A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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During the Ming era a novel called the Saiyuki was written during the Goshon era (1500   1582) about a famous Tang priest Gensho Sanzo (602 664) and about his travels to India in the year 654. He was searching for rare sutras at the time to shed light on certain mysteries. Some say that he did find what he was looking for around the year 1574 these documents were lost.

The main point here is that the main players in the last novel were Sanzoho Sensei, Sekien Songoku, Chohachikai, Sagojo etc, etc who were great martial artists but were branded with 81 criticisms. A great Tang sect Leader was elected to oversea their trial and many prayers to humanity to save them were formulated so the novel goes.

CHUI #20

The Suikoden came about during the close of the Yuan era and the beginning of the Ming era. This novel was also popular during the Manchu era also. The Suikoden legends are said to be ordinary stories, which were transmitted into legend and presented, in narrative form as plays. One of the plays deals with the Arhat era. This was a bright jewel as novels go. In this novel is mentioned the term Shitian but all historical references to this term are obscure today.

The Suikoden, Sankoku Shiengi, Konheibai, Saiyuki
The Sankoku Shiengi and the Sankoku Shi are related to Japan in some way the commonalities here are referenced in the Sankoku Shi along with references to the year 1121. During the Northern Sung era in Shantung Province in the city of Suko there was a movement afoot called the Nomin Bodo or the peasant’s riot. This is also a part of the Sung historical records or Komoretsu Den. During this time in the cities 36,000 government forces killed 36 people from Wei & Sei provinces.
This era was known for its important people and their contributions. There were others like Shokei who rose up to rob and plunder especially during the Horo no Ran (Horo Rebellion or Uprising). Even afterwards he asked people about the madness of being wicked or leading a wicked life.
From this comes a reference to several terms - . The Suikoden now plays a part in that it was told that the poor people of the time that the Horo no Ran was for them to help them rise above it all and take what was theirs. Thru this theme the members of the above rebellion wanted everyone to see and understand the path they were taking “Tai Ten An Do" or a "Substitute Path Toward the Heavenly Journey". This to the rebels was a slogan of strength. These 108 people who sacrificed themselves based on Guatama's tenets

were considered hero's according to history.

Next was the so-called Donkonori group who also waged war for the down trodden. This path also would right wrongs done by past and present regimes. It was a highly structured system and reliant on the peasants to take the point home. One such quote, which may lead one to believe this, is as follows:
Unjo no Shoshi (From the records of Unjo castle) near the ancient city of Suko where the people cry out for help.
An official came calling on the pretext of gaining entrance into the castle.

After the first request the Shogun of the castle refused this minor official considered this unfair. The Shogun thought if he is a legitimate citizen and his request official then I would be unfair. But if he is a traitor what then if I let him in. Is he legitimate or a wolf in sheep's clothing? He considered this and listened again to his plea invoking the descendant from heaven to answer his plea.

The Shogun thought to conduct oneself other than what heaven dictates would be sacrilege. He must follow the proper way or "Do". He still has the right to ferret out treachery or reward goodness. This is the way of a good leader.
These times were hard in that you did not know what people’s intent was and it was the wise choice of this ruler not to hide but determine what this official wanted and that way he could divine his true nature thru a meeting and deal accordingly. The shogun used the water fist technique as was stated in the Suikoden.
The Suikoden is a very old document stemming from the Ming era and before. Even today those who read it react with horror and pleasure at some of the stories. Most are able to see the point made by each story. They are told so as to parallel modern day it seems. The stories are mostly geared toward the hardships of the peasant’s life and their subsequent rebellions. But it is literature all the same. The one story of the city of Suku and the ensuing Suko no Ran (Suko Rebellion). There was an ongoing class struggle ongoing during this era, which led to the rebellion. The current class laws were unfair and degrading to the peasant class and during this time they were following what appeared to be early Marxism whose principles were being fabricated to have the masses follow. Next we will discuss the Chikucho.

CHUI #34

This is used only for comparison purposes. Of the 108 people mentioned above every one of them was immortalized as a hero for their efforts in their rebellion thru the ideology of Kokumei. Some of the hero's are as follows; O Shin, Chintatsu, Richu, Rinaru, Busho, Hoei, Jonei, etc.

All of these individuals were considered Busho Shugyosha. Some were even Bujutsu Shihan or Master teachers. The martial arts records are very accurate on this account and in detailed historical analysis.
From these writing in these books opens a new world for most martial artists, as they would be exposed to the real thing here. These writings are what the martial arts are all about. Ming Era Chinese Bujutsu was an exact art in every detail and it also states this is where the arts all evolved from. Next let’s talk about " Sonjo chian yaku. From the Suikoden or the Suiko Legends which are contained in I, II, & III volumes called the Kaisu Shoko or the Kaisu Library. Next are some Monogatari or Tales titled:
-Ku Monryu no Shishin to Gan hachi ju man kingun (Seikogun) Bujutsu-Shihan "O-Shin" to no Bujutsu Shiai-
(A contest between the (9) Dragon Crest specialist "Shishin" and the regional palace guard Bujutsu Teacher "O-Shin")
It is recommended that the reader find this particular legend and read it in its entirety. It is presented here in skeletal form. To be a part of "O-Shin" and his family would have been something else indeed. He was a martial artist but also a health care specialist. He helped his family to include his sick mother for many years thru Chinese medicine and the martial Arts. He helped her finish her life and on into the next with dignity and respect. Her spirit was happy. That day a horse was spotted in a barn nearby and in the rear a vacant lot. There were many people ages 9 thru 18 who were practicing the Blue Dragon wrist movements utilizing the whole body. Also there were others brandishing the Bo staff. O-Shin watched the whole scene but to talk about it would trivialize it would have to be seen first hand to be appreciated. As O-Shin watched he saw many openings left by the practioners. Although they appeared capable and genuine in their skills they still lacked something. He was spotted and someone shouted, "Hey what do you want here?" O-Shin thought how dare you talk to me that way. He was subsequently attacked when answer was forthcoming. Seven or eight of these people pursued him and tried their hand techniques but were warded off and laughed at. They were all defeated at once and in a loud voice O-Shin declared one victory one defeat.

At that time an appearance was made by the master in retirement and asked how could a visitor do such a thing to those well trained? The others were reproached and questioned. The visitor after introduced stated that the Bo staff practioner was performing window dressing. Although he was in range he was ineffective and in turn became an impediment to himself and an open book to someone else.

The visitor was surprised at the headmaster’s appearance. The headmaster spoke of the way he handled himself so as not reproach the visitor but compliment him. The visitor thought just the opposite and was confused.

The eagle’s son was interested. The young headmaster also came but and asked what was going on and what was this unorthodox he was using with the rising thrust. The master in retirement and young headmaster were satisfied with his answer after consultation. O-Shisho the master in retirement was one of the best martial artists known. What impressed O-Shin was what he old man said if one even in retirement still adheres to the rules and stands up for justice and righteousness and talked of the spot below the naval where the spirit resides. Even those in retirement are there at there own behest not someone else's. They know that the young who are properly trained have to have a chance to excel to.

You lead the way but cannot show them everything how will they grow. Such is the like with my group and other people of renown have followed the same path for ages. But then again you have those who brag about their abilities and hide behind a facade. Those people must be able to accept responsibility for what they sow and or their presupposed actions. They must at some point sink or swim. This is the real truth. The real way is up to the individual. This is the way, to be professional and act with presupposed skills. The ability lies in proper technique. At that point the master was finished. Again he showed proper technique with the Bo and no space appeared to be vacant it like a windmill in action. The Bo staffs point was there but where. Then in a loud voice the master stated to O-Shin you are only junior to me and therefore inferior.

O-Shin Sensei laughed at his opponent new that his opponent was not worthy he was a light easily turned out or snuffed out. His opponent appeared to be like someone's errant son who had not learned his lessons properly. He was thusly taught a lesson in front of the retired master. The young master was not laughing now O-Shin though still chiding him for his errant attitude. Everyone stated dear god what now. Even if the opponent was evenly matched

one reaps one what sows they say he still be have been beaten because of lack of spirit and proper attitude.
And even after being rude and having his weapon taken from him by O-Shin he still was reluctant to give in but he had no choice and O-Shin advised to leave the way he came in. Then O-Shin staring so fiercely at his opponent he showed the young master something that no one has ever seen with his out stretched hands he beckoned the Bo on

the ground to come to him and it appeared to leap into his hands. With that done he demonstrated the proper attitude of the Bo it can be used as a weapon but more importantly it can be used to create an impenetrable wall protecting the user.

Then it appeared that someone else was taking a bead on him. Another novice wanted a shot at him. In this case he thought there was another with a Bo. It appeared to the novice that when O-Shin stopped the earth moved which frightened him. O-Shin's Bo hand then flashed like lightening toward his opponent’s chest. Then again it was

staff to staff and the strike was resounding the novice received a blow thru the resounding blow without touching his body and fell down. After that O-Shin flung his Bo away and stated in a loud voice I am sorry.

After this meeting O-Shin helped his opponent to his feet and after his opponent rose to his feet he abruptly sat down and had to be carried away. O-Shin squatted before him consoled him and gave short courteous bow. This was noted by many people what the master did. It left a good impression and the term "Shuhanka” was termed which meant who better? O-Shin's actions could not be helped he was forced into this long engagement. He stated I also have a family with children I support and try to keep together. I show them kindness and consideration and instill in them to do the same to others. This made them happy. As is what I was taught I teach the same kindness and virtue thru lessons.

The retired master saw this and agreed the virtue of kindness is the most valuable lesson learned. He spoke form his inner self and that in itself is most enlightening.

When O-Shin returned his manservant had set up a table with food and sake for four people all of O-Shin's family and everyone drank and celebrated. While they were drinking it was made known that skill something that is not inherent but learned thru hard training. O-Shin's father new he stopped of killing that last novice. He knew that his son had learned well his lessons. O-Shin laughed but yet as he saw his people there with him and it was sobering to know what he had done was right. He knew that thru it all he was braced him with his training and experience in technique. He thought to himself that he was teacher to 80,000 palace guards. Not only skilled in the spear and staff but also in Kobushi-Ho.
Occasionally a new appointment or higher status was afforded to him but he refused. His father told him he was lucky but O-Shin knew his limits. O-Shin stated he became a follower of this way because he knew he could make a change in the people he was charged with. But secretly he wanted out from this government system he was under. He was like a middle man in some respects. He wanted to travel and see the land he helped his mother every chance he could before she died. But he knew his spirit was in his current obligation. Like the young master he fought. He wanted or desired for the right spirit but was on the wrong track. The body, mind and spirit must be one O-Shin thought to himself and asked himself why was he not?
The young master was like a cudgel player just wanting to win with nothing else in mind. But as O-Shin was taught his charges were being trained for war that is what they drilled for. His lot was set in stone. Although he rarely experienced defeat he wished he were like the retired master at times. He always talked of the master in retirement. He always worshipped his ancestors and he knew about Kainken no Kenzaka or the limits of his duty to his ancestors gone past. This was an established family obligation. There were also two villages he was responsible to protect Shokazen and Shokazon with 3 or 400 hundred people in each. This is also recorded in the history records.
His mother’s advice was to "suffer these hardships they will pay off one day. If you do not you will be lost. You are what you are a Martial Arts Master be proud of that. Your skill is the best and you are good at what you do excel son."
O-Shin also had the mark of a master on his back.

From the shoulders down to the middle of his back he had the nine-headed dragon tattooed showing that he was a master and a territorial man. He was proud of this. The nine-headed dragon has a very important historical significance for him and his family. He always gave a proper bow whenever he viewed this symbol as his show filial piety toward himself his lord and family. He actually gained great satisfaction and pride from his work and his family's heritage. Mere words could not explain his feelings. The hand/fist way was the key to all his training. As the emperors teacher he taught the nine-dragon fist well. This type of position was not a mundane position but one of stature. He was also a teacher of 18 styles. One who could have learned all this is still a mystery according to the historical records.

He was trained in the use of the halberd, hammer, bow, crossbow, gun, whip or rod, throwing techniques, sword, sickle and chain, staff, axe, broadax, hook, arms halberd, staff, spear, bear hand. There were eighteen other styles altogether.
- A Saying -
"Bugei ju hachi han ni tsuite Shishin wa, yagate senko no yari wo tatsute wa Yujin toi wareta Shokazan no Chintatsu sanzai no san nin no Zokuto no uchi no uchi nin aimanteru koto ni matta"
“A man who has one art is only half a man but a martial artist who has eighteen arts is someone to be reckoned with. He is a spearman of virtue from a famous area no doubt. He is more like three people in one. This man must never be forgotten, as he is as wise as any quick as any cat”.

The villagers heard the commotion and rushed to one of the villages where a weapons repairer was living after they heard the wooden clapper alarm sound. They were greeted by about 3 or 400 other people in their houses clapping their spears and staffs in unison.

A man appeared and was dressed differently He wore a turban stained dark red and wore a blue Brocade blouse and pants with green shoes and sporting a fur bellyband. On his chest and back he work black iron with a heart cover. He began to string a bow and also carried a 3 pronged spear with 4 holes carved with eight rings attached and brandished a sword. He was mounted on a horse of reddish color. Him along with his rebel agents and some 30   90 villagers took on the government forces. They all met at the northern edge of the village and shouted war slogans at the oncoming troops. These people showed great valor. Two other villages near Shoka San also joined in the Rebellion. To have seen this man Shishin in battle dress and see how he operated was interesting his Hakukubo Zukin or hollow hooded head affect placed fear in the government troops. Shintatsu and Shishin had great insight into battle strategy and saluted all those villagers who bravely served under him. They were also chasing another man a soldier I believe who was running around starting fires and raving in a loud voice.
The man's name was Unura. It was rumored that he had been in area murdering for a long time. Shishin eventually found him through the efforts of attentive villagers. Shintatsu gave chase also on horseback with his raised hood and finally caught him and dispatched him. The villagers with help of the rebels had a Mountain fortress where they stored food and supplies near Kanan Province. There was a secret path to the village, which was also closely guarded. Watches were posted with passwords to keep the government away from the base of operations for this rebellion. There was the bow and hand salute. There would be a village official with guards standing by to take away any traitors. There was much preparation involved prior to this to make this rebellion work. There was constant interaction with all travelers politely as their destination who they were seeing etc.

It was very noisy all day and night during this time. There were many fights over silly things. Who was who or whose on the sword etc, etc? Chintatsu was even subject to identity verification. Many people were driven away or escaped capture for one or another reason.

Shishin was also angry at chasing runners on foot wielding a sword. Chintatsu was doing the same wielding a spear. They waged war for long time. Often times there was much traffic and horses were in the place to be effective. Shishin like to use a wheel sword technique for opening an enemy's chest up while Chitatsu was partial to running his victims through with his spear.
Chintatsu had the ultimate advantage over most as his arms were quite long and he had an extended reach most soldiers did not have. His specialized mother of pearl saddle enabled him to turn and twist in impossible directions and was especially useful when implementing the earth to ground strike.
Both fighters were tiring of this battle and missed their villages. Others dressed the same with long bows with hair braided seven feet in length wrapped around their necks or used as a waistband carrying spears eight feet in length posed an awesome force. The villagers followed these unorthodox dressed warriors to the end. Two of these warriors were chiefs and stood on horseback and guided and watched the fracas.

-Moto Keiryokufu no Teikatsu (Kyaku Shikikan) ~ Rotatsu (Rochishin) no Kobushi- (Information on Keiryokufu no Teikatsu & Rotatsu's Style of Kobushi-Ho)
Teikatsu after much study and deliberation was working on experiments to see if a body could loose fat and be more adaptable to Kobushi-Ho or if a certain amount of weight was relevant to be turned into muscle to support this style of Kobushi-Ho. Body fat or muscle. The two do not mix according to Teikatsu. Can as body have both and still function? One is concealed (muscle) the other is not

(fat). Does a body have to have a certain amount of both to equalize the system?

A Chinese lord was riding by one day and heard Teikatsu talking and the lord had said, "Who are you talking to"? Once the lord caught his gaze he had to answer. He explained to the lord his quandary and so much as stated that the food he was fed was all-fat that is why he has fat. Most, people from Tei province (An Ancient Chinese Prov) do not have body fat, as we are all workers with muscle.

So after coming here I have gained fat why? So Teikatsu ended up on a then termed no fat diet of lotus leaves. From the above era and onto the Cho Dynasty he lived because of the lord’s advice.
Also from the ancient Province of Tei came a man called Rotatsu. Rotatsu had the same discussion of the quandary of body fat in relation to Kobushi-Ho training. He also did not eat red meat of the skin of fish meat. These he was told contained fat, which was not good for the body. Maybe before it was identified they were talking about cholesterol in the meats. Most other people just laughed at the two because of their theories. Maybe they did not understand that they were not crazy but just health conscience and took care of their vessel they call a body.
They both also practiced the gaze. By carrying different loads of weights and changing their expression they were able to somehow manifest and harvest certain strengths. They both practiced this theory together. They both also by learning early dissection techniques on animal meat they learned what they need to continue with their study of body fat and its role in Kobushi-Ho science. What good is animal skin, its tendons, bones etc in relation to humans being that they thought we had the same in our bodies? They both stayed to study these theories. But they had to arrange for permanent lodgings to live in to continue their study in these arcane fields as they related to Kobushi-Ho. They choose a place where there were plentiful shops, which sold the things they needed to do their early research. The people were coming and going and fast pace throughout this neighborhood they seemed to be darting everywhere.

Although they were from the ancient Province of Tei and no one really knew what they did for a living most butchers from Tei killed pigs with swords and were predominately right handed. However Rotatsu was left-handed and he was considered strange seen cutting meet for his experiments with his left hand. Everyone then watched them both. In this village though the meat cutter was from Tei and Rotatsu was elated. By working with the butchers in the area they had a steady supply of pig offal to work with in relation their experiments on muscle, fat and bone as it related to Kobushi-Ho. People in the house where they stayed were worried because they doing such strange things.

Then on the scene came ore Kansei Tonosama. He was a big man from another province who came to watch these two Kobushi experts work. They also worked on an ancient makiwara trying to find ways to strengthen skin and bone at the same time. At times they practiced their techniques on live animals large in nature to see if they worked. They also tried all kinds of concoctions on their body parts to use for strengthening salt, vinegar, butter etc.
This chap Kansei Tonosam came in like the wind they all said when word got out what Teikatsu & Rotatsu were doing in this village. They were both spoken ill of because of the arcane experiments and odd fighting style. Even though they still worked on their flashing techniques one day a passerby's heard blows coming from inside their training area and watched as Rotatsu was being made fun of by local bully's she gave them what they wanted a show of his style. His attacker was hit with such a precise blow at the corner of his head that one popped out completely the man was shaken but was still see enough to get to a doctor. All that were looking all they saw was Red, Black and Blue. The strike was never actually seen. Everyone was frozen in there tracks as this demonstration. However, after this incident they were asked to leave. Even long after Rotatsu talked about the bully man and how many people he hurt or threatened. But most thanked him, as they were never bothered they found out again by this bully. As time went on the word or truth finally got out that this bully always had a bad temper and was taking it out on the town’s folk and after that though as was stated above he bothered no one. The town’s folks even went as far as to isolate him from the rest of the villagers.

Sometime later in the same neighborhood a temple opened up with a grand finale with drums and cymbals. Everyone heard and hurried to see what the commotion was. He thought well that's just what this place needs is a good temple where one can learn and live properly. Peace was afoot in this province.

Then some time later this bully rogue came back on the scene with companions this time to eat and drink. They did not notice Rotatsu but Rotatsu noticed him. He ondered is he back for to instigate more beatings or mayhem? The bully and his two companions were destined for a far worse demise. Rotatsu thought his fist and knuckles would not solve anything now. Nothing short of a small rebellion could oust these three. As it was they were being watched and they were subsequently captured later and put into

Prison but no before identifying Rotatsu who the authorities thought was part of this infamous three. Rotatsu fleet of foot set out running not because he was guilty of anything but association of the afore mentioned incident which if caught would be hard pressed to vindicate himself with all that he and his partner were doing experimental wise and their fighting incidents. They could very well be considered malcontents and jailed for nothing and after this Rotatsu was always looking over his shoulder. To die in prison over a misunderstanding did not set well with him. He learned a valuable lesson. Avert people such as that and stay virtuous and true.

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