Chiar daca situatia comunicata cere un Past Continuous, totusi, daca verbul are restrictie la un timp continuu, atunci se pune Past Simple.
Verbele de perceptie (to see, to taste, to smell, to hear etc.)
Verbele de perceptie (to see, to taste, to smell, to hear etc.)
Alte verbe ca: to be, to have, to think, to believe, to love, to like, to hate, to know,to understand, to want, to prefer, to mean, to seem, to belong, to remember…etc.
pentru detalii vezi prezentarea Present Simple/Continuous (diferente)
Eram acolo cand s-a intamplat.
Eram acolo cand s-a intamplat.
I was there when it happened.
Actiunea “a fi” este in desfasurare in momentul cand ceva “s-a intamplat”, insa NU putem folosi Past Continuous pentru ca verbul “to be” NU poate fi folosit la un timp continuu.