A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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Freedman, Jonathan. (U of Michigan). The Temple of Culture: Assimilation and Anti-Semitism in Literary Anglo-America. New York: Oxford UP, 2000.

Rennie, Niel. (U College, London). Far-Fetched-Facts: The Literature of Travel and the Idea of the South Seas. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Boehmer, Elleke (U of Leeds), ed. Empire Writing: An Anthology of Colonial Literature 1870-1918. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Hutner, Gordon, ed. American Literature, American Culture. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Lemke, Sieglinde. Primitivism-Modernism: Black Culture and the Origins of Transatlantic Modernism. (W.E.B. Du Bois Institute Series). New York: Oxford UP, 1998.

Thiong'o, Ngugi wa. Penpoints, Gunpoints, and Dreams. (Clarendon Lectures in English). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Balme, Christopher B. (U of Munich). Decolonizing the Stage: Theatrical Syncretism and Post-Colonial Drama. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

King, Bruce, ed. New National and Post-Colonial Literatures. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Sethi, Rumina (Wolfson College, Oxford). Myths of the Nation: National Identity and Literary Representation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Longenbach, James. Modern Poetry after Modernism. New York: Oxford UP, 1998.

Miller, Nina. Making Love Modern: The Intimate Public Worlds of New York's Literary Women. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Weaver, Jace. That the People Might Live: Native American Literatures and the Native American Community. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. Pbk 1999.

Munk, Linda. The Devil's Mousetrap: Redemption and Colonial American Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Smethrust, James Edward. The New Red Negro: The Literary Left and African American Poetry, 1930-1946. (Race and American Culture). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Smith, Jeffery A. War and Press Freedom: The Problem of Prerogative Power. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Stowe. The Oxford Harriet Beecher Stowe Reader. Ed. Joan D. Hedrick. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

_____. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ed. Jean Fagan Yellin. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Crane. The Red Badge of Courage and Other Stories. Ed. Anthony Mellors and Fiona Robertson. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Braxton, Joanne M., ed. Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. (Casebooks in Contemporary Fiction). New York: Oxford UP, 1999.

Rushdy, Ashraf H. A. Neo-Slave Narratives: Studies in the Social Logic of a Literary Form. (Race and American Culture). New York: Oxford UP, 1999.

James. The American. Ed. Adrian Poole. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Twain. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Ed. Emory Elliott. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur. Ed. David Mayer. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Cole, Phyllis. Mary Moody Emerson and the origins of Transcendentalism: A Family History. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. (Aunt of R. W. Emerson).

Grey, Zane. Riders of the Purple Sage. Ed. Lee Clark Mitchell. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Wong, Hertha D. Sweet, ed. Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine: A Casebook. (Casebooks in Contemporary Fiction). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Wong, Say-ling Cynthia, ed. Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior: A Casebook. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Humphries, Jefferson, and John Lowe, eds. The Future of Southern Letters. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Ling, Jinqui. Narrating Nationalisms: Ideology and Form in Asian American Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Brown, Stewart (U of Birmingham) and John Wickham, eds. The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Asensi, Manuel. Theoría de la lectura: Para una crítica paradójica. (Libros Hiperión, 98). Madrid: Hiperión, 1987.

Kohut, Karl (1936-). Las teorias literarias en España y Portugal durante los siglos XV y XVI : Estado de la investigación y problemática. (Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes" de Filologia Hispánica; Anejos de Revista de Literatura ; v. 36). Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1973.

Moises, Massaud. A criaçao literária: introduçao à problemática da literatura. 8th ed. rev. Sao Paulo: melhoramentos, 1977.

Domínguez Caparrós, José (UNED). Crítica Literaria. 2nd ed. Madrid: UNED, 1987.

Roldán Pérez, Antonio (1934), ed. Crítica literaria. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, UNED, 1976.

Bopp, Léon. Esquisse d'un traité du roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1935.

Naumann, Manffred, ed. Gesellschaft – Literatur – Lesen: Literarturrezeption in theoretischer Sicht. Berlin: Aufbau, 1975.

Coloquios sobre Historia y Estructura de la Obra Literaria. (Anejos de Revista de Literatura, 31). Madrid: CSIC-Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes", 1971.

Giacalone Ramat, Anna (1937) and Tomaso Kemeny, eds. Linguaggi letterari e metalingaggi critici: Atti del seminario dis studi. (Pubblicazionei della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università di Pavia, 35). Firenze: Nova Italia, 1984.

Sell, Roger D., and Peter Verdonk, eds. Literature and the New Interdisciplinarity: Poetics, Linguistics, History. (DQR Studies in Literature, 14). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.

Weimann, Robert. Literaturrgeschichte und Mythologie: Methodologische und historische Studien. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch; Wissenschaft, 204). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977.

Winter, Helmut. Literaturtheorie und Literaturkritik. (Studienreihe Englisch, 19). Düsseldorf: August Bagel, 1975.

Tusón, Jesús (1939). El llenguatge i el plaer: incursions linguistiques en terra literaria. Barcelona: Empùries, 1990.

Baasner, Rainer, with Maria Zens. Methoden und Modelle der Literaturwissenschaft: eine Einführung. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 1996.

Rallo, Élisabeth Ravoux. Méthodes de critique littéraire. Paris: Armand Colin, 1994.

Díez Borque, José María, ed. Métodos de estudio de la obra literaria. Madrid: Taurus, 1985.

Gourmont, Rémy de. (1858-1916). Le problème du style. New ed. Paris: Mercure de France, 1907.

Proffitt, Edward. Reading and Writing about Literature: Fiction, Poetry, Drama and the Essay. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980.

Arnaud, Pierre, ed. Regards sur la critique littéraire moderne. Paris: PUF-Sorbonne / Centre de Recherches Littéraires, 1996.

Segre, Cesare. I segni e la critica. Torino: Einaudi, 1969.

Fernández, José María. Teoría de la literatura y métodos de crítica. Tarragona: Departament de Filologies Romàniques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 1996.

Catalano, Gabriele. Teoría della crítica contemporánea: Dalla stilistica allo strutturalismo. (Collana. La Spirale, 10). Napoli: Guida, 1974.

Fokkema (b. 1931).

Reyes, Graciela, ed. Teorías literarias en la actualidad. (Textos Universitarios). Madrid: El Arquero, 1989.

Diamond, Arlyn, and Lee R. Edwards, eds. The Authority of Experience: Essays in Feminist Criticism. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1988.

Small, Ian. Conditions for Criticism: Authority, Knowledge, and Literature in the late Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.

Cain, William E. The Crisis in Criticism: Theory, Literature, and Reform in English Studies. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987.

Newton, Judith, and Deborah Rosenfelt, eds. Feminist criticism and social change : sex, class and race in literature and culture. (University Paperbacks, 899). New York: Methuen, 1985.

Eliot. Función de la poesía y función de la crítica. Ed. and trans. Jaime Gil de Biedma. (Biblioteca Breve de bolsillo, 20). Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1968.

_____. Función de la poesía y función de la crítica. Ed. and trans. Jaime Gil de Biedma. (Marginales, 175). Barcelona: Tusquets, 1999.

Scott, Bonnie Kime, ed. The Gender of Modernism: A Critical Anthology. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990.

Wimsatt, W. K., ed. Literary Criticism: Idea and Act. The English Institute, 1939-1972: Selected Essays. Berkeley (CA): U of California P, 1974.

Williams, Ioan, ed. Novel and Romance 1700-1800: A Documentary Record. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970.

Minogue, Sally, ed. Problems with Feminist Criticism. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Ragussis, Michael. The Subterfuge of Art: Language and the Romantic Tradition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1978.

Greisch, Jean. L'Âge herméneutique de la raison. Paris: Cerf, 1985.

Rodríguez Buil, Francisco Javier. Antropología de la alienación según la filosofía del sujeto de Paul Ricoeur. Madrid: Ed. U Complutense de Madrid, 1991.

Alonso Schökel, Luis, and José María Bravo. Apuntes de hermenéutica. (Estructuras y Procesos; Religión). Madrid: Trotta, 1994.

Ortíz Osés, A., et al., eds. Arquetipos y símbolos colectivos. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1994.

Domingo Moratalla, Agustín. El arte de poder o no tener razón: la hermenéutica dialógica de H. G. Gadamer. (Bibliotheca Salmanticensis. Estudios, 138). Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia, 1991.

Holm-Hadulla, Rainer Matthias. Die psychotherapeutische Kunst.

_____. El arte psicoterapéutico: la hermenéutica como base de la práctica terapéutica. Introd. H.-G. Gadamer. Barcelona: Herder, 1999.

Harrisville, Roy A., and Walter Sundberg. The Bible in Modern Culture: Theology and Historical Method from Spinoza to Käsemann. Grand Rapids (MI): William B. Eerdmans, 1995.

Casciaro, José María, et al., eds. Biblia y hermenéutica: VII Simposio Internacional de Teología de la Universidad de Navarra. (Colección Teológica, 49). Pamplona: EUNSA, 1986.

Hayes, John Haralson. (1934), and Carl R. Holladay. Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner's Handbook. London: SCM Press, 1983.

Young, Frances M. Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Christian Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.

Morgan, Robert, with John Barton (1948). Biblical Interpretation. Rpt. with corrections. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989.

Henrichs, Norbert. Bibliographie der Hermeneutik und iherer Anwendungsbereiche seit Schleiermacher. (Kleine Philosophische Bibliographien, 1). Düsseldorf: Philosophia, 1972.

Breymann, Manfred. Can People Really Recognize and Interpret Facts Correctly? Food for Thought. Erlenbach (Switzerland): Börsig, 1987. (Biblical hermeneutics).

Beuchot, Mauricio. Las caras del símbolo: el icono y el ídolo. (Esprit, 38). Madrid: Caparrós, 1999.

Martini, Carlo M. (1927), Giuseppe Ghiberti, and Mauro Pesce. Cento anni di cammino biblico. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1995.

Heller, Louis George. Communicational Analysis and Methodology for Historians. New York: New York UP, 1972.

Hernández-Pacheco Sanz, Javier. Corrientes actuales de filosofía. 2 vols. Madrid: Tecnos, 1996. (Frankfurt School; hermeneutic phil.).

Zaldívar, Raúl. Crítica bíblica: Un enfoque evangélico a las técnicas de investigación del texto sagrado. Terrassa: Clie, 1996.

Murillo, Lino, SJ. Crítica y exégesis: Observaciones sobre un nuevo sistema exegético de la Biblia. 2nd ed. Madrid: Gabriel L. Y del Horno, 1905.

Ortiz-Osés, Andrés (1943). Cuestiones fronterizas: Una filosofía simbólica. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1999.

Coreth, Emerich. Cuestiones fundamentales de hermenéutica. Trans. Manuel Balasch. (Biblioteca Herder; Sección de Sagrada Escritua, 127). Barcelona: Herder, 1972.

Bengoa Ruiz de Azúa, Javier. De Heidegger a Habermas: Hermenéutica y fundamentación última en la filosofía contemporánea. Rpt. Barcelona: Herder, 1987.

Castañares Burcio, Wenceslao (1948). De la interpretación a la lectura. (Parteluz, 7). Madrid: Iberediciones, 1994.
Ghose, Indira (Free U of Berlin), ed. Memsahibs Abroad: Writings by Women Travellers in Nineteenth Century India. Oxford UP, 1999.

_____. Women Travellers in Colonial India: The Power of the Female Gaze. Oxford UP, 1998.

Iqbal, Afzal. The Life and Work of Jalaluddin Rumi. Oxford UP, 1999.

Taylor, Philip Meadows. Confessions of a Thug. Ed. Patrick Brantlinger. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Ali Khan, Mazhar. Pakistan: The Barren Years: The Viewpoint Editorials and Columns of Mazhar Ali Khan 1975-1992. Oxford UP, 1999.

Chaudhuri, Sukanta. Translation and Understanding. Oxford UP, 1999.

Thompson, E. P. Alien Homage: Edward Thompson and Rabindranath Tagore. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Viswanathan, Gauri. Masks of Conquest: Literary Studies and British Rule in India. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Satthianandhan, Krupabai. Saguna: The First Autobiographical Novel in English by an Indian Woman. Ed. Chandani Lokugé. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Strauss, Jennifer, ed. Family Ties: Australian Poems of the Family. Melbourne: Oxford UP, 1999.

Wallace-Crabbe, Chris. Author! Author! Tales of Australian Literary Life. Melbourne: Oxford UP, 1999.

Martin, Catherine. An Australian Girl. Ed. Graham Tulloch and Amanda Nettelbeck. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Matthews, Donald H. Honoring the Ancestors: An African Cultural Interpretation of Black Religion and Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Jack, Belinda. Francophone Literatures: An Introductory Surveyi Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996.

Hutner, Gordon, ed. American Literary History. Quarterly. Vol. 12 (2000). New York: Oxford UP. http://www.alh.oupjournals.org

Hawcroft, Michael. (Keble College, Oxford). Rhetoric: Readings in French Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Kamboureli, Smaro. (U of Victoria, Canada). Scandalous Bodies: Diasporic Literature in English Canada and Its Contexts. Ontario: Oxford UP Canada, 1999. (Charles Tyalor, F. P. Grove's novel Settlers of the Marsh, Joy Kogawa's novel Obasan, multiculturalism).

Tooke, Adrianne. (Somerville College, Oxford). Flaubert and the Pictorial Arts: From Image to Text. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Laird, Sally, ed. Voices of Russian Literature: Interviews with Ten Contemporary Writers. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. (Fazil Iskander, Lydmila Petrushevskaya, Vladimir Makanin, Andrei Bitov, Tatyana tolstaya, Yevgeny Popov, Vladimir Sorokin, Zufar Gareyev, Viktor Pelevin, Igor Pomerantsev).

Docherty, Thomas (U of Kent). Criticism and Modernity: Aesthetics, Literature, and Nations in Europe and Its Academies. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. (Corneille, Dryden Molière, Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Schiller, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Agamben, Badiou, Lyotard, MacIntyre, Vico, Humboldt, Neman, Blair, Alain, Benda, Leavis).

MacRobert, C. M., G. S. Smith, and G. C. Stone, eds. Oxford Slavonic Papers. Oxford: Oxford UP. Vol. 31 (1998); Vol. 32 (1999).

Beaton, Roderick (King's College, London). An Introduction to Modern Greek Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. (Runciman Award, Anglo-Hellenic League, 1995).

Scott, Clive. The Poetics of French Verse: Studies in Reading. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Cowling, David. Building the Text: Architecture as Metaphor in Late Medieval and Early Modern France. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literatures Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Orr, Mary (U of Exeter). Flaubert: Writing the Masculine. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Luckhurst, Nicola (School of Advanced Study, U of London). Science and Structure in Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Atack, Margaret (U of Leeds). May 68 in French Fiction and Film: Rethinking Society, Rethinking Representation. (Oxford Studies in Modern European Culture). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. (Beauvoir, Cardinal, godard, Kristeva).

Williams, Wes. (New College, Oxford). Pilgrimage and Narrative in the French Renaissance: 'The Undiscovered Country'. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Segal, Naomi (U of Reading). André Gide: Pederasty and Pedagogy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Hiddleston, James A. (Exeter College, Oxford). Baudelaire and the Art of Memory. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Stephens, Sonya. (Royal Holloway College, U of London). Baudelaire's Prose Poems: The Practice and Politics of Irony. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Hoffmann, George. (Boston U). Montaigne's Career. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

McGuinness, Patrick. (StAnne's College, Oxford). Maurice Maeterlinck and the Making of Modern Theatre. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

O'Beirne, Emer. (U College Dublin). Reading Nathalie Sarraute. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Dunwoodie, Peter. (Goldsmiths College, U of London). Writing French Algeria. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. (Fromentin, Gautier, masqueray, Loti, Camus, Audisio, Roblès).

Powrie, Phil (U of Newcastle upon Tyne). French Cinema in the 1990s. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. (Les Amants du Pont-Neuf, Le Bonheur est dans le pré, Bye Bye, Chacun Cherche son Chat, Le Cinquième élément, Douce France, Etat des lieux, Gazon maudit, Germinal, La Haine, Indochine, Irma Vep, Jai pas sommeil, Krim, Merci la vie, Métisse, Mon Père ce héros, Les Nuits fauves, Raï, Ridicule, Romuald et Juliette, Les Roseaux sauvages, Trois Couleurs: Blanc – Bleu – Rouge; Un hérose très discret, Les Visiteurs).

_____. French Cinema in the 1980s: Nostalgia and the Crisis of Masculinity. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.

Freeman, Mike (U of Bristol), Elizabeth Fallaize (St John's College), Jill Forbes (U of Bristol) Toby Garfitt (Magdalen College, Oxford), Roger Pearson (Queen's College, Oxford), eds. The Process of Art: Studies in Nineteenth-Century French Literature, Music, and Painting in Honour of Alan Raitt. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Barnes, Julian. Essay in The Process of Art: Studies in Nineteenth-Century French Literature, Music, and Painting in Honour of Alan Raitt. Ed. Mike Freeman et al. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Maupassant. A Life. Ed. and trans. Rogber Pearson. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Zola. Pot Luck. Ed. and trans. Brian Nelson. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Diderot. Jacques the Fatalist. Ed. and trans. David Coward. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Huysmans, Joris-Karl. Against Nature. Trans. Margaret Mauldon. Ed. Nicholas White. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Evans, Peter. Spanish Cinema: The Auteurist Tradition. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. (Almodóvar, Medem, Bigas Luna)

Martin-Márquez, Susan. (U of Virginia). Feminist Discourse and Spanish Cinema. (Oxford Hispanic Studies). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Lope de Vega (1562-1635). Three Major Plays (Fuenteovejuna, The Knight from Olmedo, Punishment without Revenge). Ed. and trans. Gwynne Edwards. (U of Wales, Aberystwyth). (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Matto de Turner, Clorinda. (Peru, 19th c.).. Torn from the Nest. Novel. Ed. Antonio Carnejo-Polar (late U of California, Berkeley). Trans. John R. Polt. (Emeritus, U of California at Berkeley). (Library of Latin America). New York: Oxford UP, 1999.

Midgley, David (St John's College, Cambridge). Writing Weimar: Critical Realism in German Literature, 1918-1933. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Brown, Hilda Meldrum (St Hilda's College, Oxford). Heinrich von Kleist: The Ambiguity of Art and the Necessity of Form. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Robertson, Ritchie (St Johns College, Oxford). The 'Jewish Question' in German Literature, 1749-1939: Emancipation and its Discontents. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. (Mendelssohn, etc.).

Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future. Ed. and trans. Marion Faber. Introd. Robert C. Holub. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Goethe. The Flight to Italy: Diary and Selected Letters. Ed. and trans. T. J. Reed. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Schiller, J. C. F. On the Aesthetic Education of Man: Parallel-Text Edition. Ed. and trans. E. M. wilkinson and L. A. Willoughby. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1983.

Robertson, Ritchie, ed. The German-Jewish Dialogue. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Paver, Chloe E. M. (Exeter U). Narrative and Fantasy in the Post-War German Novel. (Oxford Modern Language and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. (Uwe Johnson, Max Risch, Christa Wolf, Jurek Becker, Günter Grass).

Colvin, Sarah. (U of Edinburgh). The Rhetorical Feminine: Gender and the Orient on the German Stage, 1647-1742. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Estraikh, Gennady. (Oxford Institute for Yiddish). Soviet Yiddish. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Kerler, Dov-Ver. (Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies and Lincoln College). The Origins of Modern Literary Yiddish. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Berghaus, Gunter. Italian Futurist Theatre, 1909-1944. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Caesar, Ann Hallamore. (U of Cambridge) Characters and Authors in Luigi Pirandello. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Woodhouse, John. Gabriele d'Annunzio: Defiant Archangel. Biography. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Burdett, Charles F. (U of Bristol). Vincenzo Cardarelli and his Contemporaries: Fascist Politics and Literary Culture. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literatures Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. (Italian Fascist modernist, 1884-1959).

Kelly, Catriona. (New College, U of Oxford). A History of Russian Women's Writing 1820-1992. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Turgenev. Rudin and On the Eve. Ed. David McDuff. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Gogol. Dead Souls: A Poem. Ed. and trans. Christopher English. Introd. Robert A. Maguire. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Strindberg, Johan August. Miss Julie and Other Plays. Ed. and trans. Michael Robinson. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Hutt, Michael J. (School of Oriental and African Studies, London). Modern Literary Nepali: An Introductory Reader. (SOAS Studies on South Asia). New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 1999.

Schomer, Karine. Mahadevi Varma and the Chhaayavad Age of Modern Hindi Poetry. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Jackson, William J. Songs of Three Great South Indian Saints. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Mir, Muhammad Taqui. Zikr-i-Mir: The Eighteenth-Century Autobiography of the Mughal Poet 'Mir'. Ed. C. M. Naim. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Vaudeville, Charlotte. A Weaver Named Kabir: Selected Verses, with a Detailed Biographical and Historical Introduction. (French Studies in South Asian Culture and Society, 6). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Russell, Ralph, ed. Ghalib: The Poet and His Age. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Hotho, Sabine, Ian Johnson, Mary Orr, and Gustavo San Román, eds. Forum for Modern Language Studies. Oxford: Oxford UP. Quarterly. Vol. 36 (2000). www.fmls.oupjournals.org

Freeman, Michael, Ellizabeth Fallaize, and Patrick O'Donovan. French Studies. Quarterly. Vol. 54 (2000). Oxford: Oxford UP, / Society for French Studies. www.fs.oupjournals.org

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