Curriculum Vitae Stacey Rutledge December 03, 2017 General Information

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Curriculum Vitae
Stacey Rutledge
December 03, 2017

General Information
University address: Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
College of Education
Stone Building 1205L
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4452
Phone: (850) 644-8163; Fax: (850) 644-6401

E-mail address:

Web site:

Professional Preparation
2003 Ph.D, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Major: Education Policy. Supervisor: Kenneth K. Wong.
Unspecified Name. (2003). Principals and Teachers Under Pressure: Four Years of Chicago's Probation Policy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
1992 MAT, Brown University, Providence, RI. Major: Master of Arts in Teaching.
1989 B.A., Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH. Major: Latin American Studies.

Professional Credential(s)
1992–2002 Massachusetts Professional Teaching Certificate, 6-12 Social Studies.

Professional Experience
2004–present Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Florida State University. Responsible for teaching and advising of graduate students, publication of scholarly research, participation in research projects, grant writing, and contribution to service activities including the Educational Policy and Evaluation and Educational Leadership concentrations and department level committees.
1996–2003 Graduate Assistant, Department of Education, University of Chicago. Responsible for articles, papers, and policy documents on governance reforms in the Chicago Public Schools and the Cleveland Public Schools. Oversaw and participated in data collection in four case study schools in Chicago and Cleveland between 1996-2001. Assisted in project design and organization; developed protocols and surveys. Co-wrote grants to United States Department of Education and the Joyce Foundation of Chicago resulting in over $300,000 in awards.
1996 Program Coordinator, Attleboro School District Summer Residence Program, Texas Instruments. Oversaw and coordinated exchange program of teachers participating in the program.
1994–1996 Guidance Counselor, Attleboro High School.
1992–1996 Social Studies Teacher, Attleboro High School. Taught Social Sciences, World Civilizations, and United States History to 9th and 10th grade students.
1992 Social Studies Student Teacher, Central High School. Taught World Civilizations.
1989–1990 English Teacher, Colegio Redland School, Santiago, Chile. English teacher at the primary and secondary level.

Honors, Awards, and Prizes
Carolyn Hoefer Award, Pi Lambda Theta (1998).

Carolyn Hoefer Award, Pi Lambda Theta (1997).

Spencer Foundation Grant, University of Chicago (1997).

Century Fellowship (1996-2000), University of Chicago (1996).

Kodak Corporation Educational Grant, Kodak Corporation (1994).

Tuition Scholarship, Brown University (1991).

Current Membership in Professional Organizations
American Educational Finance Association

American Educational Research Association

Politics of Education Association

University Council for Educational Administration

Courses Taught
Policy to Practice: District, School, and Classroom Policy Implementation (EDF6576)

Qualitative Methods in Educational Research (EDF6475)

Applications of Policy (EDA5231)

Application of Policy in Schools (EDA5931)

Internship in Educational Policy (EDF6945)

Special Topics in Educational Administration (EDA5931)

Internship in Educational Administration (EDA6940)

Applied Data Analysis and Assessment for Educational Leaders (EDA5422)

Instructional Leadership (EDA5504)

Special Topics in Foundations of Education (EDF5935)

Advanced Qualitative Methods (EDF6629)

Advanced Seminar: Selected Topics in Education and Economic Development (EDF6629)

Leadership for School Renewal (EDA6207)

Educational Leadership (EDA5192)

New Course Development
Laboratory of Practice (2015)

Advanced Qualitative Methods (2009)

Leadership for School Renewal (2008)

Educational Leadership (2005)

Qualitative Methods in Educational Research (2004)

Curriculum Development
Applications of Policy in Schools (2010)

Ed.D Program in Educational Leadership (2008)

Policy to Practice: District, School and Classroom Policy Implementation (2007)

Ed.D Program in Educational Leadership (2006)

Instructional Leadership (2006)

Masters Program in Educational Leadership, curricular alignment to state standards (2004)

Doctoral Committee Chair

Williams, C., graduate. (2013). Women's leadership: A study of African-American female principal experiences.

Richardson, L. J., graduate. (2013). School Choice & Competition: What is the Impact on School Leadership in Magnet Schools?.

Collins, A. L., graduate. (2011). The career choices of independent school teachers.

Hughes, R. M., graduate. (2010). The Process of Choosing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Careers for Undergraduate Women: A Narrative History Analysis.

Brown, C. M., doctoral candidate.

Brown, S. L., doctoral candidate. Negotiating the Complexities of Educational Partnerships: Professional Learning, Power, and Position.

Neal, B. G., doctoral candidate. The modern school teacher: What do elementary principals need to know about how teachers spend their time at school?.

Roberts, R. L., doctoral candidate.

Shultz, R. A., doctoral candidate.

Yarbrough, K. S., doctoral candidate.

Caster, K. A., doctoral student.

Fitch, J. C., doctoral student.

Gillian Gregory, doctoral student.

Gordon, B. G., doctoral student.

Kim, B., doctoral student.

Stokke, M. A., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee Cochair
Al Ajjawi, S., doctoral candidate.

Doctoral Committee Member
Trengove, M. J., graduate. (2015).

Feiock, R., graduate. (2015).

Trengove, M., graduate. (2015).

Davis, J. W., graduate. (2015).

Jimenez, E. J., graduate. (2014).

Wills, A. D., graduate. (2014).

Norman, S. W., graduate. (2013).

Kalifeh, P. M., graduate. (2013).

Park, J. H., graduate. (2012).

Mukminin, A., graduate. (2012).

Young, M. L., graduate. (2012).

Park, Young-Woo, graduate. (2011).

Wesley, M. E., graduate. (2011).

Young, M. S., graduate. (2011).

Albee, A. M., graduate. (2010).

Charles, S. B., graduate. (2010).

Radcliffe, B. J., graduate. (2010).

Thomas, M., graduate. (2009).

Urban, L., graduate. (2009).

Goldwyn, S., graduate. (2008).

Holland, K., graduate. (2008).

Osborne-Lampkin, L., graduate. (2008).

Pop, M., graduate. (2008).

Finley, C., graduate. (2007).

Jones, P., graduate. (2007).

Leiva, D., graduate. (2007).

Pendleton, H., graduate. (2007).

Garcia, M., graduate. (2006).

Golay, P., graduate. (2006).

Hardeman, B., graduate. (2006).

Hawthorne, J., graduate. (2006).

Rudder, C., graduate. (2006).

Graham, T., graduate. (2004).

Banks, D. Y., doctoral candidate.

Baydar, A., doctoral candidate.

Berry, K. S., doctoral candidate.

Blalock, J. Y., doctoral candidate.

Forero, J., doctoral candidate.

Geariety, B., doctoral candidate.

Hankerson, D. S., doctoral candidate.

Hidayat, M., doctoral candidate.

Huercamp, S., doctoral candidate.

Kalifeh, P. K., doctoral candidate.

Ramp, L. K., doctoral candidate.

Stanfill, E. M., doctoral candidate.

Stokley, N., doctoral candidate.

Wang, A., doctoral candidate.

Wilkinson, G. B., doctoral candidate.

Wilson, I. C., doctoral candidate.

Almubarak, S. H., doctoral student.

Gabriel, I. M., doctoral student.

Hernandez, A. L., doctoral student.

Martinez-Oronoz, F. J., doctoral student.

McGonigle T., doctoral student.

Palmer-Janvier, J. L., doctoral student.

Paredes-Drouet, C. M., doctoral student.

Petrova, K. P., doctoral student.

Reid, K., doctoral student.

Roberts, E. J., doctoral student.

Shim, Hyun-Ki, doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee University Representative
Rybakova, E., graduate. (2015).

Hsieh, Bi-Jen, graduate. (2015).

Bamford, M. J., graduate. (2014).

Myers, J. B., graduate. (2013).

Bee, D. N., graduate. (2012).

McMonigle, T., graduate. (2012).

Forero, P. J., graduate. (2010).

Mosier, B. A., graduate. (2010).

Prior, N. M., graduate. (2010).

Kang, Y., doctoral candidate.

Kim, J., doctoral candidate.

McLarnon, T. L., doctoral candidate.

Myers, J. A., doctoral candidate.

Dogan, Z., doctoral candidate.

Chen, S., doctoral student.

Graves, S. C., doctoral student.

Master's Committee Chair
Gregory, G. S., graduate. (2012).

Comer, L. H., graduate. (2011).

Hagen, B. V., graduate. (2011).

Harvey, A. M., graduate. (2011).

Chai, H., graduate. (2010).

Toledo, G. E., student.

Master's Committee Member
Amos, L. M., graduate. (2015).

Arasi, J. M., graduate. (2015).

Blanco, R. G., graduate. (2015).

Coleman, T., graduate. (2015).

McNichols, A. T., graduate. (2015).

Meadows, R. C., graduate. (2015).

Olszewski, A. L., graduate. (2015).

Weston, D. N., graduate. (2015).

Rejc, J. J., graduate. (2015).

Arnold, T. M., graduate. (2014).

Clarke, C. D., graduate. (2014).

Floyd, T. M., graduate. (2014).

Ledbetter, A., graduate. (2014).

Lindahl, C. M., graduate. (2014).

Lopez, J. M., graduate. (2014).

Meyer, J., graduate. (2014).

Mitchell, D. A., graduate. (2014).

Mitchell, R. C., graduate. (2014).

Murray, M. A., graduate. (2014).

Nikitopoulos, I., graduate. (2014).

Sampson, E. M., graduate. (2014).

Stark, N. R., graduate. (2014).

Walton, C. N., graduate. (2014).

McCall, C. L., graduate. (2014).

Merkel, J., graduate. (2014).

Green, G. E., graduate. (2014).

Houston, V. A., graduate. (2014).

Bayuk, A. I., graduate. (2013).

Crary, J. B., graduate. (2013).

Dees, K. M., graduate. (2013).

Dugas, J. L., graduate. (2013).

Phillips, N. P., graduate. (2013).

Welton, O. H., graduate. (2013).

Booth, J. R., graduate. (2013).

Buchanan, S. J., graduate. (2013).

Davis, E. A., graduate. (2013).

Degelleke, J., graduate. (2013).

Fowler, C. A., graduate. (2013).

Leacock, R. B., graduate. (2013).

Lee, A., graduate. (2013).

Leffler, D., graduate. (2013).

Lynch, M. C., graduate. (2013).

Madrigal, C., graduate. (2013).

Phillips, D. H., graduate. (2013).

Ramon, G. D., graduate. (2013).

Weathersbee, C. W., graduate. (2013).

Williams, J. R., graduate. (2013).

Yow, J. E., graduate. (2013).

Carlos, J. E., graduate. (2013).

Fahey, C., graduate. (2013).

Hooks, E. J., graduate. (2013).

Marlier, B., graduate. (2013).

Montalvo, C., graduate. (2013).

Waitt, M. P., graduate. (2013).

Broome, T. W., graduate. (2012).

Bryant, J. M., graduate. (2012).

Paquette, A. M., graduate. (2012).

Parnell, A. T., graduate. (2012).

Salesses, K. C., graduate. (2012).

Swain, G. S., graduate. (2012).

Becker, S. L., graduate. (2012).

Boyd, K. S., graduate. (2012).

Culp, T. E., graduate. (2012).

Delgado, L. B., graduate. (2012).

Flavell, M., graduate. (2012).

Gainey, T. D., graduate. (2012).

Goodman, A. T., graduate. (2012).

Gutierrez-Brews, C., graduate. (2012).

Hall, T. B., graduate. (2012).

Harris, M. J., graduate. (2012).

Ilhardt, R., graduate. (2012).

Karras, D. D., graduate. (2012).

Laudani, M. A., graduate. (2012).

Lee, K. L., graduate. (2012).

McKenzie, J. C., graduate. (2012).

Steed, J. R., graduate. (2012).

Stout, C. W., graduate. (2012).

Taylor, T. W., graduate. (2012).

Wright, C. L., graduate. (2012).

Adams, J. B., graduate. (2012).

Creamer, K. A., graduate. (2012).

German, M., graduate. (2012).

Hughes, E. R., graduate. (2012).

Nance, R., graduate. (2012).

Reynolds, A. R., graduate. (2012).

Tolbert, S. L., graduate. (2012).

West, M. D., graduate. (2012).

Wright, H. P., graduate. (2012).

Young, T., graduate. (2012).

Bond, K. M., graduate. (2011).

Graham, J. M., graduate. (2011).

Howard-Condon, R. E., graduate. (2011).

Kemp, A. D., graduate. (2011).

Martinez-Pena, A., graduate. (2011).

Osborne, J., graduate. (2011).

Wood, L. L., graduate. (2011).

Adams, S. E., graduate. (2011).

Balkaran, B., graduate. (2011).

Bergendale, R., graduate. (2011).

Clark, S. L., graduate. (2011).

De Cardenas, E. A., graduate. (2011).

Faircloth, I. M., graduate. (2011).

Jaksec, S. J., graduate. (2011).

Jaksec, S. S., graduate. (2011).

Leeber, C. J., graduate. (2011).

Rentz, T. F., graduate. (2011).

Weeks, S. D., graduate. (2011).

Witt, L., graduate. (2011).

Aldridge, J. A., graduate. (2011).

Bouch, R. F., graduate. (2011).

Bultmann, C. P., graduate. (2011).

Cole, L. M., graduate. (2011).

Davis, M. C., graduate. (2011).

Ortiz, W. J., graduate. (2011).

Reeder, R. L., graduate. (2011).

Share, R. V., graduate. (2011).

Vuncannon, T. O., graduate. (2011).

Walker, C. J., graduate. (2011).

Anderson, A. S., graduate. (2010).

Fair, M. G., graduate. (2010).

Martin, T. L., graduate. (2010).

Quiggins, A. M., graduate. (2010).

Cloud, C. M., graduate. (2010).

Coker, C. A., graduate. (2010).

Gerlach, A. A., graduate. (2010).

Gilbert, C. E., graduate. (2010).

Hingson, A. L., graduate. (2010).

Kim, Il-Soo, graduate. (2010).

Lanter, S. T., graduate. (2010).

O'Toole, J. L., graduate. (2010).

Toscani, K. J., graduate. (2010).

Cook, A. R., graduate. (2010).

Folsom, R. J., graduate. (2010).

Galindo, M., graduate. (2010).

Gerbi, S. C., graduate. (2010).

Meyer, J. J., graduate. (2010).

Register, A. R., graduate. (2010).

Rouse, M. M., graduate. (2010).

Seymour, T. M., graduate. (2010).

Dipalma, D., graduate. (2009).

Evenson, M. L., graduate. (2009).

Farber, K., graduate. (2009).

Hightower, T. K., graduate. (2009).

Jones, J. H., graduate. (2009).

Arico, R. A., graduate. (2009).

Edwards, K. M., graduate. (2009).

Habaugh, T., graduate. (2009).

Harbaugh, T. V., graduate. (2009).

Land, E. D., graduate. (2009).

Mears, J. R., graduate. (2009).

Moore, J. W., graduate. (2009).

Pellechio, R. V., graduate. (2009).

Rowell, R. A., graduate. (2009).

Shultz, R. A., graduate. (2009).

Smiley, B. A., graduate. (2009).

Socha, C. M., graduate. (2009).

Swafford, L. R., graduate. (2009).

Threadgill, B. K., graduate. (2009).

Marsh, G., graduate. (2009).

Kimble, S. W., graduate. (2008).

Mullins, D., graduate. (2008).

Pashley, E., graduate. (2008).

Xiong, Q., graduate. (2008).

Lourenco, K., graduate. (2007).

Lytle, S., graduate. (2007).

McDaniel, M., graduate. (2007).

Rutherford, S., graduate. (2007).

Blessing, L., graduate. (2006).

Boulware, Y., graduate. (2006).

Craig, J., graduate. (2006).

Lancaster, B., graduate. (2006).

Martin, L., graduate. (2006).

Miller, G., graduate. (2006).

Pittman, J., graduate. (2006).

Sanabia J., graduate. (2006).

Shafer, D., graduate. (2006).

Testoni, M., graduate. (2006).

Volstad, C., graduate. (2006).

Register, R. C., graduate. (2005).

Richards, R., graduate. (2005).

Solz, D., graduate. (2005).

Williams, L., graduate. (2005).

Wills, A. T., graduate. (2005).

Cooper E., graduate. (2004).

Blanton, J. L. S., student.

Bouchard, E. P., student.

Bray, J. N., student.

Burr, M. E., student.

Buxton, T. M., student.

Childs, R. L., student.

Clark, L. E., student.

Clayton, C. C., student.

Currier, C., student.

Davino, J. J., student.

Davis, C. E., student.

Domenech, R. R., student.

Ellis, P. W., student.

Foster, A. D., student.

Gahres, C. L., student.

Guerrero, M., student.

Guido, K., student.

Hanna, R. T., student.

Hendricks, C., student.

Hernandez, G., student.

Jenkins, J. P., student.

Johnson, R. N., student.

Kelley, L. D., student.

Lord, M. D., student.

Margarella, J. P., student.

Mullin, T. M., student.

Pardue, S. M., student.

Portalatin, N. A., student.

Reges, M. V., student.

Regina, S., student.

Ricciardi, C., student.

Rivera, V. E., student.

Robinson, S. S., student.

Scarbro, M., student.

Sierra, J. H., student.

Spangler, E. E., student.

Spell, J. D., student.

Stepp, S. J., student.

Thompson, S., student.

Wolfe, S. L., student.

Brown, N. B., student.

Buttmi, D., student.

Coleman, M. R., student.

Grainger, R. E., student.

Kennedy, B. E., student.

Research and Original Creative Work
Co-Editor of the Special Issue of the Peabody Journal of Education: Cannata, M. & Rutledge, S. (2017) New Frontiers in Scaling Up Research. Volume 92, Issue 5. Yearbook editor and co-author: Smith, T. M., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S. A. (2016, Eds).Mapping the High School Reform Landscape. New York: Teachers College Record (Yearbook) 118, Issue 13. Smith, T., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S.A. (2016). Design and Implementation of High School Reform: Perspectives from Research and Practice. Teachers College Record (Yearbook) 118(13): pp. 1-x.   Cohen-Vogel, L., Cannata, M., Rutledge, S.A., & Socol, A.R. (2016). A Model of Continuous Improvement in High Schools: A Process for Research, Innovation Design, Implementation, and Scale. Teachers College Record (Yearbook) 118(13): pp. 1-x.
Refereed Journal Articles
Tichnor-Wagner, A., Allen, D., Rose Socel, A., Cohen-Vogel, L., Rutledge, S., & Xing, Q. (in press). Studying implementation within a continuous improvement process: What happens when we allow for program adaptation? Teachers College Record, 1 -x pages.
Rutledge, S., Cohen-Vogel, L., Osborne-Lampkin, L., & Roberts, R. (2015). Understanding effective high schools: Evidence for personalization for academic and social emotional learning. American Educational Research Journal, 52, 1060-1092.
Harris, D., Ingle, W. I., & Rutledge, S. A. (2014). How teacher evaluation methods matter for accountability: A comparative analysis of teacher effectiveness ratings by principals and teacher value-added measures. American Educational Research Journal, 40.
Anagnostopoulos, D. A., Rutledge, S. A., & Bali, V. (2013). State Education Agencies, Information Systems, and the Expansion of State Power in the Era of Test-Based Accountability. Education Policy, 1-45.
Ingle, W. K., Rutledge, S. A., & Bishop, J. L. (2011). Context matters: Principals' sensemaking of teacher hiring and on-the-job performance. Journal of Educational Administration, 9, 5, 579-610.
Harris, D. N., & Rutledge, S. (2010). Models and predictors of teacher effectiveness: A review of the literature with lessons from (and for) other occupations. Teachers College Record, 112(3), 914-960.
Harris, D. N., Rutledge, S. A., Ingle, W. K., & Thompson, C. (2010). Mix and Match: What Principals Look For When Hiring Teachers and What This Means for Teacher Quality Policies. Education Policy and Finance, 5, No. 2, 228-246.
Ingle, W. K., & Rutledge, S. (2010). Selecting the "best applicant(s)" with limited options and policy constraints. Journal of Cases in Educational Administration, 13(1), 37-47.
Rutledge, S., Harris, D. N., & Ingle, W. K. (2010). How principals 'bridge and buffer' the new demands of teacher quality and accountability: A mixed methods analysis of teacher hiring. American Journal of Education, 116 (February), 211-242.
Rutledge, S. A. (2010). Contest for Jurisdiction: What School Sanctioning Reveals about Work in Schools. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 9,1, 78-107.
Rutledge, S., Harris, D. N., Ingle, W. K., & Thompson, C. (2008). Certify, Blink, Hire: An Examinaiton of the Process and Tools of Teacher Selection. Leadership and Policy in Schools, (7)3, 237-263.
Anagnostopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. A. (2007). Making sense of school sanctioning policies in urban high schools: Charting the depth and drift of school and classroom change. Teachers College Record, 109(5), 1-43.
Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., Rutledge, S. A., & Edwards, C. (2003). The challenge of improving instruction in urban high schools: Case studies of the implementation of the Chicago academic standards. Peabody Journal of Education, 78(3), 1-80.

Refereed Books
Wong, K. K., Shen, F., Anagnostopoulos, D., & Rutledge, S. (2007). The education mayor: How mayors improve school performance. Washington, DC.: Georgetown University Press.

Edited Books
Smith, T., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S. A. (Eds.). (2016). Mapping the High School Reform Landscape. Teachers College Press.
Anagnostopoulos, D., Rutledge, S. A., & Jacobsen, R. (Eds.). (2013). The Infrastructure of Accountability: Data Use and the Transformation of American Education. Harvard Education Press.
Wong, K. K., & Rutledge, S. A. (Eds.). (2006). Systemwide efforts to improve student achievement. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Edited Monographs
Cohen-Vogel, L., Cannata, M., Rutledge, S., & Rose Sokol, A. (Eds.). (in press). A model of continuous improvement in high schools: A process for research, innovation design, implementation, and scale [Monograph]. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE), 1 to x pages.

Invited Reviews
Rutledge, S. (2014). Review of Teacher and student evaluation: Moving beyond the failure of school reform. Teacher College Record.

Nonrefereed Journal Articles
Cannata, M., & Rutledge, S. A. (2017). Introduction to New Frontiers in Scaling Up Research. Peabody Journal of Education, 92 (5), 559-568. Retrieved from doi:10.1080/0161956X.2017.1368629
Rutledge, S. A., Brown, S., & Petrova, K. (2017). Scaling Personalization: Exploring the Implementation of an Academic and Social-Emotional Innovation in High Schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 92 (5), 627-648. Retrieved from doi:10.1080/0161956X.2017.1368650
Rutledge, S., & Cannata, M. (2016). Identifying and Understanding Effective High Schools: Personalization for Academic and Social Learning and Student Ownership and Responsibility. The Kappan, 60-64.

Nonrefereed Book Chapters
Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., Rutledge, S. A., & Smith, T. (2016). Design and implementation of high school reform—Perspectives from research and practice. Effectiveness and Scale in U.S. High Schools. In Smith, T., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S.A. (Eds.), Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Teachers College Press.
Cohen-Vogel, L., Cannata, M., Rutledge, S. A., & Rose Socol, A. (2016). A model of continuous improvement in high schools: A process for research, innovation design, implementation, and scale. In Smith, T, Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S. (Eds.), Mapping the High School Reform Landscape. Teachers College Press.
Anagnostopoulos, D., Rutledge, S. A., & Jacobsen, R. (2013). Introduction: Mapping the Infrastructure of Accountability. In Anagnostopoulos, D, Rutledge, S.A., & Jacobsen, J. (Eds.), The Infrastructure of Accountability: Data Use and the Transformation of American Education (pp. 1-33). Harvard Education Press.
Rutledge, S., Anagnostopoulos, D., & Jacobsen, R. (2013). Conclusion. In Anagnostopoulos, D., Rutledge, S.A., & Jacobsen, R. (Eds.), The Infrastructure of Accountability: Data Use and the Transformation of American Education (pp. 1-22). Harvard Education Press.
Rutledge, S., & Neal, B. G. (2013). Faith in Numbers: Data Use and the Organization of Schooling in Two Florida Elementary Schools. In Anagnostopoulos, D.A., Rutledge, S.A., & Jacobsen, R. (Eds.), The Infrastructure of Accountability: Data Use and the Transformation of American Education (pp. 1-25). Harvard Education Press.
Rutledge, S. (2012). Navigating a work-life balance in the era of high stakes accountability. In Joanne M. Marshall (Editor), Jeffrey S. Brooks (Editor), Kathleen M. Brown (Editor), Leslie Hazle Bussey (Editor), Bonnie Fusarelli (Editor), Mark A. Gooden (Editor), Catherine A. Lugg (Editor), Latish C. Reed (Editor), George Theoharis (Editor) (Ed.), Juggling Flaming Chainsaws: Academics in Educational Leadership Try to Balance Work and Family (Work-Life Balance). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S. A. (2009). The pushes and pulls of new localism: School-level instructional arrangements, instructional resources, and family-community partnerships. In R. Crowson, & E. Goldring (Eds.), The national society for the study of education yearbooks, volume 108. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Anagnostopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. A. (2006). District policy as an uncertain catalyst for school change: School sanctioning in urban high schools. In K.K. Wong, & S.A. Rutledge (Eds.), Systemwide efforts to improve student achievement. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Wong, K. K., Brier, B. B., Hawkins, J., McAdams, D. R., & Rutledge, S. A. (2006). District initiatives to improve curriculum and instruction: Views of administrators on houston's teacher tools online initiative. In K. K. Wong, & S. A. Rutledge (Eds.), Systemwide efforts to improve student achievement. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Wong, K. K., & Rutledge, S. (2006). Introduction: Rethinking strategies to improve urban school systems. In S. A. Rutledge, & K. K. Wong (Eds.), Systemwide efforts to improve student achievement. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. (2003). Integrated governance in the Chicago public schools. In J. G. Cibulka, & W. L. Boyd (Eds.), A race against time: Responses to the crisis in urban schooling. Praeger. Place of Publication: Westport, CT.

Nonrefereed Reports
Cohen-Vogel, L., Edwards, T., Harrison, C., Rutledge, S. A., & Tichnor-Wagner, A. (2015). Implementation and Early Outcomes in Innovation Schools: Report from Year Five of the National Center for Scaling up Effective Schools. Nashville, TN: National Center for Scaling up Effective Schools.
Rutledge, S., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Osborne-Lampkin, L. (2012). Identifying the Characteristics of Effective High Schools: Report from Year One of the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools (Technical Report 1). National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools. Retrieved from
Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., Rutledge, S. A., & Edwards, C. (2001). The challenge of improving instruction in urban high schools. African Americans; Chicago Public Schools IL. Retrieved from
Rutledge, S., Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., Lynn, L., & Dreeben, R. (1999). Implementation of an educational accountability agenda: Integrated governance in the chicago public schools enters its fourth year. Chicago Public Schools IL.

Invited Papers at Conferences
Rutledge, S., Cannata, M., Rubin, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Tichnor-Wagner, A. (presented 2015, October). Implementation of the National Center for Scaling Up Effective School's Model in the Innovation Schools. Paper presented at Using Continuous Improvement to Integrate Design, Implementation, and Scale Up, National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools, Nashville, TN. (National) Retrieved from
Rutledge, S., Cohen-Vogel, L., Osborne-Lampkin, L., Roberts, R., & Comer, L. (presented 2012, June). Understanding Effective High Schools: Revisiting Personalization for Social and Academic Learning. Paper presented at Achieving Success at Scale Research on Effective High Schools, National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools, Nashville, TN. (National)

Refereed Papers at Conferences
Rutledge, S., Cannata, M., Brown, S., Redding, C., & Petrova, K. (presented 2017, November). Controlling Commitment or Committing to Control? Understanding a Continuous Improvement Approach to School Reform in Two Districts. Paper presented at University Council for Educational Administration, UCEA, Denver, CO. (National)
Cannata, M., Brown, S., Joshi, E., Redding, C., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2017, April). How Ideas Spread: Establishing a Networked Improvement Community. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, AERA, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Cannata, M., Rutledge, S. A., Rubin, M., & Redding, C. (presented 2017, April). Using Continuous Improvement Approaches to Achieve Scale: Implications for Depth, Spread, Ownership, and Sustainability. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, AERA, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Rutledge, S., Brown, S., Harrison, C., & Preston, C. (presented 2017, April). Implementing Personalization for Academic and Social Emotional Learning: Outcomes of a Systemic Personalization Effort in Three High Schools. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, AERA, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., Cannata, M., Brown, S., & Redding, C. (presented 2017, April). Understanding Implementation Through a Continuous Improvement Approach in Two Districts. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, AERA, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Rutledge, S., Brown, S., & Petrova, K. (presented 2017, January). Scaling Personalization: Exploring the Implementation of an Academic and Social Emotional Innovation in High Schools. Paper presented at International Congress of International Education and Improvement annual meeting, International Congress of International Education and Improvement, Ottawa, CA. (International)
Rutledge, S. A., Brown, S., Harrison, C., & Preston, C. (presented 2016, November). Implementing personalization: Exploring the proximal outcomes of an academic and social emotional initiative in three high schools. Paper presented at Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Mid-South Educational Research Association, Mobile, AL. (Regional)
Rutledge, S., Rose-Sokel, A., Harrison, C., Brown, S., & Preston, C. (presented 2016, April). Implementing personalization:  Exploring the implementation and proximal outcomes of an academic and social emotional initiative in three high schools. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C. (National)
Tichnor-Wagner, A., Allen, D., Socol, A. R., Cohen-Vogel, L., Rutledge, S. A., & Xing, Q. (presented 2016, April). Studying implementation within a continuous improvement process: What happens when we design with adaptations in mind? Paper presented at American Educational Research Association annual conference, American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C. (National)
Cohen-Vogel, L., Rutledge, S. A., Smith, T. M., & Harrison, C. (presented 2015, October). Opportunities and Dilemmas of Partnering for Continuous Improvement. Paper presented at National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools conference, National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools, Nashville, TN. (National)
Harrison, C., Brown, S., Rutledge, S. A., & Wachen, J. (presented 2015, April). Translating educational research into practice: A cross-institutional telephone game? Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. (National)
Rutledge, S., & Cannata, M. (presented 2014, November). Identifying and Understanding Effective High Schools: Personalization for Academic and Social Learning & Student Ownership and Responsibility. Paper presented at annual conference, University Council for Educational Administration, Washington, D.C. (National)
Rutledge, S., Iatarola, P., Brown, S., & Kim, T. (presented 2014, April). High school pathways: A mixed methods analysis of student course-taking. Paper presented at Marveline Hughes, College of Education, FSU, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Rutledge, S., Iatarola, P., Brown, S., & Kim, T. (presented 2014, March). Determination, persistence and rigor: Administrators, teachers and students' perceptions of effort and high school student course enrollment in higherlevel courses. Paper presented at Annual conference, American Educational Finance and Policy, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Anagnostopoulos, D., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2013, April). Data Governance in the Era of Outcomes-based Accountability. Paper presented at annual conference, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (International)
Roberts, R., Rutledge, S. A., & Brown, S. (presented 2013, April). Understanding Human Agency in Students and School Personnel's Perceptions of Personalization for Academic and Social Learning. Paper presented at annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (International)
Rutledge, S. A., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Smith, T. (presented 2013, April). Understanding Effective High Schools: Findings and Research around Personalization for Social and Academic Learning. Paper presented at annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Franciso, CA. (International)
Iatarola, P., Rutledge, S. A., Kim, T. H., & Brown, S. (presented 2013, March). High School Student Courses, Assigning Rigor? A Mixed Methods Analysis. Paper presented at annual meeting, Association for Education Finance and Policy, New Orleans, LA. (National)
Harris, D. N., Ingle, W. K., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2013). How teacher evaluation methods matter for accountability: A comparative analysis of teachers using principal interviews and value-added measures. Paper presented at Annual Conference, American Educational Research Association. (National)
Rutledge, S., Brown, S., Iatarola, P., & Kim, T. (presented 2013). Determination, persistence and rigor: Administrators, teachers and students' perceptions of effort and student course enrollment in higher-level courses. Paper presented at Annual Conference, American Educational Finance and Policy Conference, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Rutledge, S., Anagnostopoulos, D., & Jacobsen, R. (presented 2012, October). The Infrastructure of Accountability: Examining the Governance of Longitudinal Data Systems. Paper presented at INVALSI, INVALSI/University of Maryland/APPAM, Rome, Italy. (International)
Anagnostopoulos, D., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2012, April). Building the Infrastructure of Accountability: Constructing and Contesting Student Information Systems in Three States. Paper presented at annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, CA. (International)
Comer, L. C., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2012, April). The Student Voice in Educational Research: Student Shadowing from the Student and Researcher's Perspective. Paper presented at annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada. (International)
Rutledge, S., Cohen-Vogel, L., Osborne-Lampkin, L., Roberts, R., & Comer, L. H. (presented 2012, April). Understanding Effective High Schools: Revisiting Personalization for Social and Academic Learning. Paper presented at AERA, AERA, Vancouver, CA. (International)
Osborne-Lampkin, L., Vineyard, B., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2012, March). Balancing High-Stakes Accountability Policies in Florida's Schools. Paper presented at annual meeting, Association for Education Finance & Policy, Boston, MA. (National)
Comer, L., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2011, November). The student voice in educational research: Student voice from the student and researcher perspective. Paper presented at annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Pittsburgh, PA. (National)
Rutledge, S., & Anagnostopoulos, D. (presented 2011, November). The Infrastructure of Accountability: Examining the roles of State Level Actors in the Design and Use of Longitudinal Data Systems. Paper presented at UCEA, UCEA, Pittsburg, PA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2010, April). Parents, Principals and Teachers: Negotiating Messages about Academic Achievement in Two Elementary Schools. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educatioanl Research Association, American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO. (National)
Ingle, W. K., Rutledge, S. A., & Bishop, J. (presented 2009, November). Principals' sense making of teacher quality and hiring. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Anaheim, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2009, November). Parents, principals and teachers: Negotiating messages about academic achievement in two elementary schools. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Anaheim, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2009, November). Parents, Principals and Teachers: Negotiating Messages about Academic Achievement in Two Elementary Schools. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the University Council of Educational Administrators, University Council of Educational Administrators, Anaheim, CA. (National)
Ingle, W. K., Rutledge, S. A., & Bishop, J. (presented 2009, April). Principals' sense making of teacher quality and hiring. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., & Park, J. (presented 2009, March). A policy perspective on the role of districts in increasing instructional capacity. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Finance Association, Nashville, TN. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2008, October). A policy perspective on the role of districts in increasing instructional capacity. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Orlando, FL. (National)
Harris, D. N., Rutledge, S. A., & Ingle, W. K. (presented 2008, March). What makes a good teacher? A mixed methods analysis of the characteristics of effective teachers under different effectiveness measures. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Finance Association, Denver, CO. (National)
Harris, D. N., Rutledge, S. A., & Ingle, W. K. (presented 2008, March). What makes a good teacher? A mixed methods analysis of the characteristics of effective teachers under different effectiveness measures. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2008, March). A policy perspective on the role of districts in increasing instructional capacity. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2008, March). Setting standards: A comparison of parental and policy pressure on school administrators' and teachers' work. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., Ingle, W. K., & Bishop, J. (presented 2008, March). You wouldn't be a teacher if you are not intelligent": How principals define "quality" teachers. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2007, November). Setting standards: A comparison of parental and policy pressure on school administrators' and teachers' work. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Alexandria, VA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., Ingle, W. K., & Bishop, J. (presented 2007, November). You wouldn't be a teacher if you are not intelligent": How principals define "quality" teachers. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Alexandria, VA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., Harris, D. N., Ingle, W. K., & Thompson, C. (presented 2007, April). Bridge or buffer? How federal, state, and district policies shape teacher hiring practices. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S., Harris, D. N., Ingle, W. K., & Thompson, C. (presented 2007, April). Certify, blink, hire: An examination of the process and tools of teacher selection. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2006, November). Contest for jurisdiction: What school sanctioning reveals about work in schools. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., Harris, D. N., Ingle, W. K., & Thompson, C. (presented 2006, November). Bridge or buffer? How federal, state, and district policies shape teacher hiring practices. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Harris, D. N., Rutledge, S. A., Ingle, W. K., & Thompson, C. (presented 2006, April). When supply meets demand: Principal preferences and teacher hiring. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., & Anagnostopoulos, D. A. (presented 2005, November). Mayoral control, accountability, and work in schools: A multi-level case study of three low performing high schools in Chicago. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Nashville, TN. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., & Flood, P. (presented 2005, November). The challenges of developing an effective program evaluation. Paper presented at Annual meeting, University Council of Educational Administrators, Nashville, TN. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2005, April). School sanctioning and coherence: A case study of decision making at two sanctioned high schools. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada. (National)
Anagnostopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2004, April). Accountability and the cognitive politics of school and student failure in urban schools. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A., & Anagnostopoulos, D. A. (presented 2004, April). The cognitive perspective on accountability challenges. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. (National)
Rutledge, S. A. (presented 2002, April). Principal decision making in a high stakes context: A case study of two Chicago high schools. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. (National)
Anagnostopoulos, D. A., Rutledge, S. A., & Wong, K. K. (presented 2000, April). When district standards affect teaching: A study of four Chicago public high schools. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. (National)
Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 1999, November). Chicago's academic standards exam: A study of English teachers in four high schools. Paper presented at Annual meeting, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C. (National)
Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 1999, April). Teachers' work conditions in an era of accountability: Two Chicago high schools and their teachers. Paper presented at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada. (National)
Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 1998, November). Accommodation and conflict: The implementation of Chicago's probation and reconstitution policies. Paper presented at Annual meeting, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, New York City. (National)
Wong, K. K., Anagnstopoulos, D. A., & Rutledge, S. A. (presented 1998, April). When low-performing schools are pressured to improve: Lessons from Chicago. Paper presented at 1998 annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. (National)

Invited Keynote and Plenary Presentations at Conferences
Rutledge, S. (presented 2016, September). Understanding Effective High Schools: The Importance of Attending to Academic and Social Emotional Routines. Plenary presentation at Next Generation STEM Forum, National Science Foundation and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Washington, D.C. (National) Retrieved from

Refereed Presentations at Conferences
Rutledge, S., Harris, D. N., Ingle, W. K., & Thompson, C. (presented 2007, April). Certify, blink, hire: An examination of the process and tools of teacher selection. Presentation at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (National)

Invited Workshops
Rutledge, S. (2015, April). Work-life balance in the academy. Workshop delivered at William L. Boyd Politics of Education Association Mentor Workshop, Chicago, IL. (National)

Contracts and Grants
Contracts and Grants Funded
Rutledge, S. (Jan 2017–Dec 2021). Improving Student Academic and Non-Cognitive Outcomes through Personalization for Academic and Social Emotional Learning. Funded by US Department of Education. (U411C160107). Total award $2,552,286.
Rutledge, Stacey (PI). (Aug 2010–Aug 2017). National Research and Development Center on Scalling up Effective Schools. Funded by Vanderbilt University. (21372-S2). Total award $1,414,725.
Rutledge, Stacey (PI). (Oct 2007–Jun 2008). y Account - Excellence in Family Education. Funded by FSU Foundation. Total award $6,873.
Rutledge, Stacey (PI). (May 2005–Aug 2005). FYAP_Setting Standards: A Comparison of Parental & Policy Influence on Work in Schools. Funded by FSU CRC. Total award $14,000.

Postdoctoral Supervision
Osborne-Lampkin, L. (Aug 2011–Jul 2012).

Reviews of My Research and Original Creative Work by Other Authors
Reviews Appearing in Journals
Katharine Strunk. (2015). Review of The Infrastructure of Accountability: Data Use and the Transformation of American Education. Teachers College Record, ID 17927, 2.

National Center for Effective Schools Internal Report
Rutledge, S. A., Osborne-Lampkin, L., & Cohen-Vogel, L. (2012). Effective High Schools: District Innovation Design Team Report. National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools.

National Center for Effective Schools: School Reports
Rutledge, S., Osborne-Lampkin, L., Cohen-Vogel, L., Roberts, R., Comer, L., Vineyard, B., & Harrison, C. (2012). Broward Study School Reports. National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools.

Florida State University
FSU University Service
Department representative, Faculty Senate (2013–present).
reviewer, COFRS (2014).

FSU College Service
member, COE Faculty Advisory Board (2016–present).
member, COE Promotion and Tenure Committee (2016–present).
presenter, Presenter at Relevant Research Roundtable, "IRB and District Reviews: Graduate Student Development Session." (2016).
member, Promotion and Tenure Committee (2014).
member, Faculty Advisory Board (2011–2012).
Member, College of Education Ad-hoc By-laws committee for Faculty Council/Faculty Advisory Board (2008–2009).
At-large member, College of Education Faculty Advisory Board (2008–2009).
Department representative, College of Education Faculty Council (2007–2008).

FSU Department Service
member, EdD Committee (2015–present).
member, Undergraduate Committee (2014–present).
Member, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Undergraduate Committee (2006–present).
member, EDA Committee (2004–present).
Chairperson, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (2010–2011).
Member, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Promotio and Tenure Committee (2010–2011).
Member, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Ad hoc Budget Committee (2007–2010).
Chairperson, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies cancelled Educational Leadership search (2008).
Member, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Curriculum Committee (2007–2008).
Member, , Educational Leadership and Policy Studies search committee for department chair (2005–2006).

FSU Institute or Center Service
Organizer, Graduate Student Speaker Series (2008–present).
Member Masters Program Review Committee, Member Masters Program Review Committee (2008–present).

FSU Program Service
member, ELP Admissions Committee (2016–present).
member, Educational Leadership and Administration Online Program (2007–present).
co-coordinator, Educational Leadership and Policy (2014–2016).
coordinator, Online EdD development committee (2014–2015).
chair, Preliminary Exam and Diagnostic Committee (2014–2015).
member, Preliminary Exam and Diagnostic Committee (2013–2014).
Member, Admissions Committee (2006–2012).
Coordinator, Educational Leadership specialization (2010–2011).
Member, Preliminary and Diagnostic Exam Committee (2005–2011).
Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy Program (2009–2010).
Ad Hoc Committee on Decision Making, Educational Leadership and Policy (2004–2005).

The Profession
Editorial Board Membership(s)
Research on Leadership Education (2008–present).

Guest Reviewer for Refereed Journals
Educational Policy (2016–present).
Journal of Educational Administration (2016–present).
Leadership and Policy in Schools (2016–present).
Studies in Educational Evaluation (2016–present).
Educational Researcher (2015–present).
Leadership and Policy in Schools (2015–present).
Sociology of Education (2015–present).
The Elementary School Journal (2015–present).
American Journal of Education (2014–present).
Educational Researcher (2014–present).
Leadership and Policy in Schools (2014–present).
American Journal of Education (2016).
Educational Researcher (2016).
Sociology of Education (Jul 2013).
American Journal of Education (May 2013).
Educational Researcher (Mar 2013).
Educational Administration Quaterly (Jan 2013).
Educational Administration Quarterly (Sep–Dec 2012).
Leadership and Policy in Schools (Jun–Jul 2012).
Education Policy (Mar–May 2012).
Educational Administration Quarterly (2012).
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2010).
Urban Education (2010).
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2009).
Leadership and Policy in Schools (2009).
Leadership and Policy in Schools (2008).
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2006).
Journal of Teacher Education (2006).
Leadership and Policy in Schools (2006).
Educational Administration Quarterly (2005).

Reviewer for Textbooks
Teaching in Context: How Social Aspects of School and School Systems Shape Teachers' Development an (2015).
Design Development and School Improvement: Bridging Research and Practice with Equity-­‐R (2014).

Service to Professional Associations
Member, Educational Leadership Specialization Admissions Committee (2005–present).
mentor, Mentored a student at the William L. Boyd Politics of Education Association Mentor Workshop, Politics of Education Association (2015).
Division A Early Scholar Award committee, Committee member in choosing the Division A Early Scholar awardee, American Educational Research Association (2015).
Division L, Section 9 Chair, Session chair, American Educational Research Association (2015).
Day on the Hill Organizer, Politics of Education Association & UCEA (2014).
reviewer, AERA (2014).
reviewer for annual conference, UCEA (2014).
discussant, American Education Finance and Policy (2014).
member, AERA Division L Junior Faculty Mentoring Committee (2011–2013).
mentor, I served as a mentor to five doctoral students at the William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop at AERA 2013, William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop, Politics of Education Association and University Council for Educational Administration (2013).
Plenum representative, University Council for Educational Administration (2008–2012).
Secretary, Politics of Education Association (2007–2011).
Co-organizer, Politics of Education Association 40th Anniversary Celebration (2008–2009).
Mentor, William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop, Politics of Education Association and University Council for Educational Administration (2008–2009).
Discussant, University Council of Educational Administrator conference (2008).
Founding Co-organizer, William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop, Politics of Education Association and University Council for Educational Administration (2008).
Committee Chairperson, Election Committee, Politics of Education Association (2007–2008).
Chairperson, Education Leadership Speicalization E-portfolio committee (2006–2008).
Mentor to graduate students, Clark Seminar, American Educational Research Association Divisions A and L (2007).
Discussant, University Council of Educational Administrator conference (2007).
Chair, American Educational Research Association, Division L (2006).
Discussant, American Educational Research Association, Division L (2005).
Member, Educational Leadership Specialization Masters Program Review Committee (2004–2005).
Dissussant, American Educational Research Association, Division L (2002).

Service to Other Universities
Tenure Reviewer, University of Vermont (2013).

The Community
SAC committee member, Leon High School (2014–present).
School Advisory Council Chairperson, Cobb Middle School (2013–present).
Volunteer, Kate Sullivan Elementary School (2005–2014).

Additional Service Not Reported Elsewhere
Rutledge, S. (2007). Worked as a Co-editor for non-refereed Politics of Education Association Bulletin. Politics of Education Association Bulletin.
Rutledge, S. (2006). Worked as a Guest Reviewer for Allyn And Bacon Press.

Politics of Education/UCEA 2014 Conference Planning Committee
Rutledge, S. (2013). On a committee of faculty helping to plan sessions at the 2014 UCEA conference in DC. Politics of Education/University Council for Educational Administration.
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