A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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--- Bokuko Fu no Yu Shorin-Ji ---

(The seal of Bokuko and the practice of Shorin)

(Translated from Chinese)
The priest flies from his mountain loft into heaven. As he returns he sits in silence. He is at the mercy of the Tang. He sits and carves a monument. He states the law is supreme and the truth of his tutor states their advances will be halted by those who wield the law. Be like the flower in motion when striking.

The mountains are divided into two colors purple and green purple for the night and green for the day. The five mother milk peaks or five gems can be seen in any light. These gems cast 10,000 rays of light depending on the day and month. The 1,000 spirits protect the mountains with clouds. They stand alone as the dew drips like teardrops. The wall of stone above is a testament to the fortitude. The world prospers and shines but the mountains are forever. The mountains are for rest, leisure, the arts and silent meditation.

The leaves drop slowly one by one. The mighty oaks are the silent rulers of the forest. Their duty as silent sentinals is forever. The body’s residence is like a fire it should never go out. It is a burden, but one must not be shy in this from the fire comes righteous decisions. To be alone is the feast oneself is the audience so says it in Sanskrit. One labors and toils in the world’s dust one must exercise to.
The traveler on the road must endure the pity of those on the wayside as they cross the bridge. They should help the less fortunate.

In Cho Futen wa Inyo

(Quotes signed and sealed)

Shorin-Ji Shi yori

CHUI #10

Nanso no Busho Gakuhi (1103-1141)

(The Southern Sung Military Commander Gakuhi)
In China during the Southern Sung era there two famous military commander's from Hankow Province, City of Soan. They were two peasant sons Jihokyo and Ekibumu. They were from the northern area of Hankow. In this northern area was the ongoing invasion of Northern China. The Kingun held sway in this area. They were the gold army all made up of peasant volunteers.
They were always instigating domestic rebellions for one cause or another. One soldier in particular that was very good both militarily and martially. This was around 1134 his name was Shoko. Him and two others Shoengun Setsudoshi and Kokoku Rohei were based out a city in Hopei Province. In the city of Yochow and Echow in Hopei province were stationed troops under these commanders. During a 36-year period one commander was replaced with Teikoku Ryochin. Along with him Setsodoshi were behind these groups victories. He eventually became a vice envoy to China.
He was then transferred to another city in Hopei called Hsiangyang. There he stayed until he died after that this then came three more Ryukose, Kansechu and Choshun. These were then three ranked commanders in the Chinese Army then. This group re-named and was known as the Gakukano-Gun or Mountain Military Army. They were known for there martial bravery in many battles of this era. In those days it was traditionally accepted to have such powerful commanders in order to preserve the peace in this volatile area.
This new power regime was all composed of the military clique in place aptly name the good ole boy network. They were very serious warriors and the opposition feared them for many years to come then came along Gakuhi who was in his own right a very successful military commander and martial hero. Some harbored a grudge against him for rising so fast. Although money played a big part in this army's life they did keep the peace for many many years.

The prime minister of this army stepped in to ensure harmony stayed at the status quo. During the 11th year of Shoko there was a big ward ongoing and the three prime commanders Kansechu, Choshun, and Gakuhi were re-organized because of their achievements in battle.

Gakuhi up until this time was the central Supreme Commander and was very loyal as was his troops. But another Commander was spreading rumors about Gakuhi's loyalty when ended him in prison for this slander by the Commander known as Shinkai. He eventually died there without being exonerated. After his death in 1178 the rumors and falsehoods died out and there were never any official records of his accusations. Then came one other commander during the 4th Year of the reign of Emperor E O, his name was Bumu. Again the national salvation was at stake and they needed another hero to take the reins left by Gakuhi. Many offered prayers to have his spirit reincarnated into another. Now they finally found two new generals & military heroes Kanu and Bubyo.

Now jumping ahead a bit in 1914 during the 3rd year of the Chuka Minkoku (The term Republic of Taiwan). These two heroes’ along with Gakuhi are still remembered and praised to this day. In Hangchow city Chekiang Pronvince There is a mausoleum and stone tablets honoring the above heroes. The calligraphy on these monuments are very popular and old. The calligraphers name was Genshinki. But was remembered as Yukon Shunbatsu... Another military commander Sochu Muhi wrote about the above also and their exploits. This was titled "Gakushu Bu O Shu".

Asia Rekishi Jiten

(The Asian Historical Dictionary)

CHUI #11
Buto Kobushi and Taikyoku Kobushi's founder was the illustrious Chosan Boron. There are some historians who disagree with this. There is some historical evidence that points to this man as bang the founder. In Chinese Bujutsu two men named Koshuka and Jotesuto were very famous who had a publication out on martial defense entitled Kokugi Ronyaku. Also there was O Sei Nan Bo Shi who lived during the years 1610-1695. He was considered a Kobushi-Ho Saint. He hailed form Chekiang Province he was also known as Osogi.

Narai Kyoshyui also studied under Osogi and all this is inscribed on his gravestone. In the calligraphy carvings of those days he was noted as a Naiha Kobushi-Ho expert. O Sei Nan's grave inscription read "Meishi Hogiden".

It was said he was related to Chosanbo or Choson Boron. There are historical accounts of this recorded. Jotesuto above also has records of this being true. The complete inscription reads:
Chosanbo's next in line was Chosanmo who eventually was renamed Buto Tanshi. He was granted the status of a Kobushi-Ho saint by the then emperor. Chosanmo's art was known as Chosanmo no Jutsu. One of his teachers was Ryuden Oshi who was also a very remarkable martial artist.

Others that we should mention who new the previous teachers men like Meishu Hogiden, Chozen Ichmei, Kinko and Gozanbo.
(The next short paragraph is translated from Chinese)
There are men who were both great and small in their valiant efforts. They fought with two styles the crane and the turtle. They pursued all avenues when fighting to ear their valor.
Thick with beard they also fought mightily with halberd. They fought in all seasons’ autumn, summer, winter fall in snow, rain or intense heat they were always victorious.
Wherever they were even eating they were always ready. There reasons for fighting were one hundred fold. They also like to party. They knew where the hermitages were and planted also their roots nearby.
They always read and listened to others who knew of the great founder Daruma Dai-Shi. During their time there was a flood of material on the great founder for them top read. They used this information wisely not for profit mind you but for the benefit of all mankind.
They praised all their teachers from Chosanbo to Chosanmo and Kunho. There was much greatness achieved using the turtle and crane styles. The beard and halberd went together. The idea of one path or one way greatly intrigued these men. They used others greed gluttony to penetrate their defenses. As they grew they gathered much information. They all practiced the martial arts on Buto Mountain.
Two other men worth mentioning Hoshii and Kishu lived during the period (1101-1125).
During the Ming era there was a thatched hut built there to honor these great men. A hermitage as it was. Their founder of the style they studied was a man named Kobu (1381- ~?). Relatives of the above two were somehow connected to Kobu. No evidence was ever-recorded just word of mouth.

But again Buto Kobushi-Ho and Taikyouku Kobushi-Ho's founder was and is recorded as being Chosanbo.

CHUI #12

---WAKO--- (Japanese Pirates)

The coastal areas in Korea during the time of the Koryo and Li Dynasties and along China's coast during the Ming Dynasty pirates roamed at will plundering and killing which disrupted shipping in that area. They were named Kaiko Teku Shudan or the Coastal Pirate Clan.

Japan new of this extremist groups activities but could not curb them. The Chinese blamed the Japanese and vice versa. Korea was neutral. The person in Japan heading up the hunt for these Wako or pirates was a minister named Shinwa. There was supposedly a Portuguese person who was an intermediary between both countries he was named Butsuroku. They began a dialogue with the Japanese Pirates; Kawa, Giwa and Sowa to try to diffuse the situation and tried to come to an agreement but did not.

Note: The whole crux behind the pirate issue was TRADE or the lack of either directly or indirectly. Ports were banned and both sides banned products hence the pirates. It is said the pirates were used as a tool to activate or promote trade in the region and establish much needed ports of call to do this in.
The word Wako is comprised of two kanji characters Wa & Ko Wa is the ancient name for Japan and Ko means plunderer or pirate. Between the 13th & 16th centuries there was much turmoil in Japan as was in China and Korea. His problem with the above trade idea was that it was tried before and what had happened was that the traders disguised as selling supposed commercial goods were arms and or other contraband dealers. So trade was stopped. Now there were during this time honest traders but with the advent of the arms dealers and others that put a stop to all trade in the Asian theater sort to speak. This subject from the Chinese point of view was all Japans fault. There was much hatred and animosity towards Japan because of the pirate incident.
In those days pirates thought they deserved equality to operate was they pleased. But they were the roots of all the evil in the area. Government forces were bought off to look the other way in both countries. There were over 70 main leaders of pirate groups off the coastal waters of Japan, Korea and China. Each leader had hundreds of ships and followers. They were well stocked but by whom? Or was it thru the booty they collected and sustained them? Some were even dressing as Chinese or Japanese soldiers to gain access to other ships or ports.
During these times the governments of all three countries economic states were in turmoil and could not sustain a 24-hour 365-day watch on the coastal areas.
Manpower was distributed in one area fighting that’s all or surviving border incursions or in country rebellions or civil wars. Coastal defense was limited in most cases. Hence the pirates ran amok. These pirates had a definite influence on state and regional affairs in the area. When Japan was asked about the incidents they denied them and called them fabrications of ghost stories used to scare children.

The Pirates had two main leaders Bunroku and Kyocho. They were some say related. These pirates were even operating during the Chinese/Japanese war in the 20th century. That’s how entrenched they were. Some say there work was beneficial others do not agree and in Korea during the Koryo & Li Dynasty early years and into the Ming & Yuan Dynasty thru to 1644. During a forty year period Korea's Koryo Dynasty and the Li Dynasty flourished and spanned a time frame from the beginning of the Ming all the way thru to the Yuan era (1368~1644). This time frame spanned into Japan's Muromachi era. The pirates worked the coastline from Koreas east, west and southern coasts on around into China. The Koreans were recording all this in their history books or Koryo Shi, which comprised about 22 volumes by the year 1233. During the 5th month of that year the Wako controlled many areas so the then King Chutei O in the year 1350 and the Japanese had built castles in China in the cites of Chikurin, Kyosei and Koho after they were invaded by pirates and the Japanese claiming they were liberating these areas. That’s how they gained the original foothold in China.

The samurai of these castles did little to retaliate against the pirates who then numbered 300 then invasions began. In those days the pirate cliques were very tight and well organized and funded. They were called the Kaizoku-Shudan's. The head chief for all the pirates was a man named Sokan who was for lack of better words their Lord. He ran them just as feudal clan did. They dealt in robbery and gun running. They had another group who called themselves the floating wave group. Not as popular but effective. They paid tribute to Sokan. They traveled in packs one large ship and three smaller ones or excursion vessels like hunter seekers.

They were based in the southern waters off the shores of Korea, Japan and China. There were nine islands in all with one large one in the center as a base with eight smaller islands as logistics support bases. Many other islands nearer the mainlands of each country were also taken by force. Korai or the ancient kingdom of Korea for many years was very big and was still being harassed by pirates so they sent messengers to Japan to intercede on their behalf.

The armies were formed and the pirates were routed from Korean coastal waters for some time. The countermeasures used against the pirates was harsh and unexpected by the pirates. It caught them off guard. This was when Korea was forming its Navy. After this lesson learned with the pirates many advantages were gained.

The coastal defenses were re-fortified and the Japanese were prohibited from their legations and wanted concessions. They were given but they were given some important pirates back that were captured. Eryo, Jukyo, Kanshoku, and Tokuke. These apparently were key leaders. Japan settled for this concession and after this incident the Pirate enclave and their presence diminished almost to nothing for a while. Also after this the pirate’s method of operation also changed, as did their weapons and personnel even their other strongholds were not seen as a threat. To Japan the pirate enterprise was crushed. This also sort of put the stops on foreign invasions from other hostile sources or countries.


Next the then emperor of Korea Taima in an attempt to approve Asian relation’s agreed to open three ports in the south east coast Pusan, Chinhae, and Ulson. These were deigned commercial trade ports. They were considered open trade ports to all signatories. There were many foreign settlements in these areas as it was agreed to do conduct business. China in the meantime was battling the aftermath of the Mongolian invasion and the pirate rebellion and their subjugation.

The Chinese wanted compensation from the Japanese for the pirates acts in the areas of Shantung, Koso, and Chekiang. The then Ming emperor Seisaifu no Ryoko Karoshin O defeated the Mongols thru heavenly intervention with the help of Koshisei. He was also putting into affect decrees prohibiting all pirating of any kind and death penalties for those caught. They were also dealing simultaneously with the Uito Jiken or the foreigner’s revolt or incident. This was woven into the Towa no Inbo or the Towa’s plot. It was exposed before it could be into action. This was an act by the pirates to retake the commercial ports in place in retaliation for their subjugation.

This effort was stopped by the Chinese and the help of the 15 nation alliance involved in the trading consortium.

In Japan by now using Minamoto moral laws the Ashikaga clan were trying to pull themselves into an alliance they had with China during the Nambokucho by unifying the Shogunates rule thru refinancing rebuilding the countries in a unified effort. Though the Ming was pleased with this offer the pirate issue kept coming up and stalling the deal. Most of the pirates were repatriated others were still holding out. This was the first of many build-ups in diplomatic relations of the Sino (Ming)-Japanese.

In the end Japan and China had a good diplomatic relationship. These were leaders who were proud of their accomplishments and stood tall for all to see. Furthermore, the Japanese monetary system was built on economic development while China was still struggling with their monetary system. This cooperation between Japan, China and Korea went on for quite a while from the 15th century on during a ten-year period there was peace in the region. A formal trade organization developed to ensure good peace and partnership cooperability.

During the latter part of this period and into the early 16th century China was the center for all trade. There were there minor wars or rebellions but all contained within country and nothing yet that would de-stabilize the area. China was experiencing problems in their southern area during this time also.
There was peace in Korea also until they started having problems in the area Korea designated as their official trading are Pusan, Chinhae, and Ulson. This turned into the San Ho Ran or three bays rebellion. This all started with the supposed maltreatment of Japanese settlers there or unfair trade practices, preferred or preferential clients getting the best choice or racism based problems (1510).

In 1512 the end result after arbitration was the Seitoku Oshin Joyaku or the Seitoku Oshin treaty, which was put into place. This was a new trade agreement basically and all signed or the ones who did not were excluded. The agreement was substituted for the original as a proxy agent. This then lead to another problem increased smuggling activities. This type of activity was the norm and even China had a resurfacing of the pirate issue. This was a fact of life. The Sino-Japanese trade agreement was the real crux of issues in that era led by the Muromachi Bafuku led by Saisen - Dai-Nairyo Shi.

Of course there were many issues still in debate during this time between these two powers. There were scandals starting in both countries. One was the4 Neiha Soko Jiken or the Neiha Soko incident, which took place in 1523, which almost led to a split in trade relations. But it was averted and certain understandings agreed to. It was learned that it was started by the Wako or Japanese pirates.
According to Chinese history the Japanese pirates had many bases to include areas in Japan Kagoshima, Kumomoto, Higo, Nagato, Osumi, Chikuzen (Fukuoka), Chikugo, Miyazashi, Setsu, Harima (Wakayama), Buzen, Bungo, and Tanegashima. They used their ports for about 3-5 months. They conquered many smaller uninhabited islands around these areas as supply bases. They also passed thru Chinese controlled areas of Konan, Zukien and Kanton. They had three new leaders, Jokai, Chinto and Mokaiho. They were very well known among the Chinese.
Three other members of these clans well known were Ushuken, Sekikei, and Tsutaiyu. They were comprised of a Kyoshin large and powerful clans ran by warlords. The coasts poor people banded with this pirates to forma secret trading society, which was self-reliant. They again became a powerful influence in the region.
In 1585 Japan finally passed laws to ban pirating and the sea-lanes watched carefully. Again the pirates plundering wound down to a trickle because of this as Japan had much to loose in trade agreements if this did not work. China again presented damages to the Japanese government for reparations for the damage done by the pirates. They also demanded rewards be put out on their heads.
It was investigated and nothing was found amiss much to the dismay of the Chinese government. There were new export trade agreements hanging in the balance between China and Japan concerning agreements on historical data, geography, topography and poetry that Japan wanted to know about.
Bunken or literature, Teiyakuso: Chutaikohan

Teibuku: Nihon Ikkan

Hekishun: Nihon Koryaku

Kokei: Nihon Fudoki

Rei Komyo: Kasei ayo Wako

setsu Shugaklu Gunko Enkei


Chinmanko: Ming Dai Wako Roryaku ona (1934

Tzuzen Chiso: Muromachi Shichi Sho Jidai no Kankei(1939)
Shoyoden Jun: Chusei Nishin TsukoBoeki Shi Kenkyo (1941)
Aoyama Koryo: Li isoshii no kenkyo (Meiji Daigaku, Bungaku Bu-Kenkyu Hokoku (1955)
Denchu Kenfu: Chusei Kaigai koshotsu no Kenkyu (1959)
Ishiwara Dobaku: Nichimin Keishu no kashi to fusei kokuniwa no naritatsu Shijo Daigaku Bunrigaku Bu Kiyo

Junbungaku Ha (4)

Ona: Nichinin tsuko Boeki wo meguru Nihonkan Jap/Ming Diplomatic relations and trade
Ona: Wako no genei Japanese pirates were phantoms
Ona: Nihon toka shichishu The seven classes
Ona: Wako to Chosenjin furyo no sohan mondai information concerning Koreans captured by pirates. Chosen Gakuho

Ona: Ming Dai Chugokujin no Nihon han

The Chinese and Japanese points of view.

Asia Rekishi Jiten

Asian Historical Dictionary



As we know the Japanese pirates came from Wa or the ancient name for Japan. During this time the class structure was there but developing. They had lords, warriors, and peasants. Then you had a separate class the pirates were known as Zokunin or rebel people.

In the history of the Korean archipelago which is listed in 23 volumes chronicled during the 10th year of (1233) Korea had two enemies China and the Wa (Ancient Japan). According to history eventually this was brought to light and the relationships repaired. In the same book it mentions in 37 volumes about King Chutei (1350) that Wa (Ancient name for Japan), had enemies in Kojo, Chukurin, Kyosai, Goho. Also mentioned is the 300 Zankaku or Kiridoku retribution for 300 samurai and their retribution against the pirates. After this there were more incursions or invasions by the pirates recorded.

According to Japanese history the ancient Kingdom of Koryo and Chinese Ming sent messengers to Japan to address the issue of the pirates and what they both wanted in return from Japan. The pirates were a difficult lot to contain so said the Japanese. The stated they were so spread out they did not have the naval power to watch and contain them.
In 1392 the Koryo Dynasty had collapsed and the Li Dynasty took over. The Li Dynasty was slow to rise but proved to be able to carry the torch. The Pirates took advantage of this short change in the power vacuum and launched attacks on Korea's coastline. They named there claimed areas as "Osui no Gaiwa" or water areas controlled by the pirates.

This happened in the year 1419. In that year the three South Korean trade ports in Pusan, Chinhae and Ulson were in full swing of their trade agreements with Japan in these areas.

In those days there were three other areas the pirates were operating in or around Hoku Kyushu, Tsushima (An island between Korea & Japan) also known as the Tsushima straights, Iki no Shima (Straights between Kyushu and Korea Sakhalin), and Showan (Sho Island Bay). This area was their new Headquarters. The locals knew of these men and kept it to themselves.
Also they were disguised as local fishermen and they were hard to spot as they engaged in legitimate enterprise fishing to elude the government patrols.
The Koreans were still not pacified by the plan developed by Japan and China. But they had to go along with the free trade agreement or be excluded thus starting up the pirating incidents. Two agreements were signed the Heiwa Boeki and the Kango Boeki the peace agreement which ended pirating and free trade agreement between the three countries. It was ratified, signed sealed and delivered during the beginning of the 15th century.

It was good for 100 years. After this was signed the pirate activity ceased so say the historical records. In the early 16th century the pirating started again regular as clockwork. The pirate ships this time went far south into another group of islands in the yellow sea. This was due to the advances in navigation both by Korea and China. The reemergence of the pirates was due to the Muromachi Shogunate in Japan. But their power influence was weakening. The Japanese wanted to discontinue this trade agreement as early as 1549. It appeared that the agreement worked out with the Japanese government and pirates was not working out they were getting next to nothing with the agreement in place with Korea and China. They were getting more before in illegal bargaining.

That year the pirates flocked to the Chinese coast in untold numbers to continue their work. They had a base known as the "Kasei no Daiu Wako" or "Esteemed Place of the Large Pirates". This then rallied once the again the Chinese people into revolt and pushed on to the government for action.

In the mundane world peace was suppose to be in place. This was all brought to a head by the killing of 7 Chinese citizens. The Japanese it was said were harboring these pirate groups at bases in Satsuma, Kumamoto, Nagato, Osumi, Fukuoka, Chikugo, Hyuga, Settsu, Harima, Kii, Tanegashima, Buzen, Bungo, Izumi, etc, etc.

Almost the same places as before with a few more added. They also operated out the Ryukyu Island groups it was said. They used Okinawa as a stop over before going on to Konan, Fukien, and Kanton. They raided this with a new catch in their M.O. or method of operation.
They raided naked and painted their bodies to look like demons. Each carried a large knife and reeked havoc everywhere they went.
Many attacked in groups of 1,000 or more. They attacked right off shore and burnt many cities to the ground. Arson, murder, robbery you name it they did unimpeded. The funny thing was that the Chinese knew the leaders names Ochoku, Jokai, Chinto and Mokai but could never find them. They were in and out and back at their bases in Kyushu before any action could be taken. Some thought because of inactivity and no comment by the governments that they were suppressed but not the case. It was due also to the governments of all sides in their laxness and laziness in enforcing the government mandates. Money for the troops was not big if any as an incentive. As the rebellions formed more and more the governments again signed declarations considering it treason to engage in pirating which held the death penalty but to no avail. The Chinese was then led to believe that the problem was internal and began a crackdown and internal reorganization of their forces to deal with coastal pirating. The government had trained their forces in more unique methods of coastal interdiction in the pirate trade but it would take to train and place troops in ships off the coasts.
The pirates it was said now were ineffectual against the Chinese citizens armed with ancient weapons of their own making and the government led forces with more conventional arms. Many naked pirates were found floating offshore as a warning to those not yet found. The Japanese sword in battle was awesome but in the hands of a pirate often times not to effective.
However some pirates did learn military style kendo especially the leaders as it was paramount in keeping troops in line. They had no idea what the ideology behind the sword was all about so they lost quite a bit and became little less than hackers with a knife.
(Ryubi Cho Ni Ha Chugoku Kobushi-Ho yori)



When the Japanese pirates invaded the Chinese coastal region the Chinese people had a chance to make much money off their plundering it was very tempting. But they were one, afraid of the government and two, proud people. The Japanese and Chinese governments tried to bring this pirate era to a conclusion. The pirates though came to China as stated before in great numbers.

The Chinese people looked toward their government for assistance but as they tried they knew little truth and much falsehood would come back from their request. They banded together to solve the problem themselves often times with disastrous results. The places of heavy concentration now was Sookiang Province City of Soochow, Sungchiang, Chekiang Province City of Ningpo, Shaohsing, Winchow, Taichow, Fukien Province City of Foochow, Hsinghua, Chuanchow, Changchow, Canton Proovince city of Hueichow, Chaochow, Chungchow, Gaichow, etc etc. There were though many evil brokers around to take the goods sold by the pirates. Many were known and in danger of being killed by the government, locals and or the pirates. The coast was visible to many the people other countries, etc etc. There was much traffic in and out of these areas and to some it looked legal.

The pirates from this vantage point commanded a good view of the surrounding are and knew when naval forces were coming about.
There were one or two incidents of betrayal but that was taken care of swiftly and the persons never heard from again. In war it was essential to win to loose was death and to gain treasure and booty was the goal. Then came the Kasei era and more attacks especially in Fukien Province, which was not long lasting as it was said that the government forces crushed the rebels in this area.
Exactly one half of the pirate contingency was destroyed which was a blow to the pirates, with this action another blow to the trade between countries. All foreign trade was banned. Some were of the opinion that this was the cause of the pirate invasion foreign trade.
Much money was lost due to this action and many companies went under because of the loss of trade. It did not affect the poor as much as the wealthy elite or the merchant elite classes. The era of peace was to be restored again through self imposed isolation of some foreign countries. All of the pirate enclaves were raided there heaviest concentration was in Fukien, Canton, Chekiang, Chikurei, Shinko and Shantung. There power or influence in this area was absolute it says in history. In Shantung it was reported that people were forming fire brigades just putting out fires started by the pirates.
They wanted to instill fear and that’s exactly what they did. There heavy casualties on their part and many pirates taken prisoner. They were considered Japanese and therefore they became political prisoners and government forces in the backwater areas rounded many up. Many pirates were confused with the new battle tactics the Chinese government was using. Many turned to retreat only to be caught in a pincher action and captured or killed. Fukien and Canton were stabilized and the militiamen were entrenched and utilizing a variety of new and old weapons.
Some of the soldiers in the Chekiang area were volunteers augmenting the Chinese forces. In the north there were many pirate captives. The captives were a wild bunch it was said and many pirates were dead.
There were so many dead that the area was littered with crows and rats. The pirates offal was scattered everywhere especially in the settlement areas of Aosei (Weiching), and Kakukyohei (Huochuping).

The Japanese were told of the situation and the shame they face with the outcome or burden put on them for this disaster then the Chinese Military Emperor was apprised of the situation in all the cites near Peking and their out lying areas. All total 10,000 dead or injured. In the end the pirates acceded and left the area. After this there was a 20 year span of no action.

Shachosei Cho Go Zoso

(A new system of literary works in

five volumes)

Nyu Shu Gi To

Enter with justice, straight as

an arrow

Mine Jo Sho Fu

A mans castle is as good as his


Ko Ku Yu San

From three superiors

Yaku Kinsei zuihitsu shu

shinoku yori

(Translation)(Recent collection

of miscellaneous writings)


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