100 general provisions

C. Type B90 and Type B125 Material Application on Asphalt

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C. Type B90 and Type B125 Material Application on Asphalt Concrete and Portland Cement Concrete Pavements. Heat the pavement only to ensure no moisture is present. Place the material on the dry surface and then uniformly heat the material until it bubbles and changes color to off-white. Material must be able to be applied with no preheating of the pavement to a specified temperature and without the use of a thermometer. Allow the material to cool naturally and solidify before exposing it to traffic.

Type B90 and B125 material shall contain intermix glass beads throughout. Drop-on glass beads are not required unless using a non-surface beaded marking (i.e., for turn or combination arrows).

647.05 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices, or prices adjusted according to 641.11, measured according to 641.12, with the provisions specified in 641.13, and as follows:

Item Unit Description

647 Foot (Meter) Channelizing Line, Type ___

647 Foot (Meter) Stop Line, Type ___

647 Foot (Meter) Crosswalk Line, Type ___

647 Foot (Meter) Transverse/Diagonal Line, Type ____

647 Each Handicap Symbol Marking, Type ___

647 Each Railroad Symbol Marking, Type ___

647 Each School Symbol Marking, ___ inch (___ mm),

Type ___

647 Foot (Meter) Parking Lot Stall Marking, Type ___

647 Each Lane Arrow, Type ___

647 Each Word on a Pavement,

___ inch (___ mm), Type ___

647 Foot (Meter) Dotted Line, ___ inch (___ mm), Type ___

647 Each, Foot, Removal of Pavement Marking

Square Foot


Square Meter)



651.01 Description

651.02 Construction Requirements

651.03 Method of Measurement

651.04 Basis of Payment
651.01 Description. This work consists of stripping topsoil from areas shown on the plans or from within the Right-of-Way limits, transporting, and stockpiling topsoil at locations shown on the plans or at locations elected by the Contractor with project approval.

651.02 Construction Requirements. Remove all heavy grass, weeds, or other vegetation over the areas before stripping. Keep the topsoil separate from other excavated materials. Remove topsoil before beginning the regular excavation or embankment work in the area. The depth of stripping will be per the plans or per the Project Engineer.

651.03 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Topsoil Stockpiled by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) completed and accepted, measured from the removal areas.

651.04 Basis of Payment. The Department will not pay for any removal of topsoil beyond the directed depth.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

651 Cubic Yard Topsoil Stockpiled

(Cubic Meter)

652.01 Description

652.02 Construction Requirements

652.03 Method of Measurement

652.04 Basis of Payment
652.01 Description. This work consists of hauling and spreading topsoil from stockpiles and preparing the surface.

652.02 Construction Requirements. Prepare the surface according to 653.03. Place and spread the topsoil according to 653.03.

652.03 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Placing Stockpiled Topsoil by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) completed and accepted in place.

652.04 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

652 Cubic Yard Placing Stockpiled Topsoil

(Cubic Meter)

653.01 Description

653.02 Materials

653.03 Construction Requirements

653.04 Method of Measurement

653.05 Basis of Payment
653.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing and spreading topsoil and preparing the subgrade.

653.02 Materials. Furnish topsoil consisting of loose, friable, loamy material without admixture of subsoil or refuse. For topsoil to be considered loamy, ensure that the fraction passing the No. 10 (2.00 mm) sieve does not contain more than 40 percent clay. Furnish topsoil consisting of not less than 4 percent and not more than 20 percent organic matter as determined by loss on ignition of samples oven dried to constant weight at 212 F (100 C). Furnish topsoil that is free of grass, brush, and, roots.

653.03 Construction Requirements. Before placing any topsoil, prepare all areas to be covered with topsoil according to 659.10. Place the topsoil according to 659.11. When seeding is specified, open the topsoil up to receive the seed.

653.04 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure compacted Topsoil Furnished and Placed by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) of after compaction furnished.

653.05 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

653 Cubic Yard Topsoil Furnished and Placed

(Cubic Meter)

654.01 Description

654.02 Materials

654.03 Construction Requirements

654.04 Method of Measurement

654.05 Basis of Payment
654.01 Description. This work consists of preparing a suitable seedbed by grading and renovating existing soil, and furnishing and placing commercial fertilizer, if specified.

Use all suitable material in the work. Alternatively legally use, recycle or dispose of all excavated materials according to 105.16 and 105.17.

654.02 Materials. Use commercial fertilizer conforming to 659.04.

654.03 Construction Requirements. Prepare the surface area for seed according to 659.10.

If the Contract Documents require commercial fertilizer, place it according to 659.04.

654.04 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Renovating Existing Soil by the number of M square feet (square meters) completed and accepted.

The Department will measure Commercial Fertilizer by the number tons (kilograms) completed and accepted.

654.05 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

654 M Square Feet Renovating Existing Soil

(Square Meter)

654 Ton (Kilogram) Commercial Fertilizer


656.01 Description

656.02 Intensity of Cleanup

656.03 Cleaning

656.04 Pruning

656.05 Disposal of Refuse

656.06 Method of Measurement

656.07 Basis of Payment
656.01 Description. This work consists of cleaning up outside the excavated and filled areas and disposing of undesirable plants and other vegetative growth, prunings, rubbish, stumps, conspicuous stones, all down timber, dead brush, logs and timbers; felling and destroying of all snags and such dangerous trees; and pruning trees, native shrubs and similar vegetation but does not include work to be preformed under Item 201.

656.02 Intensity of Cleanup. Control the intensity of cleanup to effect a natural transition in cleanup treatment from the edge of the pavement outward to the limits of the Right-of-Way to avoid sharp demarcation between the artificial and the natural.

656.03 Cleaning. After removal of large objects, clean the designated areas with grubbing rakes or wide-spaced tooth rakes. Do not disturb or injure desirable grass, vines, or wild flowers.

656.04 Pruning. Prune trees 6 inches (150 mm) or less in diameter and native shrubs and similar vegetation according to Item 666. Consider the diameter of existing trees to be the diameter measured at 54 inches (1.4 m) above the ground.

656.05 Disposal of Refuse. Use all suitable material in the work. Alternatively legally use, recycle or dispose of all excavated materials in according to 105.16 and 105.17.

656.06 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Roadside Cleanup by the number of M square feet (square meters) cleaned up and accepted.

The Department will determine the boundaries of the area to be cleaned up and the number of units.

656.07 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

656 M Square Feet Roadside Cleanup

(Square Meter)

657.01 Description

657.02 Materials

657.03 Tree Wells in Fill

657.04 Walls in Cut

657.05 Hand-Laid Stone Riprap

657.06 Earthwork

657.07 Pipe Drains

657.08 Method of Measurement

657.09 Basis of Payment
657.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing and placing riprap for protecting selected trees or shrubs by tree wells and retaining walls.

657.02 Materials. Furnish stone consisting of sandstone, limestone, or other natural rock with a maximum 30 percent single slab loss and a maximum 20 percent cumulative loss after testing to ASTM D 5240. Use an 8-inch slab test sample. The Department may waive testing when the stone source has a known durability history. Furnish embankment according to Item 203. Unless otherwise specified, use 4-inch (100 mm) pipe conforming to 603 Type E conduits.

657.03 Tree Wells in Fill. Where a fill around a tree or shrub not marked for removal will be 12 inches (0.3 m) or more in depth over the feeding root area or ground surface lying within the periphery of the tree, construct a dry hand-laid stone riprap tree well. Construct a wall, of the same height as the fill, circling the tree or shrub and 3 1/2 feet (1 m) from the tree trunk or as specified. Construct the wall so that the top of the wall follows the contour on the finished grade in a neat line.

Construct tree wells before placing the fill over the root area. However, the Contractor may bring up the fill with the wall after required aggregate for root aeration is in place according to Item 658.

657.04 Walls in Cut. Where the top of the slope in cut is within 6 feet (2 m) of the trunk of a tree not marked for removal, construct a dry hand-laid stone riprap wall. Toe the bottom of the wall into the ground 2 inches (50 mm) unless otherwise shown on the plans, and make the top of the wall even with the original ground line at the base of the tree. Extend the length of the wall far enough from the tree to amply cover the roots, or according to the shape and size as shown on the plans. Flare the ends of the wall back, and taper or fade them out into the finished grade of the slope in a neat line.

657.05 Hand-Laid Stone Riprap. Construct the earth bed on which riprap is to be placed to a slope of 1 foot (300 mm) vertical to 2 inches (50 mm) horizontal. Dress the earth bed to a true plane. Where riprap is to rest against a fill, tamp the embankment against the back of the stone.

Construct riprap for walls or wells according to the arrangements and dimensions shown on the plans. Lay each course with the long dimensions of each stone perpendicular to the slope or batter.

Use individual stones that are roughly rectangular in cross-section and are a minimum of 3 inches (75 mm) in the vertical depth with a horizontal dimension of not less than 15 inches (0.4 m). Place the individual stones by hand, one upon the other so that they break joints with the stone in the course below. Where it is necessary to use more than one stone to provide the specified thickness or depth of the wall, thereby resulting in joints parallel to the face of the wall, place such stones to break joints with the adjacent stones.

Fill the space between the larger stones with spalls rammed into place. Ensure that the surface of the finished riprap does not vary more than 3 inches (75 mm) from that shown on the plans, and that it presents an even, tight surface, pleasing in appearance.

657.06 Earthwork. Perform excavation and embankment, as necessary, according to Item 203.

657.07 Pipe Drains. Drain tree wells with pipe starting on the original ground surface and lay to drain beyond the toe of the fill. Install pipe for drains according to Item 603.

657.08 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Riprap for Tree Protection by the number of square yards (square meters) in place, completed and accepted. The Department will measure parallel to the face of the wells or walls.

657.09 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for embankment and excavation under Item 203 and the pipe for drains under Item 603.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price for as follows:

Item Unit Description

657 Square Yard Riprap for Tree Protection

(Square Meter)

658.01 Description

658.02 Materials

658.03 Preparation

658.04 Aeration for Trees Not Welled

658.05 Aeration with Tree Wells

658.06 Earth Embankment

658.07 Method of Measurement

658.08 Basis of Payment
658.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing and placing the necessary aggregate and tile for the protection and aeration of the roots of trees and shrubs.

Use all suitable material in the work. Alternatively legally use, recycle or dispose of all excavated materials according to 105.16 and 105.17.

658.02 Materials. Furnish aggregate for tree root aeration and protection consisting of No. 4 or 467 limestone or gravel with a maximum sodium soundness loss of 15 percent.

Furnish 4-inch (100 mm) pipe conforming to 603 Type E conduit. Furnish embankment conforming to Item 203.

658.03 Preparation. The feeding root area to be protected and aerated is the ground surface area lying within the periphery of the tree or shrub not marked for removal. Prepare these areas by excavate all vegetation, wood, brush, and debris.

658.04 Aeration for Trees Not Welled. Where the earth fill is less than 12 inches (300 mm) and more than 4 inches (100 mm) over the feeding root area, loosely spread an aggregate aeration course of one-half the height of fill, but not less than 3 inches (75 mm), over this area. At the tree trunk, increase the thickness to the height of the fill and extend it outward from the tree trunk in collar form for a distance of 15 inches (0.4 m). Place a 2-inch (50 mm) layer of straw or hay over the aggregate.

658.05 Aeration with Tree Wells. Place an aeration course of aggregate while constructing the tree wells and before any other filling. Do not place any aggregate inside the tree well (between the wall and the tree trunk). Place the aggregate over the entire feeding root area outside of the tree wells to a total depth of 6 inches (150 mm) for each 12 inches (300 mm) of earth fill, or proportion thereof, but place a minimum depth of 6 inches (150 mm) regardless of depth of overlying fill. Place a 2-inch (50 mm) layer of straw or hay over the aeration layer.

658.06 Earth Embankment. Perform excavation and embankment, as necessary, according to Item 203.

658.07 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Tree Root Aeration by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters), measured in the carrier or truck according to 109, of the aggregate furnished, placed, completed, and accepted.

658.08 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for embankment and excavation under Item 203 and the pipe under Item 603.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

658 Cubic Yard Tree Root Aeration

(Cubic Meter)

659.01 Description

659.02 Testing of Soil or Topsoil

659.03 Lime

659.04 Commercial Fertilizer

659.05 Topsoil

659.06 Compost

659.07 Seeds

659.08 Legumes

659.09 Native Grasses and Wildflowers

659.10 Site Preparation

659.11 Placing Topsoil

659.12 Seeding Methods

659.13 Mulching Operation

659.14 Straw Mulch

659.15 Wood Fiber Mulch

659.16 Compost Mulch

659.17 Watering

659.18 Maintenance

659.19 Mowing

659.20 Repair Seeding and Mulching

659.21 Inter-Seeding

659.22 Fertilization: 2nd Application

659.23 Performances

659.24 Method of Measurement

659.25 Basis of Payment
659.01 Description. This work consists of placing topsoil, preparing the seed bed, and placing and incorporating seed, agricultural lime, commercial fertilizer, and placing mulching material.

Perform this work in stages according to Item 207.

Perform this work in areas shown on the plans for seeding and mulching.

Perform seeding and mulching after completing all work in the area and within 7 days of obtaining final grade. If it is anticipated that future work may disturb an area, place temporary seed (Class 7), and provide mulch according to Item 207 and perform seeding and mulching after all work is completed. If the Contractor disturbs a final area, then the Contractor shall restore this area.

Use all excavation material in the work. Alternatively legally use, recycle, or dispose of all excavated materials according to 105.16 and 105.17.

659.02 Testing of Soil or Topsoil. When a Soil Analysis Test of the soil or topsoil is required in the plans, use the following sampling frequency to determine the lime required:

A. When an area is near final grade, perform Standard Soil Analysis Test to measure the soil acidity or alkalinity (pH) if no topsoil is to be placed. This testing will determine the soil requirements for lime. If the soil requirements are different than the standard lime mixture ratio application rates then the standard application rate shall be adjusted up or down such that the soil requirements are met. If liquid lime is used then use the following application table to achieve a pH of 6.5 or greater. Calculate the difference between the soil pH and 6.5 pH.






Application rate

in gals/ac (L/ha)

2.5 (4)

5 (8)

10 (15)

20 (30)

Example: Soil Analysis Test pH=5.75 required pH=6.5 difference= .75 required application rate is 10 gals/ac (15L/ha) Only use Liquid lime on the QPL list. Provide the Engineer with the Liquid Lime manufacturers written application rate. The Engineer will only accept printed application rates.

There will be no change in the mixture ratio. The sampling frequency is one sample every 10 acres (4.0 ha) per project side or one sample per project side which ever is greater. A sample consist of 15 soil cores in a random pattern spaced at a minimum of 500 feet (153 m) apart. Sample any change in soil. Soil changes can be seen as color and/or texture changes.

B. If placing topsoil, perform the Standard Soil Analysis Test from topsoil stockpiles to measure the topsoil acidity or alkalinity (pH). This testing will determine the soil requirements for lime. If the topsoil requirements are different than the standard lime mixture ratio application rates then the standard application rate shall be adjusted up or down such that the topsoil requirements are met.

If liquid lime is used then use the following application table to achieve a pH of 6.5 or greater. Calculate the difference between the soil pH and 6.5 pH.






Application rate

in gals/ac (L/ha)

2.5 (4)

5 (8)

10 (15)

20 (30)

Example: Soil Analysis Test pH=5.75 required pH=6.5 difference= .75 required application rate is 10 gals/ac (15L/ha) Only use Liquid lime on the QPL list. Provide the Engineer with the Liquid Lime manufacturers written application rate. The Engineer will only accept printed application rates.

There will be no change in the mixture ratio. The sampling frequency is one sample every 10,000 cubic yards (7600 m3) of a topsoil stockpile, or at least two samples per stock pile which ever is greater. Test each stockpile. A sample consisting of 15 soil cores in a random pattern spaced evenly throughout the stockpile.

Mix the 15 cores from each sample and then remove 1 pint (0.5 L) for testing.

The Ohio County Extension offices can provide the Contractor with a soil sample kit and testing laboratory locations.

The Department will review the sample test results and approve application rates for the standard mixture ratios provided by the Contractor.

If a Soil Analysis Test of the soil is not required by the plans, use the standard application rates for lime and commercial fertilizer.

659.03 Lime. Obtain granular or liquid lime from a agricultural lime dealer or manufacturer whose brands are grades registered or licensed by the State of Ohio, Department of Agriculture. The granular or liquid lime standard grade is Ag-ground 90+. Ag-ground 90+ is defined as agricultural ground limestone, having a total neutralizing power (TNP) of 90 percent or more, at least 40 percent passing a No. 100 (150 m) sieve and 95 percent passing a No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve. Test granular or liquid lime according to Supplement 1007. Apply the granular or liquid lime standard grade Ag-ground 90+ at the standard application rate of 92 pounds per 1000 square feet (2 tons per acre) [0.45 kg/m2 (9 metric tons/ha)].

The Contractor may provide other lime grade materials. The lime grade materials provided will meet Table 7-10 “Equivalent Amounts of Liming Materials” found in Bulletin 472, Ohio Agronomy Guide, published by the Cooperative Extension Service, The Ohio State University. Based on the type of lime grade material provided, determine the increase or decrease in the standard application rate from Table 7-10 “Equivalent Amounts of Liming Materials” found in Bulletin 472, “Ohio Agronomy Guide”, published by the Cooperative Extension Service, The Ohio State University.

If using liquid lime apply liquid lime at a rate of 5 gals/acre (8 L/ha) unless other wise required per the soil or topsoil Soil Analysis Test. Provide the Engineer with the Liquid Lime manufacturers written application rate. The Engineer will only accept printed application rates. Only use Liquid lime on the QPL list.

If testing of the soil or topsoil was performed, the lime required will be such that a growing environment of slightly acidic (pH 6.5) can be reached. The application rate of the standard grade lime Ag-ground 90+ will be adjusted up or down to achieve this condition and reported to the Department for approval. No lime is required for the soil or topsoil if the test shows a slightly acidic condition.

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