Sign Language & Linguistics (Online)
Sign Language & Linguistics. Online.
Sign Language Studies
Sign LanguageStudies
Signa. Revista de la Asociación Española deSemiótica
Simpliciana:Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft
Sincronie: rivistaSemestrale di letterature,Teatro eSistemi di pensiero
Sinn und Form
Sionnach (An)
Sixteenth Century Journal
SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation
SKY : Journal of Linguistics
SKY: Journal of Linguistics
Slavia Occidentalis
Slavia Orientalis
Slavic Almanac.TheSouth African Journal forSlavic, Central and Eastern EuropeanStudies
Slavic and East European Journal
Slavic Review
Slavica Gandensia
Slavica slovaca
Slavistichna revija
Slavonic and East European Review
Slavonic and East European Review
Slovenska rech (Slovak Language)
Slovo a Slovesnost: A Journal of the Theory of Language and Language Cultivation
Social Identities: A Journal on Race, Nation and Culture. UK.
Social Semiotics. Cultural studies journal, USA.
Social Text. Cultural studies journal, USA.
Soumalais-ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja
Soundings. Cultural studies journal, UK.
Southern Literary Journal
Southern Review. Cultural studies journal, Australia.
Space and Culture. Cultural studies journal, Canada.
Spanish in Context
Speech Communication
Spiegel der letteren
Sprache im Technischen Zeitalter
Sprache und Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht
Sprache.Zeitschrift fürSprachwissenschaft
Sprachkunst: BeiträgeZur Literaturwissenschaft
Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik
Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik
Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung
Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung.
Sprák och stil: Tidskrift för svensk sprákforskning
SSL:Studies inScottish Literature
Stem- sprraak- en taalpathologie
Strani jezci
Strumenti critici: rivista quadrimestrale di cultura e critica letteraria
Studi danteschi
Studi di filolgia italiana
Studi di grammatica Italiana
Studi di lessicografia italiana
Studi e problemi di criticaTestuale
Studi e saggi linguistiici
Studi francesi
Studi italiani di lingüística teorica e applicata
Studi Italiani di linguisticaTeorica e applicata
Studi linguistici literari
Studi novecenteschi: rivistaSemestrale diStoria della letteratura italiana contemporanea
Studi petrarcheschi
Studi si cercetari lingvistice
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: An International Journal Review of english Studies
Studia anthroponymica Scandinavica
Studia Celtica
Studia germanica gandensia
Studia Iranica
Studia Islandica
Studia kognitywne
Studia Linguistica. A Journal of General Linguistics
Studia neophilologica
Studia romanica et anglica zagrabiensia
Studia romanica posnaniensia
Studia slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Studia zfilologii Plskiej i Slowianskiej
StudiaSlavica Finlandensia
Studies in 20th and 21th Century (formerly:Studies inTwentieth-Century Literature)
Studies in African Linguistics
Studies in African Lingusitics
Studies in American Fiction
Studies in American Jewish Literature
Studies in Canadian Literature
Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture
Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900
Studies in Language
Studies in Language
Studies in Philology
Studies in Romanticism
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Studies in Short Fiction
Studies in The Age of Chaucer
Studies in The Literary Imagination
Studies in Travel Writing
Studies on Voltaire andThe Eighteenth Century
Suvremena lingvistika
Svenska landsmál och svenskt folkliv
Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations
Symposium: a Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures
Syntax: A Journal of Theoretical, Experimental and Interdiciplinary Research
Syntax. A Journal ofTheoretical, Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research
Syntaxis. An International Journal ofSyntactic Research
T'oung Pao
T'oung Pao
Taal- en tongval
Target: International Journal of Translation Studies
Teanga: Journal of the Irish Association
Teatro. Revista de Estudios Teatrales
Teksty Drugie
Terminologias: Associaçao de terminologia Portuguesa
Terminologie et traduction
testo a fronte
Testo:Studi diTeoria della letteratura e della critica
TexasStudies in Literature and Language
Text & Performance Quarterly
Text Technology: A Journal of Computer Text Processing
Text und Kontext
Text und Kritik
Text: Kritische Beiträge
Texte: revue de critique et deThéorie littéraire
TextTechnology: A Journal of computerText Processing
Textual Practice
Thalia:Studies in Literary Humor
The Grove. Working Papers on EnglishStudies
The Interpreters' Newsletter
The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
The Linguistic Review
The Modern Language Journal
The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication
Theatre Forum
Theatre Journal
Theatre Notebook
Theatre Research in Canada
Theatre Research International
Theleme. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses
Theoretical Linguistics
Theory, Culture and Society. Cultural studies journal, UK.
Thesaurus. Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá
Third Text: Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture. Cultural studies journal, UK.
Thomas Hardy Journal
Thomas Wolfe Review
Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap
Tidskrift for sprogforskning
Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap
Tijdschrift voor skandinavistiek
Tijdschrift voor taalbeheersing
Tijdschrift voorliteratuurwetenschap
Tijdschrift voornederlandse taal- en letterkunde
TMGTijdschriftVoor mediageschiedenis
TN&A:TydskrifVir Nederlands en Afrikaans
Tonos Digital
Tonos digital: Revista electrónica de estudios filológicos
Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies.
Topics in Language Disorders
Torre (La),San Juan de Puerto Rico
Traitement Automatique des Langues
Traitement automatique des langues
Trans: Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften
Trans. Revista deTraductología
Transactions of the Philological Society
Transactions ofThe Cambridge BibliographicalSociety
Transition. Cultural studies journal, USA.
Translation and Literature
Translation Review
Translation Review
Translator:Studies in Intercultural Communication (The)
Travaux de l'Institut interuniversitaire pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de l'Humanisme
Travaux de Linguistique: revue internationale de linguistique française
Travaux de littérature
Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague / Prague Linguistic Circle Papers
Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague / Prague Linguistic Circle Papers
Travaux Interdisciplinaires du laboratoire parole et langage d'Aix-en-Provence
Tropelías. Revista deTeoría de la literatura y literatura comparada
Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury
TTR: Traduction, terminologie et redaction
TTR:Traduction,Terminologie et redaction
TulsaStudies in Women's Literature
Türgbilig: Türkooji arast1rmalar1
Türk dili arastimalan y1ll1g1- Belleten
Turkic Languages
Turkic Languages
Twentieth Century Literature. Special issue on Salman Rushdie, ed. Simona Sawhney and Sabina Sawhney. Hofstra U, Hempstead, NY 11549. (Forthcoming 2001).
TydskrifVir Geesteswetenskappe
TydskrifVir letterkunde
Umetnost rijeci
UniversitasTarraconensis. Filología
UTS Review. Cultural studies journal, Australia.
Veltro (II)
Verba. Anuario Galego de Filoloxía
Versants: revueSuisse des littiératures romanes
Verslagen en mededelingenVan de Koninklijke academieVoor NederlandseTaal- en letterkunde
VIAL.Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Viator: Medieval and RenaissanceStudies
Viceversa. Revista Galega deTraducción
Victorian Literature and Culture
Victorian Periodicals Review
Victorian Poetry
Victorian Review
Victorians Institute Journal
Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Viking and MedievalScandinavia
Visual Communication
Visual Communication
Voix & Images: Littérature Québécoise
voprosy jazykoznanija
Voprosy Literatury
Voprosy Yazykoznaniya
Vox Romanica
Vox romanica
Voz y Letra. Revista de Literatura
WallaceStevens Journal,The
Weimarer Beiträge
Western Humanities Review
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
WienerSlawistischer Almanach
WienerZeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten
Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen
Women and Language. Cultural studies journal, USA.
Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Ed. Wendy Martin. Blaisdell House, Claremont Graduate U, 143 East 10th St., Claremont, CA 91711-6163.
Word and Image: a Journal ofVerbal-Visual Enquiry
Wordsworth Circle
World Englishes: Journal of English as an International and Intranational Language
World literatureToday
Written Language & Literacy
Written Language and Literacy
Yale Journal of Criticism
Yale University Library Gazette
Young. Journal on youth cultures, U of Stockholm.
Yuyanxue luncong
Yuyanxue luncong
Zacht lawijd
Zbornik matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku
Zeitschrift der deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
Zeitschrift für Balkanologie
Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie
Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie
Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur
Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik
Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur
Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung
Zeitschrift für Germanistik
Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik
Zeitschrift für Katalanistik
Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik
Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie
Zeitschrift für Semiotik
Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie
Zeitschrift für Slawistik
Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft
Zeventiende eeuw (De). Cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief
Zhongguo Yuwen
Zhungguo yuwen
Zielsprache Deutsch
Villanueva, Darío. El polen de ideas. (Literatura y pensamiento). Barcelona: PPU, 1991.
Spang, Kurt. Géneros literarios. (Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 14). Madrid: Síntesis, 1993.
Editorial Síntesis. Vallehermoso, 32. 28015 Madrid. Tel. 91 593 2098.
Gesualdo. Plutosophia. (Mnemonics).
Delumeau, Jean. Le christianisme va-t-il mourir? 1977.
Carrière, Jean-Claude, Jean Delumeau, Umberto Eco and Stephen Jay Gould. Entretiens sur la fin des temps. Paris: Arthème Fayard, 1998.
_____. El fin de los tiempos. Trans. Jaime Zulaika. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1999. Rpt. Círculo de Lectores, 2000.*
Delumeau, Jean. (b. Nantes; Hon. prof. Collège de France). El miedo en Occidente.
_____. Historia del Paraíso.
Carrière, Jean-Claude. (French writer, dramatist and film script writer; b. Colombières-sur-Orbes), trans. Mahabarata.
Swift, Carolyn. Stage by Stage. Swords (Co. Dublin): Poolberg Press, 1985.
Hall, Peter. Making an Exhibition of Myself. Autobiography. London: Sinclair Stevenson, 1993.
Cohn, Ruby, ed. Casebook on Waiting for Godot. New York: Grove Press, 1967.
Bull, Peter. I Know the Face but... London: Peter Davies, 1959.
Hobson, Harold (Sir). Rev. of Waiting for Godot. Sunday Times 7 Aug. 1955.
_____. An Indirect Journey: An Autobiography. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978.
Shulman, Milton. "Duet for Two Symbols." Evening Standard 4 Aug. 1955. (On Waiting for Godot.).
Fraser, G. S. (Unsigned article on Waiting for Godot). TLS 10 Feb. 1956: 84.
Schneider, Alan. Entrances: an American Director's Journey. New York: Viking Penguin, 1986.
Köhler, Wolfgang. The Mentality of Apes. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner; New York: Harcourt Brace, 1925.
Lahr, John. Notes on a Cowardly Lion: A Biography of Bert Lahr. New York: Limelight Edition, 1984.
Rosmini. Nuovo saggio sull' origine delle idee.
Müller, E. ?Geschichte der Theorie der Kunst.
Plato. Hippias maior.
Timomachus. Orestes the Matricide.
Parrhasius. Pretended Madness of Ulysses.
Steinthal. Gesch. d. Sprachw. 2nd ed.
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. De coelesti hierarchia.
_____. De ecclesiastica hierarchia.
_____. De divinis nominibus.
Avicebron. (Spanish Jewish philosopher).
Augustine. De trinitate.
Aquinas. Summa theologica. Ed. Migne.
Comparetti. Virgilio nel medio evo.
Dante. De vulgari eloquentia. Ed. Rajna.
Santillana (Marqués de). Prohemio al Condestable de Portugal. 1445-49. In Obras. Ed. Amador de los Ríos. 1852.
Bobes Naves, M. C. La novela. (Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 16). Madrid: Síntesis, 1993.
Spang, Kurt (t. Crítica y Teoría de la Literatura, U de Navarra). Inquietud y nostalgia: La poesía de Rafael Alberti. 1973. 2nd ed. 1991.
_____. Fundamentos de retórica. 1984. 3rd ed. 1991.
_____. Ritmo y versificació: Teoría práctica del análisis métrico. 1983.
_____. Grundlagen der Literatur- und Werberhetorik. 1987.
_____. Rede. 1988.
_____. Teoría del drama. 1991.
_____. El drama histórico: Teoría y comentarios. (Anejos de Rilce, 21). Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1998.
Asensi, Manuel. Theoría de la lectura: Para una crítica paradójica. Libros Hiperión, 98. Madrid: Hiperión, 1987.*
_____. Vértigo o Bustrófedon: Una lectura de Hitchcock. 1993.
_____. Espectropoética: J. Derrida lector de Marx. 1994.
_____. "Retórica logofágica y psicagogías de la retórica." 1990.
_____. "La otra filología: Paul de Man, J. Hillis Miller y la lectura lenta." 1992.
_____. "Reading in Process, the Antitext and the Definition of Literature." 1994.
Ballart, Pere. (b. Barcelona, 1964; Ph.D. Spanish Philology; t. Theory of Literature, U Autónoma de Barcelona). Eironeia: La figuración irónica en el discurso literario. (Sirmio/ Quaderns Crema; Biblioteca General, 18). Barcelona: Quaderns Crema, 1994.*
MacLeish, Kenneth, and Stephen Unwin. A Pocket Guide to Shakespeare's Plays.
_____. Guía de las obras dramáticas de Shakespeare. Trans. A. T. Desmonts. Barccelona: Alba Editorial, 2000.*
Garrido, Miguel Angel. Nueva introducción a la teoría de la literatura. (Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada). Madrid: Síntesis, 2000.*
Caro Valverde, María Teresa. La escritura del otro. Murcia: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad, 1999.*
Vega, María José, and Neus Carbonell. La literatura comparada: Principios y métodos. (Manuales). Madrid: Gredos, 1998.
Gómez Redondo, Fernando. La crítica literaria del siglo XX. (Autoaprendizaje). Madrid: EDAF, 1996.*
Frick, Daniel E. (Franklin and Marshall College). "Coover's Secret Sharer? Richard Nixon in The Public Burning." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37.2 (Winter 1996): 82-91.*
Green, Geoffrey (San Francisco State U), Donald J. Greiner (U of South Carolina) and Larry McCaffery (San Diego State U), eds. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. Quarterly. Washington (DC): Heldref Publications. Vol. 37.2 (Winter 1996).
Miguel Alfonso, Ricardo. "Mimesis and Self-Consciousness in Robert Coover's The Universal Baseball Association." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37.2 (Winter 1996): 92-107.*
Wielgosz, Anne-Kathrin. (Walsh U). "The Topography of Writing: Raymond Federman's The Voice in the Closet." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37.2 (Winter 1996): 108-14.*
Green, Geoffrey. (San Francisco State U). "Voices of Memory." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37.2 (Winter 1996): 115-19.* (Federman).
Conte, Joseph M. (SUNY Buffalo). "'Design and Debris': John Hawkes's Travesty, Chaos Theory, and the Swerve." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37.2 (Winter 1996): 120-39.*
Fowler, Douglas. (Florida State U). 'Steven Millhauser, Miniaturist." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37.2 (Winter 1996): 139-48.*
Saltzman, Arthur M. "In the Millhauser Archives." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37.2 (Winter 1996): 149-60. (Random enumeration).
Coover. Pricksongs and Descants. 1969. New York: Norton, 1989.
_____. The Origin of the Brunists. 1966.
_____. "The Hat Act." Story. In Coover, Pricksongs and Descants. 1969. New York: New American Library-Plume Books, 1970. 240-56.
_____. The Universal Baseball Association, Inc.. J. Herny Waugh, Prop. New York: Random House, 1968.
_____. The Universal Baseball Association, Inc.. J. Herny Waugh, Prop. New York: New American Library-Plume Books, 1971.
_____. Pinocchio in Venice. Novel. New York: Linden Press / Simon, 1991.
_____. The Pubic Burning. Novel. New York: Viking, 1977. (Nixon, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg).
_____. "Beginnings." Story.
_____. Whatever Happened to Gloomy Gus of the Chicago Bears? Novella. 1975. New York: Linden Press / Simon, 1987.
Cope, Jackson I. Robert Coover's Fictions. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1986.
Hume, Kathryn. "Robert Coover's Fiction: The Naked and the Mythic." Novel 12 (1979): 127-48.
Jacobs, Naomi. The Character of Truth: Historical Figures in Contemporary Fiction. (Crosscurrents; Modern Critiques; Third Series). Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1990. (Coover, etc.).
LeClair, Tom. The Art of Excess: Mastery in Contemporary American Fiction. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1989.
Mazurek, Raymond A. "Metafiction, the Historical Novel, and Coover's The Public Burning." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 23.3 (1982): 29-42.
Wolff, Geoffrey. "An American Epic." Rev. of The Public Burning, by Robert Coover. New Times 19 Aug. 1977: 48-53, 55-57.
Gado, Frank. "Robert Coover." Interview. In First Person: Conversations on Writers and Writing. Schenectady (NY): Union College P, 1973. 142-59.
McCaffery, Larry. "Robert Coover on His Own and Other Fictions: An Interview." In Novel vs. Fiction: The Contemporary Reformation. Ed. Jackson I. Cope and Geoffrey Green. Norman (OK): Pilgrim, 1981. 45-63.
Wolff, Geoffrey. "A Sequence of Circus Acts." Interview with Robert Coover. New Times 19 August 1977: 54-55.
Bigsby, Christopher. "Interview with Robert Coover." In The Radical Imagination and the Liberal Tradition: Interviews with English and American Novelists. Ed. Heide Ziegler and Christopher Bigsby. London: Junction, 1982. 81-92.
Bonetti, Kay. Interview with Robert Coover. (The American Audio Prose Liberary, 1052). Rec. May 1981.
Hertzel, Leo J. "An Interview with Robert Coover." Critique 11.3 (1969): 25-29.
Andersen, Richard. Robert Coover. (Twayne's United States Authors Series, 400). Boston: Twayne, 1981.
Bass, Thomas Alden. "An Encounter with Robert Coover." Antioch Review 40 (1982): 287-302.
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer. 1910. Introd. Albert J. Guerard. (Signet Classics). New York: New American Library, 1950.
Detweiler, Robert. "Games and Play in Modern American Fiction." Contemporary Literature 17 (1976): 44-62.
Wallace, Ronald. The Last Laugh: Form and Affirmation in the Contemporary American Comic Novel. Columbia: U of Misssouri P, 1979.
Shelton, Frank W. "Humor and Balance in Coover's The Universal Baseball Association." Critique 17.1 (1975): 79.
McCaffery, Larry. The Metafictional Muse: The Works of Robert Coover, Donald Barthelme, and William H. Gass. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1982.
Caldwell, Roy, Jr. "Of Hobby-Horses, Baseball, and Narrative: Coover's The Universal Baseball Association." Modern Fiction Studies 33 (1987): 161-71.
Berman, Neil. "Coover's The Universal Baseball Association: Play as Personalized Myth." Modern Fiction Studies 24 (1978).
Frisch, Mark F. "Self-Definition and Redefinition in the New World: Coover's The Universal Baseball Association and Borges." Confluencia 4.2 (1989): 13-20.
Frank, Joseph. "Spatial Form in Modern Literature". Sewanee Review 53 (1945): 221-40, 433-45, 643-53.
Spencer, Sharon. Space, Time and Structure in the Modern Novel. New York: New York UP, 1971. (Spatial form).
Smitten, Jeffrey R., and Ann Daghistany, eds. Spatial Form in Narrative. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1981.
Bachelard, Gaston. The Poetics of Space. 1958. Trans. Maria Jolas. New York: Orion, 1964.
Caramello, Charles. "Flushing Out 'The Voice in the Closet'." Sub-Stance 20 (1978): 101-13.
Federman. The Voice in the Closet. Madison (WI): Coda, 1979.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg. "Concerning Empty and Ful-Filled Time." The Southern Journal of Philosophy 8.4 (1970): 341-53.
Grass, Ronald. "Concrete Treatment of Space." Visual Literature Criticism: A New Collection. Ed. Richard Kostelanetz. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1979. 135-40.
Graham, Katherine. Personal History. (Pulitzer Prize 1998).
_____. , ed. Washington Post. (d. 2001).
Harbison, Robert. Eccentric Spaces. New York: Knopf, 1977. (Space in fiction).
Kutnik, Jerzy. The Novel as Performance: The Fiction of Ronald Sukenick and Raymond Federman. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1986.
Marin, Louis. Utopics: The Semiological Play of Textual Spaces. Trans. Robert A. Volllrath. Atlantic Highlands (NJ): Humanities, 1990.
Ricœur, Paul. "The Human Experience of Time and Narrative." Research in Phenomenology 9 (1979): 17-34.
Grass, Günther. Dog Years.
Kosinski, Jerzy. The Painted Bird.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Enemies: A Love Story.
Lind, Jakob. Soul of Wood.
Becker, Jurek. Jacob the Liar. Fiction. (Jewish ghetto).
Epstein, Leslie. King of the Jews. Fiction. (Jewish ghetto).
Auden, W. H. Selected Poetry. 2nd ed. New York: Vintage, 1971.
Beckett. Proust. New York: Grove, 1931.
Federman, Raymond. "Beckett and the Fiction of Mud." In On Contemporary Fiction. Ed. R. Kostelanetz. New York: Avon, 1969. 255-61.
Pinget, Robert. The Libra Me Domine. Trans. Barbara Wright. New York: Red Dust, 1978.
Serres, Michel. "Lucretius: Science and Religion." ?In Serres, Hermes.
Berryman, Charles. "Hawkes and Poe: Travesty." Modern Fiction Studies 29 (Winter 1983): 643-54.
Baxter, Charles. "In the Suicide Seat: Reading John Hawkes' Travesty." Georgia Review 34 (Winter 1980).
Melville. Bily Budd, Sailor. (Works). Volume III: Novels and Tales. New York: Library of America, 1984.
Butler, Christopher. After the Wake: The Contemporary Avant-Garde. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.
Paulson, William R. The Noise of Culture: Literary Texts in a World of Information. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1988. (Complexity).
Donoghue, Denis. Connoisseurs of Chaos: Ideas of Order in Modern American Poetry. 2nd ed. New York: Columbia UP, 1984.
Hassan. The Postmodern Turn: Essays in Postmodern Theory and Culture. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1987.
Fletcher, John, and Malcolm Bradbury. "The Introverted Novel." In Modernism. Ed. M. Bradbury and J. McFarlane. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976. 1978. 1991. 394-415.*
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Viking, 1987.
Emmett, Paul, and Richard Vine. "A Conversation with John Hawkes." Chicago Review 28 (Fall 1976): 163-71.
_____. Travesty. Novel. New York: New Directions, 1976.
Henderson, Eric Paul. "Structured Visions in the Novels of John Hawkes." Diss. U of Western Ontario, 1985. DAI 46 (1986): 3034A.
LeClair, Thomas. "The Novelists: John Hawkes." New Republic 10 Nov. 1979: 26-29.
Leonard, W. E., and S. B. Smith, eds. T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura, libri sex. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1942.
Lucretius. On Nature. Trans. Russel M. Geer. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
O'Donnell, Patrick. John Hawkes. Boston: Twayne, 1982.
Prigogine, Ilya, and Isabelle Stengers. Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature. New York: Bantam, 1984.
Serres, Michel. "Dream." In Disorder and Order: Proceedings of the Stanford International Symposium (Sept. 14-16, 1981). Ed. Paisley Livingston. Stanford (CA): Department of French and Italian, Stanford University, 1984. 225-39.
_____. Hermes: Literature, Science, Philosophy. Ed. Josué V. Harari and David F. Bell. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1982.
Stevens, Wallace. The Collected Poems. New York: Knopf, 1954.
_____. The Necessary Angel. New York: Vintage, 1951.
Sounes, Howard. Down the Highway. Biography of Bob Dylan. 2001.
Hajdu, David. Postively Fourth Street. 2001. (Bob Dylan and Greenwich Village in the early 60s).
Michel, Lou, and Dan Herbeck. American Terrorist. 2001. (Oklahoma bombing).
McCullough, David. John Adams: A Biography. 2001.
_____. (On Harry Truman). 1992.
Ambrose, Stephen. The Wild Blue. 2001. (B-24 pilots).
Stein, Sara. Noah's Children. 2001. (Nature and children's development).
Fletcher, Anne. Sober for Good. 2001. (Addictions).
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed. 2001. (Minimum wage, poverty).
Lewis, Michael. Next. 2001. (Computers).
Wiliams, Stanley. Surviving Galeras. 2001. (Volcano).
Stanton, Doug. In Harm's Way. 2001. (USS Indianapolis).
Sykes, Bryan. The Seven Daughters of Eve. 2001. (Human origins).
Schacter, Daniel (Harvard). The Seven Sins of Memory. 2001.
Suri, Manil. (b. Bombay, l. USA). The Death of Vishnu. Novel. 2001.
Powers, Nanni. Crawling at Night. Novel. 2001.
Randall, Alice. The Wind Done Gone. Novel. 2001. (Variation on Gone with the Wind, Blacks).
Tan, Amy. The Bonesetter's Daughter. Novel. 2001.
Tyler, Anne. Back When We Were Grown-Ups. Novel. 2001.
Epstein, Jason. Book Business. 2001. (Publishing, Internet, electronic texts).
Gates, David, and Yahlin Chang. "King of the Canon." Rev. of Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. By Harold Bloom. Newsweek. 132.20 (16 Nov. 1998): 50.*
Newsweek. Newsweek, Inc. 251 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019.
Millhauser, Steven. (b. 1943). Edwin Mullhouse: The Life and Death of an American Writer, 1943-1954, by Jeffrey Cartwright. 1st novel. New York: Knopf, 1972.
_____. From the Realm of Morpheus. Novel. New York: Morrow, 1986.
_____. In the Penny Arcade. New York: Pocket Books, 1987.
_____. "Snowmen." Story.
_____. "Cathay." Story. In In the Penny Arcade. New York: Knopf, 1986. 147-74.
_____. "In the Penny Arcade." Story. In In the Penny Arcade. New York: Knopf, 1986.
_____. Portrait of a Romantic. New York: Knopf, 1977.
_____. Portrait of a Romantic. New York: Pocket Books, 1977.
_____. In Millhauser, The Barnum Museum. 1990.
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