Aksaray-Aırport Subway Lıne Sıgnallıng System Safety and Operatıng Performance Determınatıon by Stochastıc Methods
In this thesis, Aksaray-Airport metro line’s operation and safety performance was aimed to determine with stochastic methods. Performance values were calculated on the samples with independent variables of the defined utulity function.
In the first part of this study, overall structure of the Aksaray-Airport metro line’s operation and electronic signal system was summarized . The possible failures of the system were determined and evaluated to impact to general operation. General safety standards were discussed.
In the second section, performance-safety measuring flows of the electronic signal system was defined. Utility functions, including the defined hazardous operating conditions, were generated. Then the variables, the weight coefficients and other system parameters were created.
In the third section,the operating-safety functions scores, defined by mathematical expressions in the previous sections, was determined by measurement methods. Accordingly system's operating performance and the possible risks were investigated.
As a result, according to model used, the weight coefficients of each variable was determined based on the measurements by the conditional probability calculation method. Safety precautions was determined last part of the thesis depending on worst-case analysis was carried out in different scenarios. Thus, safety and operating performance of the system is aimed to maximization.
ACAR Yusuf
Danışman : Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hakan DOĞAN
Anabilim Dalı : Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2011
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hakan DOĞAN
Prof. Dr. Sıddık YARMAN
Prof. Dr. Hakan Ali ÇIRPAN
Prof. Dr. Aydın AKAN
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Niyazi ODABAŞIOĞLU
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