IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2004
Lyon, Palais des Congrès, from 27 to 30 June
G renoble, 14 May 2004
The Rhône-Alpes Region hosts the European
researchers in mobile and wireless telecommunications
On the occasion of the 13th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit to be held from 27 to 30 June 2004, Lyon will be the European capital of research in mobile and wireless telecommunications. More than 500 experts are expected from Europe, Asia and North America.
The IST Summit presents the main coming innovations in mobile and wireless telecommunications. Scientists shed light on projects with joint funding from the European Commission. This year, Commission representatives will disclose the best initiatives selected for the 6th Framework Research and Development Programme (6th FRDP).
Focusing this year on the theme of 'the user at the centre of innovation', the 13th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit is to hold numerous workshops covering in particular new services and multimedia content that will be accessible from mobile phones in the future. The concepts communicating objects1 and ambient intelligence2 will also be addressed and illustrated by research projects.
Three plenary sessions will be devoted to themes such as the impact of micro and nanotechnologies in mobile telecommunications, the place of European players in the future (SMEs, research bodies and large companies) and Europe's position in research on telecommunications at the horizon 2010.
Held in a different European city each year, the IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit is aimed at the entire scientific and industrial community in the sector. Five hundred specialists from Europe, Asia and North America are expected to attend the event. Research players in the public and private sectors and in major industrial groups (operators, component manufacturers, service companies) will be represented. Among them, France Télécom, Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, Motorola, Hewlett Packard, Telefonica, Philips, Intel and STMicroelectronics have already replied and will attend the event.
The IST Summit is an occasion for discussion for all these players, and a place where trends, investment choices, industrial strategies and cooperation can be developed.
Organised this year in Lyon by CEA Leti, the leading centre in Europe for R&D in microelectronics and nanotechnologies, with support from the Regional Council, Grand Lyon, the City of Grenoble and industries, the IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit will put to use the dynamism of the wireless telecommunications sector in the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council. This is a key sector where synergy between the different local players (scientists, industries and start-ups) forms a strong axis of economic development.
Detailed programme at www.mobilesummit2004.org
With financial support from:

About CEA Leti
CEA, a public research organisation, performs mainly in the field of energy, information and health technologies and defence. It pursues two major objectives through the diversity of its programmes and the use of high-level fundamental research: becoming the leading European technological research organisation and ensuring the sustainability of nuclear dissuasion. With the competences of 15,000 scientists and staff, it is recognised internationally and a source of proposals for the public authorities and French and European institutions and industries. Located in Grenoble, CEA Leti is at the leading-edge of European research in microelectronics, microtechnologies and nanotechnologies. It employs more than 900 people and takes out about 150 patents each year. With 28 start-ups established or being set up, it is a major partner in the industrial world. The instigator of the Minatec innovation centre project, CEA-Leti is also one of its main partners.
About the Information Society Technologies (IST) programme
Information society technologies (IST) form a priority research theme in Europe, as defined by the European Union's 6th Framework Research and Development Programme for 2003-2006. This priority should lead directly to the development of European policies on the knowledge society as agreed at the Council of Lisbon in 2000.
The strategy adopted in Lisbon in 2000 aims at a rapid switch to a competitive, dynamic knowledge economy capable of sustainable economic growth accompanied by quantitative and qualitative improvement of employment and greater social cohesion. This objective requires adoption on a larger scale, greater availability and the perfecting of IST applications and services in all business and public sectors and in society as a whole. ISTs are fundamental for making creation and the pooling and use of knowledge more simple and effective.
About the Rhône-Alpes Region
Employing more than 20,000 people and generating a turnover of € 5.2 thousand million, the telecommunications sector in the Rhône-Alpes region is a major European centre for expertise in the field. It covers the entire telecommunications value chain from the electronic and optoelectronic components industry, equipment and software, onboard systems and communicating objects to services related to telecom networks.
It is also founded on the know-how of STMicroelectronics, Motorola, Philips Semiconductors, Atmel, Hewlett Packard, Purple Labs, Volubill, Swapcom, Eloquant, Acterna, Amphenol-Socapex, Radiall, Nexans, Sagem Monetel, Ascom HPF, Arkoon, etc. and the major operators present in the region.
It also benefits from the skills of the public or private research laboratories at CEA Leti, INRIA, INSA, ENS, INPG, Université de Savoie, France Télécom R&D, STMicroelectronics, etc.
Sector development is supported by training in telecommunications provided by the engineering schools and universities in the region.
Press contact Scientific contact
Patrick Cappe de Baillon Dr Laurent Hérault
Tel.: + 33 (0)4 38 78 37 02 Tel.: + 33 (0)4 38 78 95 15
patrick.cappedebaillon@cea.fr laurent.herault@cea.fr
Scientific programme of the 13th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit
4th generation systems and networks
Aeronautic communications
Ambient intelligence
Antennas and sub-systems
Applications & Services
Wireless body area networks (BAN)
Broadband radio interfaces
Cellular networks
Coding & modulation
Digital audio & video broadcasting
Equalisation and synchronisation
Tests, trials and deployment
Local radio loop
Transmitter/receiver material architecture
Heterogeneous networks
High-altitude platforms
IMT2000 (UMTS, CDMA2000, etc.)
Positioning technologies and services
Mobile internet
Mobile multimedia
Multi-carrier CDMA
Multiple access techniques
New networks
Personal networks
Service quality
Management of radio resources
Reconfigurable mobile systems and networks
Satellite networks
Security and private life
Multi-antenna systems
Software radio
Ultra broadband
Developments in UMTS
New local wireless networks
Radio propagation
Wireless sensor networks
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