Publications by Paul Schuurman Books

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Publications by Paul Schuurman


* John Locke, Of the Conduct of the Understanding and Other Writings on Philosophy, eds Paul Schuurman and Jonathan Walmsley (Oxford: Clarendon Press, forthcoming).
* Sami-Juhani Savonius, Paul Schuurman and Jonathan Walmsley, eds, The Continuum Companion to Locke (London: Continuum, 2010); repr. as The Bloomsbury Companion to Locke (London: Bloomsbury, 2014).
* Sarah Hutton and Paul Schuurman, eds, Studies on Locke: Sources, Contemporaries, and Legacy (Berlin: Kluwer/Springer, 2008).
* Paul Schuurman, Ideas, Mental Faculties and Method. The New Logic of René Descartes and John Locke and its Reception in the Dutch Republic, 1630-1750. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History (Leiden: Brill, 2004).
* W. van Bunge, H. Krop, B. Leeuwenburgh, H. van Ruler, P. Schuurman and M. Wielema, eds, The Dictionary of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Dutch Philosophers (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2003), 2 vols.


* Paul Schuurman, ‘Herbert Spencer and the Paradox of War’, Intellectual History Review 26 (2016) 519-535.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘War as a System: A Three-Stage Model for the Development of Clausewitz’s Thinking on Military Conflict and Is Constraints’, Journal of Strategic Studies 37 (2014) 926-948.

* Paul Schuurman, ‘The Cat’s Grand Strategy. Pieter de la Court (1618-1685) on Holland and the Challenges and Prospects of Free-Riding Behaviour During the General Crisis Of the Seventeenth Century’, History of European Ideas 40 (2014) 1-19.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Clausewitz on real war’, Peace Review 26 (2014) 372-379.

* Paul Schuurman, ‘Determinism and Causal Feedback Loops in Montesquieu’s Explanation for the Military Rise and Fall of Rome’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2013) 507-528.

* Paul Schuurman, ‘Fénelon on Luxury, War and Trade in the Telemachus’, History of European Ideas 38 (2012) 1-21; winner of the annual John Burrow Prize for the best article published in History of European Ideas 2012, see

* Paul Schuurman, ‘“Thou Knowest Not the Works of God”: Gisbertus Voetius (1589-1676) and John Locke on Learned Ignorance’, Westminster Theological Journal 72 (2010) 59-69.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘René Descartes’, ‘John Norris’, ‘Faculties of the Understanding’, ‘Logic’, and ‘Synopsis of Of the Conduct of the Understanding’ in: Sami-Juhani Savonius, Paul Schuurman and Jonathan Walmsley, eds, The Continuum Companion to Locke (London: Continuum, 2010).
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Vision in God and Thinking Matter. Locke’s epistemological agnosticism used against Malebranche and Stillingfleet’, in: Sarah Hutton and Paul Schuurman, eds, Studies on Locke: Sources, Contemporaries, and Legacy (Berlin: Kluwer/Springer, 2008), pp. 177-193.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Locke’s Modest Impact on Eighteenth-Century Natural Science: The Encyclopedic Evidence’, Eighteenth-Century Thought 3 (2007) 189-206.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Continuity and Change in the Empiricism of John Locke and Gerardus de Vries (1648-1705)’, History of European Ideas 33 (2007) 292-304.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande’s philosophical defence of Newtonian physics: on the Various Uses of Locke’, in: Peter Anstey, ed., The Philosophy of John Locke. New Perspectives, pp. 43-57 (London: Routledge, 2003).
* Paul Schuurman, ‘The Empiricist Logic of Ideas of Jean le Clerc’, in: Wiep van Bunge, ed., The Early Enlightenment in the Dutch Republic, 1650-1750, pp. 137-153 (Leiden: Brill, 2003).
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Johannes Castillioneus’, ‘Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande’, ‘Johannes Horthemels’, ‘Johannes Luyts’, ‘Jacobus Ode’, ‘Johannes de Raey’, ‘Antonius Walaeus’, ‘Nicolaas Janszoon van Wassenaer’ in The Dictionary of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Dutch Philosophers, eds W. van Bunge, H. Krop, B. Leeuwenburgh, H. van Ruler, P. Schuurman and M. Wielema (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2003), 2 vols.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Locke’s Logic of Ideas in Context: Content and Structure’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2001) 439-465; reprinted in Peter Anstey, ed., John Locke. Critical assessments of leading philosophers. Series II (London: Routledge, 2006) vol II, pp. 269-296.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Locke’s Of the Conduct of the Understanding and MSS Locke e.1 and c.28’, Locke Studies (= continuation of The Locke Newsletter) 1 (2001) 123-157.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Locke’s Way of Ideas as Context for his Theory of Education in Of the Conduct of Understanding’, History of European Ideas 27 (2001) 45-59; reprinted in Peter Anstey, ed., John Locke. Critical assessments of leading philosophers. Series II (London: Routledge, 2006) vol. IV, pp. 404-419.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Locke and the Dutch: a Preliminary Survey’, Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland 11 (2000) 119-140.

Articles in Dutch

* Paul Schuurman, ‘Locke en het scepticisme’, in Tim de Mey, ed., Het nadeel van de twijfel (s.l. Lemniscaat, 2015) 106-126.

* Paul Schuurman, ‘René Descartes’ hybride fysica: zekere principes en hypothetische modellen’, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 63 (2001) 261-281.
* Paul Schuurman, ‘Ex naturæ lumine & Aristotele: Johannes de Raeys verdediging van de Cartesiaanse fysica’, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 23 (2001) 237-254.

Digital projects

* The Digital Locke Project, directed by Paul Schuurman, completed 2011.


* ‘Kant on War and the Idea of Progress’, Twijfel (forthcoming).

* Caspar Treijtel, Paul Schuurman and Ivo Geradts, ‘Digital Locke Project. Tekstkritische edities: wat komt er bij kijken?’, Informatie Professional. Vakblad voor informatiewerkers (2006) 9, 12-17.

PhD dissertation

* ‘Of the Conduct of the Understanding by John Locke’, Edited with General Introduction, Historical and Philosophical Notes and Critical Apparatus by Paul Schuurman, supervised by Prof. G.A.J. Rogers (Diss. University of Keele, 2000). See


* Tom Sorell and G.A.J. Rogers, eds, Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), in: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2006) 191-194.

* John Locke, Selected Correspondence, ed. Mark Goldie (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), in: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (2004) 549-551.
* John Locke, The Reasonableness of Christianity: as delivered in the Scriptures., ed. John C. Higgins-Biddle (Oxford, 1999), in: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2001) 369-373.
* René Descartes and Princess Elizabeth, Briefwisseling. Met een inleiding van René Gude. Vertaald en van een nawoord voorzien door Jeanne Holierhoek (Amsterdam, 2000), in: Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland 13 (2002) 199-201.
* René Descartes, Verantwoordingh van Renatus Descartes aen d’achtbare overigheit van Uitrecht, ed. Erik-Jan Bos (Amsterdam, 1996), in: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2000) 561-563.
* John Locke, Anleitung des menschlichen Verstandes. Eine Abhandlung von den Wunderwerken, transl. Georg David Kypke (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1996; repr. of Königsberg: J.H. Hartung, 1755), in: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1999) 171-173.

Lectures at international conferences

* ‘The Function Of Historical Counterfactuals: Clausewitz On the Waterloo Campaign (1815)’, organized by the British Society for the History of Philosophy, York, 9-11 April 2015.

* ‘Clausewitz on the essence of war’, OZSW Conference 2014, Radboud University Nijmegen, 7-8 November 2014.
* ‘Applying Ockhams Razor: A Three-Stage Model for the Development of Clausewitz’s Thinking’, Conference: ‘War in the History of Ideas’, organized by Paul Schuurman (British Society for the History of Philosophy/Erasmus University Rotterdam ) and Paul Donker (Netherlands Defence Acedemy, Breda), Breda, 14 October 2014.
* ‘Fénelon’s Political Quietism during the War of the Spanish Succession and the Peace Negotiations in Utrecht’, Conference ‘Performance of Peace Utrecht 1713-2013’, organized by Utrecht University and the Dutch-Belgian Society for 18th-Century Studies, Utrecht, 24-26 April 2013.
* ‘Pieter de la Court (1618-1685) on Holland and the Challenges and Prospects of Military Free-Riding During the General Crisis Of the Seventeenth Century’, Conference ‘Ways of War’, organized by the Society for Military History, Lisle, Illinois, USA, 9-12 June 2011.
* ‘Fénelon on luxury and war’, Conference: ‘The Philosophy of the Enlightenment’, organized by the British Society for the History of Philosophy, Brighton, 29-31 March 2011.
* ‘The Concept of Learned Ignorance in Early Modern Philosophy’, Workshop Filosofia, scienza e religione nel sec. XVII, organized by Antonio Clericuzio, Cassino, 15-16 December 2009.
* ‘The Hybrid Character of the Logic of Port Royal’, Early Modern Philosophy Seminar Locke and Port Royal, organized by Sarah Hutton and Martine Pécharman, Oxford, 2 May 2008.
* ‘Locke’s Hedonistic Ethics that Was Never Demonstrated’, Epicureanism and Anti-Epicureanism, conference organized by Eric Schliesser, Leiden, 11 April 2008.
* ‘“Thou knowest not the works of God.” Gisbertus Voetius and John Locke on learned ignorance’, Conference Early Modern Philosophy in Britain and the Netherlands 1500-1800. Philosophers and Philosophies, Universities and Learned Societies, Books and Journals, Rotterdam, 26-28 March 2007; Annual Conference of the British Society for the History of Philosophy, organized by Martin Bell, Bart Leeuwenburgh and Paul Schuurman, see
* ‘The Digital Locke Project’, Conference Edition critique/édition électronique, Lyon, Ecole Normal et Superieure, Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 22-24 September 2005.
* ‘The anti-Cartesian empiricism of Gerardus de Vries (1648-1705)’, Conference Natural philosophy and the Origins of Empiricism, University of London, School of Advanced Studies, 4-5 March 2005.
* ‘John Locke’s Contribution to the Natural Sciences’, International Interdisciplanary Conference Commemorating the Tercentenary of Locke’s Death, Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 28-30 October 2004.
* ‘Locke’s Rationalism and Descartes’s Empiricism’, Locke Tercennary Conference, Oxford, BSHP, 2-4 April 2004.
* ‘Locke and Descartes on Truth’, Journée Locke, Paris, CNRS-CHPM, 23 January 2004.
* ‘Willem Jacob ‘s Gravesande’s Philosophical Defence of Newtonian Physics: On the Various Uses of Locke’, Conference New Work on Locke, Sydney, 11 July 2001.
* ‘John Locke and Jean Le Clerc’, Arbeitsgespräch on The Early Dutch Enlightenment, Wolfenbüttel, 22 March 2001.
* ‘John Locke’s Logic of Ideas: the Influence of René Descartes’, Conference Britons abroad, strangers at home, Cambridge, 13 January 2001.
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