Heat Hydrataion of Cement and Blended Cement and Compare It With Other Cement Characteristics
Cement is a fine powder which sets within a few hours when mixed with water, and then hardens into a durable solid mass due to its very low solubility in alkaline aqueous media. Cements are also called hydraulic binders. The chemical reaction between cement and water is called hydration. Heat of hydration is the heat released as a result of hydration. Heat of hydration causes thermal shrinkage especially in mass concretes, in dams and foundation piers, etc. Hence, considerable amount of research has been carried out on the causes of and actions to be taken to reduce the heat of hydration.
In this study, cements of different fineness and types with replacements of puzzolans are studied. Dissolution heats of pure and blended cements thus obtained are measured. The effects of properties of cements, especially the fineness and the types of additives on dissolution heat are researched. In this thesis, different fineness and type of cements (CEM 1 463 – 400 – 550 m2/kg, SDÇ 318 - 400 - 550 m2/kg) and puzzolans (fly ash, silica fume, corn stalk ash, trass) and blast furnace slag which is admitted hidden hdraulic binder that added to cements are investigated in which quantity and how affects the dissolution heat. To measure the cement’s hydration heat, powder cement’s dissolution heat have to be determined. Hydration heat of hydrated cement is found profit by cement’s dissolution heat. Sensitive measurements are made with Beckmann thermometer to see temeperature rises.
At the end of the study it is detected that C3S and C3A are the compounds of cement that effect heat of hydration more than others. As these compounds increase amount of quantity in cement composition, dissolution heat increases. Additives which are used in tests, corn stalk ash has a high puzzolanic reactivity and decreases dissolution heat most from others. As the fineness of cement incerases, generally dissolution heat increases and time of setting shortens.
Danışman : Yrd. Doç. Dr. Cenk ALHAN
Anabilim Dalı : İnşaat Mühendisliği
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2011
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Yrd. Doç. Dr. Cenk ALHAN
Prof. Dr. N. Kemal ÖZTORUN
Prof Dr. Fahriye KILINÇKALE
Prof. Dr. Ekrem MANİSALI
Yrd. Doç. Dr. A. Pelin GÜRGÜN
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