A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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Bunbu Kitsu Ho

Begining of Happiness through the Pen and the Sword

Long ago a warrior’s vehicle was the way of peace

A warrior’s way was to better his position and better

his house

A warriors way always cared for family and maintaining a

healthy body
Long ago it was of paramount importance to stay healthy
This was done through Bunbu
When one was weak his strike will be weak
Never digress always make progress
The literary military artist is the way to happiness
Ones country can benefit by the warrior’s existence by him following the way

A warrior’s vehicle is important no matter what it is or was. When training the military arts one must follow a prescribed path closely to learn and master his military skills, learn when to strike and when not to strike. This is true with any art. A warrior should always stay healthy. The warrior must always obey his code of conduct.

Shikyo Shoga yori
In the Shikyo the term Bunbu Ryodo is defined as having two paths, which a warrior can follow. These two paths the idea of how one conducts oneself and a strict adherence to a code is of paramount importance. Sen "0" (King Sen) also claimed that the warrior’s virtues were a must in order for one to excel in Bunbu. Those soldiers/warriors who mastered these two paths surpassed all others.
During the In and Chou Dynasty's and during the Haru Aki and the Sengaku era's Bunbu Ryodo was of immense value and was the trend in most social to be familiar with and to have trained in the two ways of Bunbu Ryodo. In ancient times warriors read all the martial literature in detail and trained hard to develop oneself to the utmost. In the middle of the Shikyo there are drawing of figures in action demonstrating various postures invaluable to the warrior. During the revolutionary riots of this era most Bushi and their leaders were military and martial arts trained.
In fact most rulers insisted their warriors be trained to the maximum so as to be the best fighting machines available and this was done through the lessons found in Bunbu.
Shinhaku Ban Ban

Officials must always

Guard their Government
Officials must always guard their government
Long ago when honor was lost so were apologies as to why
Men who had to manage their lives during war and after were considered honorable
One must be happy and strive for a good life no matter what the situation is
One must always expose bad officials
With every new king one must begin anew
One must always study the military and literary arts in conjunction with law and justice
One must always be a brave, honest and forthright literary/military artist. He is the one who walks with confidence and is able to impose his will on the wicked and is able to help the common man.
We must give praise to these people who are like precious jewels to the king they serve. This type of person is one who upholds all moral standards.
Shikyo Daiga Suko

Sen O's father in law was a man who was a high government official. This person always took his leave of absences in his hometown to try to help his people the best he could. He was a man who understood and appreciated the military arts and always presented himself in a proud and courageous manner. There were many poems commemorating his activities.

Further to be able to always be on guard means to be able to function in any capacity either a literary artist or a military artist. This shows great strength in an artist.
Bunbu Iko
To be able to interconnect the Literary Arts and the Military Arts a supportive person who has knowledge of all matters the person who can interconnect the military arts and the literary arts at the same time should be praised.

The Tsubame or Swallow is much like the emperor of heaven (meaning freedom to do what one wants)

One who can skillfully jump back after any natural or unnatural disaster is a person of innumerable value one who is skilled in the arts can see clearly the way and be able to guide other people down this path to have trained in the literary arts is good. Then one can train in military arts and be an individual of importance.

To be like the swallow is like being a god in heaven. One will gain great prosperity by being the best one can. This is especially true when one has to use his art one will be able to if needed to strike with clarity of mind spirit.


From the Eulogy of Peace
This poem is always eulogized at festivals by all the military emperors.
This poem is also good for prayer offerings to those you wish a good fortune for.
To offer prayers at a festival and to sing songs shows respect for all the learned individuals past and present.


A Brief Biography of Chinese Kobushi Ho
According to the literary King Bun "0" the founders of the Chou Dynasty were known as martial kings. In the year 1050AD, a Chou King Chiu "0" was killed by an assassin in the capital city of Choan near an area around the yellow river. This is important in that this area was Kobushi-Ho flourished and the assassin was thought to be an adept of Kobushi Ho.
Also this King was thought have been one of the founders of Kobushi Ho. During this era the literary and martial kings that followed ruled with an iron but gentle fist in order to keep order within their respective areas.

SHIKYO (Book of Songs/Chinese Classics)
These writings eulogized many of the martial efforts these kings were famous for especially two kings one Literary King and one Martial King Shukotan "0" and Ryosho "0". These two were noted for their valiant efforts to keep their kingdoms safe during turbulent times. Ryosho according to historical records was a superb tactician. He was fond of one technique of using decoys (Trojan Horses), which gained him many honors utilizing this technique.
Ryoshoya had known him to be a very wise man and a great leader. Oft en the other literary kings often looked up to Ryosho for advice on difficult matters. He was a giant among kings.
The Flourishing of Military Kings
The Flourishing of Military King
A King Who Shakes with Anger
A King Who Is Like a Tiger With A King Who uses the Tigers

His Subjects Strength Wisely
A military king must be like a tiger. He must possess the strength and tenacity of the tiger. He must always use this strength for good and in demonstrating feats of bravery on the battlefield. In order to develop and maintain this power one must develop a certain attitude. Whenever a man of this caliber utilizes this power observe the strength and power that exudes from his body.
A Passage from the Shikyo on Refinements of a Military Person
This next writing is a poem about Prince Shobaku and his praise for King Sen and his conquest of an ancient area called Wai I, which performed as a song?
The above-mentioned King was also a Bujutsu adept who prowess on the battlefield was well documented. His methods of waging war were observed, documented and are a part of Chinese history, which should be studied closely.

A few lords adopted this virtue of foolishness and they paid the price for such a virtue two fold. In order to command respect from your followers, one must exhue dignity, one must be discreet and sincere when dealing with people. One must mirror the wisdom of the ages thru a dedicated path devoted to literature and the martial way. In order to maintain this state, one must always care for the body so as to enshrine this knowledge for all.

The Water Eulogy from the Shikyo
This story was about a foolish ruler who wanted to melt a rivalry palace with water. He was trying to force the Barbarian King to surrender. This happening is recorded in Chinese history as a foolish attempt utilizing bad strategy.


(Chinese Classics)


Note: The following is an expression of a martial idea

During the first half of the Shin Dynasty era many books were being written and rewritten based on information gathered from the Han and the Southern Sung Dynasties. Therefore, the books were given a general name "Chinese Classics" then subject subdivided them from that title.

During the Chou Dynasty various historical chronicles were written in what was called the "King's Language". This king who was a descendant from heaven wanted his writings to express a worldview based on Confucian ethics and ideologies.

The writings of Koshi (Confucius) were of a divine nature in that they were presented in the form of lessons. Confucius's teachings were a mixture of Confucian and Menician ideologies. The Shokyo was based on historical facts happening in China during ancient times. However, some were legend some were fact and some were government-based writings.
There is one writing from ancient times, which talks about Kobushi Jutsu and attempts to show in vague terms what it was. People had to have had a martial background to be able understand what the intent was. It was an attempt I believe to instruct people on how to maintain the body and how to conduct oneself in society.

(Multifaceted Studies)
A Treatise on Literary Lords and their

Writings and Prescribed Readings
 Wagika- (An Advanced Literary Lord and His Shinning Path)
The writings of Literary and Martial Kings are an open encouragement for all to follow. They are based on virtues that were opposed to sovereign takeovers by despots. The founders gave their prayers to those who courageously followed their paths. Those who do will celebrate into an age of understanding.
The path for the Military King was more difficult especially the hardships their children endured during the Chou and Hei "0" era's. One must praise the children of these eras especially the one’s who were founders of the Red Mound Center which talked about in the Shikyo under the book of divination. In there are many interesting quotes, which lead one to understand certain military strategies especially Tashu.
One incident happened in 770BC which is of minor import which talks of a strategy utilized by a dog warrior in which he warded off an attack in a province south of the yellow sea in an area called Rakuyo Ken. This incident happened when a certain literary lord was seeing off King Tai.
The province mentioned was just beginning to stabilize after civil strife was winding down. This dog warrior was appointed to Daimyo status in his district for meritorious service for warding off the attack and saving the capital. This type of honor was just an example of the dedication to duty and excelling in military affairs. Even through hardships this person excelled in military affairs and won the day.
The original text of Jo and Kangakan was important in understanding Tashu. This enabled a person to excel in Bujutsu. The people of this era understood this treatise well and were known as brave and valiant men.
The Kanji for Ta means abundant, multifaceted or many one must look at this term of quantity objectively. One must also understand the Kanji Bu in order to effectively understand the term Tashu. Understanding of this term will lead one to understand other terms relative to Tashu.
Another variation of this term is the Kanji was Tabu and Tagi. Bu and Gi. Bu means martial or military and Gi means technique or skill. How do these terms apply to existence itself? One has to open his mind and see the way clearly in order to understand and apply these these terms.

Another term Shu means to study or how to conduct oneself. Shu must be taught. Once it is taught this meaning will also be clear.


Military Training
Raiki (Written Record)
Raiki is a basic in Confucianism. Its (5) sutras are considered to be treasures. These compositions were written during the Chou era, which gives thanks to the theories and ideas of the above-mentioned terms. Another term is Confucian Gate Law. During the Han era Reiki joined together with Kairei (Complimentary Calls) and Girei (Courtesy Calls) for the (3) three praises. Reiki’s Getsugo Hen, Tenki, Meisho, Kobu and Shushagosumo were required in order to understand the basics for military training.

The then emperor's officers or commanders and their men learned Bujutsu and Injutsu. The power of these two art forms made formidable warriors of these men.

Tashu is a combination of Girei and Jinraku

Even though it sounds strange this general idea leads to one main idea. An idea cannot just be wrapped up and presented to someone. It's not just a statement! It’s a matter of being.

During era's Haru Aki and the Senkoku Jidai human nature and world situations were in an uncertain state. Then along came Bujutsu and the brave men who practiced and developed this strange way of life. Men of "Character" brought some order to those chaotic times. Men who knew of "Tashu" understood these ideas. To understand this once can understand the present and from this idea anything is possible. Anything can be logically analyzed and solutions presented in a logical manner.
Consequently, Bugi and Bujutsu have similar qualities. In Bujutsu you can have what it called Yuki Bujutsu (Existing Ability) or Muki Bujutsu (Unskilled Ability). Bujutsu is not just a preamble to Kobushi Jutsu. Therefore, Tashu and Bugi have certain similarities and are needed in order to understand more about Kobushi Jutsu.
Continuing with military training or Kobu lets move into other art forms like Sumo or Sumoshi and Kadokado Shi. Kadokado Shi is learned thru Sumo. However, thru Kadokado the true idea of power can be learned in order to master the way of Sumo.
Again with military training the custom was to master archery. This considered a prerequisite for the unskilled Bujutsu Ka and skilled Bujutsu Ka alike. Armed and unarmed arts come in to question. Some say they can see how a Kyudo Ka can defend himself but a person skilled in Kobushi Jutsu with just a uniform and belt how can he defend himself?
Chinese Kobushi Jutsu exists in all most every corner of the world. It has been inferred from historical records from the Haru Aki Jidai that extraordinary feats were performed utilizing Kobushi Jutsu. This is confirmed by three sources, The Reiki, Shikyo and Shukyo.
During ancient times in China during the 1st half of the Chou era the existence of Bujutsu had many sub art; Muken, Muyu, Hakuyukan, Kobu Yuryoku, Bunbu Kichi, Bunbu Igo, Bunbu Zehen, Inbun/Inbu, Chuhaku, "0", Bu, Joshu, Kobu Shu, Sha and Go etc, etc as these arts are passed on phrases and wordings changed. These days there are handfuls of specialists who have useful knowledge and know how to employ these arts and can benefit mankind. Its strength lies in outward techniques, which are important, but the real power or truth resides within the person.

Buki as we know was also difficult to learn, but easy to transport, as most weapons of the time were easily transportable by the owner. Bujutsu specialization was far harder to learn as it encompassed many sub art forms. Logically speaking Kobushi jutsu was just another sub art added to the Bujutsu repertoire of techniques used for survival.

Armament usage in Bujutsu was developed for a specific purpose. From this development came Muki Bujutsu, this was systematized and was the origin for Kobushi Jutsu. Kobushi Jutsu used deductive reasoning in its self-defense techniques. Consequently, according to literary and historical records the idea behind Bu was developed during the 1st half of the Chou era.
Therefore during the Haru Aki Jidai Chinese Kobushi Jutsu was included in its military training programs. Society then also found this art form to be useful as a new martial discipline.

(Era of Civil Wars)
From the 4th Century B.C. to the beginning of the 3rd Century B.C. the Chou emperor according to the Haru Aki had been teaching people for 267 years. This aided the people during this era of civil strife. From the year 403 B.C. for 180 years the civil wars were carried on. Their reach was extensive. The whole country was united even the Manchu King's. During this era there were (8) hero's to speak of from the (6) ancient Chinese provinces: Shin, Ho, En, So, Wei and In. These were considered feudal states. In the west you had IN province, which was considered a fertile province. This was a treasure the Manchu's coveted. They knew if that this province was in their possession they would be formidable ally. This then urged the Manchu's on to domination.

In the middle of these six provinces there were two of which were Cho and So. Each had equal power. In Sokoku there was a northern region with a big lake and in the southern region with a big wall with the Yangtze running thru the middle. The northern area was their capital. This was the then emperor’s tomb, which was built as a monument.

Soji was another important place, which was in Sohoku near the upper limits of the Yangtze according to Chou records. The northern Area Lake was called Dotei Lake. According to historical records this was an area of strength, which supported the other provinces. The formal records on northern China, which were lost, would have given information on lifestyles, and art forms. This would have been important information in that we would have a picture of what was going on in the country during the civil war era. There are numerous legends however, without accurate historical records the past during this time is lost.
The origins of Soji and Sokoku especially are of immense import to historians. However, from this article much is told even as scant as it is.
Lifestyle from this era is guessed to be like that of the Romans strong and hearty. Many good things came from Soji and Sokoku as did the Roman society i.e., military strength and military power.


Military Encouragement
Merit is Open to One at Even a Small Separation

Birth from Impeccable Merit

Will Bring Ruin
What is Military Strict Adherence To

Encouragement? The Way Never Drift!
To have impeccable merit opens many doors. This trait will be passed on to your descendants. Start this training while young. It mandates that a person wanders with impeccable character will be given many things in his life.
Nichi Kaden Seiyaku

Soji Tenmon Heibon

Yashiro Yori
This volume will teach you a different way of thinking for example to banish oneself from government service for example and to wander like the waveless ones on a journey to nowhere can be boring. Heaven has a plan for your body.

Maybe its intent is for you to read this treatise by the author. The problem is bringing your mind and personality in line to bear the agony and hardships that life can provide in abundance.

The way to heaven lies in Soji China of old knows this legend well. Its outcome treasures only one can dream about.
Let’s take a look at what prosperity can come from Burei or Military Encouragement. Encouragement, can sharpen and polish the spirit however, one must be always diligent. Another meaning of Burei is to exercise Bujutsu. To actually give a more definitive meaning is difficult. For example by separating the word Bujutsu into Bu and jutsu makes the two terms ordinary and even when the two are put together to form Bujutsu makes the term somewhat paradoxical.
The idea here I think is understand not just one definition of Bujutsu, but also think of this term as a multifaceted gem.
Again military encouragement is a term that was used 5 centuries ago during the Chinese middle era when the classics were popular. They are best understood in poetic form.

(Brush Master)
Sorin Jitsu Soku Chirei Setsu Ishokusoku Soku Chi Eikyu (Bukumin A Section on Ruling People)
By declaring and defining the term "morals" will help understand people. Material things in life have reasons for being. In old China the philosophers looked at material things as obstacles on ones travels through life. These obstacles often kept people from realizing the real truth much like the term "Hagakure".
Kanchu was one of these philosophers who were a popular statesman and an individual who was highly respected. This gentleman served under Kwanko who according to the "Haru Aki was a famous Chinese hero who traveled to an area called So and served under the Sung King called Sho who was very powerful. Kanchu was a man who liked doing away with material things.
This enabled him and his followers to find the path to truth. Kanchu lived 93 years before the birth of Confucius. Kanchu had the reputation as a great Sage. He once stated that true power comes from the inside the person not from without. In similar countries in present day these words live on as can be seen by national wealth and military strength. He made a career enlightening people amid-developing strategies to unravel life's difficult problems.

The above-mentioned article was directed to show how people’s minds could be opened by the right stimuli and his writings, which showed the relationship between human morality and society. This is based on the 4uman response to material things.

Therefore, to possess and develop traits like manners and courtesy in ones life one has to rise up like Kanchu did. It’s difficult to visualize that a non materialistic person can achieve great things without undo influence.
One has to be righteous in his efforts and think with crystal clarity. Seven Prime ministers were guided to victory by utilizing the wisdom of Kanchu. He was a genuine brush master.
Possession of Kobushi

Bravery through the

Power of the Arms and Legs
The Brush Masters writings on Kobushi Yu and the power its exhibits.
Through the art of honing the body's muscles the legs and arms depend on the body certain things in order to keep it conditioned i.e., sleep, food, exercise and meditation. Kanchu is the link being literary Brush Master for the martial people.
Kanchu had eight years to define the art of war. In his writings he defines certain virtues as being paramount. Many a man of talent listened to Kanchu’s words.
His knack for adapting to circumstances might lead one to believe that the circumstances of the one can lead to degeneration. But thru Bujutsu one can never be bested. And in the same light a good literary man can never be bested either.
This consensus of Kanchu might lead one to think that he is a genius or a great hero. Most are right he was. But importantly he is a great literary specialist. Kanchu was a Bujin of such high quality that his skills surpassed all those before him. His requirements were small, but his results were always positive. Kanchu's knowledge of Kobushi Gi was extensive. His mind and body were always in line with the one. It was said that strength came from his literary skills. The wisdom of this man was for the benefit of all mankind.
The proper use of the hands and feet must be geared toward the benefit of mankind. The setting of standards by this man in support of national wealth and military strength was unprecedented. His clear ideas on the use of technique are well documented in government records.
During this era the idea of Kobushi Ho continued on even during the civil wars that were ongoing.
The Chinese read and studied his treatise on Kobushi Ho over and over. He taught and lectured with a delicate touch but with a firm point of view. Sometimes he veiled his teaching in order to make people think and not take things for face value.
This information and his exploits are also recorded in the "Haru Aki” and the Sei, Chou, Do, Shin, Tei, So, Go and Otsu Dynasty historical records.
In addition the language of Yu Ken Yu Ko surpassed even that of 0 Shu Sha and Kanchu being a man of exceptional talent had a plan in place based on his vast knowledge of languages to implement a national language. Thus his name the Brush Master heretofore he was known as the Chinese Kobushi Ho Shijosha. The meaning of this title has special significance in many Chinese social circles.

-The Value of Martial Bravery for all Classes of People-
The courage of Kobushi resembles the words in the phrase Buyu. This has special significance, as its bylaws are different. They are more concrete in nature therefore, not open to change.
Kanchu's words on government were stated early on. Buyu was stated as being more central thus enabling its user a particular control over most circumstances. So in order to benefit man a way had to be formulated. Rishishi-Do and Kajo Kyoshi Isho-Do did that. The men and or the styles that implemented these ways were Kozen I Sho Sha, Denchu Konji Koku Jutsu, Chotei Kanji Kanfu Ji, Kohoanji Shikyojo and Sorin Jitsuji Reireiku.
Kikunshi Jochusei and Jifu Shoyu were also ordinary people who were known for their feats of military bravery. There was a need when cultivating Buyu to learn compassion and generosity. From compassion we learn to be humble and from generosity we learn frugality. These tenets have always been followed when one is developing Buyu, along with the following:

• Always follow the way of peace never one of intimidation for it will swallow you

• Victory is in defending your country's honor
• With this in mind a Daimyo can win any battle
It is human nature to want to want to grasp the intangible. Who will then profit from such a hasty action? Sometimes governments profit by such actions but the people will suffer in the end as a result.
If the government plans with the people and rules are followed then all will benefit from such a wise ruler.

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