Josiah V. Thompson Family Record Uniontown, Pa Vol

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Josiah V. Thompson

Family Record

Uniontown, Pa

Vol. 10

Oak Hill June 11, 1923 9:37 PM

In looking through the very old papers sent to me last year by Mrs Mary S. Carroll then having address of Box 35, South Hills Branch, Pittsburgh Pa, wife of C.E. Carroll D.D.S. now of Arlington office Bldg, Arlington at Washington, Los Angeles Calif Phone 760 876, but who is now here in Uniontown Pa at her old home on a visit, I find that on Aug 30, 1910, I had recorded in five or six back fly leaf pages of my cash acct book "K" the full old records of birth, but I find penciled in her handwriting the following record of deaths:

Benj Stevens died Feby 21, 1811 aged 73 yrs

Elizabeth Stevens died Apr 8, 1810 aged 62 yrs

Pricilla Stevens died July 23, 1791 aged 21 yrs

Dr Benj (M) Stevens died Jany 4, 1813 aged 38 yrs

Sophia Stevens died Mch 20, 1847 aged 70 yrs

The first two I take it are man & wife, the third Priscilla, their daughter & Dr Benj, their son & the last, Sophia is his wife nee Peairs, daughter of Elisha & Elizabeth.

There is also an old writing, yellow with age & in three pieces with scrolls to the right & bottom & which is the most perfect writing I have ever seen scarcely distinguishable from print as follows:

"Filios Erudiamus

Solon made a law that those parents should neither be relieved nor regarded in their old age by their children who took no care by a good and virtuous education in their youth to instruct them in all the principles of their duty."

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Oak Hill June 12, 1923 10:15 AM

In Clara A. Arbogast's letter of May 23, 1923, she enclosed a printed page report of the secretary of the Oregon Children's Aid Society dated Salem Oregon Oct 8, 1880 & signed Mrs S.C. Adams, Secy & covers two yrs from Sept 5, 1878 & which Mrs Arbogast found in the bible of her grandfather, James Thompson.

The larger number of payts were to James Thompson & wife, Manager & Matron. He was Keeper of the home for over six yrs, say 1874 to Oct 8, 1880 to the entire satisfaction of the board of managers & we can proudly say that they have been efficient & faithful to their trust. We can truly say that to the little ones under their charge, they have been father & mother in the highest relations of sympathy, kindness & watchful care."

I am returning the report today.

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[Descendant Chart]
Patrick & Jeannette Power

Rev James Power, D.D., born 1745, died Aug 5, 1830 aged 85 yrs. He came to Western Penna in 1774 when aged 29 yrs & in 1776, he, with his wife & 4 young daughters came out with their baggage on 3 horses, mounted horseback & settled first at Dunlaps Creek. He married Mary, daughter of Philip Tanner, an Elder in East Nottingham Church & had eight children, all daughters. [not listed here]

Col. John Power, born June 6, 1757 & died July 21, 1805 on Mch 25, 1778, he married Margaret Finley daughter of Rev James & Hannah Evans Finley who was born Sept 17, 1756 & died May 29, 1836. Both are buried at Rehoboth. Had eight children. He moved into Rostraver Tp in 1782. See B 26 P 182, 173.

Dr James Power, B Oct 29, 1779 ob Jany 18, 1844 m.1. June 7, 1804 to Susannah Torrence who died Nov 20, 1815. Had 5 children. M.2. Nov 27, 1817 to Nancy Jack who died Sept 14, 1864 in her 70th yr & had 10 children. Children all born on farm 2 1/2 miles east of Elizabeth, Allegheny Co Pa.

John Power, B July 8, 1805, m. Feby 1835 to Mary Howell, 4 chil

Martha, B Jan 14, 1807 m. Jany 1826 to John Allen see b 26 p 174.

Joseph Torrence B Mch 2, 1809 ob Sept 14, 1833 at New Orleans La. M. Elizabeth McElhany

Mary Findley, B Dec 31, 1810 ob Mch 24, 1860 m. Sept 1830 to John Westbay see B 26 p 176

Eliza Jane, B Mch 18, 1813 ob Jany 27, 1835, m. Mch 18, 1834 to Saml W. Boyd Shff of Fay Co Pa see book 13, page 184.

Susannah, B Oct 2, 1818 m. Nov 21, 1839 to Preseley Hurst see b 26 P 171?

Sarah Hannah, B May 19, 1820 ob Apr 12, 1900 M. Dec 12, 1844 to John Brown see book 6 p 170 see book 12 p 34

James, B July 9, 1821 m. Mary Humes 2 chil b 20 p 110

Wm Jack, B July 29, 1824 m. Nov 13, 1851 to Mary J. Pollock B 26 P 181

Samuel, B Feby 15, 1826 murdered in Nevada 49 yrs ago say 1872.

Thomas, B Sept 3, 1827 ob Sept 9, 1859 says died at 30   63 yrs ago.

Francis Herron, B July 25, 1829 ob Oct 16, 1863 at Nashville,

Tenn. Says died at 34, 59 yrs ago.

Newton Carnahan, B Apr 1, 1831 m. Mary _____ in Calif 39 yrs ago say 1862 3 chil.

Nancy Jane, B Apr 3, 1834 m. Aug 3, 1864 to Joseph Scott ob D.A.R. Home Swissvale Pa July 6, 1923 & buried at Rehoboth Cem. No issue.

Calvin Blythe, B Mch 26, 1838 m.1. May 9, 1861 Gertrude Wycoff M.2. Sept 5, 1867 Mary McKee. M.3. June 20, 1877 Elizabeth Shields see book2 p 35 see book 12 p 32.

Jeannette Power, B Jany 25, 1781 ob Nov 14, 1798 in her 18th yr.

Patrick Power, B Oct 20, 1782 ob Sept 29, 1841 in his 59th yr m. Feby 8, 1810 by Rev Dr Jennings to Nancy Gallaher who was born Sept 7, 1790 & died Apr 15, 1857. See book 7 pages 42 & 43.

1. John Power, B June 24, 1871, ob Apr 6, 1896 m. Sept 13, 1836 by Rev Wm Aman to Jane Fulton dau of Henry Fulton & his wife Rebecca Jack who was born Nov 15, 1814 & died Mch 23, 1891. No issue.

2. Ann, B Jan 28, 1813 ob July 19, 1814

3. Eliza, B Mch 17, 1815 ob Mch 2, 1816

5. Ebenezer F., B Feb 22, 1818 ob Mch 6, 1841

6. Wm Johnston, B Apr 26, 1820 ob May 15, 1871 m. Oct 29, 1845 by Rev Jno Kerr to Rebecca Fulton dau of Henry Fulton &

his 2d wife, Elizabeth Taylor who was born July 19, 1822 & died Dec 13, 1870 see book 7 page 41.

Henry Fulton, B Sept 20, 1846 ob Jan 1, 1920, m.

Anna Eliza, B Apr 11, 1848

John Eben, B June 25, 1850 ob Nov 27, 1876, unmarried.

Elizabeth, B Feby 16, 1852 ob June 7, 1856

James Patrick, B Jany 16, 1854

William Taylor, B Oct 11, 1856

Mary Rebecca B July 13, 1859 ob Jan 3, 1890, unmarried.

Jenney, B Mch 12, 1861

Harriet Newlon, B June 30, 1863 ob Apr 13, 1886, unmarried.

Margaret Guthrie, B Feby 16, 1862.

7. Samuel W., B. May 14, 1822 ob Apr 8, 1885 m. Hasden

8. Mary Jane, B Apr 8, 1825 ob Aug 6, 1858 m. Harry Smith see book 7 p 42.

4. James B. B Dec 10, 1816 ob Feby 15, 1866 m. Oct 24, 1844 by Rev James Smith to Cynthia A. Wood.

9. Thomas Evans, B June 9, 1827, ob July 14, 1889 see book 7 page 43.

10. Joseph C. Power, B Aug 10, 1829 m. lived in WVA

11. Harriet N. Power, Born Nov 21, 1834. She died Sept 26, 1864 in her 30th yr. M. William J. Porter.

Hannah Power, B Oct 11, 1784

John Finley Power, B Nov 1, 1786 ob Dec 19, 1865 m. Feby 17, 1807 to Mary Starrett, dau of James & Elizabeth Starret who was born Oct 16, 1790 & died Mch 14, 1836. Two infant sons died.

Elizabeth S. B Oct 1808

James S., B Apr 14, 1810

John F., B Dec 7, 1811

Evans W., B Dec 6, 1813

Jane, B Mch 20, 1816

William, B May 20, 1818

Margaret, B Mch 4, 1820

Hannah, B May 4, 1822

Harriet, B Nov 14, 1824

Mary E., B May 11, 1826

Elizabeth Frances, B Mch 30, 1828 ob May 5, 1901 m. Dec 3, 1847 to Bela S. Houseman, son of John & Eliz Smith Houseman who was born June 15, 1824 & died Feb 26, 1898

Homer Houseman, B Oct 20, 1848 m. Sept 6, 1881 Mary Franklin, dau of Benj & Nancy McFarland Franklin who was born Nov 6, 1857.

Margaret Ella, B. Oct 23, 1882

Sarah Agnes, B Dec 17, 1883 m. Dec 23, 1904 C. Gillette Lutz [best guess]

Elsie May, B July 2, 1910

Donald Blackburn, B July 5, 1916 ob Sept 3, 1918

Kenneth Irwin, B June 9, 1920

Jeannette, B Oct 10, 1885 m. Aug 29, 1918 to Walter Heath Zundel.

Walter Richard, B June 17, 1919

Rhoda Pauline, B Feby 21, 1921

Frances Mary, B Aug 30, 1889

Ruth Irene, B May 14, 1893 M. Oct 9, 1913 Plummer D. Speers.

Frances Jeannette, B Nov 29, 1914

Winifred Irma, B May 17, 1917

Glenn Houseman, B Oct 31, 1918

Margaret Ella, B Jany 7, 1850 ob June 28, 1880

James S. B Apr 7, 1851 ob July 1915

Mary Frances, B Dec 5, 1853 ob Jany 13, 1899

George W. B Feby 22, 1856 ob July 1913

John Power, B July 7, 1859 ob Mch 12, 1921

Harriet Elizabeth, B Nov 22, 1864 ob Jany 19, 1914

Nancy L. [dau of John Finley Power] b June 13, 1830

Margaret Power [dau of Col John Power] B Jany 15, 1789 m. Rev Woods

Mary Power, B Apr 12, 1798 ob Mch 15, 1865 m. John Torrence B Mch 19, 1793 ob Sept 3, 1864

Isabella Power, B June 19, 1803 ob Jany 23, 1873 m. Isaac McConnell Irwin see book 12 p 33 He was born June 8, 1798 & died May 16, 1879.
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[Descendant Chart]
Jacob Thompson & Ann Downard see book 9 page 520


Ann Thompson, born July 15, 1749 died in Fayette Co Pa Apr 21, 1819. For her 7 children see book 9 pages 520 & 521. Married Sept 20, 1772 Joseph Moss (son of Joseph Moss) who was born in Chester Co Pa July 19, 1749 & died in Fayette Co Pa Oct 22, 1841.

Ann Thompson Moss, 4th & middle child, born near of in New Salem Pa Nov 3, 1781 died Feby 26, 1861 in her 80th yr & is buried at Rehoboth g.y. married Mch 28, 1799 Robert Galloway, a native of Ireland. See Lewis Pub Co 1912 Vol 3 Pages 840-842 at "Holler". He died June 30, 1818 & is buried at Rehoboth g.y. He was born in Ireland May 12, 1770. All their children were born in Wash Tp, Fay Co Pa near the Concrete bridge by Andrew Brown's. He was a 49r, millwright & miller & built a mill there in partnership with Andrew Brown in 1800. He bought Brown out.

1. Margaret Galloway, Born Jany 25, 1800 ob M. William McKee, moved to Ohio see book 13 p2

2. Anna Galloway, Born Jany 13, 1802 ob. Mar Joseph Patton & moved to Ohio. He was son of John Patton & his wife Nancy Woodrow. See book 13 p 2 & 3. He was born Mch 22, 1803 see page 10.

A son, died in infancy

Ann Maria Patton, Born Dec 11, 1843 ob Jany 24, 1924 unmarried very deaf, buried at Rehoboth.

Emma Galloway Patton, B Apr 12, 1846 ob Feby 12, 1921 & buried at Rehoboth. M. Sept 16, 1879 to Thomas M. Patton born Aug 9, 1852 in Washington Tp, Fayette Co Pa son of Hirim [sic] Patton & wife Harriet Wright. He my informant this Nov 24, 1924. Had but one child, born near here in this Perry Tp. See book 13 P.2.

Lucy Virginia Pearl Patton, Born Nov 2, 1880 m. Dec 30, 1903 to Dr Colley Johnson Miller born Mch 18, 1870 in Menallen Tp & died Sept 11, 1920 son of John Hiram Miller & his wife Emma Colley. No issue. Lucy is here living with her father & my joint informant of the day.

3. Mary Galloway, Born Jany 6, 1804 died Dec 1809 buried at Rehoboth. No marker

4. Samuel Galloway, B Dec 19, 1806 ob Apr 21, 1891 aged 84 yrs 4 mos & 2 days. M. Rebecca Reed born Mch 25, 1810 ob May 18, 1886 aged 76 yrs 1 mo 23 days. mar say 1835 to 1840 daughter of Peter Reed & wife.

9. Joseph Galloway, B Tuesday Feby 3, 1818 ob Nov 14, 1893. He was never married buried at Rehoboth. His team scared at train near [two words unreadable, may be scratched out] Perryopolis & ran to Fuller Sta. His foot caught [last two words undecipherable, looks like a or at hab or thab, anyway, must have been cause of death]

5. Robert Thompson Galloway, B Aug 28, 1809 ob Feby 5, 1885 He was a lawyer & I knew him. Mar Ellen Cummings, dau of Major David Cummings & his wife, Elizabeth Cathers of Connellsville Pa.

7. Elizabeth Galloway, B Monday in year 1813 ob Dec 17, 1816 buried at Rehoboth. no marker. Houseman [last word may have had line drawn through it.]

6. Mary McK Galloway, B Jany? 26, 1811 ob , M. James Moss, her 1st cousin & moved to Ohio to town of Antrim or Rumley. Mrs McC says it was Antrim.

8. Susan Patterson Galloway, Born in Washington Tp Fayette Co Pa Feby 3, 1816 died July 22, 1889 M. Oct 1838 Stephen Woodrow Patton son of John Patton & his wife Nancy Woodrow who was born Feby 1, 1805 in Wash Tp, Fay Co Pa & died there June 3, 1891 in his 87th yr. He was a cabinet maker.

2. Nancy Patton, B Dec 13, 1840 ob Jany 3, 1841.

1. Anna Eliza Patton, B June 30, 1839 ob Feby 16, 1900 of paralysis, unmarried, Buried at Rehoboth.

3. Sarah Ellen Patton, B Nov 14, 1841. Living. m. Dec 1860 John McClain, son of David McClain & his wife Elizabeth McCrory. He was born in Belle Vernon along the River when there were but a few houses here on Dec 27, 1826 & died in Perry Tp, Fay Co Pa Aug 9, 1904 & is buried in Belle Vernon Cem.

Lewis N. McClain, B July 14, 1861 ob Jany 28, 1878 unmarried was premature birth & was never well.

Myrie Emma McClain, B June 13, 1863 ob Sept 17, 1865

Martha Susan McClain, B July 10, 1865 ob June 7, 1880

Joseph Galloway McClain, B Feby 14, 1867 M. Dec 25, 1889 to Jessie Myrtle Jamison, dau of Wilber Fisk Jamison & his wife Mary Ann Lynch & who was born Aug 24, 1871 near Scenery Hill Pa.

Mary Lillie McClain, B Nov 6, 1890 ob Dec 22, 1921. She mar Dec 12, 1910 Chas Porter Wallace & his wife Sarah Williams. Lives California Pa & has a restaurant there, 1st & last chil. born Belle Vernon Pa other two at Mon City.

Chas Albion Wallace, B Sept 26, 1911

Wilber Hoon Wallace, B Feb 17, 1914

Frances Myrtle Wallace, B Sept 19, 1916

Sara Wallace, B Feby 28, 1920

Elizabeth Frances McClain, B Sept 9, 1892. Teaching & living at home. Is unmarried

Nancy Edna McClain, B Mch 22, 1895 m. May 30, 1917 to Clarence Burkhart, son of Michael Burkhart & his wife Isabel Green.

Betty Isabel Burkhart, Born July 1918, ob Jany 14, 1919

Albert Jamison Burkhart, B Nov 30, 1919

John Jamison McClain, B May 8, 1897 m. Aug 2, 1919 to Bertha Evangeline Clement dau of Hubert Clement & his wife Flora Goddard who was born at Lock No 4 Pa Sept 12, 1899 & live at 309 Speer St here.

Betty Jane McClain, B June 18, 1920

Margaret Ellen McClain, B Sept 3, 1906 at home unmarried.

Margaret Torrence McClain [daughter of Sarah Ellen Patton & John McClain], B Aug 30, 1869 m. Dec 14, 1888 to Van Voorhis Speers son of Noah Speers & his wife Amanda Ward, who was born Sept 25, 1867 & live across the River at Speers Pa.

Jno Patton McClain, B Aug 15, 1871 ob Sept 23, 1882

Robert Elliott McClain, B June 13, 1874 unmarried. Lives here with his mother.

Elizabeth Ann McClain, B July 2, 1877 m. July 3, 1894 to Frank Vandiver Scott son of Frank Scott & his wife Sarah Evalyn Vandiver of Chester Co Pa who was born in Derry Tp, Chester Co Pa Feby 8, 1876 & both living. She at 312 Speer St here. He is at Buffalo NY.

Sara Margaret Scott, B Dec 28, 1894. At home single. Teaching [unreadable] writing in Monessen & Donna [best guess]

Robert Vandiver Scott, B Feby 7, 1898 m. June 14, 1921 to Olive Grace Elliott of Newcastle Pa dau of Slater Elliott & wife Elizabeth White who was born June 24, 1894

Robert Elliott Scott, B Oct 31, 1922

Roger Patton Scott, B July 6, 1902 with his bro at Lockport NY, unmarried.

Evalyn Lockhart Scott, B Sept 6, 1904 at home single now & for 6 mos in a cast

Lois Caroline Scott, B Jany 9, 1907 at home, single.

Stephen Woodrow McClain [son of Sarah Ellen Patton & John McClain], B Sept 25, 1880 ob May 6, 1892

Lillie Catherine McClain, Born Dec 9, 1883, ob Dec 4, 1885.

4. John S. Patton [son of Susan P. Galloway & John Patton] b Jany 22, 1844. Unmarried. Still living at old home Baptized John & school teacher put S. in to distinguish & he always retained it. P.O. Belle Vernon Pa RD 2

5. Dr Robert Galloway Patton, B June 19, 1846 a dentist m. May 13, 1869 Naomi Madora Patterson, dau of Geo S. Patterson & wife Mary Stephens who was born Dec 25, 1845. Have 3 girls & 2 boys. He died Nov 4, 1917. She died Jany 4, 1910 Jno s. Patterson is her brother. See next page.

6. Nancy Patton, B Aug 4, 1848 m. Nov 6, 1879 Norton M. Dodd. Had 4 children. She died Oct 6, 1900. He was born Wash Co Pa June 23, 1851, son of Dr Thaddeus Dodd & wife Mary Stockdale. See book 9 p 521.

7. Martha Scelene Patton B Apr 13, 1851 m.1. Dec 23, 1892 Rev Wm Willson, son of Thomas Willson & wife Jane Kidds, Pres min who was born Apr 27, 1822 near Old Bethel Ch Ally Co Pa & died May 14, 1900. She did keep house for her brother John S. & she married 2nd June 24, 1913 Norton M. Dodd being his 3d wife. No issue.

8. Noah Woodrow Patton, B Oct 1853. M.1. Isan M.D. ob 1915

9. Mary Aletha Patton or as she is called "Lillie" [unreadable] B. Mch 31, 1856 m. 1884 Robert Thompson Hutchinson ob Apr 21, 1921

10. Rev Joseph Galloway Patton, Born Sept 11, 1860 ob Aug 28, 1922 m. Jany 28, 1891 to Irene Morton Knight dau of Oliver Reed Knight & his wife Isabel McJunking who was born Aug 18, 1868 at Brownsville. Lives 123 N Ave Washington Pa.

Robert Knight Patton, Born Mch 14, 1892 at Brownsville Pa

John Stephen Patton Jr, Born Oct 11, 1901 at Washington Pa

Joseph Donald Patton B Apr 10, 1905 at Washington, Pa.
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[Descendant Chart]
Robert Galloway Patton D.D.S. & Naoma Madora Patterson, his wife see preceding page. First two born in Wash Tp, last three born in Rostraver Tp.
Mary Olive Patton, Born Mch 29, 1871 m.1. Noah Webster Cronshore son of Michael Cronshore & his wife Elizabeth Roose who was born say 1869 & he died Nov 13, 1913 & is buried at Rehoboth upper part & has a marker m.2. Chas Harris Cook son of Rev Cook Episcopalian minister of Denver Col. Live 501 Broad Ave Belle Vernon Pa No issue to Cook.

Robert Henry Cronshore, B June 29, 1899 in Rostraver Tp, single, lives in Belle Vernon.

Susan Allene Patton, B Nov 18, 1873 m. Dec 11, 1900 in Rostraver Tp by Rev Joseph G. Patton to Robert Finley Allen, son of David Baird Hough Allen & his wife Martina Springer who was born in Rostraver Tp in this house Oct 5, 1865 & has always lived here. Have 4 children all born in this house children all single & at home.

Naoma Jean, B July 6, 1902

Mary Martina, B Dec 11, 1904

Robert Finley Jr, B Mch 5, 1907

John Fred, B, Jany 10, 1909

Ocie Anna Patton, B Jany 8, 1877 m Oct 18, 1899 to Dr David Richey Shepler in Rostraver Tp by Rev Jas G. Patton. He is son of John B. Shepler & his wife Josephine Claywell. He was born Nov 30, 1876 in Rostraver Tp & live in Main St West Newton Pa.

Joseph Robert, B Mch 17, 1908

Dallas Richie, B Feby 14, 1911 ob May 15, 1924

George William, B Aug 30, 1880 m. to Maude Roose sister of Mrs Clarence Finley & live in Rostraver Tp where their children were born.

Dorothy Maude


Ocie Roose


Fred Ethan, B Jany 18, 1885 m. Jany 18, 1909 to Ruth McConnell, dau of McConnell & his wife Sarah Smith who was born say 1892. They live at Hermosa Beach Calif where he is a chemist.

Fred Ethan Jr, B May 15, 191

Robt Galloway, B Feby 3, 1918
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Oak Hill June 14, 1923 10:44 PM

This is the sixth anniversary of Amerigo Pallini's birth & I left with his father driving in our car at 6:26 AM & went to Rostraver & Washington Tps & to Belle Vernon, Fairhope, & Fayette City Pa & got home at 10 PM & have just finished eating some crackers, cheese, two boiled eggs, a banana & an orange not having eaten since 6 o'c this morning save some peaches & apples I got as we came through Fayette City & I will now write down what I penciled off in addition to the filling in & extensions on pages 6 & 7 & page 8 written up entire.

Residence of Clarence M. Finley, Rostraver Tp Westnd Co Pa June 14, 1923 7:45 AM

I arrived at this hour & was ushered in by cousin J. Maude Finley & paid her $1050 for 7 yrs int on her $2500 H D C & C Co notes. She told me that her brother Clarence & wife had twins since I was there May 17, 1922 see book 6 page 467 line 23 viz Robert Clare Finley born Oct 4, 1922 Robert Jane Finley born Oct 4, 1922. & also that her cousin Clare Evans son of her father's half brother Thomas Patton Finley, a fine handsome man as per photo she showed me had died in Chicago Ills Feby 21, 1923 aged abt 40 yrs. he was unmarried & the only child of his father who was there on a visit & came in & was

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introduced. He is a fine, well built virile man, well preserved, vigorous & handsome. He said he knew father very well & said he had often visited them. He said Mr Handy a big farmer who came from Cincinnati O lived at Cynthiana, Ky in 1894 or 1895 when he saw him there. He was a Presbyterian & had made up a record of the Handy family embracing a lot of the Finleys. Handy had seen Howard Finley, son of Jim in Texas who had referred him to Thos P. who don't know whether it was published or not.

Thos P. Finley lives at 3649 Pine Grove Ave, Chicago Ills, who says he met a Mrs McKinley there, a widow of a lawyer who introduced him to a lady friend aged abt 60 yrs, also a widow who lives with her son there & who it developed was a descendant of a Methodist preacher named Finley who he thought she said was her great grandfather, probably Rev James B. Finley or one of his two clerical brothers. He will get her name & address & send me. She lives in Chicago. They tell me that Mrs Nancy Jack Scott, now in her 90th yr, who I had expected to see today had fallen in Dec last & broke her hip & was now bedfast in the G.A.R. home at Hawkins Sta on the PRR, Pgh Pa when at her brother C.B. Power's later, Mrs Power sd she was at the above home at Swissvale.

Left abt 8:30 AM
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At residence of John S. Patton, Washington Tp, Fayette Co Pa June 14, 1923 11:16 AM

I arrived here two hours ago & have been talking to Mr Patton. He says his grandfather, Robert Galloway died from infection from being struck in the face or head with the tine of a fork in the hands of his son Samuel who was then but twelve yrs old when they were loading manure.

He says his father & mother were married by a Baptist preacher, the Pres. preacher being away from home. He said it was in 1838, but he knew no further date, but his sister, Sarah Ellen McClain says it was in Oct 1838. He says their oldest child, Ann Eliza was born in the Spring House loft at his grandfather Galloway's & the next two, Nancy & Sarah Ellen were born in their grandfather Galloway's little log house, all near the concrete bridge beyond Andrew Brown's from here in Wash Tp, Fay Co Pa. His parents then moved to this house in 1843 & he & all the other children were born here in this house, Wash Tp, Fay Co Pa.

At the bottom of the record of his father's children, he gave me on a sheet of paper was:

Ralph Patton born June 5, 1861. He explained that he was the illegitimate son of his oldest sister, Ann Eliza Patton.

He said his Aunt Margaret McKee nee Galloway see page 6 went to Ohio

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& of her children, he recalls:

1. Elizabeth McKee, unmarried

2. Martha McKee, unmarried

3. Thompson McKee, unmarried, a carpenter

4. Susan McKee, unmarried reported by Mrs McClain.

These Mr Patton thinks were all born in Ohio & got to Pgh because their sister, Jane lived there & they lived there together & John S. is not sure but thought they were taken to Ohio for burial but he didn't know what part of Ohio.

5. Mary Ann McKee married Jacob Shoemaker & lived in Ohio

6. Jane McKee married a Birch & moved to Pgh & the others followed. Her children were:

1. Ann the oldest

2. Belle

3. Elizabeth

4. Morris

5. Robert

6. Grant

7. a son with whom Thompson learned carpenter trade

8. He thinks there was another son in the west.

(It is 12:30 AM 15th & I am very sleepy & will go to bed.)

(June 15, 1923 5:55 AM resuming yesterday's transcribing)

Mr Patton's Uncle Samuel Galloway is buried at Rehoboth along the road between the main driveway & the church. His death was prior to that of Stephen Patton.

He married Rebecca Reed who was a sister of John Reed whose daughter

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married Wm Patterson. They had three children, viz:

1. A boy died in infancy

2. Anna Maria, who is stone deaf, unmarried & lived with her sister Emma & is still living with her sister Emma's husband Thos M. Patton in Perry Tp, Fay Co Pa on a farm between Perryopolis & Wick Haven Pa two miles north of Perryopolis.

3. Emma, who married Thos M. Patton, son of Hiram Patton & his wife Harriet Wright a granddaughter of the first or early Rehoboth Elder Wright. Emma is dead but Thos M. is living. They had but one child:

1. Lucy Patton who married Dr Colley J. Miller of Brownsville Pa son of John Hiram Miller of Haddenville Pa who is dead & she lives with her father. She has no issue.

Joseph Galloway's record as he gave it, is entered on page 6.

Robt I. Galloway, whom I knew see page 6 was Col of the militia & once when at a muster at Connellsville Pa with a number of young girls about him, he noticed a button off of his coat & said "Will one of you young ladies sew it on?" & Ellen Cummings jumped & ran to get needle & thread & did so & that introduction, her alacrity & deftness won him & ripened into marriage & it was she who said of him in his late life that "he was real frisky in the mornings". He was once Prothonotary of Fayette Co Pa. She was a sister of Dr Cummings. They, with their only children, Rob & Mrs James L. Paull are buried at Connellsville Pa. Elizabeth was Mrs Paull's name. See her son Joseph R. Paull, Pgh for record.
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Mary Mck Galloway, his aunt married, both he & Mrs McClain said, James Moss, not Jacob & had children, Robert, John, Elizabeth & Anne & all lived in Ohio. He said:

1. Robert, died unmarried

2. John, he thinks has died, never heard of him marrying.

3. Elizabeth married a McBurney a professor in some school. She is dead he thinks. Thinks she had children.

4. Anne, the youngest daughter is, he thinks, living & unmarried. Said ask Mrs McClain.

He said his sister, Ann Eliza's son Ralph Patton went away out west & they have lost all track of him. Mr P. says "better drop that please".

He says his sister Sarah Ellen (Mrs McClain) is living in Belle Vernon Pa on Speer St in North Belle Vernon in Westnd Co Pa which you reach by turning as you go in from the west by turning to the left at Kyles store & then again to the left around the Baptist Church just across the street in 2d house in a frame house. She has had 10 children, 4 living. Robert G. Patton D.D.S., his brother. He said to get date of his death from monument at Rehoboth, which is to the right of the main driveway well up toward the upper side. Says to write him giving years & he will look up exact date in his diaries which he has been keeping since 1864 "sixty yrs". Robt G's lot is just below the monument & Dr Noah W's is right above & Norton M. Dodd's is just above Noah's

Dr Robt G. had 3 girls & 2 boys viz;

1. Mary Olive m.1. Noah Cronshore & 2d Chas H. Cook
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2. Susan Allene ("Allie") mar Robt F. Allen.

3. Ocie A. mar Dr D.R. Shepler of West Newton Pa.

4. George W. who lives out from Allie's on the West Newton Road in the 3d house, a brick one beyond the brick road going to Monessen on left hand side. He has four girls

5. Fred E. married & has 2 boys. Lives in California

Dr Noah W. Patton M.D., his brother was twice married. I met his son Edwin of Charleroi, a bachelor who was here & he is going to send me his father's record.

Mary Aletha, called "Lillie" from Aletha is dead having died abt 3 yrs ago. They lived in Lower Tyrone Tp where he husband is still living on a farm. His P.O. address is:

Robert Thompson Hutchinson, Layton Pa RFD 1.

Have three children:

1. Noah Jay Hutchinson married & has 4 children

Lives on one of his father's farms & works for a Cochran Co possibly the Yough Co working the Freeport vein of coal which out  crops there.

2. Joseph, at home single

3. Mara Beth, married Geo Gault & lives with her father. Her husband Geo Gault lost an arm in a saw mill & is abt graduating at State College, Pa. He is son of Mathew Gault & his wife Ellen Hutchinson, a sister of Robert I. whose mother was a Thompson. Mara

Beth runs the farm, does the ploughing herself "gears the horses", miles six cows & makes butter for sale. No issue. Write her father for record.

Rev Joseph G. Patton D.D., his brother. He says to write to his widow. Mrs Irene K. Patton, Washington Pa for their

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record. They have three boys, Roger K. John S. & Joseph Donald all young & at home single.

John S. had the record of his grandfather John Patton who was married Feby 12, 1801 & had nine children as follows & which he had on one side of a sheet of paper. He said he did not think his father ever kept a record in his bible.

The children were:

Martha Patton born Dec 17, 1801 Joseph Patton born Mch 22, 1803

Stephen Patton born Feby 1, 1805

David Patton born Jany 10, 1807

Henry Patton born Nov 13, 1808

Thomas Woodrow Patton born March 22, 1810

John Patton born Jany 16, 1813, died Oct 3, 1813

Hiram Patton born June 1, 1815

Ellen Patton born Nov 12, 1820

The old Galloway family record is in a Dictionary of the Bible Vol 2 by John Brown minister of the Gospel at Haddington medium size leather back well preserved & printed at Pittsburg Pa from the Ecclesiastical & Literary Press of Zadok Cramer 1807.

He sd he did not have any Cramer almanacs. This volume commences with "Jabel" & in the back is a list of the subscribers a great number in order as follows: A few names from which I have noted:

1st State of Penna

2d Pittsburg

3d Washington Co Pa

E. Jenkins 10 copies, James Moss, Andrew Burget
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Josiah Scott, Alexander Scott, Robert Shannon, James Scroggs, Abraham Scott, Capt Josiah Scott, Robert Thompson & Henry Westby.

4th Westmoreland Co Pa.

David Bell, William Bell, John Bell, M. Findley, Robert Fulton, WM Findley, Joseph Findley, Michael Findley, Joseph Markle, John Markle

5th Fayette Co Pa

N. Breading, Robert Baird, David Breading, Andrew Brown, Col Edwd Cook Wm Ewing, Thomas Frame, James Frame, Ebenezer Findley, John Fuller, John Gaddis, Robt Galloway, Joseph Huston, Andrew Hoover, William Hogg, John Jackson, Catharine Rabb, Robert Thomson, Joseph Thornton 7 copies, James Veech, John Wilson, Samuel Wilson, David Wilson, Andrew Wilson

6th Beaver Co Pa

Samuel Carothers, James Carothers, Thomas Dunlap, David Potter, Andrew Robb, John Thompson.

7th Mercer Co Pa. Thomas Thomson

8th Butler Co Pa Samuel Findley Esq

9th Crawford Co Pa, Joseph Hackney

10th Armstrong Co Pa, James Thompson

11th Venango Co Pa, Alex Thompson

12th Erie Co Pa, William Beatty

13. Indiana Co Pa, Alex Thomson

14. Warren Co Pa, none taken by me

15. Luzerne Co Pa, none taken by me

16. Philadelphia Co Pa, Benj Thaw

17. Bedford Co Pa Robt Thompson, John Thompson

18. Cumberland Co Pa, Andw Carothers, William Carnahan, John Scroggs

19. Franklin Co Pa, Col Patrick Jack, Sam Thompson

20. Somerset Co Pa,

21. Dauphine Co Pa

22. Greene Co Pa

23. Lancaster Co Pa, James Thompson, Wm Thomson

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24. Adams Co Pa, J.O. Thompson, Capt D. Wilson, James Wilson

25. Chester Co Pa

26. Huntingdon Co Pa

27. Jefferson Co Pa

State of Ohio

28. Belmont Co, Robert Thomson

29. Jefferson Co Robert Carothers, Samuel Dunlap, Robert Jackson, Saml Thompson.

30. Hamilton Co, Chas Killgore Esqr

31. Butler Co

32. Green Co

33. Ross Co, Sam Finley Esqr

State of Kentucky

24. Warren Co Joseph Thompson

25. Mason Co Zachariah Thompson

State of Tennessee

36. Blount Co, Robert Thompson

The record of the Galloway births & some of the earlier deaths on Page 6 of this book were all taken from the record in the above book & the earlier dates were Mr P. thought in the handwriting of his grandfather Robert Galloway. I did not take the records of his sisters Nannie & Martha as he directed me to the residence of Norton M. Dodd where I expected to get. Norton first married Nannie, then married a sister of Martha's husband & then married Martha for his 3d wife.

Left at 1:55 PM

We then drove back to the concrete bridge but without crossing it, turned back on the right taking the road we came on & the first house on the right an old brick with roof off & being torn down, was the Joseph Galloway farm which Mr P. tried to buy but his sealed bid was 10 cts per acre below
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that of a Mr Houseman who got it. We then passed the next house, Griffith Stephens which is being repaired & turned at the first right hand road beyond & going down same about a mile, came to a frame house on the left hand side, the first one on the road with a high porch in front, a basement kitchen under same on the sloping hillside & entrance at the back to the living rooms above & were:
At residence of Norton M. Dodd Wash Tp Fay Co Pa June 14, 1923 2:25 PM

Tried all the doors but there was no one at home. There were many fruit trees & plenty of peaches on the trees, so I

Left at 2:33 PM

& driving on was:

At Rehoboth g.y. Rostraver Tp at 2:42 PM June 14, 1920

J. Elliott Cook who was doing some work there, came up & spoke to me & went with me to find the graves I sought.

To the left of Main driveway & along the road, I found:

1. William Moss 1803   1885

Elizabeth, his wife 1807   1864

2. Samuel Galloway, died Apr 21st 1891 aged 84 yrs 4 mos 2 days

Rebecca, wife of S. Galloway died May 18, 1886 aged 76 yrs 1 mo 23 days

3. Robert Galloway 1770   1818

Ann T. Galloway 1781   1861

Joseph Galloway 1818   1893

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4. Susannah G. Patton 1816   1889

Stephen W. Patton 1805   1891


Dr R.G. Patton D.D.S. 1846   1917

Dr Noah W. Patton M.D. 1853   1915

Rev J.G. Patton D.D. 1860   1922


Anna E. Patton 1839   1900

Nancy P. Dodd 1848   1900

Mary A. Hutchinson 1856   1921

Joseph G. Patton 1860   1922

Irene M. Knight, his wife 1868  

Naoma M. (wife of Robt G.) 1845   1910

5. Dodd Monument

Nannie P. (Patton) (1st wife) 1849   1900

Mary W. (Wilson) (2d wife) 1861   1911

Mattie S. 1883   1887

Hope 1886   1888

John P. 1889

Leaving 3 PM

We then drove to Robt F. Allen's on the corner & Naoma Jean told me her mother was lying down & I told her I would be back in about 2 hours. We then drove in to Belle Vernon & were:
AT residence of Mrs Sarah Ellen McClain No 312 Speer St, Belle Vernon Pa June 14, 1923 3:22 PM

This house is in Westmoreland Co & the Fayette Co line is just back of the house. Mrs McClain owns this house & lives on West side with her unmarried son Robert E. & her mar 

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ried son Joseph G., a small sized man whom I saw with his family, lives in the east side of the house.

Mrs McC's daughter Elizabeth A. Scott owns & lives in the house adjoining on the West. Joseph G's son, John J. & wife live just across the street.

Mrs McClain has gone over to Mrs Scott's to get a bottle of ink & Mrs Scott went upstairs & brought down her mother's big bible from which & their joint & combined memories, I made up the record of Mrs McC's family on page 7. Mrs McC. thinks the McKees went to Salem Ohio, but is not sure, but says she often heard them talk of Salem. She says they had a daughter Susan, also unmarried, as well as Elizabeth, Martha & Thompson & she lived with them.

Jane McKee, who married a Birch neither of them could give his first name, has a daughter: Mrs Elizabeth J. Smith, living at No 3901 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh Pa E.C. who will be able to give the McKee record & who I must go to see. They showed me a recent letter from her. Mr McKee's name was William. She called him "Uncle Billy" & thinks they were not related to the Francis McKee family.

Anna Birch oldest sister of Mrs Elizabeth J. Smith married a Fulton of the family who had the foundry at Pgh in which he had an interest.
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Anna Galloway, aunt of Mrs McC married Joseph Patton, oldest brother of her father Stephen Woodrow Patton & had two daughters, Mary & Nancy & four sons John, Robert, Samuel & Ross. They moved to Ohio & had a farm there. Children she thinks are all dead unless it might be that Ross is living. The girls never married, stayed with their mother, who survived her husband & lived to be away up in the 80s. Mrs McC well remembers both of them. He died several years before she died. The boys all married & had families. John had children & Alma Patton teaching at the Charity School, Massillon O is one of his descendants, write her. Samuel had one daughter & Ross had two sons, that she knew of.

Mrs McC. thinks her Aunt Mary Moss (her husband she says was "Uncle James") had 2 boys & 2 girls viz: Robert, John, Elizabeth & Anne. Elizabeth married a McBurney. Anne never married. never heard of Robert & John marrying.

Mrs McC's daughter, Margaret T. Speers address is Belle Vernon RD Pa living across the River opposite. They have 7 children living & 2 dead & in order of their ages are as follows:
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Sarah, oldest, Stephen, Noah, dead, Ray Finley, John Lawrence, Alden O'Davis, Rebecca Ward, Margaret, Dead, Ward. Write her for record.

Mrs Scott's children Sara, Robert & Lois born in Belle Vernon & Roger & Evalyn in Perry Tp, Fay Co Pa

Leaving 6 PM

It is now 11:11 AM & I must go in town.

It is now 7:16 PM & I am resuming.

AT Residence of Robert F. Allen, Rostraver Tp, Westnd, Co Pa June 14, 1923 6:15 PM

I came here direct from Mrs McClain's & was ushered in by Mrs Allen & she called Mr Allen in. Mrs Allen says her husband's grandmother Allen was a Hough & she thought her name was Mary & said she was a sister of Paul Hough who married a Cook. Mrs Allen gave me the record of her father's family as noted on page 8 & the data lacking about Mr Cook's parentage & the dates of birth of her brother Geo W's children she is going to send me. She says her Uncle Jos G. Patton was the officiating minister at her sister Mary Olive's first wedding. She was due to attend a party at her sister, Mrs Dr Shepler's in West Newton Pa at 8 o'clock, so I bade her goodbye &

Left at 7:27 PM & driving to Fairhope stopped at
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Residence of Calvin B. Power Fairhope June 14, 1923 7:33 PM

I found Mr P. & his wife sitting on the porch & explained that it was too late to go into the extended record I wished to get from him & would come back some morning. Mrs Power spoke of his sister being in the G.A.R. home at Hawkins Sta or Swissvale & that although bedfast from the broken hip she sustained in a fall last winter, said her memory of old affairs was better than C.B's & we all agreed that it wd be best to see her first & then go to see him.

He said his half sister, Eliza Jane Power (who later married Shff S.W. Boyd) was after her mother's death, taken by her grandfather Torrence who lived where Leiseuring NO 1 now is & was raised there by him. Joseph Torrence of Connellsville Pa was brother of Eliza Jane's mother.

Miss Isabel Power, sister of C.B's father, James Power, married Isaac Irwin & their children were:

1. Margaret Irwin married John Blackburn & had a daughter:

Esther who married J.P. Sloterbeck of Fayette City where he now lives. She died recently. I think Mrs Adam H. Wycoff was also her daughter. C.B. thought Mr Sloterbeck might have the Irwin records.

2. Elizabeth Irwin, unmarried whom I knew

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3. Rebecca Irwin, married Andrew Robertson, who died 4 yrs ago aged 93 yrs. She died before he did. Of their children, there are 4 boys & 3 girls who are still living at the old home in Rostraver Tp, two miles from West Newton on the West Newton & Monongahela City pike, all unmarried, who might have the Irwin record & would certainly have their parents record & would be delighted to give it. The oldest of the girls is particularly well informed on family matters. They were three other children one being a lawyer in Pgh & another was Isaac I. Robertson now decd late Pres of the F & M Bank West Newton Pa. The old home is a frame house on right hand side of road as you go west. You turn to left a mile out from West Newton for Belle Vernon, but keep straight on the Monon Pike another mile to the Robertson place.

C.B. said John Allen who married his Aunt Martha Power was a son of David Allen.

Leaving 8:11 PM
John S. Patton told me about working up the incorporation of the Rehoboth Cemetery & of enlisting Andrew Brown's help & raising an endowment fund & said he wanted to make it a bequest. He spoke of starting his dealing with one cow & of selling a calf she had & then trading
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for a colt which he broke & sold & continuing the purchase & breaking of bad colts & then selling them & getting some capital & once his father told him he was going to sell his wheat & he told him to not do so as the price was going up. His father said however, he was going to sell as he must have some money. Well, sd John S. "if you re bound to sell, I will buy it". He did & made 50 cts a bushel on it. He continued buying wheat & grain from neighbors who had to have money & held it for a raise. He bought the farm over the hill adjoining & after making the last payment on it, he still had $500 out at interest. He has a wonderfully good spring, fine cook water, nice spring house & good watering trough hewed out of solid rock. He has been keeping a diary since 1864, this being his 60th yr.

The old woman he has keeping house for him is a native of Switzerland. Coming home, I went in town & got my mail & got home at 10 PM

It is now 8:35 PM 15th & I am written up to date. JVT
Dec 4, 1923

Mary Jane Reed was born in New York City, she thought on Mch 1, 1829. Shortly after her parents arrived from Ireland & her mother died of cholera when she was a baby. She died Nov 4, 1908. She married Elijah G. Stevens who died Nov 14, 1859. Their son, Frank Stevens died Aug 7, 1918. His wife Mary Emily Chick was born in Uniontown Pa Jany 28, 1851. Chas E. Carroll was born near West Alexander Pa June 22, 1876

Percy D. Coates was born in Boston Mass Nov 3, 1881 son of Chas J. Coates. Mrs C.E. Carroll's P.O. address is 1924 Hillcrest Drive, Los Angeles Calif.
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Oak Hill June 16, 1923 8 PM

Mary S. Carroll, now of Los Angeles Calif is here with Mr & Mrs Percy Coates & her great Aunt Clara C. Stevens & have brought along the bible of Clara's father, Wm C. Stevens which was printed by Wm W. Harding Phila 1867 & is 11 1/2 inches long 9 1/2 wide & 3 in thick, well preserved & covered by Clara with red plush. The record is as follows:

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