mga2064w
284 Matrox Millennium G200 16MB mgag200
285 Matrox Millennium G200 4MB mgag200
286 Matrox Millennium G200 8MB mgag200
287 Matrox Millennium G200 SD 16MB mgag200
288 Matrox Millennium G200 SD 4MB mgag200
289 Matrox Millennium G200 SD 8MB mgag200
290 Matrox Millennium G400 mgag400
291 Matrox Millennium II 16MB mga2164w
292 Matrox Millennium II 4MB mga2164w
293 Matrox Millennium II 8MB mga2164w
294 Matrox Mystique mga1064sg
295 Matrox Mystique G200 16MB mgag200
296 Matrox Mystique G200 4MB mgag200
297 Matrox Mystique G200 8MB mgag200
298 Matrox Productiva G100 4MB mgag100
299 Matrox Productiva G100 8MB mgag100
300 MediaGX mediagx
301 MediaVision Proaxcel 128 ET6000
302 Mirage Z-128 ET6000
303 Miro CRYSTAL VRX Verite 1000
304 Miro Crystal 10SD with GenDAC S3 801/805
305 Miro Crystal 12SD S3 Trio32
306 Miro Crystal 16S S3 928
307 Miro Crystal 20SD PCI with S3 SDAC S3 868
308 Miro Crystal 20SD VLB with S3 SDAC (BIOS 3.xx) S3 864
309 Miro Crystal 20SD with ICD2061A (BIOS 2.xx) S3 864
310 Miro Crystal 20SD with ICS2494 (BIOS 1.xx) S3 864
311 Miro Crystal 20SV S3 964
312 Miro Crystal 22SD S3 Trio64
313 Miro Crystal 40SV S3 964
314 Miro Crystal 80SV S3 968
315 Miro Crystal 8S S3 801/805
316 Miro Crystal DVD SiS6326
317 Miro MiroMedia 3D S3 ViRGE
318 Miro MiroVideo 20TD ET4000/W32(i/p)
319 Miro Video 20SV S3 968
320 NVIDIA GeForce GeForce
321 NeoMagic (laptop/notebook) MagicGraph 128 series
322 Number Nine FX Motion 331 S3 Trio64V+
323 Number Nine FX Motion 332 S3 ViRGE
324 Number Nine FX Motion 531 S3 868
325 Number Nine FX Motion 771 S3 968
326 Number Nine FX Vision 330 S3 Trio64
327 Number Nine GXE Level 10/11/12 S3 928
328 Number Nine GXE Level 14/16 S3 928
329 Number Nine GXE64 S3 864
330 Number Nine GXE64 Pro S3 964
331 Number Nine GXE64 with S3 Trio64 S3 Trio64
332 Number Nine Imagine I-128 I128
333 Number Nine Imagine I-128 Series 2 I128
334 Number Nine Imagine-128 Revolution IV (T2R4) I128
335 Number Nine Revolution 3D (T2R) I128
336 Number Nine Visual 9FX Reality 332 S3 ViRGE
337 Oak 87 ISA (generic) Oak OTI-087
338 Oak 87 VLB (generic) Oak OTI-087
339 Oak ISA Card (generic) Oak OTI-067/77
340 Ocean (octek) VL-VGA-1000 ARK1000VL
341 Octek AVGA-20 CL-GD5420
342 Octek Combo-26 CL-GD5426
343 Octek Combo-28 CL-GD5428
344 Octek VL-VGA-26 CL-GD5426
345 Octek VL-VGA-28 CL-GD5428
346 Orchid Celsius (AT&T RAMDAC) AGX-015
347 Orchid Celsius (Sierra RAMDAC) AGX-015
348 Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 S3 801
349 Orchid Fahrenheit VA S3 801/805
350 Orchid Fahrenheit-1280+ S3 801/805
351 Orchid Kelvin 64 CL-GD5434
352 Orchid Kelvin 64 VLB Rev A CL-GD5434
353 Orchid Kelvin 64 VLB Rev B CL-GD5434
354 Orchid P9000 VLB Weitek 9000
355 Orchid Technology Fahrenheit Video 3D S3 ViRGE
356 PC-Chips M567 Mainboard SiS5597
357 Paradise Accelerator Value Oak OTI-087
358 Paradise/WD 90CXX WD90CXX
359 PixelView Combo TV 3D AGP (Prolink) CL-GD5465, 4MB
360 PixelView Combo TV Pro (Prolink) CL-GD5480, 4MB
363 RIVA128 RIVA128
364 Rendition Verite 1000 Verite 1000
365 Rendition Verite 2x00 Verite 2x00
366 S3 801/805 (generic) S3 801/805
367 S3 801/805 with ATT20c490 RAMDAC S3 801/805
368 S3 801/805 with ATT20c490 RAMDAC and ICD2061A S3 801/805
369 S3 801/805 with Chrontel 8391 S3 801/805
370 S3 801/805 with S3 GenDAC S3 801/805
371 S3 801/805 with SC1148{2,3,4} RAMDAC S3 801/805
372 S3 801/805 with SC1148{5,7,9} RAMDAC S3 801/805
373 S3 864 (generic) S3 864
374 S3 864 with ATT 20C498 or 21C498 S3 864
375 S3 864 with SDAC (86C716) S3 864
376 S3 864 with STG1703 S3 864
377 S3 868 (generic) S3 868
378 S3 868 with ATT 20C409 S3 868
379 S3 868 with ATT 20C498 or 21C498 S3 868
380 S3 868 with SDAC (86C716) S3 868
381 S3 86C260 (generic) S3 ViRGE/MX
382 S3 86C280 (generic) S3 ViRGE/MX
383 S3 86C325 (generic) S3 ViRGE
384 S3 86C357 (generic) S3 ViRGE/GX2
385 S3 86C365 (Trio3D) Generic VGA
386 S3 86C375 (generic) S3 ViRGE/DX
387 S3 86C385 (generic) S3 ViRGE/GX
388 S3 86C391 (Savage3D) Generic VGA
389 S3 86C764 (generic) S3 Trio64
390 S3 86C765 (generic) S3 Trio64V+
391 S3 86C775 (generic) S3 Trio64V2
392 S3 86C785 (generic) S3 Trio64V2
393 S3 86C801 (generic) S3 801/805
394 S3 86C805 (generic) S3 801/805
395 S3 86C864 (generic) S3 864
396 S3 86C868 (generic) S3 868
397 S3 86C911 (generic) S3 911/924
398 S3 86C924 (generic) S3 911/924
399 S3 86C928 (generic) S3 928
400 S3 86C964 (generic) S3 964
401 S3 86C968 (generic) S3 968
402 S3 86C988 (generic) S3 ViRGE/VX
403 S3 86CM65 S3 Aurora64V+
404 S3 911/924 (generic) S3 911/924
405 S3 924 with SC1148 DAC S3 924
406 S3 928 (generic) S3 928
407 S3 964 (generic) S3 964
408 S3 968 (generic) S3 968
409 S3 Aurora64V+ (generic) S3 Aurora64V+
410 S3 Savage3D Generic VGA
411 S3 Savage4 (null)
412 S3 Trio32 (generic) S3 Trio32
413 S3 Trio3D Generic VGA
414 S3 Trio64 (generic) S3 Trio64
415 S3 Trio64V+ (generic) S3 Trio64V+
416 S3 Trio64V2 (generic) S3 Trio64V2
417 S3 Trio64V2/DX (generic) S3 Trio64V2
418 S3 Trio64V2/GX (generic) S3 Trio64V2
419 S3 ViRGE (generic) S3 ViRGE
420 S3 ViRGE (old S3V server) S3 ViRGE
421 S3 ViRGE/DX (generic) S3 ViRGE/DX
422 S3 ViRGE/GX (generic) S3 ViRGE/GX
423 S3 ViRGE/GX2 (generic) S3 ViRGE/GX2
424 S3 ViRGE/MX (generic) S3 ViRGE/MX
425 S3 ViRGE/MX+ (generic) S3 ViRGE/MX
426 S3 ViRGE/VX (generic) S3 ViRGE/VX
427 S3 Vision864 (generic) S3 864
428 S3 Vision868 (generic) S3 868
429 S3 Vision964 (generic) S3 964
430 S3 Vision968 (generic) S3 968
431 SHARP 9080 S3 Aurora64V+
432 SHARP 9090 S3 Aurora64V+
433 SNI PC5H W32 ET4000/W32(i/p)
434 SNI Scenic W32 ET4000/W32(i/p)
435 SPEA Mercury 64 S3 964
436 SPEA Mirage S3 801/805
437 SPEA/V7 Mercury S3 928
438 SPEA/V7 Mirage P64 S3 864
439 SPEA/V7 Mirage P64 with S3 Trio64 S3 Trio64
440 SPEA/V7 Mirage VEGA Plus ALG-2228
441 SPEA/V7 ShowTime Plus ET4000/W32(i/p)
442 STB Horizon CL-GD5426/28
443 STB Horizon Video CL-GD5440
444 STB LightSpeed ET4000/W32(i/p)
445 STB LightSpeed 128 ET6000
446 STB MVP-2 ET4000
447 STB MVP-2 PCI ET4000/W32(i/p)
448 STB MVP-2X ET4000/W32(i/p)
449 STB MVP-4 PCI ET4000/W32(i/p)
450 STB MVP-4X ET4000/W32(i/p)
451 STB Nitro (64) CL-GD5434
452 STB Nitro 3D S3 ViRGE/GX
453 STB Nitro 64 Video CL-GD5446
454 STB Pegasus S3 928
455 STB Powergraph 64 S3 Trio64
456 STB Powergraph 64 Video S3 Trio64V+
457 STB Powergraph X-24 S3 801/805
458 STB Systems Powergraph 3D S3 ViRGE
459 STB Systems Velocity 3D S3 ViRGE/VX
460 STB Velocity 128 RIVA128
461 STB Velocity 4400 RIVATNT
462 STB Velocity 64 Video S3 968
463 STB nvidia 128 RIVA128
464 SiS 3D PRO AGP SiS6326
465 SiS 530 SIS520
466 SiS 5597 SiS5597
467 SiS 5598 SIS5598
468 SiS 620 SIS620
469 SiS 6326 SiS6326
470 SiS SG86C201 SIS86C201
471 SiS SG86C205 SIS86C205
472 SiS SG86C215 SIS86C215
473 SiS SG86C225 SIS86C225
474 Sierra Screaming 3D Verite 1000
475 Sigma Concorde ET4000/W32
476 Sigma Legend ET4000
477 Silicon Motion Lynx family Lynx
478 Spider Black Widow AGX-015
479 Spider Black Widow Plus AGX-016
480 Spider Tarantula 64 S3 964
481 Spider VLB Plus CL-GD5428
482 TechWorks Thunderbolt ET4000/W32
483 Techworks Ultimate 3D CL-GD5464
484 Toshiba Tecra 540CDT S3 ViRGE/MX
485 Toshiba Tecra 550CDT S3 ViRGE/MX
486 Toshiba Tecra 750CDT S3 ViRGE/MX
487 Toshiba Tecra 750DVD S3 ViRGE/MX
488 Trident 3DImage975 (generic) 3dimage975
489 Trident 3DImage975 AGP (generic) 3dimage975
490 Trident 3DImage985 (generic) 3dimage985
491 Trident 8900/9000 (generic) TVGA8900/9000
492 Trident 8900D (generic) TVGA8900D
493 Trident Blade3D (generic) Blade3D
494 Trident Cyber 9320 (generic) Cyber9320
495 Trident Cyber 9382 (generic) Cyber9382
496 Trident Cyber 9385 (generic) Cyber9385
497 Trident Cyber 9388 (generic) Cyber9388
498 Trident Cyber 9397 (generic) Cyber9397
499 Trident Cyber 939a (generic) Cyber939a
500 Trident Cyber 9520 (generic) Cyber9520
501 Trident CyberBlade (generic) CyberBlade
502 Trident Providia 9682 (generic) Providia9682
503 Trident Providia 9685 (generic) Providia9685
504 Trident TGUI9400CXi (generic) TGUI9400CXi
505 Trident TGUI9420 (generic) TGUI9420
506 Trident TGUI9420DGi (generic) TGUI9420DGi
507 Trident TGUI9430DGi (generic) TGUI9430DGi
508 Trident TGUI9440 (generic) TGUI9440
509 Trident TGUI9660 (generic) TGUI9660
510 Trident TGUI9680 (generic) TGUI9680
511 Trident TGUI9682 (generic) TGUI9682
512 Trident TGUI9685 (generic) TGUI9685
513 Trident TVGA 8800BR Generic VGA
514 Trident TVGA 8800CS Generic VGA
515 Trident TVGA9200CXr (generic) TVGA9200CXr
516 Unsupported VGA compatible Generic VGA
517 VI720 CL-GD5434
518 VL-41 S3 801/805
519 VidTech FastMax P20 S3 864
520 VideoLogic GrafixStar 300 S3 Trio64
521 VideoLogic GrafixStar 400 S3 Trio64V+
522 VideoLogic GrafixStar 500 S3 868
523 VideoLogic GrafixStar 550 CL-GD5464
524 VideoLogic GrafixStar 560 (PCI/AGP) CL-GD5465
525 VideoLogic GrafixStar 600 ET6000
526 VideoLogic GrafixStar 700 S3 968
527 ViewTop PCI ET4000/W32(i/p)
528 Voodoo Banshee (generic) Voodo Banshee
529 Voodoo3 (generic) Voodoo3
530 WD 90C24 (laptop) WD90C24
531 WD 90C24A or 90C24A2 (laptop) WD90C24A
532 Weitek P9100 (generic) Weitek P9100
533 WinFast 3D S600 S3 ViRGE
534 WinFast S200 ET4000/W32(i/p)
535 WinFast S430 S3 968
536 WinFast S510 S3 968
537 XGA-1 (ISA bus) XGA-1
538 XGA-2 (ISA bus) XGA-2
Este mica probabilitatea sa nu gasiti si placa pe care o detineti in lista de mai sus. Alegeti cifra corespunzatoare si apasati ENTER. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
Now you must give information about your video card. This will be used
for the "Device" section of your video card in XF86Config.
You must indicate how much video memory you have. It is probably a good
idea to use the same approximate amount as that detected by the server you
intend to use. If you encounter problems that are due to the used server
not supporting the amount memory you have (e.g. ATI Mach64 is limited to
1024K with the SVGA server), specify the maximum amount supported by the
How much video memory do you have on your video card:
1 256K
2 512K
3 1024K
4 2048K
5 4096K
6 Other
Enter your choice:
Aici trebuie sa indicati memoria placii video pe care o detineti in kb. Tineti minte ca 1MB=1024kb. Faceti calculul, alegeti 6 daca aveti o placa cu mai mult de 4 mb RAM, apasati ENTER, apoi introduceti cifra obtinuta si apasati iar ENTER. Urmatorul ecran va fi afisat:
You must now enter a few identification/description strings, namely an
identifier, a vendor name, and a model name. Just pressing enter will fill
in default names (possibly from a card definition).
The strings are free-form, spaces are allowed.
Enter an identifier for your video card definition:
Aici vi se cere numele Placii Video. Puteti sa nu il completati si sa apasati ENTER, insa in cazul unei editari manuale a fisierului de configurare va va fi de un real ajutor completarea acestui camp. Asa ca va recomand sa il completati. Dupa ce ati facut asta, apasati ENTER. Vi se va cere sa setati modurile grafice.
Presupunand ca aveti o placa video medie (care sa poata afisa 800X600) cu o adancime de 16 biti a culorilor, introduceti urmatoarele setari(dupa fiecare cifra va trebui sa dai enter):
1 3 n
2 3 n
3 3 n
Apoi alegeti adancimea culorilor pe care o preferati. si apasati ENTER. Veti fi intrebati in final daca fisierul XF86Config trebuie scris(acest fisier se afla in general in /etc/X11/XF86Config). Apasati y. Acum aveti un server X configurat. Daca rulati deja serverul, dati logout daca suneti logat si apasati apoi Ctrl+Brake pentru a reporni serverul. Daca serverul nu mai pleaca, inseamna ca e ceva gresit in configuratie. Asa ca reluati configuratia si dati comanda X pentru a testa daca serverul funcitoneaza.
Mult succes!
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