2 ve acámielmet illon minyave náner astarmoli ar núroli i quetto, 3

Then a person in the crowd said to him: “Teacher, say to my brother that [it] is necessary for him to give me a portion in the inheritance!” 14

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13 Then a person in the crowd said to him: “Teacher, say to my brother that [it] is necessary for him to give me a portion in the inheritance!” 14 He said to him: “O man, who put me [in a position] to judge you [dual] or to distribute to you [dual] your [dual] inheritance?” 15 Then he said to them: “Take heed and protect yourselves from all greed, for also [/even] when a person has abundance, his life does not come from his possessions.” 16 Furthermore, he spoke to them a comparison, saying: “The land of a rich man gave a big harvest. 17 And he made a consideration in his mind, saying: 'What am I to do, now when I lack a place where I can gather my harvest?' 18 And he said: 'I will do so: I will tear down [nancar-, 'undo'] my stores, and I will build some stores larger than them, and there I will gather all my grain and all my good things, 19 and I will say do myself: 'Now you have numerous good things in store for many years. Rest, eat, drink, have joy!'
20 Mal Eru quente senna: 'Úhanda nér! Lóme sinasse canilte cuilelya lyello. Tá man samuva yar ahastiel?' Sie euva yen hosta harma insen, mal ua lárea Erun.”

22 Tá quentes hildoryannar: “Sina castanen quetin lenna: Áva same quárele pa inde, pa mana matuvalde, hya pa hroaldar, pa i lanni yar coluvalde. 23 An i cuile ná mirwa lá matso, ar i hroa lá lanni. 24 Cima i quácor, i ualte rere hya *cirihta, ar ualte same haurar hya ataqui hepien nati, ananta Eru anta tien masto. Manen mirwe lá aiwi elde nar! 25 Man mici le, quáreleryanen, pole napane erya *perranga coivieryo andienna? 26 Qui sie ualde pole care i ampitya nat, manen ná i samilde quárele pa i lemyala nati? 27 Cima manen i indili alir; ualte móta hya lanya, mal nyarin len: Yando Solomon ilya alcareryasse úne netyaina ve er mici té!
20 But God said to him: 'Senseless man! In this night they demand your life from you. Then who will have [the things] that you have gathered?' So [it] will be for [the one] who gathers treasure for himself, but is not rich to God.”

22 Then he said to his disciples: “For this reason I say to you: Do not have anxiety about yourselves, about what you will eat, or about your bodies, about the things that you will wear. 23 For the life [you have] is more precious than food, and the body than clothes. 24 Give heed to the ravens [or, crows – quácor], that they do not sow or harvest, and they do not have stores or buildings for keeping thigns, and yet God gives them food. How [much] more precious than birds you are! 25 Who among you, by worrying, can add a single cubit to the length of his life? 26 If thus you cannot do the smallest thing, how is [it] that you have worries about the remaining things? 27 Heed how the lilies grow; they do not toil or weave, but I tell you: Also [/even] Solomon in all his glory was not adorned like one among them!

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