Victoria’s Secret
Social Media Effectiveness Audit
CCM 707
Nicole Kemp
Team – Andrew Cairns, Fatyma Khan, Johanna Gonzalez & Raymond Qin
According to research the Victoria’s Secret audience can be classified as follows:
Adults (61% female, 39% male)
18-49 age group
Middle to upper middle class
70% Caucasian, 13% Hispanic, 9% African American, 7% Asian, <1% other
58.8% have 1 or >1 child, 41.2% no children
High brand loyalty
Heavy shoppers
Television, Internet and magazine involvement
Conscious about body and physical appearance
Victoria’s Secret is one of the top brands using social media, according to research by social software platform Spredfast. In its recent Smart Social Report, Spredfast analyzed the social activity of 50 major brands on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr and Google+. Spredfast looked at each brand’s audience size and response time, as well as volume and engagement (comments, likes, shares, favorites) of posts. Victoria’s Secret was the one brand to have scored highly across all eight social platforms.
In addition to having over 27 million Facebook followers, 9.25 million Twitter followers and 34.5 million Instagram followers it receives on average 2,500 notes for each of its Tumblr posts. What is surprising and disappointing to see is with a high number of followers on Twitter and Instagram, Victoria Secret is only following 1,200 and 432 respectably which can be seen to be a missed opportunity to leverage engagement further amongst its audience and possible revenue generating opportunities.
A graphical representation of brands mentioned most (male vs. female) across social media platforms, Victoria’s Secret placing amongst the top achievers
Victoria’s Secret capitalizing on its social media opportunity to promote its brand
Key Influencers for VS
To make any campaign work or in order to sustain interest, a brand has to identify its key audiences and influencers in the fashion world that help create a global presence for the brand. The rationale behind H&M X Balmain fame was focus on the right audience and using key influencers to maximise sales and brand positioning leading to a sold out line both in store and online within hours of launch (crimsonhexagon.com).
Key influencers are divided into three categories, 1) Expert Influence, which has authority over a certain subject, with a huge following; 2) Referent Influencer, the person’s social network and exercises influence their followers and 3) Positional Influencer, a person’s inner circle such as friends and family. However in the case of VS, they utilise on expert influencer through their top models.
Upon conducting the social media audit, it was observed that, one of the key influencers of Victoria’s Secret is, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (VSFS) that takes place at the end of each year is billed as the “Sexiest Night on Television”, with millions of viewers and considered one of the most effective marketing campaigns in the world (racked.com, 2015). Although, the Fashion Show happened in November its content during the show and prior to the show still is the top content.
Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (VSFS)
The second key influencers for VS are their models, with a huge fan following. Any post that includes any ones of these models causes a spike on the social media page, across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The following are the 5 top models at VS with their independent fan following on Twitter.
Twitter Following
Alessandra Ambrosio
2.09 million
Kendal Jenner
16 million
Gigi Hadid
1.67 million
Candices Swanepoel
1.27 million
Adriana Lima
2.44 million
Third key influencers are two known celebrity singers, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. Both of the singers were not only part of the VS fashion show, but also have been a part of the VS campaign. The rationale is the demographic is tapped into and VS focuses on which is 18-49 age of women.
Taylor Swift
72.4 million
Selena Gomez
40 million
Another interesting influencer of VS has been the changing market and fashion trends with the body image debate. VS was criticised for a number of campaigns and the one that topped their list was “The Perfect Body” that came under fire for creating stereotypes amongst vulnerable teenagers that are one of their prime markets, promoting size zero and lack of ethnic diversity. Major scrutiny forced VS to change their slogan immediately and change their branding which had already been launched across all social media platforms and all marketing materials were removed from stores and billboards.
Moreover, their perceived lack of sensitivity to other ethnicities within the population demographic led them to include costumes from other cultures, but were so poorly placed that cause further accusations of being racist (Huffingtonpost.com,2014).
A Change.org petition requested Victoria's Secret to apologize and change the campaign that had over 27,000 signatures at the time of writing.
The tone of the audience is noticed in the tweets people posted for VS.

Tools used for VS
For the research, two analytic tools were used to further evaluate the reach and frequency of the content and determine the positioning of Victoria Secret. Social Mention was the first tool used in the study to helps us identify the four segments in strength – the likelihood of the brand being discussed, sentiment – ratio between the positive and negative connotations of the mentioned content, passion – the likelihood of the users to mention the brand again and reach – range of influence.
Victoria Secret scored 73 per cent on strength with a 34 second average per mention, the results show that VS holds strong relevancy to the social media realm with high correlations to top key words such as angle, bikini, pink and oria and that the product is being actively discussed in social media. From the sentiment ratio, most attributed mentions are shown to be a seven to one, positive to negative ratio. The metric shows that the consumers are generally happy with the products they received and are speaking about the brand in a positive tone. However, with 29 per cent score in passion, the analysis explains that a large quantity of the mentions tend to come from different users and not repeated mention by users more than once. Lastly, the reach of the Victoria Secret as a phrase scored 54 per cent as a measure of influence and is much higher than passion, this indicates that the brand has a large fan base but not many heavily passionate users that would constantly post about them. Understanding that Social Mention is a tool to take a quick snippet of the general opinion of the public, the results of the data are subjected to change and intrepetation.
The second tool, Tweet Reach, provides a snap shot for the search word Victoria Secret and provided an estimated reach of 2,178,700 with exposure to 2,526,873 impressions. Which means that over 2.1 million unique accounts have talked about Victoria Secret with over 2.5 million tweets sent off from those accounts including repeats. Analyzing the report generated between 7:50 p.m. to 8:04 p.m. on March 7, 2016, there were 100 tweets from 96 contributors within the 16-minute period, 50 of them being original tweets, 48 re-tweets and two mentioned in replies. The graphs support the results from Social Mention and prove VS to be a brand with a large consumer base with high reach and low passion.
Measurement for VS
In order for a company such as Victoria Secret to run effectively and efficiently within their social media channels they must utilize all their sources. A few sources they would look at using would be Hootsuite and SocialMention.com. The proper use of these would certainly make it easier to use their social media channels to their maximum capacity.
Hootsuite: A tool like hootsuite would be an exceptional tool for an organization like Victoria Secret to use when running their social media. Hootstuite will allow them to post content across their entire social media channels at once, at specific times and specific days. This will allow extensive access to their perspective audience at the perfect times.
Social Mention: This website will allow Victoria Secret to see the positive or negative impact they are having in the media including social media. Currently the results on the website are mainly positive and neutral. Very little negative feedback is currently being given to the organization, with a majority of the content referring back to their fashion show. A website like this allows them to see where they stand in the public eyes, and let them know what type of stance they need to take in their next social media initiative.
Adele Chapin. (2015, December 10). Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Broadcast Takes a Ratings Hit. Retrieved from http://www.racked.com/2015/12/10/9888486/victorias-secret-fashion-show-cbs-ratings-drop
Charlotte Brooks. Balmain x H&M – The Impact of Influencer Marketing. Retrieved from http://www.crimsonhexagon.com/blog/current-events/balmain-x-hm-the-impact-of-influencer-marketing/
Nina Bahadur. (2014, June 11). Victoria's Secret 'Perfect Body' Campaign Changes Slogan After Backlash. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/06/victorias-secret-perfect-body-campaign_n_6115728.html
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