A historical Perspective During the Reign of

(Dai ni Kai - [Shishin wa no naka ni Gionshi no nogare

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(Dai ni Kai - [Shishin wa no naka ni Gionshi no nogare

Rotatsu ga Kobushi de Chinkasei wo naguri korosu] yori

Rotatsu's experiences with Kobushi and his narrow escape)
Atarashii no Monogatari ( A New Story)
-Moto hachi ju man kingun Bujutsu Shihan Rinchu to Bujutsu Kyoju no Konsenshu no Bojutsu no shiai - Rinchu no [Yamato Tairai] no itte to [So wo haratte hebi wo sagasu no katachi] Taiko no Sui wo motte Ten wo yaku no sei-

In the beginning there was the teacher of the palace guard numbering 80,000 and Rinchu Sensei contest and the winner to teach there preferred style to the palace guard. The snake in the grass is can often be lured out with noise in order to divine his intent thus was the way of heaven and its power)
The masters that came on scene for this contest were well known and the place of the contest was also well known. Both were readying themselves in their own way by stretching and were wearing simple clothes. Rinchu the master teacher or Shihan was a very famous Bujutsu teacher of the era and taught not only the palace guard but he had other schools where he taught also and was frequently sought out for his instruction, guidance and infinite wisdom.
When the match began his gazed was fixed his resolve firm his spirit empty of all things he turned and bowed to his opponent. Many had the opportunity to meet this fine man. Rinchu then moved his head back as if in dismissal. The quarters that housed the palace guard was oddly enough named Rinchu House. Everyone that met Rinchu was told that he was new here but in fact he had been at this palace many years. It was a ploy used not a smart one but a ploy nonetheless which seemed to draw, matches like flies. Maybe this was good maybe not. Look at Miyamoto Musashi and what he did to the Yagyu Clan and others alike. Again he greeted his opponent but stopped from bowing.
Ko Sensei uttered one single word. An observer named Saishin eyebrows were knitted in concentration of this match. Rinchu performed two more strange bows. Seats were arranged and they were offered their positions before the match but Ko sensei moved first and took the seat given to Rinchu and sat in it straight as an arrow. Saishin the observer seemed pleased and Rinchu was put into such a humble position and gave way and took a lower seat much to the everyone's shock. Their escorts were seated nearby. The Master (Rinchu) and the Professor (Ko Sensei) asked a question. What day is today? As people listened to this entertainment they all seemed puzzled. Rinchu day I know of only this place here and now in a loud voice in front of retinue of 80,000. Why do you want to know the day? This dissertation evidently went on for some time each one acknowledging each other a spear teacher a Bo staff teacher both respectable in their own right. They all gave their respects and gifts to the essential gods and or temples as obsience. So Sensei asked him pointedly why did you take the seat assigned to me.

Inwardly Rinchu was appalled at such a lack of manners. He ignored him. As each demonstrated their respective kata things seemed to lighten up and spirits were high. Again words were exchanged it appeared in a baiting maneuver. Rinchu handled it well and did not take the bait even with harsh exchange of words which he thought words are words and nothing more empty gestures like the bad wind of a cow. When asked about his incident Rinchu stated yes I was refused in the chair incident but no matter.

Everyone was impressed with Richu iron body and his quick yet suitable moves. He was like a tireless wind, agile, quick and unerring. Saishin the observer thought Rinchu has his limits and laughed inwardly. After this was over it was decided that a contest would ensue at months end. Afterwards, everyone met again and sake cups were exchanged as protocol dictated. As the night went on so did the part all ill thoughts out the window till months end. Then two people stood up by Saishin with Bo staffs in hand ready to do battle. Rinchu was watching carefully the unfolding drama. Both Ko Sensei and Saishin ran from the master’s house. To raise a weapon in the masters or host’s house was unthinkable. Rinchu stepped in and broke of the little drama.

Ko Sensei still at his verbal attack asked Rinchu if he was still up to the contest. He stated there is resentment ion the air over contest. Rinchu listened calmly and thanked him and subsequently dismissed him. Rinchu was pleased with himself; as was everyone else in his calm and cool demeanor when answering questions designed to try to upset him somehow. His skill was legendary and should be researched. Saitatsu had stated that Rinchu and Ko Sensei were both excellent teachers in their own domain and their skills are regarded as the finest ever without reserve. That's why there is cause for concern when they are talked about in a bad light. The whole country in essence was watching these two as the contest neared. Both were known publicly and in private. Ko Sensei was also known for his excellent fist techniques. But the Bo staff was his forte and he was sure he would emerge victorious. Ko Sensei as always wore it was girded up between his legs in samurai fashion especially when he practices with the Bo. The following conversation ensued:

- When the contest ensued Ko Sensei said ya come

- Rin Sensei Said politely if you please go ahead

- Saishin's voice could also be heard
- He stated wha's wrong is Rinchu Sensei shy?
- Then onto Ko Sensei What's wrong is your whole

world the staff?

- Ko Sensei took this as a personal affront
- Ko in a Freudian slip and in one quick sentence stated lets get this over with I have better things to do Rinchu held his Bo close to his body for a reason. Ko also held his Bo in a low attitude toward the ground. Suddenly Rinchu laughed and danced his kata. Both were engaged and Bo's crossed paths several times in the moonlight. Suddenly behind them a terrible surprise existed. Hold on came a voice. Rinchu stopped as Saishin came out from the referee position and was going to offer help. But Rinchu admitted defeat Saishin laughed why do you say that? I do not understand this at all. If 10 ryo of silver started this it was ridiculous. Two of the escort’s required ten pieces of silver for traveling expenses and from that a contest ensued. Later on at the Ro Castle deliberation was ongoing into this incident. Both man servants received there silver from Saishin and interest was lost in these two. Rinchu was worried that something again was afoot. So he wandered off to think this through. Saishin was also elated in that he got to see at least one contest. He saw how each fought in wide circles.
So in this contest certain people had to ante up money to the sum of 25 ryo of silver to take away as prize money which was not uncommon. However, seed money was needed and also a non-monetary prize. Saishin thought he had all ends covered. However, the demonstration he saw that night made him worry. Ko Sensei and halted Rinchu in an argument over the seed money. However, Richu acting as always with perfect spirit put the matter aside money actually meant nothing to him but his spirit and his did. By keeping an empty mind and a strong spirit he will win in any event.

Rinchu personal characteristics far surpass those of Ko Sensei. Ko Sensei up until now had been engaged in shouting bouts because he thought he was being cheated. During a continuation match Rinchu waited for Ko to move when Ko moved Rinchu watched his legs and as Ko moved forward and as he swung his Bo in a downward movement Rinchu deftly stepped aside and hit Ko’s Bo so hard in a downward block that Ko was driven to his knees and Rinchu

danced around him like a dervish. This second match had everyone’s rapt attention as they were anxious for a winner. One referee Mikozune scolded them for this action. After this action though Ko’s Bo was knocked away after being seized by Rinchu’s. Saishin was the only one applauding and drinking sake while everyone else was in awe.
Then the crowd once normalcy resumed also applauded. Ko Sensei began to rise and also laughed. He was unsteady though upon doing this and had to be helped to his feet. A local ran out to see what was going on but reconsidered

and ran away.

(Dai Hachi Kai (Saishin wo Tenka no okyakusama wo motte mashi Rinchu wa Ko Shihan wo uchi no mesu) yori
Atarashii no Monogatari:
-Fukuhaigun – Shukin to Gentokyo Tenshi

Seishi no Gunkan – Yoshi to no Enbu Chomei

ni okeru yari – Kyujutsu no shiai oyobi

Daimeifu Ryushu Shisei Haigun – Sakucho no

Daifu to Yoshi no Shinyari no Shiai –

A stranger Shukin and another stranger Yoshi met under auspicious circumstances one day while on horseback near a gate that sported a banner of sorts. It read “Come to the government’s arms and Calvary contest and earn fame”. This was great both thought. Another man Ryuchusho was also looking at this banner also.

Both the aforementioned people were experts and in superb shape but both understood little of what was expected by sword and spear. There was a Japanese man also wanting to enter this contest but had a deformity and rumors grew heavy for his ability to compete. A decree was granted for him though soon after.
Even the military was at a disadvantage in that they did not think so many experts would come. They had banked on semi-pro’s wanting to came and learn.
As the contest began there were many local villagers there wanting to compete some wore thick black jackets and some wore thick white jackets on horseback with staffs. Some won some lost it was all part of the contest in good fun. Then the third man of the triad mentioned before in the beginning Ryuchusho appeared on the scene.

Both of the aforementioned two men were of

ex-military ranking, which helped, get into the contest. Everyone was wearing a variety of clothing emulating war clothes. Some of the contestants especially the villagers

had ill fitting clothes but made do for the exercise. All spears had covers on them for the contest to prevent serious injury.

Shukin’s horse was dancing and prancing around the arena waiting their turn. Shukin was also waiting his turn with spear ready. Yoshi was doing the same preparing himself for the upcoming match. They used their skills as they would in war it was just war person to person, horse to horse and it did not matter if it was just two people in the contest or 50 the rules were the same. Yoshi aimed his spear tip to the left of his opponent. He already had one white point.
Ryochusho also had one white point in his match. The former official Fukuha displayed exemplary military skill, as did others of his caliber. One other person Buchi who

was also another famous military expert displayed virtuous skills during all of his matches. Yoshi’s opponent gained point on him with his spear but almost lost when he was accused of hanging onto his opponent.

Another government official Kangun Beiba Tokan no Risei lost his match to a better official. Shukin tried to score on his opponent Fuete but could not and the other scored. As time wore on so there energy waned and some had torn clothing upon which more was wrapped for protection. Even their spirits started to flag as the day wore on. Then as the spear contest ended the Kyujutsu contest was about to commence.
This decision troubled some in that there were few who were experienced with the bow. With this being the case it appeared that only Rychusho, Yoshi, and Shukin would be in this contest. They then were pitted against someone with a spear to see if they could ward the above three’s arrows.

Yoshi was stringing his in preparation for a contest shot. After that he mounted and showed his rival he was ready. However, Yoshi shot the arrow and the other official was unable to block the blow and was hit by a padded arrow thus losing, and Yoshi gaining the point. Another arrow was shot and another Shoshu was unable to maintain. He was shot in the arm as the wrapping came off just before impact. How was the score arrived at in any case he did not die but was hit fairly but not mortally so the point went to the bow user.

This was a fine contest with so many talented Bujin. All the officials were pleased to see so many together in a spirit of martial comradre. Some of the less experienced were not quick enough to block and some were wounded and some were dead as the result of the lack of experience which was explained to them as they had to sign

waivers absolving the government of any responsibility. Yoshi thought though before the contest to turn back but he was glad he stayed to test his technique and martial spirit.

Rijo and a partner did exceedingly well as they fought off an onslaught of arrows from a variety of opponents using only shields and did as they were taught defend the body central. They both received minor wounds but survived.
Yoshi was the only man left. His first three shots against opponents were hits and he gained three more points to his total score. Shukin was next after Yoshi and a bit bolder in that he was asking how many shots would they like and where. So Yoshi pointed to the left and said there. Shukin did and amazed all even Yoshi.
Yoshi could the ripping muscles and saw or felt the spirit within Shukin as he shot he was impressed. The safety officer had to let two contestants go who were upset and being bested. Yoshi’s horse was acting strange and running around by this time.

As Yoshi watched by now it was nightfall and the moon was out. Shukin was at full gallop on his horse and was raising his bow to knock a shaft. But behind him he heard a twang of bowstring and pressure of an arrow in flight. The arrow came out of nowhere and he thought who shot that? Shukin was confused at this point. From his quiver he quickly drew an arrow and fired.

Yoshi groaned when heard the shot as he the shot as he knew who it was. Shukin was able to dodge the shot in time. The wind was with as the shot flew past him into the dark. The arrow dropped into the grass just as he stopped. Shukin was twice faulted and became angry. Why he said someone shot at me from nowhere I had to do something he shouted. Yoshi was still trying to control his horse on the parade ground.

Shukin was ordered back on his horse by the grounds official. Above them in the steppes they could here horses hoofs and rock scattering. They believe that man named

Nyohachi was the one who shot the arrow. Shukin had nocked three more arrows. Another man Konshin was staring daggers at Yoshi from his back and Yoshi could his Wa being probed. He thought this man has strong spirit. Yoshi all of a sudden heard the sound of a bowstring twang. Yoshi was gripping his saddle horn for stabilization and lurched downward as a hand full of arrows whizzed by and as he road up past Enbucho where the arrows were launched Ryochusho was in thrilled. It was though a good idea on Yoshi’s to change his direction.
Shikidai was waving a point flag furiously. Shukin with bow and shield in either had been riding southward. Yoshi had his frame twisted in the saddle but felt uncomfortable because of a bad grip on the horse. Suddenly the horse went the other way and he heard the sound of bowstrings and the pressure in his ears of arrows in flight. To his rear he heard a sound and looked it was Shukin his body also twisted with shield in hand which was imbedded with arrows. The arrows seemed to be flying from everywhere. These were stripped arrows be careful he thought. His spear also being used was useless against this type of onslaught. Then two arrows came form the east and caught him he cried I am out of arrows. His opponent then said if that is the case I am the victor.

Out of breath Shukin turned to face Yoshi. Yoshi also turned to face him with his horse. Yoshi’s quiver was also empty and in some pain. His destiny was also lost. A vital point on Yoshi was almost hit but he remembered what his teacher in China has said assume the attitude of a mother holding baby with her right hand and look toward the moon. He tried the arrow missed the vital point but he still got nicked and his shoulder gave way. Shukin also got hit and somersaulted off his stead to the ground with Enbucho galloping away behind him. A soldier stood up at the wrong time and took Shukin’s arrow and died.

Ryuchusho again rejoiced Gunsei-Shu a government official saw the tail end of this because he came late. Both Yoshi and Shukin because of their valor got awarded government positions.
Yoshi in all this calmness was bluffing and stayed on his horse before he left the government offices. Then he bowed in respect for the award. Again his senses still keen and aware sensed something ominous on the southern part of the parade ground platform where there was dancing ongoing. He heard a loud voice say that a rei or bow was expected and my companion said that that was a tasteless effort to prove victory or defeat.
Gan had big ears for his size to hear all of what was said to Yoshi and Shukin from such a distance. He had thick lips from all four corners. He was big and solid and sported a huge beard. This imposing view in front of Yoshi wanted money from somebody.
Ryuchusho again was delighted with this new confrontation. Shukin became ill after these events and was unable to recover his energy due to negligence of his body. This unmanly attitude now being presented before him suddenly overwhelmed him.
This new person wanted a make or break contest with Yoshi. Little by little Shukin was losing energy. His Chi I think was transferred to Yoshi during the battle. Now the giant was jealous in that he did not win anything.

There were several Daimyo there Ryushushi, Seihaigun and Sakucho who were witnessing the unfolding events. In earnest they knew that they should be putting salt on the fire anytime now. Yoshi pleaded to the Daimyo to quell this giant, as it does him or anyone else no good. A man is judged by his actions not by wind. And it was so decreed that Yoshi plain and simple earned what he got the giant did not. Shukin earned what he got the giant did not. He was told to stand down.

Ryuchusho also was dismayed at the decision but because he was Bushi he held his thoughts said his turn will come.

Anyway a contest is a man's desire and his reasons are his own. What he receives is inconsequential. It's the spirit of the event that counts. This contest to Yoshi had promise possibly but it was not expected. He was prepared to share martial and technical skill. If the government job was a factor he did not care. If it came along so be it he would make the decision them not before. Ryuchsho was already having an attendant get fresh horses and weapons as he wanted to continue.

The money he got to enter this contest was a loan he did not want to squander this money. It was used on the contest. As far as he was concerned it was over. Yoshi was saying his farewells and bowing to his friends, teachers, and lord.
Another point on this disagreement between Yoshi and others who contested his appointment Shukin it seems was blamed for things he had no control over. They thought it was his carelessness that injured himself, Yoshi and several others, especially the ones who died. Some of the Daimyo's peasant and their men had some rift between them in that some were allowed to compete they had minor skills. But the ones with good skills were not allowed to enter the contest. This has its good points in that the minor soldiers need practice to sharpen their skills. The seasoned veterans did not need this type of practice. This was because that even the best can slip and all it would take would be one mistake to damage a career of a seasoned veteran.

But on the other hand the importance of this idea must be understood. Personally Yoshi and Shukin took all the necessary precautions because one mistake could mean disaster for all. Both Sakucho and Ryushochu were making preparations for departure form the contest. Their servants were waiting for them. Yoshi had invited Ryuchusho and attendants to stay and eat and drink and spend your silver on having a good time. The sun was hot that day and they had covers to keep the heat off. Commanders were gathering their men and reporting to their commanders. Everyone was busy. Red flags or banners with each group’s logo were flying high. They all resounded with the sound of drums and cymbals.

On the parade grounds people were firing off fireworks using their bows. Sakucho on his horse was riding around the parade ground with his banner in his hand. Yoshi was behind the gate flag trying keep up with the festivities. Shikidai had his yellow flag refused. No reason was given why. The rumbling of more drums for a time became louder and louder. Shouts of war cries went thru the crowd. The onlookers were gaping with mouths open at all the festivities.
It quieted for a while but it built up crescendo again this time all the flags were fluttering in the wind. Officials wanted to move to change scenes but were hesitant as people having such a good time. Then Shinkan stood up. Shikidai finally was allowed to change flags to blue. They all yelled three times. And with that the gate battle flag went up. Suddenly out of nowhere a temple bell was ringing. Sakucho mounted his horse and rode out to see. He was dressed out in full battle gear this time weapons in hand dressed in steel blues he looked like a lion. He had a mane like a lion land looked like a king.
His amour had a legend written up so all could see. Around his waist was a gold belt of sorts. He had a fierce countenance. His chest plate’s front and back were made of bronze and when the sun shone on them he appeared like a bright mirror. On the outside amour were written two ideograms in a green colored thread all of his amour and was laced with leather. He was wore leather riding boots which made him taller than he really was. He readied his bow and aimed an arrow at a target.

To the right of the battle array above the gate flag a bell began to ring. Under this flag was a wrapped bundle of spears. Yoshi thought who left these here. As the rising sun began to melt the early morning frost who would do such a manly thing? Tokigane's helmet laid on the ground scattered with his other battle issue. Plum blossoms were just beginning to open. As he was putting some on a slight wound he received he heard a slight sound to his left. He was repairing his body amour with red thread that he had been saving. On this front and back amour plates were ideograms of his guardian spirit. The sun shined on his amour and the green sparkled brightly.

His coat was made of purple and threaded with the same as was his obi. He also wore yellow leather shoes. He had in his arsenal another bow with a quiver full of chisel arrows. He wondered how many he would need. In the distance he heard a braying horn and new it was Ryuchusho waiting in the distance. Two officers he thought learning more about officers and their men. It reminded him of a saying "One should be concerned with the laws rather that the letter".
His horse then took off in a gallop. He thought your Excellency has commanded you into battle. Both men card for the battle but not to fight against each other. During the contest the winners were the winners. The others had to try again he knew Ryuchusho held no grudge.
Then there were two people approaching in a gallop to his left up ahead. Both were holding weapons aloft and pointing in anger at Sakucho who also held a big battle-axe.
He hurried toward him and he was also challenged. Yoshi mustered his most terrible countenance and charged on. He saw a man named Shinshoi who also received some title during the contest engaged in battle also. He saw in the middle of the parade grounds Shikido with bodies littered around him. He thought of something suddenly:

- Yuki tsutomo modoritsu - Modoritsu yuki tsutomo -

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