A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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W. B. Yeats, 'The Statues', The Poems, ed. Daniel Albright (London: Everyman, 1995), 384.

[2] Florence Farr to W. B. Yeats, 3 October 1914, in Yeats Annual 9, ed. Deirdre Toomey (London: Macmillan, 1992), 242-43. Farr was then headmistress of Ramanathan College in Ceylon.

Roy Foster, W. B. Yeats: A Life, II. The Arch-Poet (Oxford: OUP, 2003), 5.

James Longenbach, Stone Cottage: Pound, Yeats and Modernism (Oxford: OUP, 1988), 118.

Daniel Albright, 'Notes to The Poems', The Poems, 579.

Roy Foster, W. B. Yeats: A Life, II. The Arch-Poet, 40.

[8] Kiberd, Declan. Inventing Ireland: The Literature of the Modern Nation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1995), 100.

James Longenbach, Stone Cottage: Pound, Yeats and Modernism,

Roy Foster, W. B. Yeats: A Life, II. The Arch-Poet, 46.

The Letters of W. B. Yeats, ed. Allen Wade (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954), 612-13.

Vendler, Helen. "Technique in the Earlier Poems of Yeats." in Yeats Annual 8, ed. Warwick Gould (London: Macmillan, 1991), 20, note 4; cf. Terence Brown, The Life of W. B. Yeats (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999), 233-34. I have discussed the verse form and structure vis-à-vis Matthew Arnold's 'Haworth Churchyard', in 'Yeats and the Occasional Poem: "Easter 1916"', Papers on Language & Literature, 4:3, Summer 1968, 308-28.

Yeats. 'Estrangement' Diary. 1909. In Yeats, Autobiographies (London: Macmillan, 1966.

Yeats. 'In Memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markiewicz."

Perloff, Marjorie. 'Spatial Form in Yeats's "Lissadell" Poems', PMLA 82 (October 1967), 444-54.

Yeats, The Green Helmet (1910).

Anna MacBride White and Norman Jeffares, The Gonne-Yeats Letters 1893-1938. New York: Norton, 1994.

Roy Foster, W. B. Yeats: A Life, II. The Arch-Poet, 51-52.

Maud Gonne, 'Yeats and Ireland', in Scattering Branches: Tributes to the Memory of W. B. Yeats, ed. Stephen Gwynn (London: Macmillan, 1940) 31-32.

Yeats, 'The Death of Synge' (1909), Autobiographies, 504.

Lloyd, David. 'The Poetics of Politics: Yeats and the Founding of the State', in Yeats's Political Identities: Selected Essays, ed. Jonathan Allison (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996), 393.

Davie, Donald. '"Michael Robartes and the Dancer"', in An Honoured Guest: New Essays on W. B. Yeats, ed. Denis Donoghue and J. R. Mulryne (New York: St Martin's Press, 1966), 87.

Yeats. 'Per Amica Silentia Lunae', Mythologies (London:Macmillan, 1962), 331.

W. B. Yeats, 'Introduction', The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 1892-1935 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1936), xxxiv. My emphasis.

Roy Foster, W. B. Yeats: A Life, II. The Arch-Poet, 304-09.

In The Letters of W. B. Yeats, 740-42.
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