A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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Shikyo   Shi Ching

(Chinese Classics)
  Chugoku Saiko no Shishu  

(The Oldest Anthology of Chinese Poems)
During an early Chinese period from the beginning of the 6th Century BC there was a compilation of poem's known as the Shikyo. Why they were compiled is unknown. During this era 305 poems were completed. The content of 160 of these poems dealt with Chinese National Customs, 74 dealt with small elegance’s, 21 dealt with grand elegance’s, 40 dealt with eulogies, and the remaining 10 are unaccounted for. Of the poem's on national customs which were written came from 15 provinces as listed were; Shunan, Shonan, Hai, Yoau, Ei, 0, Tei, Sei, Wei, Tang, Shin, Chin, kai, So, and Hin.
There were also songs included in these poetic works. There were songs from the Ocho Dynasty, which were sung by Daimyo’s in the court palace of their king for a variety of occasions. These types of songs were very popular during this era. Some of these songs/poem's were sung as salutes to guests or envoys from other countries or within the same country form different provinces.

If the Shogun was seeing someone off a special poem for song was recited. Poem's/songs were recited for newly established households, social gatherings, banquets, nobility, a harvest for feast, or during troubled times or wooing a woman or an influential retainer. There were also poems for sarcasm or lamenting.

A lot of pomp and ceremony was utilized during these occasions especially during the Chou and Ocho Dynasties. Poem's/songs were recited about the call of nature or reciting historical accounts. Descriptive poetry was often used through exhortation of insinuation or lament. Small poems of elegance were different when recited in that expression of feelings or one's intent on a particular subject was at stake. Different expressions were also used that was frontal in nature when performed at banquets but were quite different from the normal recitation process. These were often cleverly disguised innuendos that clever people used to through insults at another they were not fond of. That way they avoided direct conflict at a gathering this way and still save face.
Another set of poem's used were for dedication of shrines and dedications too special merchants. Poems of this nature were famous in the provinces of Sansei, Kanan and Yamato. Taste and elegance were also defined or standardized according to Confucian analects. There were some 300 volumes of poem’s that dealt with Koshi (Confucius), which told of his strength and humble countenance.
The Sashiden whose existence at this time was unknown by many which dealt with poem's concerning eulogies should also be researched. These poems were recited as quotes so as to get the point across.
During the Haru Aki era there were many envoys from a variety of foreign countries that had had access to on particular volume, which dealt with various sciences along with their particular pro's and con's. This volume was reserved though for only the most sincere and educated envoys.
During the beginning of the Han Dynasty there were hour houses from Russia, Korea, Sai and No provinces whose members were scholars and whose deeds have been recorded in historical records from each country. A particular poem form China was Moshi. This poem was also popular during the Tang Dynasty.
The Shikyo were considered sacred volumes especially during the Todai era. Of the poems of import during this period were ones involving refined eulogies toward literary king's and martial kings and their valiant deeds.

All nations should look at and study these poems. I think if they did and understood the meaning and or intent they would feel an emotion never felt before which would come from the center of the being. Grace or refinement in a palace was always expressed with song or poem. Guest's of honor were always greeted this way as was done with festivals or banquets. During the 8th Century in ancient times Daimyo's for the villages, varieties of trade people has their own poems they sung and this was because of the rigid class structure. Because of these differences the Shikyo was developed.

Rekishi Asia Jiten

One must do his best to achieve an objective when writing about history. It is unusual to find people dedicated enough to research many tombs of what seems tiring material or just the act of translating when resources are limited to the individual translator. People in ancient times when something was misread or was not written correctly would be put to death. However things have changed over the centuries. The worst that can happen is to have a critic review your work.

When dealing with general history one wants to keep the readers attention by displaying for example a characters good points or pertinent points in history and put it all together to mean something.
Characters like Rishi Kou must be able to put into their proper perspective during this history in order to be understood. One has to be familiar with these writings in order to paint a proper picture; one must familiar with their exploits also. One must understand the classical arts in order to appreciate these individuals’ accomplishments.


Historical Record Shih Chi

Chinese Historical Records as Compared to Ancient Chinese Historical Records

Before the Han Dynasty historically there was the Shibasen literary works which dealt with law. Shibasen is what we will talk a little about here. This writing is different in that it is written in a different literary form and is chronicled differently. This writing encompasses presently 12 volumes which deal with accounting, 10 volumes deal with a variety of diagram or drafting skills, 8 volumes deal with writing, 30 volumes deal with house records, and 70 volumes deal with biographies.
Historical Record #1) this one consists of information on Fushi Badan which encompasses 104 years before and after this compilation. Most of the information on Fushi Badan is based on lecture notes. These writings took place during the Sentai Jidai and were written by the hand of Sabusen Gaison Yoyanagi.
During the Kei Tei Honki Era there were 10 volumes of lecture notes, which were written by a different hand than Fushi Badan.
This type of historical record catalogues places for, use by future generations and how they conduct business. Sabusen was a private person, and most of his writings were done in seclusion.
The Tang Sabaten was contained in 3 imperial records. According to accounts there was need for only one record explaining this historical account.
Historical Record #2 Next is the historical book on the 5 Chinese Emperors and their historical accounts starting with the Emperor of the Natsu, In, Chou, Shin and Sokoku Dynasties. This was done for the Han Dynasty also but at a later date not to be included in the 5 mentioned above. There were historical diagrams depicting court life and genealogies mentioned in separate biographies. This was done as a formality for diversity.
This next book deals with the 5 Emperor's of the Ka, In, Chou, Manchu, and Sosaku Dynasties. It also deals with each of their successes separately. It gives dates on certain incidents and historical happenings in chronological order. For example it shows genealogical diagrams of the Ocho Dynasty during the Haru Aki era thru to the Senkoku Jidai. It also depicts the Han Dynasty from the beginning to show the Daimyo’s, Prime Ministers and Cabinet Members in chronological order.

It also shows records and writings referring to salutes, music, law, calendars, religions and their teachers. It shows various states of economic growth and how it was controlled. It depicts various civilizations and their expansions. There is also included the House of Count Godai which starts at the beginning of the Haru Aki and also finished toward the end of the Senkoku Jidai. Information on the all powers ((European/us/Russia etc) are recorded for historical purposes.

There are another series of biographies, which depict the life of Count Hina, which is mentioned in the preface and other historical accounts but is mentioned only as a lesser reference. What he actually did is unknown at this time. There was a five-year period between the management of these records and the ones of Kori. This involved an incident between Daimyo’s, Confucius and a Manchu King. This incident blew up into a full-scale riot incited by a peasant leader who was displeased with the way the king was treating the peasants.

The author here I think wants to make a distinction between the records so as not to restrict ones view to just one area in these writings or books. By these writings the authors hopes to express a viewpoint or opinion of the historical happenings to the best of his ability. Some of the characters represented might not mean anything to the uninitiated but to the scholar there is always something there of interest.

But to the uninitiated please research any or all of this if you’re to gain any understanding of history during these turbulent times.
A series of biographies was written about Kanchu, Anei, Kugen, and Kogi. They were separated by different eras but the similarities in incidents involving these individuals are uncanny. They were all talented and virtuous men. They were all private persons and contributed quite a bit to history in their own times. There were other men like Jurin Yukyo, Neiko, and Kokuri who were people who made lots of money one way or the other.
The writing of Shibasen presents a person who was a brilliant writer, and advocate of freedom for all mankind. Other writings are the accounts of other Han Dynasty Kings who were thought to be of divine origin that did many good things for the people during their lifetime.
Before the Han Dynasty there was the Ryuko and the Ryukin. This was a very prosperous age, which was century’s era on Confucianism. When historians of this age wanted to initiate new documents they would always consults Confucius's records to ensure authenticity.
Historical Record #3. As far as universities are concerned historical accounts are important especially when editing new writings. This is a very valuable resource especially when dealing with classical works. One has to be careful of the dates, names and places. Exploits must also be researched thoroughly or authenticated before writing. This can be time consuming because o f the translation and the accuracy that the author wants to present. Even though history varies from one author to another the outcome should be basically the same. One must praise those who delve into the ancient records to extract information that will be useful to all at some point in time.
One must do his best to achieve an objective when writing about history. It is unusual to find people dedicated enough to research many tombs of what seems tiring material or just the act of translating when resources are limited to the individual translator. People in ancient times when something was misread or was not written correctly would be put to death. However things have changed over the centuries. The worst that can happen is have a critic review your work.
When dealing with general history one wants to keep the readers attention by displaying for example a characters good points or pertinent points in history and put it all together to mean something.
Characters like Goshi, Rishi, Kou, Kutsugen, Kogi and Kanshin must be put into their proper perspective in history in order to be understood. One has to be familiar with these writings in order to paint a proper picture; one must familiar with their exploits also. One must understand the classical arts in order to appreciate these individual accomplishments.
If one looks at this country from a past historical perspective rather than a modern one the information written can be easier understood however; as stated if you look as these writings from a modern point of view what is written may seem incomprehensible or at best impossible to understand. The writer or author’s intention of this original piece was based on a style developed from literature based on prose or a poetry style of writing. A 1ot of these writings are like the 17   18th century writing "Hagakure" or Hidden Leaves treatise. This writing and its meaning is hidden in the prose style type.
This historical narrative for example and its grammatical style was based on the Tang Dynasty's scholar Kanyu Ryu Sogen. During the last days of this era this scholar had written many literary in the hopes that younger scholars would use this as a guide for future writings.
For example these writings tend to be repetitive which was the writing style of that age and Shibasen who wrote a series of biographies during this time emphasized a variety of writing forms describing the to be state of affairs of the era.
One had to be skilled in many writing forms in order to interpret a particular style and get an idea of the true feelings of the time.
There were many people of the time who time who were able to read and write and interpret different writings. Within these writings or between the lines one could glean the true message.
From a historical perspective from time immemorial the Kinsho or Chinese Classics used comparative studies for all writings that way future generations who wrote newer versions have a base line database or format to go by.
Asia Rekishil #4
    Sekai Zentai no Hosan suru Ningen Hyakka  ­--
(In the whole world there are many subjects of discussion which mankind should be aware of)
By historical accounts there are over 130 extensive volumes known which address the Kansho or Chinese Classics. Shibasen catalogued these volumes under what was known as the Taishiki or great historical writings. These were to have been written during the Sankoku Jidai.
The Taishiko and the Taishiryo were self styled writings created by Shibasen and were often titled "Taishiryo Shibasen no Chosho". These translations were limited in meaning or intent for what purpose no one knows. From these writings Shibasen fame was started.
Historical accounts were often handled as objects of worship during this period especially the legend of Emperor Ko (Kotei "0”). During that era which was around the 2nd century BC this era began with Shibasen and is even talked about in present day.

However, there were many blank spots in these writings. When reading these documents review of the era’s historical documents is a must to become familiar with the Chinese and Korean peoples of the era in order to understand content.

Everything during this time frame or era was based on or centered on Sankoku or the big (3) China, Japan and India. The content of these records covered information on current government affairs, the economy, astronomy, music, and divination. What was foretold in these areas was taken as the truth and any deviation was dealt with severely.
The intent of these documents was to have mankind study 11 the above and use the whole world as his stage to teach the tenets from.
    Gorisei   -­

From the historical writings Shibasen was able to collect a vast amount of data on which to expand his writings, which were used as a philosophy to propose conjecture on what would one, do if this happened.
Three other important writings were the Shikyo, Saden and the Sengokusaku as mentioned in the history books were used to describe certain principles, which were written to be plain and clear and understandable by all. The descriptions of materials here were based on known historical facts. Some but not many of these facts were very obscure but there were underlying reasons for this style of writing.

During this time the question of credibility was not even an issue. What was written was taken as fact/truth. This was the case especially during medieval times because nothing was questioned. Everything was considered authentic in nature.

Of the legends of old China many of these myths came from the Gotei era from the Dynasties of the Ka, In, and Chou. From these three Dynasties during the Sangoku Jidai the Haru Aki came forth. Many of the scholars who take credit for the material in this document came from the Chou Dynasty.

Another era of import was the In Dynasty from which came many legends. The Ocho Dynasty is also mentioned but most information from this era has not been validated as being fact or truth. According to historical facts both Dynasties were steeped in lore and legends.

There were many inconsistencies in both era's due tot he fact that many scholars were in disagreement over incidents which took place. Information coming from the era emperors was also in dispute. There were 43 genealogy records of the era, which indicate accuracy’s and inaccuracies in the era historical records regarding legends and facts.
This information is important in that without documentation a complete picture of an era cannot be presented.
During this century in Kanan province near Anyo there remains discovered of an individual named Inbin. His remains were unearthed during an excavation. With him were documents or accounts titled Kokotsu Bun which when deciphered talks of and validates accounts written by Shibasen and his genealogy records of the era which were used validate prior claims. This was kind of like a Rosetta stone or key material.
These documents were so exact it depicts the whole royal line of individuals in the In Dynasty era. These documents were a valuable find and helped immensely to validate claims made by previous and future ancestors. This find cleared up 2,000 plus years of dust surrounding these ancient clans. Documentation of these newly found records were a must and is still available.
What was looked for in these era documents was information or facts talking or eluding to the methods of unifying the mind, body and spirit. This concept had many methods available, which were also being juggled around as to which one was the right way. Without factual knowledge it is hard to discern the truth about this concept. One would have to glean thru all the historical material in order to gain insight as to which method is actually the right one. This would take a lifetime. Is it worth the effort?
The understanding of the idea of a rational spirit within the human body requires a firm belief of a concept that most people do not understand that is the concept of "Life's Lessons". One must be made to understand the difficulties of man and his life and to be able to go with the flow of life rather than against it. To cultivate a feeling of hopelessness and apathy is detrimental to man’s psyche.
But when the realization comes forth and man becomes goal motivated this is the wakeup call one needs. The history and work of the famous Chinese Philosophers states, man must be consistent with his thinking and his understanding of life in order to survive the many pitfalls, which he may experience.
In order for one to subscribe to this theory one must first know the facts and then one must be able to manage these facts throughout his or her life. This is the basis of Shibasen's biographical history.
This historical account consists of 130 volumes which as follows:

Honki   Actual Books 42 volumes,

Sho   Separate Writings 8 volumes

Hyo   Diagrams 10 volumes

Seika – World Views

Retsuden   Series of Biographies 70 volumes

These historical accounts consist of (5) areas, which are the important ones to concentrate on. Honki being the first one of import, Shibasen also thought the same. The Ocho Dynasty history encompasses the Seika or views by the Emperor’s. The Daimyo's comments are noted in the Retsuden. In the Honki one can see and read about the hero's and great men as the people viewed them. Honki, Seika and the Retsuden comprise (3) important compilations. They are akin to the Sun, Planets and Satellites. Together they work, separated they are dysfunctional.

Together they support the theory of a three-dimensional history or model. These diagrams and historical writings of history sometimes show nothing but vacant space so spread out that it is virtually incomprehensible and one is unable to any connection with the three.

But once we are prepared by thoroughly understanding history, its law's, economy, and its riparian works man and society can then understand the basics of literature and its workings. This system of factually recording history will help us all to understand history by utilizing a chronological system of recording information to be able to see past and predict future happenings. Also with historical tables set in some kind of order we can proceed to make sense of these documents which will lead us to an understanding of life's inner workings.
The real compromise is to find the center where these historical accounts lie. This will then lead us into an understandable travelogue into the Chinese Classics. This then will tell us that the Chinese Natural History is the traditional style of the age.
    Shiki no Shiso   -

(The Historical Facts of Thought)
(There is sameness in this travelogue as is with the historical accounts of the Kansho. The one difference with historical accounts is attitude)
For example the founder of the Han Dynasty supposedly was a descendant from heaven or some kind of Supreme Being. This person lived his life impeccably. This is recorded in the big (3) afore mentioned volumes. These accounts need to be researched carefully. However, it should be noted that the Kansho is opposed to the idea of a Supreme Being. One must read about Emperor Kori and the position he occupied and why. This will explain why.
The Han era emperor Kokei who is written about in the Kansho and the Honki need also be read carefully. Many object lessons are there for us to be guided by.
The Empress Dowager Ryoko must also be read about carefully. Once these two documents are researched a better idea of the times and lives in which these people lived can be visualized better. This will help the researcher appreciate the historical records better and see how this era"s history was formed. Also during the reign of the Empress Dowager Ryoko and Emperor Kokei the then emperor had quite a time commanding his people and troops.

In this case the Dowager was the stronger of the two and she took the reins and ran the kingdom. Her accomplishments led her to a better understanding of reality and how mankind should view reality in order to survive in this era. Most classes of people thought this a strange theory or outlook on life. If one looks carefully one can see some of Shibasen's influence. Some thought that the Empress's ideas would put mankind into chaos.

The idea of making profit from a kingdom was held in awe by most as it was suggested to keep stability within the kingdom. Most thought that money making was for the traders not the royal family. If a trader would forsake his scruples for money the common public thought what would happen if the royal family followed suit.
However, sages and saints thought not. But they were always caught up with constant criticism with their ideas backing the kingdom.
    Kachi Kan no Tayosei   ­-

(The Outlook of Diversity Vs Value)
The basic principles of reality arose form Kachi Kan no Tayosei. This idea came from the Sung Dynasty's Prince Jyo in the form of a treatise comprising 165 pages of his appraisal that too much diversity would lead to declining values. One virtue derived from this treatise was the devolving of useless emotions, which could lead one to ruin. Shibasen even agreed that useless emotions could lead one down a path of virtual destruction. Looking at this from a worldly view if one was to follow a supposed wise man and live foolishly others may follow thinking it the norm then yes I could lead people on a destructive path.
One has to step back and watch this type of attitude from a third party and one can see the folly of such a lifestyle. Then one can choose the right path in order to stay in harmony. One who follows the path of justice and honor will be more understood and appreciated more.
Man would then become more independent of others and his values and judgments would surpass all others who fell by the way. To move away from obstacles and adapt to adversity will lead one to freedom both in mind and spirit.

This is a difficult path to follow even though it appears easy in theory. Once you read the four volumes of Ryoko Honki you will see how difficult this theory is to incept. The ideas of founders of a Dynasty especially a woman who eventually killed the emperor Kokei because of his inability to rule became apparent. She wanted to diversify. She gave up certain values rather that helping her husband. Most sympathized with her judgments.

This kind of power in a woman who appears wicked introduces another element into the formula faithlessness.
To rule like she did many people thought it was not right. Others thought she was right in what she did. But after she died and her descendants took over peace once again reigned and they unlike their predecessors did not follow this path as they gad read the lessons learned.
If one wants to diversify one has to ask what enough is. What values will you give up to get what you want? This type of attitude is prevalent in mankind. One must follow the correct path and learn from others. This is recorded in the historical accounts.
It is said that Shibasen's eyes were akin to compound. He was able to see into many different areas at once. This way he was able to see the big picture from many different views.
As historical events unfolded one by one mankind was able to when astute enough to draw positive conclusions and make the right connections from the ancient writings in regards to the way one should conduct his life and interpret the Chinese Classics accordingly. Many important lessons were recorded in the classics. In addition many of the characters in these classics appear typical. A majority of the people who read these understood the usual and unusual situations, which arose during the different eras, and the solutions or lessons associated with them.

However, from the viewpoint of a private person to use history as a guide in is a good for most in that we can profit form life's mistakes. For others it can different in that it appears that everywhere man goes he is always in a quagmire of problems with no way out. He sees nothing but problems without going back to basics to see his problems through.

This problem is prevalent today with modern readers and philosophers today. It seems we perceive a problem with no answer, but like the Hagakure for example if we look at the forest for the trees then that's all we see. But if go deeper into the trees we find more finite details that may lead us to our answer. Or we are to busy filling our teacup with what we the things we think are true and it never ends until we step back and look at what's been there right in front of all of the time. We often try to make the quest for the solution bigger that it really is.
By stepping back and becoming a third party we can often see the right answer. This can be done thru a variety of ways studying the Chinese Classics thoroughly, utilizing meditation and applying "'Mushin no Shin" and or "Getsumei no Michi" (Mind of no Mind or the Moonlit Path) our solutions are often answered in short order.
One though must really look at the value/truth of the ancient historical accounts.
Saisensho & Sankon tatsu fu Yaku

Shibasen Shiki (Historical Account of Shibasen)

Hasha no Joken Kaidai (A rulers proviso on the review

of subjects) yori

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