A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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CHUI #16

Chugoku Kobushi-Ho Kai de Taizen Shonnin Shorin Ju Kai toshite Shirareru no wa tsugi no gotoku no de aru

(China’s Kobushi Ho society 10 commandments of the Taizen Shorin priests is shown next)

  1. Never doubt your training or techniques. Be of stout

heart and mind. Never learn with uncertainties and train not be lazy.
2. Everyday train morning, noon and night in all your activities. It is necessary to learn the basics as the founder set down. Always salute the founder, you teachers and senior students. Always use the correct hand prayer positions. Always clap three times before and after praying. Always bow after each technique and while studying. Avoid weakness in decisions.

3. Everything or exercise in this art is done in three's. Stepping up to pray three steps, backing away three steps etc. Alternate feet when stepping. Yours stepping should be done in three actions or three points.

4. When approaching someone from Shorin always do so with a perfect mind set, never with a mediocre attitude. Always show families courtesy and kindness such and your mother and father, older brother and younger brother. Always be there with hands and feet placed properly to provide assistance if needed. Be like the polished stone reflect back to your entire virtuous attitude. Keep your faith strong in all aspects, never argue when in discussion and never seek retribution.

5. When in-group training is like a fine tuned instrument. Never strive to be mediocre. When greeting others of the same sect always use the proper salute. When joining any effort always use the proper salute. When in another’s house always consider the left and the right attitudes. He hand positions should be at eye level. In ones own sect when in practice the Sanchin hand position straight or hooked should be used held equidistance from the chest. This is the way of peace.

6. When out of the precincts of the Shorin always portray a positive attitude especially when meeting ones of the same sect or group salute in a way that was taught in ceremony or greetings. This shows a positive attitude toward peace and harmony. The different hand positions within the same sect show others if your style in internal or external. This then creates a proper body attitude. This should always be done to keep harmony and peace. These positions enable one to defend from any position and minimize injury should it occur.

7. Always be discreet when in company and select your speech accordingly. Be firm of hand and concerned with the duty at hand. Never be distracted portray loyalty and promote justice and always be a Shorin gentleman. Technique will teach you this. Suppress the urge to profit from something. When pondering a situation always think of positive outcomes.
Always strive to give good advice never trifling. Remember your religious training and use it your advantage. Watch others speech and manners and divine the situation and a solution from that.
8. Be open like the wide waters of the mountain. Ones aim should be toward expansion of the self. Be aware of moments of doubt or dullness always be strong of spirit. This is the way of the external style.
9. Do not be afraid to provide help or assist in a rescue. Avoid humility. Depend on the Buddhist Gate Path. Learn to love and show pity to those in grief. Be strong when others are weak and be weak when others are strong.

10. Always follow your teacher’s path and follow and emulate his precious teachings. Be dutiful always. Respect the head of other sects and show all friends within the sect’s affection and kindness. Do not divide these commandments and covet nothing. Do not engage in lewdness. Respect in their death throes. Respect, defend and obey all things private and personal. Think before handing down punishment.

CHUI #17

During the Meiji era there was a Kobushi-Ho Saint named Shishu Anko and Chujoken who were from the Education Affairs Authority who put as bill into passage which related to the by laws of Karate-Do. It was a written opinion about Tang-Te and there 10 articles of faith and the Shorin-Ha founder Choryo Shoshin. In literary books there are historical facts and traditions which support this bill being put forth by the above two people was is what they based their style of Karate-Do on.

They surmise that the Tang-Te Jubutsu-Do (Confucious/Buddhist Way) formed this art. Also arts like the Shorin-Ha, Shorei-Ha who are other older Chinese styles also influenced the above. Both groups had ancient roots and each sect head lived a very long and profitable life and influenced other like Kijin and Hozon.
The following items were a part of their bill as laws of the sect to be followed.
1. Tang-Te's objective is to train people in all aspects of physical education which were in place but not as effective or rigorous to enable the body to better develop itself and extend its life. There has to be present a perfect blend of mind, body and spirit attitude. There has to be a liking for the negating of violence in times of war to have that brave hero type of attitude whether you are defending yourself from one person or one enemy.

There has to also compassion or kindness of heart. During rebellious times one must never relax ones guard. One must exercise caution before attacking with the hand or foot. If at all possible one should avoid injury to others or the self unless ones life or others is in danger.

2. Tang-Te primarily develops and uses muscle and bone strength of the body when using their techniques. One body should be as hard as iron, yet soft and flexible as bamboo. One must be able to absorb a strike as well as using that same energy to reflect back on another. The hand and feet must be able to defend from spear as well as sword.
Bravery and valor is also developed thru Tang-Te. Its characteristics are displayed in the techniques they exercise and execute. This can and will be taught in elementary schools. This enables them one day to train properly as soldiers in defense of their country. If trained early future soldiers will have a better chance at survival. Plus accomplishments in these arts develops a better character physically and morally. It also helps developed ones future in dealing with society. It also helps them help others on this path as teachers to the young. The idea is victory but to what degree. Thru this type of training our young can develop and use this knowledge for a military victory. If this art is taught on our playgrounds our children will have a better life to live and play in as they grow.

3. Tang-Te can be swift and prompt when put into action properly. Those who are skilled are different from all others. This is a difficult path. It's like teaching an ox or a cow to perform ballet. Some will better suited than others and learn quickly others it takes time to refine and hone these skills. The path is often a 1,000 Ri long. To reach this goal one must learn the old ways and put for the effort as did the ancients. This has to be done every day of ones life. One must train the mind, body and especially the spirit. One must have a strong spirit when training. Thru exercise such as this one build a physique that will enable one to absorb and learn the required training. Tang-Te's esoteric principles are not easy to learn. They must be studied thoroughly in order to understand all their nuances and meanings.

4. In Tang-Te the hands and feet are the principle players. Conditioning of these two items is essential in helping to develop this art. All parts of the connected to these areas must also be conditioned. This is where the basic power comes from. Hand strength is important when learning grasping or blocking. Stance is important as is abdominal training. One must sink into ones practice with a proper spirit. One must practice the basics one or two hundred times a day especially the one that use circularity.
5. Tang-Te is a standup method of self defense. The hips move the body in a linear direction the shoulders are forced down in to a posture to keep the hands in close proximity to the body. One pushes and settles the center of gravity into the feet for stability. As when steps, breathes or moves everything is centered into the abdomen. From there the power flows outward. This form helps the body maintain is solidity but flexible enough to move quickly in any direction.
6. Tang-Te's main achievement or accomplishment is many but the main stay is the development of a strong spirit, which moves when you move, encircle your opponent before he encircles you. The spirit is developed thru the mind and body and with the aid of the techniques taught. The laws and benefits from these laws are many when learned and applied correctly. During training both partners learn about power, give and take, strength vs. weakness etc. Most of this is thru non-oral tradition. Then little by little more is added orally about the history and secrets of Tang-Te.
7. Tang-Te's accomplishments depends on how quickly the body adapts to it rigorous training and technique exercises. Along with religion a certain philosophical attitude will manifest itself.

8. Tang-Te's exercises are geared for battle. They also gear the individual to develop and maintain certain energies, which seem difficult or bedazzling to understand or grasp at first but as one works on it to all will fit together. The mind, body spirit attitude is difficult to develop. These al play into technique heavily especially when one for example thrusts a hand strike. The shoulder must be low and the movement fluid in order to strike with power and ease. An opponent receiving the blow must not see it coming. The strike must also be done when the opponent’s energy level is low or changing. This skillful use of technique will come naturally with training. It will be very useful on the battlefield. The mystery will then fade and one when is engaged all will be clear it will be like second nature. Victory is not in winning or losing but in application of technique at the right time.

9. Do not be afraid to provide help or assist in a rescue. Avoid humility. Depend on the Buddhist Gate Path. Learn to love and show pity to those in grief. Be strong when others are weak and be weak when others are strong.

10. Always follow your teacher’s path and follow and emulate his precious teachings. Be dutiful always. Respect the head of other sects and show all friends within the sect’s affection and kindness. Do not divide these commandments and covet nothing. Do not engage in lewdness. Respect in their death throes. Respect, defend and obey all things private and personal. Think before handing down punishment.
But best leaned at a young age when bone and muscle tissue are at its best for molding and shaping as is with the mind. The digestive tract and internal organ development and maintaining their recuperative powers were also covered at later stages in this art. A good diet was also suggested. One must educate the physical body, which is the foundation for this art. This can be taught in Elementary School. It is up to the schoolteachers to instill a good working relationship when teaching students about Tang-Te. This art is spreading rapidly throughout the school system today in many forms or shapes. Teachers of this art in schools must have had 10 years or more experience in order to teach the young in this art.

This helps build the future military society by developing the youth today for tomorrow’s journey into the unknown.

Shishu Anko

Meiji Shi Ju Ichi nen (41st year)

Jugetsu (10th month), go ichi

nichi(5th day) 3-5PM

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