केन्द्रीय विद्यालय
आयुध निर्माणी, मुरादनगर, गाजियाबाद(उ०प्र०)
Ordnance Factory, Muradnagar,GHAZIABAD (U.P.)
'01232-227237, Fax: 01232-254631
E-mail: kv_ofm@rediffmail.comWebsite: www.kvofm.edu.in
संदर्भसंख्या / Ref: F.KV OFM/2015-16/ दिनांक /Dated: 18.08.2015
1st VMC meeting for the session 2015-16 was held on 18.08.2015 at 12:00 Noon in the premises of KV OFM. Welcome of Sh. P R Mandal, the Chairman of VMC was done by member secretary Mrs. Asha Upadhyay and all the members were introduced by her to the chair. The minutes of the Meeting are as follows:
Agenda Points
Justification & Discussion
Action to be taken
1.Review of previous VMC Meeting
a) Excursions
Principal proposed factory visit for Class XI selected students
b) Pending works
i) Curtains for e-Class Rooms to be procured.
ii) Library Almirah repair.
iii)Painting of furniture.
Chairman Suggested that
a)The trip to Manali may be finalised with the help of known contractors.
The chairman agreed to the proposal with the condition that the group should be small (20-30 students)
i) VMC Member Mrs. Renu Tomar Principal OFM Girls Inter College suggested some curtain markets in Delhi where it could be procured at reasonable rates.
ii)& iii)As no quotation received till date so the Chairman advised that he could give the suppliers of the factory for this purpose.
Principal apprised that quotation have been already called. Very soon order will be placed.
Principal assured necessary action.
Principal assured necessary action.
a)INSPIRE Award (IInd Phase of competition)
b)All India Talent Search Exam(Children Education Trust Naraina Delhi)
To award the achievers at school level as well.
Principal assured necessary action.
3. Academic
i. Result class XII session 2014-15
Board Result – Class XII 2014-15 98.08%
School P.I 51.26
Science->98.04 Commerce 97.6
No. of Students Scored above 90% ---04
No. of Students Scored above 75% ---29
Class XI Pass % - Before Compartment 82.5%
After Compartment 93.75%
Class IX Result:
No. of Students Appeared :175
No. of Students passed : 156
P.I. : 59.63
ii. Internal Examination Result
iii. Result of class XII (April –july 2015)
Reasons for downfall in Board Result
Principal conveyed that
-students go for Science without having the Scientific aptitude.
-there is no cut off for the choice of stream and most of the students want to go for Science.
-Students are under the misconception that there are no better career opportunities in other streams except Science.
Strategies for Improvement
Vii. Extra Curricular Activities for students
a)ITS Dental College Quiz held on 14.08.15
a)Ist Prize -Suraj Singh-- Rs. 1000/- IInd Prize –AyushNayak-- Rs. 700/- IIIrd Prize -Abhranil-- Rs.400/- Two students with consolation
b)Exam held on 07/12/2014 for class V to XII. 37 students participated Two students selected and awarded Rs. 1000/- Cash .
b)All India Talent Scholarship Award
1. Rajlaxmi 2. Sakshi Bhardwaj
c)Green Olympiad
209 students participated
d) INSPIRE Programme
two students selected for Phase II
1.Kajal Punia- XI A
2.Shubham singh – IX C
e) KVS maths Olympiad
upto 35-72 % to be register.
f) Cluster level Games
i) Kho-Kho, Athletics, Chess, Badminton, Table Tennis, Boxing.
Principal summarized the progress of students from April to July 2015 & UT1 result of Class XII students and discussed the strategies for improvement.
Aggregate %
Failures (Subject Wise)
Below 33 %
80% % above
Physics – 11
Chemistry – 06
Maths – 03
English – Nil
Hindi – NIL
On Roll - 30
Pass % - 60
Maths - 07
Chemistry – 0 5
Physics – 05
Biology – 02
C.S. – 02
English - 01
On Roll – 43
Pass % - 76
Economics – 06
B.St. – 03
English - 02
On Roll – 43
Pass % - 83
Hindi -08
English – 03
Geography – 14
History – 15
Economics - 23
On Roll – 25
Pass % - Nil
The Chairman suggested to arrange Career counselling sessions for the students by Professional Counsellors to aware them about emerging career fields in every stream.
Principal apprised that KVS Delhi Region has linked professor Cousellor.
1. Study material for Class X and XII under printing in Delhi Region.
2. PSA test by KVS for VI - VIII.
3. OTBA in SA II for VI to IX & XI material under printing.
4. Information & letter shall be given to students & parents for PSA. 10% weightage of PSA in FA4 marks.
5.1st round of Note book checking completed.
6. Informing the academic report to the parent periodically.
7. Report Card for April to July already sent. PTM for UT1 shall be held on 22.08.2015. Monitoring of each student shall be done.
-The Chairman suggested that the meritorious students in Academics & Curricular Activities be honoured at school level also.
-also suggested that topper prizes to be given separately for all the streams Science, Commerce & Arts.
Principal informed that Honour board for Humanities is being prepared.
4 students selected for next stage examination.
Ms. Ankita Pandey and Miss Kanchan Tyagi XII Science selected for Final Main at IIT Gowahati.
Principal assured necessary action.
Principal assured necessary action.
4. Administration
Shortage of Staff
TGT S.St. 02 TGT Eng. 02
PRT 02 Nurse 01
Lab Attendant 01
Shortage of Nurse was conveyed to the VMC Member CMO & She ensured the needful in this regard.
5. Projects in Pipeline
A). M& R Work
a)Side path tiling.
b)cement patch work at cracks.
c)Iron cage for water tanks.
d)White wash of outer building wall.
e)Paint of inside half wall of primary and white wash of 03 rooms in primary
f)Renovation and repair of primary toilets.
g)Bitumen layer on roof top at some places.
h)Iron strip covering of ruffled joints of building.
i)furniture repair
j)Almirah repair - Library glass shelves - Iron Almirah
k)Fans repair.
l) Repair of water tanks connection broken by monkeys.
m)Poles for games
n) New doors(iron) for class room and cupboards required to replace termite eaten doors.
o)New display boards required for corridors.
p)Visitor chair near Principal office 02 seater steel chair required.
q)Shed of water point near primary required.
r)Sand pit repair
Staff quarter and children park
a) Snakes frequently seen throughout the year due to open space covered with grasses and bushes.
b) Tiling of surface and carpeting of road required.
c) Window frame rusted and jammed requires replacement.
d) Parapet of all quarters including principal’s quarter is highly damaged and falling.
e)Tiling of paths.
B) Deposit work given to MES(Rs. 8.5 Lakh)
a)Staff colony - internal wiring, exhaust fans, slab in kitchen.
b)Toilet and ramp for physically disabled children on ground floor
(Work started on 14.08.15)
a)Sale of old examination answer sheets, practical files, newspaper, magazine
b). Condemnation of unserviceable articles worth 1.8 Lakh approx.
The Principal appreciated and thanked the Chairman for the side path tiling of the Main Gate of the Vidyalaya.
Chairman assured his support and co-operation on behalf of VMC.
The chairman emphasized that fixing of Fans must be checked yearly.
The Nominee Chairman suggested the annual maintenance of electrical appliances like fans, lights etc.
VMC members suggested to go for Syntax doors instead of the wooden and iron doors for the safety of students. Parent member also added her support to this suggestion.
Principal proposed a separate Water Point for girls in Primary.
All the members seconded that water point must be sufficient for Girls and Boys.
The Chairman appreciated the requirement of funds for improving the living conditions in the Staff Quarters of Vidyalaya.
The Principal informed that 8.5 lakh has already been sanctioned by KVS HQ for internal wiring.
The Principal requested for an engineer member from ordnance factory to supervise the work being done by MES in staff Quarters.
Chairman assured his support and co-operation on behalf of VMC for contractor.
Principal assured necessary action.
6. Finance
a)VVN Closing balance as on 31.07.2015 – Rs. 15,39,423/-/-
b)VVN Expenditure
Outsourcing Services
b)Contract valid up to 31.08.2015 for housekeeping, gardening & security guard (fresh quotation called)
Wet canteen contract renewed up to 30.06.2015 (fresh quotation called)
The comparative statements are under process and shall be submitted for approval.
7. New Projects to be proposed
a) Fencing of playfield for Cricket, Volleyball to prevent injury.
b) Fixation of Pole for Kho-Kho, Handball required.
c) Fixing Sheet on the main gate in the middle part.
f) PA system to be connected individually in Classrooms and in selected combinations.
g) Walkie-talkie set for Security Guard.
h) Photo I-Card for labour.
i) Mock drill by Police.
j) Construction of emergency gate on backside of school (6ftx6ft).
k) Construction of Ramp at first floor
l) Construction of Science park in Vidyalaya.
m) Construction of basketball court 2 – renovation of one existing and one new construction
n) Construction of multipurpose hall near science block.
o) Addition of jhulas in children park.
p) Iron mesh fencing of children park.
q) Iron mesh fencing on two side facing of cycle shed and classes.
r) Repair of cycle shed roof to be done.
s) Purchasing silent DG 25-30 KVA branded.
t) Water tank float valve broken by monkeys replaced iron caged planned.
u) Tube lights replacement required for class room.
v) Parapet of school building cracked.
Purchase of dual desks, teacher’s table, teacher’s chairs, library chairs, library tables, stools for geography room.
Principal justified that fencing will be done on the side facing Volleyball Court as students mostly divert towards Cycle stand near Volley Ball court and also cross the road near Cricket field.
The Chairman suggested that
-the Disaster Management professionals (the group which had come for the Earthquake Safety) could be contacted as they are of National Level.
-these professionals would help to guide the students about the safety measures related to any disaster & Terrorist attack.
Principal apprised that school has written to the Engineer for retrofit procedure.
The Chairman asked about the time limit. The Principal informed the work would begin as soon as the money is sanctioned.
The Chairman suggested to proceed in phases and get the sports facility ready.
The Chairman agreed to add more swings in Children’s Park.
Principal apprised that quotations were invited for Silent DG set but they were rejected due to discrepancies.
Principal sought the help of AGM in respect of buying generators proposed at DGS&D rates.
Approved by all members.
The Nominee chairman suggested that the Old books from the students be taken and issued to the poor and needy students of new batch.
The Chairman approved the proposals to be taken up as per the KVS procedures.
Principal assured necessary action.
8.New Circulars from KVS
1. on-line fee collection 2. No manual collection from October 2015.
Chairman appreciated the KVS efforts for online fee collection.
9.Support of VMC
Construction and repairing of Vidyalaya
a)Garden adjacent to school building require cleaning.
b) Widening of Road awaited.
c) Dustbins covered with door outside school required.
d) Checking of motor bikes riding by KV students at entrance of Ordnance Factory
The Chairman took notice of the requirement of (b) and assured considering it.
Principal expressed that metallic covered Dustbin placed inside the building could be better choice for preventing spillage by birds, dogs & cattle.
Approved by members.
Principal thanked all the members of VMC.
The minutes of the 1st VMC meeting are approved by the following members:
Name of member
Sh. Amit Mehta
Additional General Manager, OFM
Dr. Anita Somkuwar
CMO I/C, OFM Hospital
Mrs. Renu Tomar
Principal, JLM Girls Inter College
Dr. B.N. Pandey
Principal, OF Boys Inter College
Sh. Inder Prasad Akela
HasyaVyangkar Kavi, Eminent Cultural Field Member
Mrs. MeeraSrivastav
Parent Member (Mother of Rajlaxmi Class X C)
Sh. R.P. Kaushik
Teacher Member
Mrs. Asha Upadhyay
Member Secretary
Counter Signed
Sh. P.R. Mandal
Chairman VMC
General Manager, OFM
केन्द्रीय विद्यालय
आयुध निर्माणी, मुरादनगर, गाजियाबाद(उ०प्र०)
Ordnance Factory, Muradnagar,GHAZIABAD (U.P.)
'01232-227237, Fax: 01232-254631
E-mail: kv_ofm@rediffmail.comWebsite: www.kvofm.edu.in
संदर्भसंख्या / Ref: F.KV OFM/2015-16/ दिनांक /Dated:01.02.2016
2nd VMC meeting for the session 2015-16 was held on 29.08.2015 at 12:00 Noon in the premises of KV OFM. Welcome of Sh. P R Mandal, the Chairman of VMC was done by member secretary Mrs. Asha Upadhyay and all the members were introduced by her to the chair. The minutes of the Meeting are as follows:
Agenda Points
Justification & Discussion
Action to be taken
1.Review of previous VMC Meeting
A). M& R Work
a)White wash of outer front building wall being done.
b)Paint of inside half wall of primary and white wash of 03 rooms in primary has been done.
c)Iron strip covering of ruffled joints of building has been done.
d)First phase of furniture repair completed. Second phase under process.
e)work order placed for Almirah repair - Library glass shelves - Iron Almirah
f) 30 Fans repair done.
g) Repair of water tanks completed.
h) New doors(iron) for class room and cupboards being installed
i)Visitor chair near Principal office purchased.
j)Sand pit repair done (for long jump).
l) Construction of emergency gate on backside of school (6ftx6ft) completed.
m) 5 models purchased and installed worth 2 Lakh in Science park in Vidyalaya has been done. Purchase and installation for 9 more models from the approved firm is solicited. Recommendation of VMC members required. The purchase shall be done after receiving sanction from DC KVS (DR)
n) Process Additional jhulas in children park being completed.
o) Repair of cycle shed roof is being done.
p) Purchasing silent DG 25-30 KVA branded- approval awaited from KVS DR.
q) Water tank iron cages-3 installed.
r) Tube lights replacement done in class rooms.
s) Purchase of dual desks 21, teacher’s chairs for staffroom 20, library chairs 50 done. 30 stools for Geography lab purchased.
t)Numbering of newly purchased furniture as well as previous being done by engaging a painter.
B) Deposit work given to MES(Rs. 8.5 Lakh)
a)Staff colony - internal wiring, exhaust fans, slab in kitchen work nearing completion. (worth 8.5 Lakh received from KVS (HQ) deposit work by MES.)
b)Toilet and ramp for physically disabled children on ground floor is completed. (worth 3.79 Lakh received from KVS (HQ) deposit work by MES.)
C) Condemnation
a)unserviceable articles worth 2Lakh approx. has been finalized for condemnation. Items are displayed in the respective departments for inspection.
b)Sale of old examination answer sheets, practical files, newspaper, magazine done
D) Excursion
i)125 students of Class IX & X visit -ISCON Temple and
-AkshardhamMandir, New Delhi
ii) Meritorious students of Class 8,9,10 attended “International year of light Science” workshop in National Science Centre.
iii) Visit of Ordnance factory, Muradnagar by Class XII B students who attended Study camp in Dec 2015 is planned.
प्राचार्या द्वारा एम.ई.एस. से शीघ्र completion report देने को कहा गया। 3.71 लाख का कार्य पूरा हो चुका है। अध्यक्ष द्वारा सुझाया गया कि अलग कार्यों की completion report समय सीमा के अंदर दे। अंत में कुल कार्य की रिपोर्ट विद्यालय को सौपे जिससे मुख्याल्य रिपोर्ट प्राप्त होने पर अगले सत्र के लिए फंड एम.ई,एस, /सी.पी.ड्ब्लू.डी को डिपोजिट कार्य के लिए दे सके।
अध्यक्ष द्वारा सुझाया गया कि रिजर्व कीमत रखकर नीलामी करे। एक साथ सामूहिक निष्प्रयोजन सामान को संग्रह करना वर्ष भर के लिए उचित नही। अध्यक्ष द्वारा कंजम्नेशन बोर्ड की नियुक्ति कराएं तथा थोडा थोडा करके अनुमति लें।
अधिक विद्यार्थियों को ले जाए। अध्यक्ष द्वारा सुझाया गया।
2. Academic
i. Result 2nd Pre board class XII session 2015-16
appeared passed pass %
Science 73
Commerce 43
Humanities 25
Overall pass %age - %
Steps taken for improvement in Pre Board Result
Principal conveyed that
-study camp organised from 24.12.2015 to 08.01.2016.
-telephonic information given to parent, through SMS and personally information given to students.
-some students did not attend the camp due to family problems.
Action Plan for remediation & result improvement.
i)Target is 65% average PI given by the commissioner KVS.
ii) As per Addl. Comm.(Acad) & DC KVS (DR) selected portion of I and II pre boards will be solved by weak students and re-written followed by test. The gap days between board examination will be used by teachers for the weak students. The days up to 22Feb 2016 shall be utilised for remedial follow up of the students.
iii) Practical Examination from 01.02.2016 to 15.02.2016. On-Line submission of marks withnin 90 min. of the conduct in this session by CBSE.
iv) Admit card for class XII available from 02.02.2016. Board exam will be start from 01.03.2016.
v)14 cases of class XII shortage of attendance (less than 75% up t o1st feb 2016 ) being forwarded to controller of Examination CBSE New Delhi for exemption.
vi)Chhaya Public School is the venue for KV Muradnagar students for XII board examination.
vii) This KV is centre for 8 public schools.
viii) SA 2 examination for class X from 02.03.2016, for class XI session ending examination from 03.03.2016 , VI to VIII from 09.03.2016. SA2 question paper are set at regional level and XI session ending examination are set at regional level for English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Accountancy, Economics, B.St. Evaluation of Class XI copies will be at regional level.
Vii. Extra-Curricular Activities for students
a)30 Students participated in IIO (International Informatics Olympiad held on 04.11.2015. 07 students cleared first phase of iio cyber Olympiad and shall appear for second phase to be held on 08.02.2016
b) 72 Students of Class 9,10,11,12 participated in AITS exam. 13 selected for final oral test at Silver Line Public School Ghaziabad.
e) “Duties of Citizen” Essay contest
f)Awakened Citizen Programme
g) Social Science Exhibition
h)Regional Science Exhibition -08 students to participate at KV Shalimar Bagh , Delhi
i) Paintingand poster Competition on “मेरे सपनो का भारत” Total 45 students participated
j)Scout and guide pratham Sopan held on 20.01.2016.
k)Cubs and bulbul Pratham Sopan being held in the Vidyalaya on 29.01.2016.
अध्यक्ष द्वारा पिछ्ले प्री-बोर्ड से दूसरे प्री-बोर्ड में सुधार की रिपोर्ट मांगी गई। प्राचार्या द्वारा बताया गया कि 31.01.16 को रिपोर्ट अवश्य पहुचाई जाएगी।
अध्यक्ष द्वारा सुझाया गया कि परीक्षा परिणाम सुधार करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करें। मेहता जी ने कहा कि अभिभावकों को परीक्षा परिणाम अवश्य दिखाए।
शत प्रतिशत अभिभावक एक ही दिन में नही आते हैं ।प्राचार्या द्वारा बताया गया कि शिक्षक को एक सप्ताह के अंदर पी.टी.एम. 100% कराने के लिए नोट कराया जाता है।
अध्यक्ष द्वारा कहा गया कि परीक्षा की सारी सूचना समय तालिका बनाकर विद्यार्थियों के लिए लगाएं जगह-जगह पर
3. Administration
i)Principal attended training workshop at ZIET Chandigarh on Financial procedures.
ii)Inspection team member for
-KV Bulandshahar
-KV No. 2 Delhi Cantt
- Surprise visit inspection to KV Babugarh
iii)Shortage of Staff
TGT S.St. 02 TGT Eng. 01
PRT 03 Nurse 01
iv) Part Time teachers are working.
v)राजभाषा प्रचार एवं अनुपालन हेतु नराकास की विशेष बैठक में दिनांक 12.01.2016 में भाग लिया।
4.New Circulars from KVS
1. KV ShaalaDarpan – part of Digitization of India.
Shall be effective from April 2016 on All India Basis.
Five module are ready to use shortly namely – HRMS, Admission, Attendance, Examination , Payroll
OLA (ON-LINE-ADMISSION) portal trail run shall be held on 31st Jan 2016 in the presence of VMC members and parents.
Bio-metric machine was installed and working from 18.01.2016.
2. AADHAR enrolment is necessary for all students of KVS and further admission.
CBSE RO Dehradun is not permitting change of DOB/Mother’s Name/Subject Change since last year for classes IX to XII.
3. Schedule for admission for the session 2016-17
i) issue of admission form and registration for class I from 08.02.2016.
ii) Last date for registration of class I is 10.03.2016.
iii)Issue of forms for registration of class II onwards(Except XI) is from 04.04.2016. 10 sponsoring quota seats from II to XII to be give by OFM.
iv)Last date for registration of class II onwards(Except XI) is 18.04.2016.
v)Declaration of selected list for class I and admission is 18.03.2016. 10 separate sponsoring quota seats for two section in class I to be given by OFM.
vi)Extended date for class I admission under RTE is 15.04.2016
vii)Extended date for admission on remaining seats under SC/ST category is from May to June 2016. Las date of admission is 31st July 2016 (for each class).
4. Enhancing quota of special dispensation admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya for members of Parliament.
6.Support of VMC
Boys of Class VII – X easily getting tobacco & other like products from Shop near hospital road.
A patrolling team please be deputed on the Board Examination date wef 01.03.2016 outside the Vidyalaya.
Walk In-Interview for Contractual appointments for the post of PGTs (All Subjects), TGTs(All Subjects), PRT, Sports Coach, Music Coach, Counsellor, German Teacher, Doctor, Nurse, Computer Instructor are being held on 16-17 Feb 2016 in the Vidyalaya. Advertisement will be displayed on Vidyalaya Web site.
Advertisement for the Registration of firm for the session 2016-17 will be soon given in the news paper and displayed on Vidyalaya Web-Site by first week of February 2016. The pool of firms will be prepared at Vidyalaya level. If appropriate registration is not received for a particular work, advertisement will again be given in the newspaper.
7. Gratitude to chairman VMC
i) Special prize for XII toppers, X 10 CGPA holder of 2015.
ii)Scout and Guide parade
iii)Cultural Program of Vidyalaya was awarded first and second positions in senior and junior groups respectively on 26.01.2016.
Principal thanked all the members of VMC.
The minutes of the 2ndVMC meeting are approved by the following members:
Name of member
Sh. Amit Mehta
Additional General Manager, OFM
Dr. B.N. Pandey
Principal, OF Boys Inter College
Mrs. Renu Tomar
Principal, JLM Girls Inter College
Sh. Inder Prasad Akela
HasyaVyangkar Kavi, Eminent Cultural Field Member
Mrs. MeeraSrivastav
Parent Member (Mother of Rajlaxmi Class X C)
Sh. Kailash Chand
Parent Member (Father of Piyush Kumar Class XII-B)
Dr. Anita Somkuwar
CMO I/C, OFM Hospital
Sh. Rajendra Kumar
Jt. G.M. OFM
Sh. R.P. Kaushik
Teacher Member
Mrs. Asha Upadhyay
Member Secretary
Sh. Vipin Kumar
Principal ITI Muradnagar
Sh. Munney Khan
Chairman CGE WCC, Station Master Muradnagar Railway Station
Sh. Sanjeev Kumar
Counter Signed
Sh. P.R. Mandal
Chairman VMC
General Manager, OFM
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