A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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[Nanwa Hokuryo]

Southern Japanese Northern Captives
Both sides in their respective frontiers had captives and both sides were believed to have tortured their captives. The pirate invasion was said to be brought on to retake their comrades held captive by the Chinese.
It was said that the coastal frontiers were desolate bleak wasteland nothing around for 100 Ri (One Ri is 2.44 miles). Smoke from burned out settlements could be seen for miles.

The Japanese pirates during the so-called peace era Kasei (1522-1566) from the last years of this era the provinces of Chekiang, Chokurei, Fukien, and Canton were laid to waste buildings burned and people killed. The number of dead could not be counted or even estimated. Fukien province in the end was the hardest hit with the most dead.

From this came many changes in the coastal castle towns. Many feudal clans and their lords perished because of the pirate invasion. Seven major areas affected:
1. Hsiachienyang ga Kanton, Kwangshi wo (Ran Rebellion)

2. Ranteiszui ga Un Sookiang, Juchiaono (Ran " )

3. Shosoryo ga Cheikiang wo (Ran " )

4. Tomochichi ga Fukien wo (Ran " )

5. Akoku ga Yunan wo (Ran " )

6. Yoryo ga Shigara wo (Ran " )

7. Hotsuhai ha Neige wo (Ran " )
There were many floods, fires and plagues because of this major devastation due to the pirate environs and ensuing rebellions.
Go (5) Zoso yori

(Five related stories)

CHUI #13
Sekikeiko together with government forces was responsible for the pirate’s subjugation. The Shorin Konho (Shorin Staff or Stick Way) or prevailed.
This law comprises 12 volumes of conduct by soldier. Also in this book it told of 28 energies one could develop when using the staff especially the next article will cover this to include 28 diagrams. In this preface there are four introductory volumes. Each enhances the other. It covers defense against the Hook, spear and blade. There are also other volumes dealing with their respective sutras, which enhance the energies required to effectively wield the staff.
This book of the Konho or staff law talks of the 28 energies used when welding the staff and more of their uses are covered in the other separate four volumes, which are not mentioned here.
It is better to learn each one separately then blade, hook, and spear. Long ago there were four books dealing with six special sutras of power. Each is based on the three cornered attack.
Confucius wrote heavily on law in this matter as did another Chinese writer Tseng Tsu and Shi Tzu who wrote on the middle path man should take.
One must learn and read heavily about the hook, blade, and spear. Some other books that will open your mind to this type of activity are the following:
1. Shikyo (Book of Songs on thought or strategy)

2. Shokyo or Shushing (The Chinese Classics)

3. Ekikyo (Book of Divination)

4. Haruaki or Shunju (Book of Spring and Fall annals)

5. Paikyo (Book of greetings)

6. Rakusei (Book of entertainment)

7. Reikyo (Methods of bowing)

8. Rakukyo (Pleasure book)

These books are a must to learn the three cornered strategy of the staff way. Thru the complete learning of the three cornered defense comes they path toward Shijuki Bujutsu then eventually into the Shorin Konho or staff way and their respective energies.

(Note Chinese Translation)

(Prelude to the staff technique and its energies)
Many staff teachers came from the Shantung-Honan area to teach the Yoka Soho or the Yoka Spear Way. They taught that Inyo-Onyo was the middle way and that there was truth in emptiness. This may seem odd to some. Just as justice was inherit in the left and right paths. Capturing and using ground is another key to the spear law. Justice is not withdrawing the killing hand, which can negate the effort. The legs play a key role in this art as stepping properly is critical. This technique is used to arrest an opponent. Advance in small lengths and not just kill outright using the spear, but to manipulate your opponent in order to capture him using the staff.

Follow the enemy with an empty mind following heavens guidance is the very first simple rule. That is a true warrior in arms. It is the motto of the Konho or staff way. One must know the power sutras of all the weapons one might encounter in order to use them to your advantage. To connect into that power or energy and use it back on the opponent.

Some think these ideas are useless but quite the opposite. To free a threat from one side of the body or the other doubles your own strength. There are sutras where you use many circular motions to confuse, re-direct and capture of kill an opponent.
Emptiness is the key, learn this well and victory is half won. There are disadvantages to this power you will learn to wield. The other can detect openings also always keep a clear aura about yourself void of all emotions which might cloud your judgment and leave a chink in your amour that an opponent might find.
Be like the calm surface of a pond in the early morning and keep that within and out. Think of your staff as an extension of yourself. It is an instrument you depend on for survival. This spear law is but a small part of the art. Faith is the big key. The tip of your spear should be your bright light blinding all in its path.
Kobo Kenkeishi

I Shang Chienching Chih

The above-mentioned information on the art of the cane or stick way System is explained in brief. Also explained is the sword sutra in conjunction with the staff or stick way fighting art. That will be covered next.
---Kiko Shinsho Ju ni---

(An excerpt of a new book in 12 volumes)

(Note: The following is translated from Chinese)
Tan Hei Cho Yo Setsu

(Short explanation of the functions of stick

fighting for a soldier

In 12 volumes)
The spear style had many types of spears the forked spear, single bladed spear, and the three comma spear.

The idea was that these spear techniques could be used against a variety of weapons i.e., the sword the hook etc. The soldier was given this art as another weapon in his repertoire to offset his hand-to-hand skills.

The original spear was anywhere from two feet to eight feet in length and usually made of hardwood. It was a tool as I mentioned above to help him in battle to fight at a distance.
The pole had a number tips which could be inserted onto depending on the fighting style or battle array. Some were used blunt jab or to entangle an opponents sleeve, or to tear or rend flesh.
It was used both offensively and defensively depending on the situation at hand. This style was practiced in pairs of opponents one attacking one defending. Both hands were on the staff at any one time for control purposes. The idea of the attacker was to create openings then used a prescribed energy pattern to counter and strike. The spear when wielded properly will look like a shining blur. The advancing and retreating steps were short or long adding or decreasing distance depending on the tactical situation.
The ability to assume a particular energy position takes much time, effort, and expertise to master for instance if one chooses the middle way of attacking with the staff this pose can create a multitude of openings. The idea is get inside an opponent and create your own energy patterns to create openings. Another idea is to get the opponent to over extend himself in order to capitalize on the others energy.
Speed plays an important roll in attacking whether it is a jab or using taps or circular movements to trap an opponent. Sometimes it is difficult to make contact and one must either lengthen or shorten ones attack suits a particular situation. The adaptation of a head position for control or leading an opponent is aimed for. Watch for the shift in emptiness in an opponent’s aura.

One should be familiar with all types of staffs

especially the bladed ones. The advantage of multiple staff techniques is imperative in that if one has a broken staff he pick up another of a different variety change energies and continue on. Each staff length also his it’s advantages and disadvantages. It is a very simple art of deflection and strike, lure deflect and strike, etc. One can lead from above, middle or from below posture wise.
Bladed staffs can clear a path for other soldiers in action on three sides and this could be a tactical turning point for a commander. One can keep other foot soldiers at bay and pick off opponents one by one. One also though must not be greedy when attacking and know when to extract oneself.
To counter is to eliminate a threat. Surprise is your advantage. The lead warrior centers first and the other follow suit. Brevity of movement is also crucial to ensure you do not over extend you self and open yourself up to counter attack and loose precious energy. Timing is also important to change your tempo regularly in order to not create obvious repetitive patterns.
Lure the opponent in with positive energy let him feel the opening then change at the last minute. Always adopt a head attack posture when first learning. One should be like a flower opening up slowly and revealing nothing inside until the last critical minute. That way when the mistake is made one can seize the moment. Divide and conquer is the idea and profit from your opponent’s mistakes. Remember all the techniques are based on proper energy creation and use. Once in motion one should appear to fly to a destination like a whirling dervish. Create and attack from al four cardinal points.
The true warrior creates openings without appearing to do so. To use the spear law as the ancients intended especially the way the Sennin did is important.

To use this way to deceive an opponent may appear strange at first but if one pursues this avenue then nothing can stop you it is said.

Sekikeiko Cho

Literary works of Sekikeiko

New writings

[Genren de Han ha] yori

Next an abbreviated account of Teichutsucho and [Shorin Kon-Ho Senshu] and their associated legends. The founder Kinna Rao and his involvement will be discussed next. This discussion of the staff or stick way will cover 55 techniques and their energy ways. In the beginning there were 15 original energies.

(An abbreviated account)
This account takes place in the mountain areas of Su-Yama, Shoshitsu-Yama, in the ancient province of Wei. According to literary records the area that trained these people was noted as the big middle area peace sand gate. On these steeps in the mountains there was a temple located in the side of one of the mountains. This was in the same area that Daruma settled in to mediate for nine years facing a rock wall also known as mempeki, which left images behind.
The then emperor knew of this strange area and left the priests alone to teach and live in peace. There were a hundred known camps such as this one teaching this ancient staff art. This art though because of record keeping almost became a blur in history if it were not for certain scribe priests. Many soldiers came to learn but many were turned away because there was rumor the military wanted to take over this training and in turn deceive the priests as to their actual intent. The head priest stopped this. The King had sent a niece into he priests midst to help out to ensure the virtue of the priests and they’re training stay intact.
They were ensured that the priests were actually following their devotions and the great religion left by Daruma Dai-Shi. The Priests though followed their true tenets of justice and a swift death to all those who betrayed the confidence of this sect and its temple rules. Everyone allowed to enter had to take a vow of to first learn to worship and partake in the religious aspects of the art first. This was especially true of military commanders wanting to learn in order to teach their troops or warriors a better way to fight in battle. The emperor received regular reports from the temple and was please with this new transition in teaching.

The ones selected to learn were taught how to build their own quarters as part of the basic training aspect training of this ancient art. These were righteous justice priests. They wee trained to assist others in the rules in their unique way to see who was considered suitable. Many came in great numbers as time went on but few were accepted.

Some were divided even in basic training as to their true way spirit and mind was divided. But as time went on, the training melded the two into a one mind one-body aspect. This then helped the warrior or priest to better able to learn and maintain this art. There were many techniques to be learned especially the first and second basic thrusts first learned by all adepts. A red army division was once trained in this art tried to assault the temple by was turned away thru divination which was not taught to them because of they’re intent early on. They body when trained as noted by the king appeared to be rock solid but yet as soft as gauze or silk. This can be seen in many of the priest’s renderings on the temple walls. The sutras play an important role in this art. For in them lie the secrets to the hidden energies required to enable one to wield this art properly.
The cane way had many different aspects in its training depending on what the person wanted. There were from time to time many barbarians who came also to learn this art. They though mostly wanted to learn the religious aspects of Buddhism in order to better serve them in their own art forms. They were which was strange to priests aware of the Shorin ways. The military thought this strange also and watched the barbarians carefully to see what their intent was.
The Shorin form in any sense was a beautiful art form to witness. Bu the only way to learn was to come to the actual area where training was first established in order to learn. This is also the place were the four virtues or justices were taught as a part of the religious training. Many soldier or warriors after a while yearned for the wind in their face to be away from the confines of their training to ply their art. But most were not ready and would have proved futile if not dangerous because of incomplete training. They require a strong spirit in order to assured of proper training results.
Many had learned and tried to teach out of the environment by the picture they tried to teach got muddy as it was passed and their teaching became diluted.

That is why it was imperative to stay with one teacher. Hey wanted to become players before their time was due. Some were destined to be students not teachers. Many though possessed good writing skills to be able to become scribes of this art, which was a benefit for all. But often times they found their niche but in a different area other than fighting.

Many stayed just to be under a teacher to help him in his life long endeavor not wanting but just learning. This was the most precious gift a teacher could get from a student is a place to learn and practice religious or spiritual endeavors with fighting as a by the by art. They trained not in the external but internal systems also. When in spiritual training many have claimed to have seen or had contact with legendary deities who had bestowed certain energies to them, which enhanced their art.

Many had chances to change their lives as well as others thru these changes the choices and consequences were hard to except by most. But once on a path such as this there was no turning back. Their life was in the temple wherever that may have been. Ones own spears sharpness or bluntness was based on their spiritual acuity training or lack there of. The energies once learned were easy to maintain. But like anything else they required attention. The gift of life and youth were also affected by this training. They said one could go either way depending on the severity or religious intent of this arduous training. One also must have trained thoroughly in nature and science in order to understand some of the sutras involved in this art.

Spiritual freedom comes from within in this art. The teacher also plays an important role in fostering and developing this freedom within and individual. He can tell if the student has positive influence it takes to take on this type of training. The four wisdom’s must be learned well by the student in order to profit from this art. The teacher watches wisely from above to ensure that the student’s path is on the mark. Ones path in learning this art is loneliness and sorrow, often pain ensures in the form of spiritual emptiness. His cup needs to be filled but often times he cannot fill it or it is filled with something else than pure spirituality.

The staff way can be an easy once clarification is received as to the proper path one is taking or searching for. People often when learning have a tendency to look askance and miss the actual path they should be on.

The direction lies in ones mind eye. The path will eventually find the person not the other way around. Often times one seeks power in words but words are only part of the whole. They are guides and not the actual way. One can come to temporary solutions to the way but then you only close your self off from the arts true path.
You become like a raft on the precipice of a gorge if you had taken the right path spiritually and transcend through proper insight and utilize your spiritual training one would not be on the precipice but in the true light of the staff way.

(General remarks)

Again translated from Chinese
The soldier’s way is the way or path of righteousness. He must be stealthy and his spirit must be clean and clear as the surface of a pond in early morning mist. He must be truthful and display kindness when ever possible. He must think big and small at all times. Strength and weakness hard or soft this attitude must prevail at all times. This is where true strength lies in the combination of hard and soft. He is in charge of his destiny he decides how high or low he can go. All idleness must be avoided. Every opportunity must be prepared for in advance and that knows everything about an opponent or situation.

A soldier must have skills in managing all things and people. He must know both strategic and tactical situations. Know how to use one strengths or weaknesses against his opponent. He must be proficient in basic skills such as martial arts and breathing techniques or the use of the spiritual breath.

He must know thoroughly the concepts of Inyo-Onyo (Yin/Yang) and their applications in the martial arts. These are also precepts one must learn as a Shorin Kon-Ho warrior. One must know all the basics of staff fighting/striking techniques from above, middle, low, left and right up and down and from behind postures.
He must know basic splitting techniques i.e., separating more than one opponent from another using a variety of crush and attack techniques. A warrior on any endeavor must know what path to take.
He must know when to lead and when to follow. He must be as strong as the steel or wood he carries. He must know the strength of his weapons and how they will affect his opponent. Above all he must have a sense of humor. A soldier or warrior must know that weakness and be just as penetrating as strength. Be like the wild goose attack and separate divide and conquer.
Watch for the idlers watch for the weak points in an opponent. Be like a strong gust of wind tearing through a valley of flowers scattering all the flower petals in your path yet you are untouched.
Be like the legendary white snake playing with the wind. Fight from below as well as from above. Fight from within and without. Use circularity with the Inyo-Onyo principles when fighting. Work with all types of staffs bladed and un-bladed. Know their capabilities and upsides and their downsides. Know the defense against many or one, against a blade or an iron fan. Go through the middle and divide and conquer. When an opponent expands his sphere you contract when he contracts you expand. Be like the ocean wave. Water flows around and through all obstacles. The fingers, toes and joints are all vulnerable. Use the three and four cornered attacks. Use X pattern attacks high/low left/right and when an enemy attacks in great numbers separate the wheat from the chaff. Watch those with egos. Watch those who constantly look askance.
Watch those who blink too much. Watch those attention flags or wavers. Watch for the unguarded moment seize it and attack with severity.

Be skilled in land battles know your terrain. Know tactics that involve indoor fighting. Know the skills well that involve the hand and the feet. A soldier’s destiny is to fight for his emperor soldier with excellent fighting skills helps the emperor prosper. Be skilled in all forms of weaponry, all forms of tactics and skills. Know even the barbarian ways for they may have skills that may save ones life or an emperor. Think not of being superior but be receptive to all things foreign. Learn to fight without fighting.

Learn that your weapons have a dual purpose they can take a life or save a life. You’re the soldier you decide. Be simple in plans and skills for most often the simplest of skills will always prevail.
Kono Ichigo Kobushi Hatsugen (The development and source of the Kobushi fist). The Shorin fist way and the development of its power and spiritual Strength were attributed to Darurna Dai Shi. Some tried and failed to develop this art without the proper spiritual guidance or spiritual strength. Many also who tried lacked true conviction or power to make it work properly.
Mistakes were made because some say they held secrets back but actually had none They were only copying what they saw not what should have learned if tutored properly. The spiritual side was more important than most thought in that that was where all the power came from if improperly developed than the one wielding it would only harm himself or others. That is why much this fist style lays shrouded in mystery.
Inyo Onyo must also be properly integrated into this art. There are five divisions in this art or fist way. They can only be properly learned from a qualified instructor. The truth in this style was passed down to selected individuals from Daruma and sworn to secrecy to uphold its laws and tenets and only selecting persons of integrity and high virtue to learn this art so it could not be misused. That’s why his priests once trained were scattered north and south into hiding. They started first to teach first only religion and spiritualism. They would feed their students no meat just gruel and water.

The students became fatigued and worn out or disease ridden. Little by little they introduced techniques disguised as spiritual exercises to keep their students health a peak in order to learn the primary curriculum. Thru Buddhism the body was trained properly. Once the body was cleansed and trained spiritually only then could a student begin learning the true art. The body's outer shell was just that a husk. It was guided by the inside. All greed, passion and possessions were discarded.

To follow this path into success one either stood up and faced nature for what is was or perished. Rising early in the morning and staying up late at night praying and devoting ones time to spiritual development to further their quest toward enlightenment. Without knowing it these students were taught the hand law and it was developed right along with the rest of their studies but unbeknownst to them. They began to accomplish once trained many good deeds or actions they could explain.
The first things they learned were the 18 Hands of Arhat. They learned simple stepping because their mentors told them to learn spirituality you have to learn to walk on the right path in order to achieve enlightenment. This was especially important for those who had developed spiritual crises.
They were taught to beat a drum with the heal of their hand because that was the technique used to make the drum sound and it also developed their palm heal for striking unbeknownst to them. They struck the drum form many different positions they were told that was how one played the drum. Thus they developed a drum playing skill while developing certain body parts and strength.
They played the drum by striking alternately up and down left to right in and out developing blocking techniques. They were taught special walking techniques with gait parameters to develop their feet. They develop a certain determination of will and power designed to penetrate when striking. They learned about animals and their habits how they acted how they survived and fought. Learning to be one with nature.

The mountains were a perfect place to learn it was a conduit which when tapped properly one could develop spiritual energy rather quickly. In this area one could stretch and develop their muscles as the tiger did. Standing or sifting for long hours developed certain stamina and when coupled with breathing exercises one developed quite a robust body form inside and out. Sitting straddling a rock why a modified horse stance. This also developed extreme hip and thigh power.

CHUI #14
Thru these exercises one develops a conduit for the

spirit energy to pass thru. Even as one rises for the day he moves left and right and his spirit goes with him. Everywhere he goes his spirit goes. As one rises off the rock for example after the straddling exercise he stretches and his spirit rises and spreads throughout the body. One feels like the wild goose stretching his wings after a long rest. The horse stance is very useful. It gives the appearance that one is floating after awhile.

As one breaths his breath is distributed throughout the body energizing the spirit and thru isometrics the whole outside body is conditioned.
As one practices breathing while in this stance the power for the arms rises through he bodies center and is distributed thru the body’s trunk thru the armpits into the hands.
As one rises up the energy then flows to the feet thru the hips. This effective distribution of power throughout the body is not only good for circulation but for longevity to. This penetrating breath is important to understand. There will be excess energy and this can be stored in the body as used as a reserve.
-Ji Chu Ko Kyu-

(When bowing always keep the elbows close to the chest)
Always keep the arms/elbows close to the body and do not let them drift for they protect an energy area the armpits and they also protect the sides of the body. One hand is held low in front of the body the other held high palm facing outwards both elbows close to the body.

-Sen Hyoku To Shika Shu Hen I Hyo To-

(The objective here is to conserve energy and keep it at a constant level)

The body is made solid thru exercise. The inner body is made strong thru the spirit. The body’s energy source is in constant flux. It should be used to develop ones body. All power emanates from the body’s center from here when energy is needed one beats the inner membrane to call up his power and make if flow to all parts of the body for strength and or healing. Bowing is the key in start this process.

-Ban Kyu Haii Haku-

(The drawing of the bow is the same as the opening of the chest and the abdomen when stretching.)
In this mundane world there is a place of legends. In this place there are two paths one can follow the left or the right. Corrections can be made on these two paths to compensate for error.
One when starts out on these paths and learns the basics such as the horse stance that’s the beginning the next is learning the circle. Everything about both depends on the hips. One must be in close proximity to the earth proper is also the key.
-Kin Hyo Ro So-

(The silver leopard mortality law)
The object of equality is the stated here as the proper way to conduit energy. One does this by changing attitudes much like the leopard changing his spots to suit his environment. The fist way is a complex art with many strange legends, stories and literature. The original fist for the leopard was based on the four knuckle fingers and the first finger of each hand using the thumb as a brace. The energy around the strike was based behind the knuckles. When one trained using this strike it was used as an oblique block. The strike was followed by a short quick emission thru the lips. It was thought that this was excess energy, which came after the strike and could to be used later. During the strike the posture was also important the feet were half moon shaped for maximum energy dispersion during and after the strike.
-Tai Ryoku Tetsu Raku-

(Stumbling drop utilizing the thighs)

To open up an opponent it takes the ruse of a pushing block/strike and takedown.

-Ashi Sen Choku Eki-

(The idea of divination is watching the feet)

One is going in low and pushing your energy forward to off balance the opponent.
-O Tai So Geki-

(Using the thigh and leg to sweep an opponent)

The thigh and leg are used in a powerful push with energy to sweep the opponent off his feet. This is done in calmness and utilizing speed.
-Cho Tai Takai Yo-

(Utilizing the length of the thigh)

Conditioning of the thighs is very important in the spear way. Practice in the horse stance by rising and lowering the body for many repetitions a day is required. Practice dropping into this position for many hours a day were until becomes a natural reflex.
Practice in this position lifting and maintaining weight one foot then the other.
-Ko Tai Kan Sen-

(Hooking the leg as if in a shallow bowl)

This position enables one to hook the lead leg of the opponent and bring to the ground. This can be done with a forward sweep, circular sweep or checking the front charging leg.
For all of these techniques one must learn the four laws, which guide this art plus the techniques behind the 18 hands of Arhat this, plus Daruma's Kaishu Te-Ho. The changing energy patterns associated with this art are a prerequisite to learn also. One must follow the quiet path persona wise as did Daruma and move quietly were ever you go.

Always practice techniques in a circle. After one hundred years of practice one may become a saint, as did Daruma Dai-Shi. Learning spirituality, life and nature are also important more so than technique. In ones leisure one should learn about the other arts such as the sword. This art has any techniques with many energy or attitude changes. Many are noted in the 72 hands of Arhat.

Of the 18 hands of Arhat there are fifteen hand techniques which basic the other three are the most difficult to learn. These are the ones that can influence the change in energy patterns. These three are important in that they are they stepping stones in this hand law. These practiced with the horse stance later evolve into the techniques of the dragon. This plus the spirituality phase leads one into the basics toward learning Shorin Kobushi-Ho. The saint Daruma knew the effectiveness of his art well and how each part melded into the whole to bring about a person who knew the truth martial path and what it meant.
Everywhere he went he sought the truth into everything. He knew that greed and passion led one on path of destruction eventually. By shedding these non-essential qualities plus the arduous training made a better person physically and spiritually. Wherever he went even at early age he was treated as one of advanced years. They knew just by Daruma's countenance that he was the one with the true spirit. Ones life changes drastically when he receives sainthood.
Ones mind and body becomes a different vessel. Righteousness and justice become paramount in daily life. There were those intent on testing Daruma everywhere he went. Even the smallest movement to counter what ever they were planning became disastrous for them. Anyone thinking or harboring bad thoughts were instantly known to Daruma and each in themselves received their lesson in life. Often times those who did receive something like this from Daruma were changed forever.
When he did speak out his voice he had a certain energy about it, which made others stop and think about their situation, and often times that was enough to stop even the most stout of heart. Kobushi-Ho as was Kon-Ho was a very strange art often whose end results were not what one expected.
There are ways a specialist in this art can disarm even the most fearsome with just words alone and make it look as if it was all a joke. The idea behind this fist way was often times utilizing ways of fighting without fighting. Thru this art and divination one can often tell what one was thinking, expecting or planning. One was always on a high maintenance state of alert.

The idea of bowing always had one in ready position especially the hands which looked like one was in supplication the hands could be quickly repositioned to form a multitude of hand defenses. The quiet peaceful hand positions were al warrior needed for these were the principle posture of the priest or warrior. The body gave away nothing in this position. A trained warrior could divine the simplest movement and tell what a persons plan was. The three important movements out of the 18 hands of Arhat were normally all it would take to aid one in any situation. There were movements, which utilized the left hand of which confused many Asians. Not many people were left-handed.

One could often fain drunkenness and stumble to affect an opponent luring him into a sense of ease then attack this was the same for group activities. Often times a small amount of weakness in an attack was more effective and a large amount of strength. This worked better on the unwilling. A person should at times be like the oak or the bamboo depending on ones situation. Sometimes it was better to be like the river rather than the mountain and vice versa.
Some times it was better to be like the clouds than the wind. That is why understanding nature is so important in this art. Be like the changing seasons. Sometimes violence is useless sometimes it has its benefits. Understanding of Inyo/Onyo concepts is also important. One must learn to be unassuming at times to in order to defuse a situation. All this applies to the day as well as the dead of night. Submit to the forces then change energy patterns to turn the tables. Be like the shadows be like the light depending on the situation. Do what a child would do since they do everything naturally.

The manner in which a religious person carries himself is disarming why? They always respond as if it was there last breathe what do they know that we do not? Jade Mountain holds the key to all questions. Northern Honan area is a special place. Many legendary Sennin live there. These are the old ones who know everything. It is said that in this area one should seek a large tree that is completely white this is supposedly said by some to hold all knowledge. Much knowledge, fame and fortune and be gained from the ancients. Spirituality it paramount in learning any art form only thru clarity of mind, body and spirit can one properly learn any art. Buddhists go forth and learn what? Do What? Could they do what they do without spirituality? Probably not because religion is the key.

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