Tel.: 91-22-2285 6360 Telefax: 91-22-2285 5367 eMail: info@mansaassociation.com Website: www.mansaassociation.com
Minutes Of The Thirty Fifth Annual General Meeting Held
On 20th September 2013 AT 1700 Hours In The Presidential Ballroom,
Hotel Taj President, 90, Cuffe Parade, MUMBAI – 400 005
As the required quorum was not available at 5 p.m., the meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m.
Attendance List is attached as Annexure I
Opening Prayer by Mr. C. S. Murty, Secretary General
Mr. C. S. Murty, Secretary General threw open the 35th AGM with an Opening Prayer:
"Dear Sirs, Members on the Dais, Luminaries & Distinguished Past Presidents, Ladies & Gentlemen,
I am privileged to open the 35th AGM with a prayer to the Almighty to make this event a grand success before I hand over the mike to the President to deliver his Welcome Address.
I pray to the Lord that let the event be conducted without any obstacles as smoothly as possible on the successful completion of 35th year of MANSA. I am chanting certain relevant Sanskrit Slokas for instilling and invoking deep 'camaraderie' feelings on this auspicious occasion amongst all of us.
These slokas chanted depict that this body which has intellect and 10 senses – 5 higher senses & 5 lower senses known as Jnanendriyas & Karmendriyas be protected and we implore to Almighty for helping us to strengthen them for the sake of sanity and well being of humanity with humility.
The MANSA Organization has you Members as its body. The President, Vice-Presidents, the Executive Committee Members, Sub-Committees and Secretariat are like different parts/limbs of this body.
Only proper and judicious synchrony of these parts enables us to achieve the intended objective of the entire organization.
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The very fact that MANSA is growing steadily indicates its health and functional ability to move forward with the times.
The Secretariat is like the hands and legs of this body. For the past couple of months we have been busy in preparation for this great event. We did our best under the circumstances with the dynamic guidance of the President, Vice-Presidents, Past Presidents and all Executive Committee Members. In the eagerness and enthusiasm to match with the speedy progress, we have to admit that the Secretariat might have committed some errors or did not rise to the levels of expectations which may kindly be excused with a broad mind and large heart.
It is heartening to say that Capt. V. S. Anand has topped the list of contributors towards getting sponsors for today's function. It is really noteworthy that all the Executive Committee Members and others have enthusiastically taken part and painstakingly garnered sponsorers and supporters of the event and in making this event successful.
Before I hand over the mike to the President for the Welcome Address, may I request all Members to silence their mobiles and also minds to give undivided attention to the upcoming proceedings.
Thank you.
C. S. Murty
Secretary General"
Mr. K. P. Unnikrishnan, President chaired the meeting and took up the Agenda Points ad-seriatim.
1. Welcome Address by Mr. K. P. Unnikrishnan, President
Welcome Address is attached as Annexure II
2. Confirmation of Minutes of the 34rd Annual General Meeting Held on 14th September 2012
The Minutes of the 34th AGM held on 14th September 2012 was taken up for discussion and after deliberations it was unanimously confirmed by passing the following resolution:
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“Resolved in the Thirty Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Association held on 20th September 2013 that the Minutes of the Thirty Fourth Annual General Meeting held on 14th September 2012 are hereby confirmed by the General Body.”
Proposed by: Mr. Brian R. Alexander
Seconded by: Mr. Keki M. Master
3. Receive & Adopt the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for 2012-2013
The Annual Report for the period 2012-2013 & the Balance Sheet and the Income and Expenditure Statement for the period ending 31st March 2013 were perused. After perusal, the Members unanimously adopted the same by passing the following Resolution:
“Resolved in the Thirty Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Association held on 20th September 2013 that the Annual Report for the period 2012-2013 and the Audited Statements of Accounts for the Year ended on 31st March 2013 be and are hereby adopted.”
Proposed by: Mr. Jayant R. Nangia
Seconded by: Mr. R. Subramaniam Swamy
4. Appoint Statutory Auditors For The Next Year & Fix Their Remuneration
The Members were informed that the present Auditors M/s. T. M. Mullaji and Co., Chartered Accountants, have agreed to continue to work as Auditors for the next Financial Year 2013-2014 on the same Terms & Conditions. The General Body unanimously approved retention of the services of M/s T. M. Mullaji & Co. as Statutory Auditors for the year 2013-2014 by passing the following Resolution:
“Resolved in the Thirty Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Association held on 20th September 2013 that M/s T. M. Mullaji & Co., Chartered Accountants, be continued as Statutory Auditors of the Association for the Year 2013-2014 be and are hereby appointed at the same remuneration.”
Proposed by: Mr. V. C. D'Souza
Seconded by: Capt. V. S. Anand
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5. Activities Of MANSA for the Year 2012-2013 for deliberation
The President inquired with the Members whether they had any comments to offer regarding the Activities of MANSA which were all mentioned in the Annual Report.
Capt. Avinash Batra stated that he was supremely satisfied with the achievements of the Association and all other Members unanimously agreed to this.
President stated that he would appreciate having greater participation from the Members. Whenever Circulars are sent requesting information/suggestions etc. very few Members respond and send their comments. Capt. P. P. Singh, Past President also added very few Members notify MANSA about the problems faced by them. President desired to know how we could involve Members in the affairs of MANSA in order to get greater participation. Since no one responded, he asked Mr. C. R. Nambiar for his suggestion and Mr. Nambiar replied that the President would not accept his suggestions if he gave on contentious issues because MANSA has to be cordial with those in Authority and simultaneously cater to Members complaints which might contradict the views of the concerned Authority. He also questioned about MbPT's proposal enhancing tariffs to the extent upto 43% and numerous other unilateral decisions on cargo handling / operations against the interest of shipping. Capt P. P. Singh added that BDLB is a big liability on MbPT Rs.250 Crores has been spent with no revenue due to reduction in Port activity drastically. President stated that we have written to TAMP and we would have to wait and see. He added that JNPT too had made a proposal to TAMP for a whopping increase and MANSA replied opposing the increase in the tariff. We have also attended the Joint Hearing convened by TAMP. President added that Guidelines have been issued by Government of India for fixation of reference tariffs by TAMP. These Guidelines are now applicable only to new Terminals which are likely to come up within Major Ports.
6. To Consider Amendments to the Rules & Regulations of the Association proposed by the Executive Committee
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b) The quorum for ordinary meeting shall be one-fourth of the total valid membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for annual meetings of the Association shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for extraordinary or special meetings of the Association shall be one-third of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting.
b) The quorum for ordinary meeting shall be one-fourth of the total valid membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for annual meetings of the Association shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for extraordinary or special meetings of the Association shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting.
Since the quorum for AGM and other ordinary meetings is one-fourth it is suggested that for extraordinary meeting also one-fourth of total membership may be deemed as adequate quorum.
a) The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, two Vice-Presidents, and Nine other members of the Association to be elected at the Annual General Meeting every two years.
a) The Executive Committee shall consist of 12 elected Members of the Association who will be elected for the specific purpose in an election conducted once every two years which shall be the duration of their term. The President, two Vice-Presidents, shall be in turn elected by the Members of the newly elected Executive Committee. The election to the Executive Committee shall be held just prior to the AGM and the result shall be declared during the AGM. Subsequent to this announcement the new Executive Committee shall meet on the same day immediately after the AGM and elect the President and the two Vice Presidents.
The present format does not specify the method of election proceedings. In order to make it more comprehensive and vivid, while ensuring that contesting candidates are being appropriately chosen and nominated by the Member Companies and elected with due consideration of their credentials, the amendments are proposed. The relevant format is framed in such a way for incorporating the fields to be filled with details of the candidate like qualification, experience, present employer etc. to be furnished by the intending candidate duly authenticated by the Member Company, Proposers & Seconders.
f) The President shall be the Chairman of every meeting of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President either of the Vice-Presidents shall be the presiding Chairman.
f) The President shall be the Chairman of every meeting of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President either of the Vice-Presidents shall be the acting Chairman.
Since Vice President chairs the meeting he will be holding the responsibility fully as Chairman for that meeting and hence this suggestion.
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g) All decisions at meetings of the Executive Committee shall be by a majority. The President shall in the event of a tie have a casting vote.
g) All decisions at meetings of the Executive Committee shall be by a majority. The Chairman of the meeting shall in the event of a tie have a casting vote.
The meeting may be chaired by President or Vice-President sometimes. Hence it is clarified.
b) Nominations for election of office bearers shall be sent in writing to the Secretary-General 15 days before the Annual General Meeting or the day of election in the prescribed form, and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both being members of the Association. The nominations received shall be placed before the Annual General Meeting and the results declared at such meeting.
b) Nominations for election of office bearers shall be sent in writing to the Secretary-General 15 days before the Annual General Meeting or the day of election in the prescribed form, and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both being members of the Association. The nominations received and the details of election result shall be placed before the Annual General Meeting and the results declared at such meeting.
The amendment is proposed just to make it more visible with due relevance to the proceedings on the spot.
c) In case the valid nominations received are in excess of the number of office bearers to be elected, the election shall be held by show of hands or by secret ballot each shipping company as may be decided at the Annual Meeting. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote for electing each of Twelve Executive Committee members.
c) In case the valid nominations received are in excess of the number of office bearers to be elected, the election shall be held by secret ballot as may be decided at the Annual Meeting. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote for electing each of Twelve Executive Committee members.
The words "by show of hands or" and "each shipping company" have been deleted as they are not required.
d) The Past Presidents of the Association will be permanent co-opted Members of the Executive Committee of the Association. However, they will have no voting right in the elections to the Executive Committee and that any other candidate from the same member-company to which the Past-President belongs can contest elections to the Executive Committee.
d) The Past Presidents of the Association will be permanent co-opted Members of the Executive Committee of the Association. However, they will have no voting right in the elections to the Executive Committee but any other candidate from the same member-company to which the Past-President belongs can contest elections to the Executive Committee.
To make the sentence more meaningful without any ambiguity the words "and that" are removed.
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1) Presidents Term:
Not existing. Newly Added.
1. PRESIDENT’S TERM: Ordinarily, the President’s term shall be for a period of two years for which he is elected as an Executive Member. However, in the event, he resigns from his employment or otherwise disassociates himself with the Member Company who nominated him for MANSA Executive Committee, he will continue to remain as President provided the Member company so nominated him in the first place gives their no-objection for his continuation as the President of MANSA. Further, he can continue to be the President of MANSA even if his erstwhile employer gives a NOC, only if he is employed or otherwise joins another Member-company. Otherwise, he will cease to be the President of MANSA forthwith upon his disassociation from the Member-company. In short, his term of Presidentship with MANSA is co-terminus with his relationship with the Member-company which nominated him, the only exception will be when he joins another Member-company and also provides a NOC from the earlier Member- company which nominated him along with a similar NOC for continuation as the President from the newly joined Member-company.
As per the experience it is felt necessary to deal with the unexpected changes in the career of elected representatives, hence the amendment is suggested to cover all exigencies as far as possible.
In the last few AGMs a debate was initiated about the status of the President, or, for that matter, any member of the EC, if he were to change the company, or, even start his own business as a forwarding company etc. In order to address such incidents it is felt necessary to change the “Rules” to pave the way for conducting fair elections in a system / procedure duly laid down in the Rules & Regulations after factoring all these likely scenarios and avoiding controversies as far as possible.
2) Vice Presidents Term:
In the absence of the President, either of the Vice-Presidents shall assume all the duties of the President.
Not existing. Newly Added.
In the absence of the President, either of the Vice-Presidents shall assume all the duties of the President.
VICE-PRESIDENTS’ TERM: The term of Vice-President shall be same as that of the President, including the conditionalities mentioned therein in Para XII a) above.
The duration of Vice-President is not clearly stated earlier. The same has been incorporated now.
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The President took up the Amendments ad-seriatim as Secretary General read out proposed amendments serially and discussed each one at length as follows:
The President stated that the Executive Committee was of the opinion that since the quorum for AGM and other ordinary meetings is one-fourth it is suggested that for extraordinary meeting also one-fourth of total membership may be deemed as adequate quorum.
The Members did not have any objection to this suggestion and unanimously decided to accept the proposed Amendments as given under:
b) The quorum for ordinary meeting shall be one-fourth of the total valid membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for annual meetings of the Association shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for extraordinary or special meetings of the Association shall be one-third of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting.
b) The quorum for ordinary meeting shall be one-fourth of the total valid membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for annual meetings of the Association shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting. The quorum for extraordinary or special meetings of the Association shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Association on the day of such meeting.
The President stated that the Executive Committee felt that the present format does not specify the method of election proceedings. In order to make it more comprehensive and vivid, while ensuring that contesting candidates are being appropriately chosen and nominated by the Member Companies and elected with due consideration of their credentials, the amendments are proposed. The relevant format is framed in such a way for incorporating the fields to be filled with details of the candidate like qualification, experience, present employer, and his/her willingness to consciously work in the Association etc. to be furnished by the intending candidate duly authenticated by the Member Company, Proposers & Seconders.
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The Members did not have any objection to this suggestion and unanimously decided to accept the proposed Amendments as given under:
a) The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, two Vice-Presidents, and Nine other members of the Association to be elected at the Annual General Meeting every two years.
a) The Executive Committee shall consist of 12 elected Members of the Association who will be elected for the specific purpose in an election conducted once every two years which shall be the duration of their term. The President, two Vice-Presidents, shall be in turn elected by the Members of the newly elected Executive Committee. The election to the Executive Committee shall be held as per the election schedule prescribed by the Secretariat prior to the AGM and the result shall be declared during the AGM. Subsequent to this announcement the new Executive Committee shall meet on the same day immediately after the AGM and elect the President and the two Vice Presidents.
The President stated that the Executive Committee suggested that since Vice President chairs the meeting he will be holding the responsibility fully as Chairman for that meeting and hence this suggestion.
The Members did not have any objection to this suggestion but desired that the words "shall be the acting Chairman" be deleted and replaced with the words "shall chair the meeting". This proposal was unanimously accepted.
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Thus the proposed Amendment reads as under:
f) The President shall be the Chairman of every meeting of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President either of the Vice-Presidents shall be the presiding Chairman.
f) The President shall be the Chairman of every meeting of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President either of the Vice-Presidents or in the event of President & Vice-Presidents being absent, one of the members chosen amongst the members present shall Chair the meeting to conduct the proceedings.
The President stated that the Executive Committee made this suggestion since the meeting may be chaired by President or Vice-President or any other Member of the Executive Committee sometimes as at XI (f) above. Hence it is clarified.
The Members did not have any objection to this suggestion and unanimously decided to accept the proposed Amendments as given under:
g) All decisions at meetings of the Executive Committee shall be by a majority. The President shall in the event of a tie have a casting vote.
g) All decisions at meetings of the Executive Committee shall be by a majority. The Chairman of the meeting shall in the event of a tie have a casting vote.
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The President stated that the Executive Committee proposed this amendment just to make it more visible with due relevance to the proceedings on the spot.
The Members did not have any objection to this proposal except that instead of the words "Nominations for election of office bearers shall be sent in writing to the Secretary-General 15 days" the sentence should read, "Nominations for election of office bearers shall be sent in writing to the Secretariat". This suggestion was unanimously accepted. Thus the proposed Amendment reads as under:
b) Nominations for election of office bearers shall be sent in writing to the Secretary-General 15 days before the Annual General Meeting or the day of election in the prescribed form, and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both being members of the Association. The nominations received shall be placed before the Annual General Meeting and the results declared at such meeting.
b) Nominations for election of the Executive Committee shall be sent in writing to the Secretariat as per the schedule fixed for the Election Process by the Secretariat duly signed by the Proposer and Seconder, both being Members of the Association. The Nominations received and the details of election result shall be placed before the Annual General Meeting and the results declared at such meeting.
The President stated that the Executive Committee felt the words "by show of hands or" and "each shipping company" have to be deleted as they are not required.
The Members accepted this proposal except they desired that the words "as may be decided at the Annual Meeting" should be deleted and the sentence to read as under:
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c) In case the valid nominations received are in excess of the number of office bearers to be elected, the election shall be held by show of hands or by secret ballot each shipping company as may be decided at the Annual Meeting. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote for electing each of Twelve Executive Committee members.
c) In case the valid nominations received are in excess of the number of the Executive Committee Members to be elected, the election shall be held by secret ballot as per the Election Notice schedule fixed for the Election Programme by the Secretariat. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote for electing each of Twelve Executive Committee members.
The President stated that the Executive Committee suggested to remove the words "and that" to make the sentence more meaningful without any ambiguity.
The President & the Members having expressed some reservations, were wary of the Past President contesting elections 'once again' for getting re-elected as an Executive Committee Member. Mr. Nambiar explained tht nothing can stop a Past President from contesting the Election to the Executive Committee again, if his Employer – Member of MANSA chooses to do so as it is the Member's fundamental right to contest election as long as he is not disqualified otherwise. After very lengthy discussions the Members accepted the proposed Amendments with some corrections as given under:
d) The Past Presidents of the Association will be permanent co-opted Members of the Executive Committee of the Association. However, they will have no voting right in the elections to the Executive Committee and that any other candidate from the same member-company to which the Past-President belongs can contest elections to the Executive Committee.
d) The Past Presidents of the Association will be permanent co-opted Members of the Executive Committee of the Association. However, they will have no voting right in any of the Executive Committee Meetings.
However, if a Past President desires to contest for becoming an Executive Committee Member he shall cease to be a Hon. Member of the Executive Committee.
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The President stated that the Executive Committee as per the experience felt it necessary to deal with the unexpected changes in the career of elected representatives, hence the amendment is suggested to cover all exigencies as far as possible.
In the last few AGMs a debate was initiated about the status of the President, or, for that matter, any member of the EC, if he were to change the company, or, even start his own business as a forwarding company etc. In order to address such incidents it is felt necessary to change the “Rules” to pave the way for conducting fair elections in a system / procedure duly laid down in the Rules & Regulations after factoring all these likely scenarios and avoiding controversies as far as possible. After lengthy discussion the Members did not have any objection to this suggestion and unanimously decided to accept the proposed Amendments as given under:
1) Presidents Term:
Not existing. Newly Added.
1. PRESIDENT’S TERM: Ordinarily, the President’s term shall be for a period of two years for which he is elected as an Executive Committee Member. However, in the event, he resigns from his employment or otherwise disassociates himself with the Member Company who nominated him for MANSA Executive Committee; he will cease to be the President of MANSA forthwith upon his disassociation from the Member-Company. In short, his term of Presidentship with MANSA is co-terminus with his relationship with the Member-Company which nominated him.
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The President stated that since the duration of Vice-President is not clearly stated earlier. The same has been incorporated now by the Executive Committee.
The Members did not have any objection to this suggestion and unanimously decided to accept the proposed Amendments as given under:
2) Vice Presidents Term:
In the absence of the President, either of the Vice-Presidents shall assume all the duties of the President.
Not existing. Newly Added.
In the event President leaves/resigns his employer-Member Company or otherwise remain on leave / absence for a prolonged period, one of the Vice Presidents shall be selected by the ECM to function as President. However, such functioning of the Vice President for the residual period of the term of ECM shall not be considered as ‘term of President’ if such functioning is for a period less than one-and-half years on a continuous basis and he will also not be a Member of the subsequent ECM as a “Past President”.
VICE-PRESIDENTS’ TERM: The term of Vice-President shall be for two years for which he is elected.
Since some of the amendments were not too clear, the Members desired that the proposed Amendments be circulated to all Members for their comments / approval before passing any Resolution.
7. Any other business of which notice may be given by a member at least 7 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
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8. Any Other Business with the permission of the Chair
Capt. Avinash C. Batra, Chairman, M/s Seahorse Ship Agencies Pvt. Ltd. said that MANSA has been a premier Association but now a lot of new capable Associations are coming up. MANSA should surpass present profile develop expertise and step forward to have an audible voice in shipping circles. He felt that MANSA is still not a force to reckon with that could demand / command or direct the Government of India and it is required to lobby in the Ministry to be perceptibly prevailed & action oriented. It was necessary to have more visibility, force to drive decisions, widespread recognition, importance and publicity in the Press for which every month we should appear as having done/achieved something. More Members need to get involved in the affairs of MANSA. As of now definitely MANSA is doing a good job and should continue doing it.
9. Summing Up & Vote of Thanks by Capt. G. K. Sarkari, Vice-President
Since there was no other business, the meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by Capt. G. K. Sarkari, Vice-President who thanked the Fraternity of the Maritime Industry for extending its support to MANSA, enabling it to serve the Shipping Industry and Trade at large and the Shipping Agents in particular.
Copy of the Vote of Thanks is attached as ANNEXURE III.
The Secretary General before closure of the meeting informed all Members that MANSA has received a message from Mr. S. B. Pathare one of the founding Members and he read out the same. The Members asked the Secretariat to convey their wishes for his good health in response and also reciprocated his good wishes. Some Members were of the opinion that a group of Members representing MANSA should visit him too.
There being no further issues for discussion, the AGM ended with thanks to the Chair and everyone proceeded to the Presidential Ballroom in Hotel Vivanta by Taj President, 90, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 for attending the Annual reception with the Cocktails and Dinner arranged from 1900 hours.
C. S. Murty
Secretary General MANSA
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