A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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CHUI #35

Ryosambaku de goyo ga Taizo ni Shoshin wo mitome Keiryorei de Shoko ga Rishun ni de au yori. Shoko and Rishun received a message to witness something that may be of help to them during their travels.

Atarashii no Monogatari:
Kannan or Honan Rakuyo no Bugeisha Setsuei no Kobushi
South of the Yangtze there was a a story of a

famous martial artist Setsuei's Fist Way
Soko was thinking to himself what is accomplished then by the selling of this salve? Suddenly a giant of a man Keirochin dashed thru the crowd shocking everyone while yelling at the salve seller "Stop you where did you get such a salve that stuff is nonsense”! The seller shook up stated lets talk about his okay? The giant stated again, how could you sell that rubbish? There is no place to run to now rubbish seller. The seller quickly was losing face and creditability with his crowd and customers. Soko saw this and ran up to see what was going on. The giant wanted his money back at this point.
The seller was in shock when Soko came as the giant claimed offense and seller claiming how could he talk like that. Soke asked why do you talk so wicked and tried to calm things down. The giant man was quickly opening and closing his fists in frustration and anger. Finally seeing the new player the giant struck out at Soko. Soko at this point began to exchange body blows with the giant and avoided the majority of what the giant threw at him.
The salve seller started jumping up and down crying help. Most everyone came to the aid of the seller whom they knew and Soko who was fending off the giant. Soke struck the giant one might fist blow to the ribs of the giant at which point the giant staggered and fell. The giant conceded but not after kicking over the salve seller’s booth.

Everyone remembered this incident and the salve seller and Soko came out unscathed. They all knew that the giant’s actions were unpardonable at this point. The giant left though but not without sharp parting remarks.

Soko and the salve dealer also shared their opinion of the giant and his actions verbally to themselves. Then Shihan showed up and asked which person caused all of this commotion and asked for the mans name. Someone came forward and said he came from a city in Honan Province and his name was Setsuei.

His grandparents were questioned and they told everyone that the giant was a Ronin. His actions I think were unavoidable.

His fate was as clear as a signboard. The salve seller he sells his wares to make a living and * he knows his product works as was backed up by his clientele. Setsuei also had a nickname he went by Byotaichu.
The Shihan asked of Soko what is your name Sir? Soko answered I am Soko.
Soko replied I am from Yamato no Kyujiu my name is Sokoji. So desu Shihan says. Again they went looking for Setsuei and found him. At that time Setsuei saw the Shihan and knew he knew what he had done. Setsuei was bowing and scraping in front of the Shihan.
Soko helped to lift the giant to his feet and asked if he was okay from the blow he received in the ribs. The giant thanked him profusely and stood up. The Shihan asked the giant why he did what he did and the giant replied in kind it was more the money than anything else. He thought he had an obligation is this salve seller was false to show everyone what and whom he actually was by selling bogus salves.

Were it not for the money interest this probably would not have happened. So the above-mentioned bout with spear & sword was also about a questionable medicine bag.

The bag was never found so the seller was off the hook and the giant out his money. Oh well a lesson learned they all agreed and went of to drink and forget.
Bitsususharan wa Kyujiu wo

tsuiseki Senkaji Ga yonaha

ni Jinyoko wo sawagusu yori

(Soko & group and the tale

of the salve seller and the


Atarashii no Monogatari:

Jonei no Kagi, Kama, Yari no Hiho Jonei's secret ways of the Hook, sickle and spear
Jonei was a man about roku shaku or (6) feet tall, muscular and full of vigor. He had a round kindly face people would say. His body stood straight as bamboo.
Some say he had a devilish sort of look with his long shiny black hair with long side burns always hanging loose. His waist was portly but muscular but this still gave him an imposing figure.
Some say upon meeting him is this man a soldier? Some say he was the first to adopt the water fist technique, which he used often with unerring accuracy and often-devastating results. People though trusted him and applauded him wherever he went. Hence the nickname Joeni the soldier stuck with him.
When he mounted a horse and held a spear in his hand some say they could feel the Ki rushing off his body like a warm current. Some of the other hand techniques he used Hitsugaki ga San (Three hands hooking), Harai ga shi (Fourhanded rejection), Tsuki ga ittei (Moon hand strike); and the Hiraki ittei (Split hand strike), plus nine other variations he used during hand-to-hand combat on or off a horse.

These techniques were very complicated and very valuable when used properly. And when used in conjunction with each other sets a rhythm, which is quite strange when seen, but highly effective. The fourhanded rejection technique was used against someone with armor. One takes eight steps with other movements then executes the technique.

Then another eleven steps then another strike to the body, then sixteen steps and strike again then intermixing these to complete the cycle. All the defensive moves by the way were circular. To continue when using the spear one moves defensively right then left utilizing twenty four steps and techniques push in pull out then raise the spear above the head and turn and face the other opponent.

Turn east and strike the strike then turn west and strike al the time using circular defensive motions to keep the opponent at bay. Next use the remaining thirty-six steps to set the opponent up and he will be left open to be struck again and again.

The sickle and the hook can use the same techniques in the same sequence and are very effective. Using the hand basics of the (3) hook techniques, (4) rejection or distancing techniques, and the dividing techniques will make one a formidable foe.
There are nine changes to this set with 24 separate thrusting techniques. Of these sixteen there are 12 recommended for turn arounds. There is a last technique called the voice technique, which was not described in this writing.
CHUI #56
Jonei's secret way also employs another

technique called the chain ripping technique
The above-mentioned short stories or novellas are referred to in many writings in different variations, themes or opinions. One rendition was translated here for you’re reading and further investigation. In the next article as the new Chinese era opens up one must be able to coalesce all these stories, theories, and legends into a whole and weed out fact from fantasy or is it all fact? Maybe that's the way it was intended to leave the reader with idea in that he will not know what is true or untrue. It may be left up to the reader as I said to weed out the truth.
Suikoden Sakusha

The author of the written works called the Suikoden and the knowledge it contains from the Chou era people would also be advisable to read through to give more insight into these stories or legends to discern fact or fiction. There are many opposing views to these writings as it varies from author to author translator to translator. This often is not a simple task. It is much like the life long study of the martial artist. Much basic prep work and ongoing advanced study is needed to discover the truth.

The Ryubiko futatsu wa Chugoku Kobushi Ho along with the Suikoden's version of Kobushi Ho was covered in Chapter III. During earlier times and modern day Chinese Bujutsu and an analysis of its techniques were also covered. It was also explained and must be read thoroughly is the treatises on Kobushi Ho as outlined in the Suikoden. For example:

  1. Kobushi no Gyutsu teki igi (The meaning of Kobushi techniques)

  2. Kobushi no Bungaku tekiigi (The historical meaning of Kobushi Ho literature)

3. Kobushi Ho no shakai teki igi (The meaning and implications of Kubushi Ho on Society)
These three sections are of the greatest import and must be read, discussed and understood thoroughly. In Chapter I these precepts, stories, legends and writings appear repeated. There is a reason for this.
Some stories, theories, legends are also left open ended for a reason. Kobushi Ho and the truth behind it are common knowledge in China even today. To write everything about it as a how to novel would be impossible much as with any martial art. It must be experienced. What appears on these pages today I can tell you that it is just the tip of the ice burg and what’s underneath well that for the reader to dig up. People must travel and see things first hand then when it is read about the “Aha” light comes on. These writings are a priceless as any jewels known to man. There is also a mass of proof to attest to there authenticity.
There is one form of Bujutsu that is often laughed at but fond of by all and it is the Kobushi Ho fist fighting novels, which are spectacular to say the least. I am sure we have all heard of these before.
The influence on people that this art had is very interesting. Kobushi Ho was like the Robinhood of the Fareast. Once he is called the stories are spun year after year. Most authors think that this art is best exemplified thru stories. The real meaning though can be gleaned from Kobusho Ho Bungaku. There many a beautiful martial poem that talks of Kobushi Ho technique in detail. These poems hold a wealth of knowledge on this martial art. As most of the writings are first hand accounts. The Zen of Japanese Kendo is also intermingled in this are art form.
It is said that once entering a life of soldiering, many risks will be incurred. The soldier who stands up to a challenge though is doing so with a no mind attitude. He sees his path as clearly as he sees the enemy. On occasion when one is presented with a Martial Ba ai there are many things to be learned. But not until later because at the moment there is no thought of winning or losing victory or defeat the only thought is "Mushin no Shin" Mind of no mind.
Kobushi Ho is different than most arts especially in technique and form. There are no known parallels to this original art" but with one exception as noted below.
According to the Suikoden its presentations and philosophical ways may best be compared to the Japanese art of Kendo. This may be the only close parallel.
There are many stories of both in the ancient writings. There is commonality in techniques but Kobushi Ho's antithesis is in understanding its poetry. We Japanese use charm to fascinate and charm. One can see this in the swallow technique it fundamentals gathered from Kobushi Ho.
The writings described below may help exemplify how techniques were gathered from poems and used:
Kobushi wa tsuki nanzan no moko ashi wa keru,

Hokukai no soryu mo sono ichirei aru

(The strike of the fierce Nanzan mountain tiger against the kick of the Hokukai blue dragon)

The two areas talked about Nanzan Mountain are and Hokukai Mountain was where two of the above techniques were developed and practiced. These two techniques were brief, concise and simple to execute their antithesis came form within form the spirit.

One often saw the technique begin but never saw it finished as it executed with such speed and aplomb that it was often missed. Some other examples are below that were taken form poems:
1. Sokeno (Two fisted springing technique)

2. Enraiko (Cloud and thunder technique)

3. Fu U Odoru (Wind and Cloud technique)
The experts that perfected these techniques sprang from a fierce lot. They took pleasure in that they were loyal and their demeanor was one of inner peace until disturbed. Everyone likes this type of literature as it takes a hold of the reader and plunges him into another world unheard of by most into an era of adventure.
The reader then wanted more after reading the first novel. The mood he experiences is one of pleasure and peace if read with the right frame of mind of course.
For example another Kobushi Ho technique uses both the hand and the leg or the cloud technique. Apart they are isolated, together they become devastating. Together they are embued with special powers. This technique was a favorite of the martial artist Busho we talked about before. He used it in the subjugation of the tigers. As long as this technique is used in two's either hands or feet or a combination of the two they are formidable.
Another martial teacher Toto used a technique called the horizontal cloud or shadow hand and used in conjunction with the elbow becomes very effective. He also used the high flying kick in which he springs like the tiger and fly’s like he was on insect wings and his foot was cocked and ready to strike a devastating kick.
He had a short life but fathered two sons which were criticized in a poem by the then emperor. There were many augmenting exercises Toto used to perfect these techniques and pass them down to his sons. His sons it is said developed different techniques throughout their lives. The reason they were criticized was that they were involved in a fight that was both questionable and possibly unworthy.
But others say they were provoked and fought back with valor using a variety of techniques like the strong kicks used by the lion and hand strikes used by the snake. Both boys were fated like their father for a short life.
The meaning of technique can be found ' in literature. This is a continuous learning process. The third area is in the social standards relating to Kobushi Ho technique.
All this though can be found in the Suikoden and if given a chance all must read this document. To stand on the Kobushi bravery program is a social service obligation actually. One has to think about this before entering into this profession. There are many moral ethical values one must think about other than martial ability.
Actually the Suikoden is just one piece of the puzzle.
All the above is a party of the Chinese martial arts historical records. There have been 100-200 changes over the years which show corrections. The populace was a big part of these changes. They came from every corner of Chinese society. Were it not for the Chin and Shin eras the Suikoden would not be today. During these era's some of the material contained inside it was banned reading, teaching or even casual conversation.
"Kindai ni" or in modern times many of the old records have been recovered and restored thanks to the efforts of the Koso-Kai (Red Spear Society) and other such societies. There were even contributions by the Chugoku-nin Kaito Gun or Chinese Military Liberation Group. Much info it is said flowed form this group. Much of it came from lower grade officers and NCO's and of their wanderings after their service. Some became martial teachers others were students or followers. Current records indicate these numbers were in the 10's of thousands. Much historical info was uncovered, validated, and passed on or put into archives.

The peasant farmers collected some information during rebellions or insurrections. Theirs was a strong chivalerous spirit. Their strength and courage utilizing the fist way is duly recorded. They all stood tall and proud during these difficult times. Many had inserted themselves inside the system to either stop these rebellions or provide valuable intelligence to rebel leaders. Their allotment of duties were many as well

as recording history for future use.

One small point was the drafting of these plans, which were many, and one such document as talked about before the "Suikoden" which was a typical model used by Kobushi-Sei or Fist Way Saints. Of these people who were many so to were there groups which formed to change history. These groups also had share of problems the biggest one was traitors from within and even from without. They were there to pass out disinformation and to cause unrest inside the rebellions.

Atarashii no Monogatari:
Shindai Shosetsu ni mirareru Chugoku Kobushi-Ho

(Another Manchu Tale of Kobushi-Ho)
At the beginning of the Manchu era there was a scholar named Koenbu at that time he was about 34 years old. He had amassed quite a bit of info, which he had just finished. It was named “Hichiroku" or Manchu Dynasty Literary Investigation. This writing dealt with the Manchu origins.
This informal brief started in the early 7th century and went thru to the 16th century. In it he outlined many Shorin priests and martial artists and their outstanding merits. At his age this was a historical first for someone like him to be able to accomplish. He was always looking for higher levels of wisdom always collecting even the smallest portions of info.
This document titled the "Hichiroku" encompasses many writing actually from sources now long gone. These should be read also as it provides much detailed info on little known facts about rebellions, historical figures, and on obscure martial arts as well as the martial artists.
It is not a novel per se as it is more an investigative writing. The Hichiroku document took 30 years to research, back check and document in writing. This then gave birth to another writing the "Ryusaishu". This writing comprises 16 volumes and was authored by a man named Bushorei (1640~1715).
Bushorei was noted to have been a very different man strange some even say. One other novel he wrote was titled the Kaikiyoko. These were a collection of strange but true type of stories. The style of writing that he used was of the highest quality though imbued with much beauty and charm. His tales tell of the era in such detail that he makes you feel as though your there as he is describing it.
Next lets look at the Zodensho, Shogimofu,

Shoseki Mokyoyaku, and the Ryosei Shi. The above are

a compilation of writings encompassing (5) volumes about Kobushi-Ho, Bugi, Shorin Kobushi, their students and masters. It also explains their bravery in battle and other areas.
These days the circumstances are different and the inferences to these writings may mean nothing to the uninitiated but to the historian and serious martial artist there is much to be gleaned.

Kobushi-Ho Bugi (Kobushi-Ho's Military Techniques) A man named Richo whose nickname was Kaigo as he was often called came from a city at the west end Shantung Province. He was a great man according to the historical records and was also a very adept priest who always thought of his temple before himself and others.

One day he was busy eating when he thought of something. He was a very deep emotional person some would say. He was working on a small Shorin Technique that had serious implications. He was excited about this new technique. He stayed with other priests in the guest quarters housing transients. He was very kind to everyone.
He provided much entertainment to the other priests night and day about the techniques of Kobushi-Ho. In the three months he had been working on this technique he had made great progress. Others said he had made great strides since his arrival and he thanked them for their kindness.

From me he said you have learned very little from your master teachers you have learned a lot. Hum he thought I must work on my technique lest I lose my train of thought.

The others said they have heard that Richo's technique will be tested soon. Richo then removed his kimono he began to work on his technique he took up a position and moved like the wind from one position to another he flew like a bird moved like a monkey he felt invigorated as he moved from point to point. Others laughed in support as he progressed with perfecting his technique. They all said what power what spirit. As his teacher watched he was very proud of Richo.

The teacher said you are very good with your hands. There is no victory or defeat in this technique good for you have learned well. Two of his companions working together were not looking either for victory or defeat but a common sharing of knowledge to learn from each other.
The teacher re-emphasized there must be a mutual understanding of give and take. Then the teacher asked one of the priests to attack him which he did then flew up also caught his leg and over turned him onto the ground. The teacher then asked what has been learned here? The others said you did all of that with the just the palm hand. The priest said yes but I gave him something else also what was it? The other priest was surprised to have been thrown and was embarrassed. He was embarrassed because of his faulty technique.
The teacher then said no your technique was not faulty you landed on your feet again did you not? Yes he said I did. The teacher then said your technique worked. You did as you were taught when over come by someone more

skilled. Did you continue the attack? No he said. The priest said why? I was not looking for victory or defeat but just learning. Good, excellent you have learned well your lessons.

This is one of many incident of martial technique that was adapted by the military as strategy. Richo went on to learn much more from this lesson. One day as he was journeying he came upon a young women in a field perfuming as martial arts exercise.

The other priests seeing the action started to crowd around as did the other folks and onlookers they also wanted to see this nun’s demonstration of martial skill. The nun seeing the crowd she drew decided to end this workout and finally after no more action people started to drift off. It was a good demonstration most said and this type of exercise was good for your health but who knows?

However, the way she looked when she was exercising was not joke she was serious in her workout. People can tell if one is serious or not in their endeavors.
Richo it was said was seen in the area observing the workout wanted to see more. He asked her to see more but she laughed at him as assumed the gassho position. It took Richo a minute to adjust to this attitude. The nun in a loud voice told everyone that the demonstration was over. Then a master teacher came out and asked what was going on? Richo was going to say something but then thought better of it. He asked someone if they knew who that nun was and were she lived.
The nun then with her hands folded her hands and fell into silence. A man named Kanosho came up and was introduced as the master teacher. Many asked to test their strength against the nun but none were successful. All asked how could a nun defeat the best?
They all thought about this and the consensus was that stranger things have happened. The search went on for someone to best the nun. The nun it was said after this non-confront Tory and left the area. The spectators stood by thinking a champion would come by and start another round of competition.
Kan and his pupil stayed to see the outcome. All others waited, as did Richo to see what was happening.

Ri's companion said he felt weak. Richo told him to rest

to gain his strength in case it was needed later on. Ri thought this over and came to the conclusion that his companion had victory on his hand.

This was not an acceptable attitude. A new contest

started and everyone was interested until the nun all of a sudden showed up and everything came to a standstill. Ri did not understand why and started to laugh at everybody.
Everyone looked at Ri and wondered what was going on he and his companion thought this type of attitude was strange. However, the contest as quickly as it stopped started once again. The as usual was standing above everyone else and watching the outcome.
Ri was just standing by and adjusting his body posture and stretching his leg in a kicking motion the nun suddenly stepped up and checked his posture with five fingers. Richo fell but rolled away.

Note: Was this a test done by Richo to see how sharp the nun really was or even if he had really faltered he had a chance to see her work and how she reacts.

During this squirmish there was an edged tool below Richo's knee that he was unaware of. Had he fallen because of his stretching he would have been injured. The nun saw this as an opportunity to passively see how Richo worked.
Richo fell because of this but only his pride hurt. He was going to teach her a lesson but thought better of it as the nun had apologized for her actions but explained that if she did not act he could have seriously cut himself.
Richo said humph and walked away. The nun could not believe that he did not apologize to her for helping him. Richo feigned injury and limped away. Even a year later after Richo was rested he went back and visited the priests regularly to include the master teacher.
The master was surprised that Richo remembered the incident. Actually he told all that if it were not for the nun my leg could have been severed if not seriously damaged.


There was one group of Shorin Kobushi-Jutsu experts who lived in an area called Mt So in Honan Province near the city of Tofu. It was noted that Richo was at some point connected to this sect. There was one priest there whose name was Donshu who was quite famous for his military exploits.

This priest’s only passion was in the training of martial arts and perfecting his technique, body, and his health.

Again in the ancient Chou writings there was another priest martial artist that was also mentioned as being important. This priest was from Shansi(C) or Sansei (J), Province and was referred to as "Shin Hito".
He was an average Bugeisha of average skill and power. What made him different was his gift of gab all those who encountered him were impressed with his level of knowledge and information down to the smallest detail. He was often asked to recite or read to the other monks and he did so with great relish. In another area there was another man known by the name Shin who lived in the same province that was famous for his great strength. He was also known for his fights with his fists using a variety of different styles. He was as quick as a snake some say. As a martial artist he was not only familiar with his style but also other styles as well which made him special in some respects.
He was another individual that was not worried by the idea of defeat but was always victorious. He also went by the alias Chushu.
This was also a name of a city in Honan Province. Although he was a good Shorinji artist he was beaten once and became very angry because of that. He attributed his loss to his lack of skills. His teacher had always told him to disregard the thought of victory/defeat. It will do you no good to dwell on such thoughts as they are self defeating. His teacher then told him that was why he lost.
The monks had a plan to help him with his problem so they laid in waiting for him. When the man came by cakes and tea were laid out. The cakes were special ones with walnuts and cereal. These were very tough to eat. As he began eat he stopped abruptly and said these cake shave walnuts in them.

He started eating again and appeared to be comfortable. He was using his fingers to break the walnuts in half to make them more edible. Anyone else would have made a fuss but he did not. He asked though casually did someone do this for a purpose? Everyone looked at each other shook their heads negatively. He got a warm reception front he monks and the teachers.

Their ploy however did not work, or did it? The monks purposely put nuts in the cakes to impair his eating. Thus showing him that there is a point were one can be defeated. But the other, priest ate anyway breaking up the walnuts and thus defeating their trap. So in a way he won thru their attempt at defeat.

Now to move onto another other novel of interest that should be brought up Ryobei Shi Jurinkaishi. This novel in the Chinese culture should be researched and read as the world needs something like this to open people’s eyes. It encompasses a thirty-year summary of martial exploits. This novel consists of 55 separate volumes and were written by a man named Gokeishi (1701~1754). Around the year 1733 another similar writing came about. This book delineates Chinese civilization, its systemization, Chinese law, and its ancient ways. It talks of government systems

and its officials who administer it. It is a useful guide when performing historical research. It also covers government examinations, literature planning, civil officials and their grade system, military planning for naval military officers.
It covers Confucianism as it applied to government officials. It helped military officials probe and point out deficiencies in mans moral and ethical nature when holding a government office. It also covered morals and ethics in the Chinese social system. There was also a section on Kojun or dutifulness while in office. This is a very good novel for the researcher to read to gain insight into ancient Chinese society.
Three other writings of interest might be writings on Homeiki, Kohachi, and the Shokohen. They talk of a father and child martial arts expert Kakuryoki. In these books much information is delineated about on Kobushi-Ho and is explained in easy terms so the reader is not bogged down with details.
The first two are the most important of the three. There have been many valuable lessons learned from these three novels. There is much to gain by the social values imbued into these writings also.
Another writing is the Jurinkaishi, which consists of (52) separate volumes. In the first volume there is a comparison made between a nobleman and Kobushi-Ho. His development in the art and the changes he experienced. When he first started he was lazy and slothful but after training his body and mind he changed radically. He wanted to write about this to tell all what these great benefits of Kobusahi-Ho were. Later on he emerges in other novels as a martial hero. Many demands have been made to secure copies of this for teaching purposes by many teachers. Back to the first three novels the first two also deal with kicking techniques. There are documented writings on experiments done on scrotum kicking and how to defend and protect against such kicks.
Now we will talk of the some other different writings, which deal with Koshu Province. Homeiki as mentioned above had a friend Chinseiko who came to visit him one day. He had not seen his friend since they were 10 years old. Chinseiko was awaiting funds to travel to see his friend. Once he secured funding he departed to meet his friend.
Homeiki waited on the outer gate of the city for his friend’s arrival. He wondered how he had changed and what formalities he should use to greet his friend. Was he a nobleman, priest he did not know? He asked several friends as he waited by the gate near a lake.
His friends Sotei and Seiko talked a while when another man appeared Sotoba he was as was found out later a governor who also gave Homeiki advice. Many people now gathered at this crowd of important people. Homeiki could not believe his luck. All of a sudden he saw a rider in the distance Homeiki did not recognize this man so he shouted in a loud voice where do you come from and as he awaited the rider someone grabbed hand. Homeiki wondered aloud what's going on here.
Eventually his friend came and they departed to talk of old times.
He asked how have you been are you able to come and go freely as I? How about the 10,000-day test? What is the reason you are here for? His friend stated it was part business part pleasure and the pleasure part is seeing you old friend. There were rumors spreading about a friend of mine that is the business part. I need to find out what is going on. That is why I am traveling place to place. What was the rumor about his friend asked cautiously? It was something about his friend son and his job and something that happened while on guard duty. It appeared he was being blamed for something he had no control over. They finally departed and found an inn to lodge at and had some drink to talk over old times. Homeiki said he still many friends who might be able to help.

The next day something strange happened Homeiki came across a friend who had some information he was seeking.

He held off on getting this information at the advice of his attendant. As they rode on they came across a small temple for a god called Koshisho as they got nearer they entered the temple grounds for a rest. There were two or three Manchu people inside praying. It was a big structure for temples it had a vast ground floor and a large second floor, which was used as living quarters. Homeiki entered the ground floor temple and bowed reverently. The Manchu's were still busy praying so they asked if there was tea to drink. A monk was sent off to prepare food and drink.
Kohachi was thinking about Homeiki and past events that took place. He thought of his health and his developing martial arts skills. He also thought of past contests he and his friends had competed in. He had a feeling that something good was about to change in the coming days. However there was also another disturbance in the air he could not pin down.
Homeiki then let out a belly laugh because of as scroll he just read. He pointed and kept laughing until his friends read it to and laughed with him. Homeiki said that his other friend Kokansen-San knew of this quiet place and was fond of it also.

They all talked of that day of the martial arts and their exploits. They talked of the Genkyo no Do-Jutsu (Empty Dark Path), Kotgotte, Rentan and others. The first one was an art in which people if wielded properly could be made to things that they normally would not. Kohachi then asked when there is a need for this type of art is it wise to use a dark art vs. a light art?

One must look at the art and make sure it is real Homeiki said and laughed. There are many references to these arts but they all have to be looked at studied and experimented with if they are true.
There were once three brothers I heard said Homeiki Shosho, Bajunjo and Rentansha. These brothers had dabbled in the above art as it was recommended to them by long now forgotten. It was used for gold preparation from base metals. As luck would have it they were actively looking for ways then to do just that change base metals into gold.
But as they started this something odd happened one of got sick during the experiment and died. A few days later another brother went to sleep and never woke up strange huh Homeiki said just a legend right?
Then asked about another friend Sanbanmoku and his brother Koshin were they all right? They continued to talk of friends late into the night and talked of poetry for hours on end. They then ate much food and drank more sake.
How much money have we all made these days from our travels? They all looked because someone was going to have to pay for the meal and sake. Someone then said I was born a prodigy and that I raised horses from a very young age. Everyone was amazed at how I handled the horses and how gentle they were with me and not others. My brother hated this ability but never stated it openly. The room they were dining in was very old and furniture were antiques.
One of the other brothers said a prayer to this room and all thanked him. It was a nice gesture to the long departed. Homeiki said that he understands people and sometimes he does not. They hurry to drink their sake but do not hurry to help their horses.

Everything people do it should be the same in all cases. They all toasted Homeiki on that note. They were all getting a little drunk and were starting to slur and walk in circles. They even started talking to the Manchu's and asked them anything and everything.

Homeiki said to his all his friends’ thank you for joining us and always being friends no matter what thank you all. Another man stood up and stated that he hated being the bearer of the gold to collect and pay fines and taxes, as was his job. Kohachi said I want your job I am bankrupt and laughed. Well now someone said you have a house right? Kohachi said yes I have a house at least its something your right I should not complain.

The bearded friend that came in late said he sells wares but does not mind as it is an easy job and I travel everywhere. Life has been good to me. His brother in this province was helping him sell his wares and providing him shelter for which he was thankful. Homeiki said he never had a place he could call home.

That night after their meal was finished some stayed to drink others bid there farewell and moved on or stayed the night and before they left the two Manchu’s, as did some of the others made arrangements to stay 2-3 days longer.
Before Homeiki left he called upon Kohachi and whereupon Kohachi presented a return gift to Homeiki.

Everyone else seeing this also bought gifts for all their friends going back home also. The next day the two Manchu's had bought a big feast and invited everyone to eat before they left on their respective journeys. This friendly outward ness came from their last two days of drinking and eating together.

The next day’s meal was a light breakfast. After that everyone’s horses were readied for travel they all departed. Kohachi though went to visit a family friend before departing. The two Manchu's though went the library by themselves.
Why did they do that everyone wondered. Kohachi wondered why they were in the library drinking tea and not with everyone else. Kohachi was busy at his family house visit when he suddenly stood up and walked out of the house.
He was unaccustomed to normal manners and used

to getting up in the middle of a dinner or lunch and walking around. He had to be careful in that the area he was in was full of manure and it was getting dark. The two Manchu's as it turned out were looking for historical info on the martial arts in the library. Other people around where Kohachi was visiting were riding horses or having fencing bouts.

Before Homeiki left though he gave a martial arts demonstration and Kohachi was interested in watching this. Unknown to Homeiki Kohachi had set this up to test Homeiki. Everyone was having a good time and all were comfortable. Homeiki at this point had delayed his return because he had heard from one of the locals about an art that was taught in this area and Homeiki wanted to see it first hand. It was an opportune time in that everyone had just finished their tea and were preparing for walks.
The house they went two was very large and divided into three areas. It did not look that large from the outside. One area was for the living quarters, another for the horse stables, and another for an archery area with arrow jars everywhere.
At the entrance they were standing in a big moon shaped door. All three areas enclosed a huge yard. Kohachi and the two Manchu's went to look at the horses and their stables. The barnyard did not smell that as the area was well kept. There many horses some quarter horses colored a dark chestnut, and some other breeds a dappled gray. These were being paraded around the area for all to see.
Many people were gathered, as were the horses so there was not much room. Someone in the crowd started hitting the horses in the back of the legs with a leather swagger like stick. The horses were youthful and had uneven tempers. All of a sudden the man was struck by a back kick from one of the horses. The other guests watched as both the attacker and the horse had a hard time walking the guest the more injured of the two.

Kohachi saw this event and became angry and he started kicking the horse as he thought the owner should have trained these animals by now. Everyone was stunned at this action as they thought Kohachi was going to reprimand the man for hitting the animal. But it was quit the opposite. Although martial arts should not be used against animals unless ones life is threatened other guests saw this before the owner could see and escorted Kohachi away from the area and back to his lodgings. They left Kohachi to rest while they went back to the restaurant to talk and drink about the day’s events.

There was the host and six or seven other guest being entertained by some others who were demonstrating Kobushi-Ho fist strikes and inanimate objects like wooden posts or pillars for everyone's entertainment. Eventually the meal and the festivities ended and everyone stood including the Manchu's and Homeiki and told everyone that these festivities were great and everyone’s skill in the martial arts were exceptional to say the least. Others stood up and asked Homeiki to demonstrate if felt like it.

Homeiki displayed his techniques as asked but made it known that he did not like to show off but was forced into this little display. But he was good-natured enough to follow suit and give the demonstration. Kakurenko was also to have given a demonstration of martial skill.

The Manchu's manservant assisted Kanurenko. He did so in the main courtyard where everyone was waiting. Hachirai joined into to show how to divide a group of people one may be engaged in combat with. He performed an action with his hands, which made a loud popping sound with this he was able to divide or push two people aside to make a small path between them. Everyone was amazed at this feat.
Homeiki performed the same technique and all were amazed how did he do that if he never practiced it before the Manchu's asked? He also did several other techniques involving Ekikinkyo or Bone Divination, Nigiri Kobushi was no or Kobushi clenched fist techniques, Tora no Atama or Tigers head punch, Sokusho wa kudaku or Side palm strike, Gyu no Shutatsu or Oxhead cutting hand strike. Even though these techniques seemed strange everyone was in awe.

They asked Kohachi of Homeiki's technique how good are they? What was the technique you used on the horse when it attacked that other man? Some said it would take a lot of effort to jump that high. Haifuku stood up and stated that even if Kohachi could not have performed that maneuver I could. The kick if done properly should have disabled the horse that how you could tell if the technique was executed right.

It was executed okay though he stated Kohachi got the height almost right but the kick needs work. There was only one person who had actually perfected this technique and he was from the Shin no Omo Temple and he was known to have Herculean strength. They said that even storms in the area feared him. Homeiki was a lot like him wasn’t he? Let’s see how Homeiki would defend against Kohachi. Homeiki rose his robes up and tied them back. Kohachi's usual strength was low due to the kick he received in his right leg. He flew out like lightening toward Homeiki and when he truck he barely knocked Homeiki backward.
Kohachi said he thinks Homeiki's body was made of iron. When Homeiki struck with an iron leg kick Kohachi tried to block with five fingers but due to the nature of the kick he broke his fingers. Homeiki gave a greeting of surprise and all who saw this were amazed. Each bowed and took their leave to let their bodies re-acclimatize. To their surprise Homeiki again bid everyone farewell.
Afterwards, he walked seven or eight steps and found his feet swollen from the demonstration he had just given. Homeiki thought I guess I cannot leave just know so stayed on with the Manchu''s and rested. Eventually when his feet were okay he practiced Kobushi-Ho and horseback riding to pass the time.
One day they were practicing Kobushi-Ho when a man came around watching. This man looked familiar to Homeiki. This man was with his nephew looking for a famous teacher. All this man had was a letter stating they should look in this part of the city for him.
After hearing the description Homeiki said that he saw him once before in the city of Nanking. He was a thread salesman. The man thanked him and moved on.
Homeiki took possession of the letter to help try to find this teacher. There was some information in the letter that was not true and only Homeiki could straighten this out. Money was paid to find this teacher in the form of 50 pieces of silver.
The man decided to stay with Homeiki until a plan was formulated to find this teacher. The man told Homeiki that he would wait here until he was contacted. The man was congratulated for not writing a letter in rebuttal until he knew all the facts.
This man was offered a house to stay in with his entire compliment of luggage while he arranged for funds to take him to Nanking to the city of Konei to the government offices. This was in an area called Fukashiko. And the man he sought was a man called Chinseiko. He was also known as the Chinseiko the hairy one and in another part of the province Chinseiko was sitting down to a meal while waiting for the master of the house. A nephew had been dispatched to find him as Chinseiko had business to conduct with the master. The man never showed up so Chinseiko left. Homeiki was also looking for someone. He found an inn were he could stay. Someone asked him why he was here and Homeiki answered he was looking to collect reparations for someone in gold.

He was given a second floor room to settle into. The bearded one was also in Hangchow waiting for knicknack shops to open to get 2,000 pieces of gold. The bearded one found one of his friends and got 2,000 pieces of silver instead. Another friend came by and also anted some money to the pot Chinseiko was collecting. The other man Chinseiko visited had a bad cold and could not help him as he need the money head for medicine.

Homeiki and Chinseiko were in the same city but on conflicting missions. It appeared that Chinseiko was here to start a thread business. He was borrowing this money in hopes of reaping great profit then paying it back. Chinseiko met one of the city's thread merchants in hopes of getting information on how to start up a business. So the merchant heard him out to see what his plans were and how much capital he had. However, every time food was brought out Chinseiko ate but never offered to pay. Yatsuko a man nearby ate his food and paid in gold for his meal in way that Chinseiko could not mistake.

So Chinseiko being new to this city paid in gold. But he paid a little too much and the vegetable meal turned into a meat feast with the money he paid. He said oh well lets eat in peace and comfort. He bought lots of lobster because he thought it was very tasty. He also bought lots of sausage for him and his three friends. The only problem was that he did not know that this sausage was really spicy and hot. The next day they felt really queasy and had the runs. That day the hairy one made a proclamation that he would never eat that sausage again.

Chinseiko wanted also to go to a certain place he had read about in a writing dealing with the middle Manchu era. He needed traveling expenses to go there. Some told him they knew of this place but it would take time to arrange travel and money. So he borrowed money with an agreed upon contract and interest rate which he signed for 1,000 pieces of silver. This is an extremely good investment he told the money broker and within three months the money would be returned without fail.
He used all but 200 pieces of this capital. He never paid back the rest it was told. They only recovered another 210 pieces. The rest he lent out or gave away.
What kind of man is this everyone asked? The lender a fair man and a thread merchant who lent out at low cost but demanded a high return when profits were being made. Chinseiko finally paid off the amount he borrowed. Once again Chinseiko tried to start a business and obtained another loan. But soon after people found out who he was and the rumors started will he pay back the money they asked? The lender was a little worried but not much so as he had Chinseiko watched. Chinseiko with this new money was in great joy. He was followed one day to see how he was doing. He met a medicine seller and started making small talk.
Another business proposition ongoing was being initiated by another individual under Homeiki's sphere was Joeiyo who was an elder cousin of Chinmokunan who wanted to purchase 1 ½ lbs of Ginseng which was going too used as a bid for a buy out of another dealer. He needed this product before returning to the city of Soochow. He went to his friend Chinyo in the meantime was also looking to raise either gold or silver for his venture. Joeiyo was only able to raise half the amount of 100 pieces of silver.

He was going to have to go to another source to get the remaining 100 pieces. He was able to get it and purchase his product but had to pay in back in two months.

He was able to pay it back he knew because of profits form other business deals. He had to sign a security agreement in order to procure the loan. Chinseiko after seeing all this decided to borrow another 100 ryo for two months also. He divided the payment up to pay in installments rather than lump sum.
After this advance of funds he re figured his payments on the product and figured he had been over paid by 1/100 of a ryo for every ryo he borrowed. He figured he made profit on this deal.
Chinseiko though after the lobster feast was very tight with his money and careful in his business dealings. However when he was eating and drinking he became spiteful because of a serious of misfortunes he had.

The Yarn merchant whom he was dealing with also made him angry in that he was doing very well in his business which he started with the same amount of money Chinseiko started with and the hairy one was not doing so well. He lacked business acumen some said and invested poorly.

The other man became successful and made so much profit that he employed more people and bought and sold at wholesale. He saved money initially by carrying and selling the wares himself thus cutting out the middleman. He was so successful that he became the only thread merchant anyone could trust because he made good on his promises. Chinseiko was lucky in that the pawnshops wanted only a small interest rate back on the borrowed money. The other man had borrowed a 1,000 Ryo and made a profit of 1,000 Ryo for the first month thus paying back his loan early and still profiting.
Chinseiko was learning from this thread merchant much every day and used the lender he used with the merchant co signing for him. Chinseiko though had a tendency to be slothful and not careful as stated above in his dealings and it took him longer to pay back his loans.

He received a letter one day from his lender stating he was late in paying and that the lender demanded satisfaction. Chinseiko upset over this sat down at tried to think his dilemma thru. He asked for assistance but no one was able to help him. After that word got around and people started gossiping and red letter of deficit was posted at the pawnshop for all to see.

He had much merchandise stored in his warehouse but was unable to sell. He was about to give up and sell to he highest bidder to pay off his loans. Then he thought about re organizing his shop and thought that would help him make more profit. He needed to re group his financing under one lender that way he would not have so many people to pay back at various interest rates. He asked a friend one-day what he thought of this. I think you could mobilize your efforts to maximize profit he said. He said take 1/10 of every Ryo and apply it to the principle And it will bring your interest and payment down.
Chinseiko had to cut back on everything to include what he ate. He even stopped eating beef or pork because of the expense and at mutton instead because it was cheap. However, the smell was bad but it was food.
Everyone thought he was crazy but he had a plan it will work. Most of his friends asked why are you doing this? You should have asked us for help they said. Chinseiko said inwardly fools! Some who had cheated him before even tried to console him. This is bad but it affects no one but me. The various lenders as it was knew each other and that's why he was in the pickle he is in that they knew what they were doing they were in this together to cheat him. Chinseiko knew that now and there was nothing to do but move on. Although because of his lack of experience and the people who took advantage of him this is what attributed to his loss.
With he was offered a deal thru a friend in a merger of sorts. His friend bought his property. He was given an extension of 8 ½ months to pay off his loan. With the profits he can now save to pay off the loan and still make some money. This way he could continue working but with a partner.

Although many bad things happened, it all worked itself out. Who could have known all the strange quirks fate would hold in store for Chinseiko, and the lenders who would have know that all these lenders were in together to bilk an innocent. In the promissory note stipulations should have been delineated but Chinseiko was new at this and wanted to start a business quickly.

Then he should have also asked for a copy of this note to ensure that all was on the up and up. Always keep important documents like was and this information was etched in Chinseiko's mind.
Now that we know all this and how they work were all better educated. One should not have to worry about such things if you’re secure. The promissory note helps keep everyone honest. A handshake is good if you know the individual well if not then always take appropriate legal action to protect your interests. Confidence is important as Chinseiko found out.

The profit money when it was finally collected and was to be used for whatever was sealed in an envelope and put away for the future. New orders were placed every day with this new merchant partner I took the deliveries while he attended to the money portion of this venture. The money I found out later came form a lender in Koshu. He came all the way to this shop to see how his money was being invested.

The hairy one was well educated in money and lenders in business receiving and selling. All of this warehouses merchandise was brought in by ship these days. This increased the goods delivery time as opposed to over land travel. The money always arrived on time divided up, and then portions paid to whatever lender and the remainder used to personal profit or savings.
Both partners took turns in the receiving and delivery of materials by ship to gain more experience. In fact business was going so well that they were looking to build (3) more shops. They even were thinking about starting their own pawnshop and were even looking into the plans to build a stronghold for their capital to use as loan money.
The plan they had was to build three separate rooms one leading to a garden area. The other two would be heavily armored with guards standing by so as to watch the coming and going to customers, salesmen etc.
People would ask is this the shop of Chinseiko? I am the one called Chinseiko he would say may I help you. Then a man came one day and said I am Mr. Mo from Nanking and would like to talk with you. Let’s retire to the tearoom and talk. The man said he needed help with a loan.
Chinseiko excused himself and when he came back he asked his servant were did Mr. Mo go? He said he saw him go to another shop and Chinseiko was surprise by this turn of events. He wondered how he got out without being seen. He wondered though about this man he said he was form Nanking but talked like he was from Peking. This man then who appeared okay talked like a donkey with horses feet. He must have thought Chinseiko a dullard. The man though after seeing the security thought again about his plan to ask Chinseiko about a loan. He left and got on horse and rode.
The next day early in the morning Chinseiko was leaving for work and who did he see standing at the gate smoking; Homeiki. He was ushered into Chinseiko's house and offered tea. He came to give him some money he borrowed from a friend of Chinseiko's. He said this friend owed you and I should pay his debt for so here I am and sorry for being so late.
It is good to meet you again Chinseiko said Homeiki.
Homeiki asked him how got into his earlier predicament and he explained it all to him. Chinseiko gave him a full account of what happened over tea and dinner. To be safe that is why I came to see you and how you were doing. Tomorrow the two Manchu's and I will leave but we wanted to see if there was anything that you wanted us to do for you.
Surly you will get your money back somehow from your lost profits. Homeiki explained why he split off form their last meeting and bowed sincerely three times. Chinseiko asked the Manchu's how their business was going and do they need any help? They stated they were apparently being charged excess for their inn rent and luggage. This was taken care of shortly.
He asked the Manchu's are still able to work with the capital problem you have? A man named Kako took a short ride with the Manchu's to look for some funding for their travels after the stink that was made about their lodging. Homeiki wanted to conduct business with someone he knew so as to make things easier. Chinseiko returned to the shops center after taking care of a problem.
Homeiki thanked his guest and left by the Kansho gate near Chinseiko's place. After that the man from Nanking Mr. Mo returned and stated he was back to talk again. Apparently he was returning some gold that Chinseiko relented to loan him earlier. Mr. Mo stated where do you want this gold delivered? Chinseiko's clerk took charge of this while he bid his good-bye’s to Homeiki. The Manchu's also just returned from their walk around the city.

Chinseiko's clerk was just examining an article for pawning. Homeiki who was nearby resting against a pillar noticed this and stated in a clear voice who is pawning this for money!

Everyone saw this and turned around in amazement. The man who was pawning this item turned and ran away.
Someone said stop him help Homeiki and they tried to surround this man. In the ensuing struggle a pillar was knocked over and this then led to the wall caving in bring rock dust and dirt into the pawnshop. The clerk was lucky in that he fled. If he had not fled the falling beams would have crushed him.
People in the streets heard the noise and stared in disbelief at the breaking and crashing sounds coming from inside the shop. The front door and wall had completely collapsed every one thought this was a shame. Chinseiko was in tears almost that his shop was damaged. Everyone coming by was asking how everyone one was. From the rear of the structure they heard shouting.
Homeiki to the disbelief of everyone went back inside the now unsafe structure and rescued two other people inside one on the first floor rear and one on the second floor. The one on the second floor was caught in between floors and hanging on by a beam.
Mr. Mo also saw what had happened from the beginning and served as a witness later on much to everyone's suspicion. He made sure that there was no looting, but why?
With Homeiki's and other peoples help the area was cleaned up quickly and patched up to save it from further damage. Everyone was amazed at how fast things were patched up. Everyone later in a town meeting sat down to deal with the person that did this damage. Everyone helped in this effort even the Manchu's. Certain information though pointed not to the man who was pawning something that everyone thought was the culprit but at Mr. Mo. It seemed that possibly Mr. Mo had cheated a Mr. Chin out of some money and Mr. Chin was pawning some of his goods to make up for this. But before he could a scuffle was started they believe by Mr. Mo because he was telling everyone inside the shop why he was pawning something. Mr. Mo heard this and caused the buildings collapse to divert attention away from him.
No one really found out what, why or when as all the culprits left town that were under suspicion. Mr. Omae also tried to accuse Homeiki of cheating him on some small issue. This was also resolved absolving Homeiki of any wrongdoing.
This incident needed to be settled once and for all. Chinseiko who left shortly after this incident with the two Manchu's to acquire new funding returned to settle all differences. He did this in order to save face. Evidently there were two cover-ups unearthed. After Chinseiko and Homeiki paid 100 pieces of silver new evidence was discovered as to the cause and cause of this incident.
It also was asked of Homeiki as to why he was bowing to the borrower of the silver so many times and Hokeiki was asking Chinseiko and the Manchu's why they left and why they came back in separate boats?
Both it appeared did not trust each other at this juncture of their relationship. What caused this? No one knows. Then one day Homeiki was having a friendly chat with the two Manchu's as to where they went when the arrived at Nanking after that everyone went back to their own houses to rest.
The Manchu's were preparing a writing named In Shi Ko to take to the gatekeeper in the city were they were staying to be delivered to a master in the city named Taikeifu no Chinboku Nanyo. They wanted to deliver themselves and stay and visit him in his guesthouse but could not get away. The two Manchu's gave a copy of this writing to Hokeiki for review and comments.
Peking had gotten word recently of these writings and had asked that the two Manchu's return and provided a brief. They were offered travel money and lodging for their efforts. A young nobleman accompanied them to Peking as was required. They met before departure exchanged greetings and had tea.
End of Story

Again these writings are from a 38 volume set which were found at a remote mountain retreat. This area was known for its enormous tigers, which were plentiful in that region hence the stories outlined earlier on tiger subjugation.

There is another story about Kanro the priest and Kyoro met on the enemy tiger on his home ground before it was written. These priests walked for seven years enduring many hardships. Their father wished for this so each one would be a good filial child. They encountered many strange sites while roaming Szechwan Province. They had seen many evils at work in this area. They helped many husbands’ wives and children during their journeys.

The priest’s sir name was Boku. He wanted a family and to have stability. He wanted to help others stave off famine. He was looking to start a temple to help other and was looking for benefactors in Koko, Hunan, Hupei, Canton, and Kwangsi Provinces.
Everywhere they went they were treated very kindly. They trained in martial arts everyday and trained others as they went. These two as was written in the last portion of these stories were destined for great things.

In the final writings of this chapter in order to understand the concepts of Kobushi-Ho you must have a firm grasp on the basics of this art. One must have the proper instructor to teach the right way. One can see the way often but the path may not be clear and without the instructor the way in useless.

There were many people in these ancient days past who were versed in, the fist and other weapons. These people taught a pure form of their art. These were the master teachers. There was a time when the masters got together with their pupils and had a feast to celebrate what they had accomplished and after the feast was over they bid the teachers and commrades farewell to whom they trained with and split up and went to different parts of the earth to rest in peace and teach their arts to a select few.

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