A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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The Modernization of Budo and its Change Toward Sports
Jigoro Kano Sama's Kodokan Judo was formally known as "Jujitsu".
The reason its name was changed was that it had become less a combat art from and more of an art form involving moral and ethical conduct and the use of physical body dynamics. More can be gleaned on this subject through further study and practice of Judo.
Conversely moral ethics conduct and physical are three important factors in any martial arts discussion. Confucian Budo ethics state the same. Two other factors in regards to Judo are health and development of physical strength.
The "Venerable One" Jigoro Kano Sama studied Judo for physical education and development of character. During the current era with the Europeanization of Judo Traditions the mixture of developing a healthy strong body through Kodokan Judo has proven quite useful during exercise and daily life to build a god and strong character. The Judo of today has had or made many useful contributions and developments.
Thusly people who have trained for any length of time learn to respect human life a little better. Even with other arts during practice sessions whether it's a particular throwing technique, or a punch, kick, or block the idea is not one of victory or defeat by one of a mutual exchange of ideas or technique this is the ultimate learning experience.
Another important factor in any art is safety. When training in Judo is should be a good experience. This is a distinctive feature of Judo. It all due to those who now proglumate this wonderful art form.
The "Venerable One" Jigoro Kano Sama included many concepts of Budo into his art form which now becoming a popular sport. Through the constant modernization of this sport it continues to grow with surprising popularity. As one's body changes through the practice of Judo is Budo concepts must also grow and change. If Judo changed and Budo did not there would be many inconsistencies.
The "idea" is that of developing the mind, body, and spirit as a whole. By doing this the individual is performing a unique service to mankind. By learning the correct way or "DO" (The correct path) an individual can learn many things from a good teacher.
The same also applies to learning and developing a good base and understanding of Budo. There will be changes in any art form but the types of exercises and techniques that Judo proglumates are universal and need little change.

Nihon Budo Gakkai

Kaicho Tokyo

Kyoiku Daigaku


Nihon Budokan Hakko Budo Gosatsu yori

Chapter I Section I

Daruma Dai Shi Izen no Chugoku

Hitsuyo wa Gijutsu
- The great teacher Daruma's need for artful technique -
Across the oceans, irregardless if one is going east or west humans and or humanity in general question their origin or roots of their birth or existence.
Often times their insights are awakened or they think it is with easy supposition.
Mankind has this inner need for self-preservation. By knowing of their existence mankind is assured of his or hers self worth.
Often times the way or means this is researched and or sought after is in vain because a person can run into many barriers. These barriers must be brought down and dissected in order for man to find the truth. People have even fought for knowledge of their existence. Often times these encounters can be looked at logically and used as after the fact assessments which enable the next person to know which pitfalls to look after.
To live in a certain location or quarter ones life is always challenged with confrontation. How one handles these confrontations sets a precedent for future action/reaction. Often times the use of using weapons during a confrontation should be an action of non violence or self-defense. The same way Karate was developed. The private person whether solo or in a group had two choices fight or not to fight either way a teacher should teach how a student how to fight without fighting.
If one chooses to engage in combat then that person’s style should always change and adapt to each new environment.
From Chapters II & III, which deal with situations of self-protection, utilizes instinctive or involuntary unconscious reaction.
This type of reaction must be subjective in nature. Depending on how one develops their attitudes, the results the results vary. The more effort you place on learning and applying the correct principles the more you will achieve. The results will be surprisingly dynamic.
The understanding of the nature of existence is simplistic in nature, and can be learned with the simplest of efforts. The theory of action and change in relation to Gijutsu and Taijutsu are the same and should be developed dually.

When a person is engaged in combat the body if trained properly takes no notice any distractions, but concentrates on the mind, body, and spirit which act on the unconscious level (Muishiki) to make preparations and resolve any situation that may occur.

Thusly when applying Toso Jutsu strategy there should be a systemization of Gijutsu and Bujutsu is the systemization to aforementioned.
The wisdom of life was a very primitive concept. As people gradually became learned in a variety of arts life became more subtle and refined as time went on. Evolution played a principle role in this event. He intermixing of life's principles along with Toso Jutsu played an important role in the development of a variety of fighting arts. Mankind when he followed and lived the way (Do) when practicing his art evolved into a much higher state of consciousness. Thusly when one looks at the meaning of life or the existence of man he knows certain things in life must be in harmony with one another in order to be used effectively.
In other words by living in harmony with all things man was able to control and avoid potential conflicts. Who could harm an individual that was at peace with nature?

As these circumstances unfold the "Jutsu" aspect of any art if practiced correctly would eventually become one with all. This then led to the evolution of Gijutsu.

Spiritual egotism in mankind was also a primitive desire, probably a derivation of self-protection of the spirit. This was therefore the basis for the evolution of primitive fighting styles. Also the spiritual idea concerning life and death when training in an art had to be thoroughly understood. Egotism of the spirit again is pertinent to ones frame of mind. In order to keep this idea alive mankind needs to know that when you have to resort to self-preservation you do so with a right frame of mind with an unconscious effort.

This idea of "Muishiki" is advantageous in that if used with proper technique and frame of mind anything is possible. The need to flow with nature will give birth to good results.

And as circumstances surrounding this idea unfold, they will help build a strong base for your life. As you build your skills in your particular system the results will like the morning flower opening up to the first rays of sunlight.
Again one must turn away from egotism and turn toward the spiritual side of the self either during peacetime or when engaged in combat. When one is fighting for self protection there is a need for proper technique and mindset. The technique employed should be learned naturally and applied carefully.
The efforts will and advantages will be worthwhile. The techniques of Kobushi Ho should be learned and applied properly in order to be effective; if not then nothing will be gained.

Chapter I Section I

Background on Strength and It’s Uses
In mankind's society combat techniques are based on the proper performance of certain physical properties of a particular art form.

The genesis of this abstract idea came from mans primitive development of art forms into the modern day, which resulted in a high degree of art form mastery. To watch or observe fighting techniques as they are/were developed in a given geographical area you will see that as man develops as society changes. During the birth of a society one must understand; what can or cannot be accomplished.

These primitive fighting techniques were generalizations of techniques for a particular system. These techniques were practiced for long periods in order to obtain suitable results. Also depending on the region where these techniques were developed and practiced the need for modification was always in demand. The idea of fitness was also important when dealing with different terrains or climates.
There is this need for mankind or civilization to survive. As mankind learns conduct law and mans innate strength makes him a survivor, an interesting hypothesis.
The society of mankind has become specialized over the centuries, and has produced a breed of individuals who subsist on laws, ethics and logic and are obedient to a supreme ruler. Thusly it has been known that thru evolution the watchword has been "survival of the fittest". This was established early on by primitive man through natural selection. This was probably done because of man's highly developed physical properties/dynamics which one over man's state of righteousness. Logic and common sense also prevailed as important factors during the survival of the fittest.
This term was pretty much common knowledge as defined by the laws of physics. Man through a variety of occurrences looked at these circumstances during the same day era. This is to say that dynamically natural laws or principles were the precursors to the origins of civilization. It was said that close associates to the emperor in China gained great strength and durability by training in Buryoku. Strength either physical or mental is the key here on how arts were developed and were applied thru the use of pure logic oddly enough. It was a kind of abstract realism for justice I think. The term correctness and substantialism were opposite righteousness as was seen on the Boxer Rebellion.

According to a historical narrative "Shimesen" during 97 B.C., enter the stage a group of officials representing the emperor of China in a reading some of which is explained and was simple in nature.

During ancient times the structure of power developed from ones own center and from this came the development of power thru unification of the three.
There was a need for this idealism, which was to be able to thwart overt/covert violence. This idea was also taught to the common battlefield soldier. The spirit of the age as it was called was given as I said to the troops to increase combat strength or armed might. The idea of Bujutsu experts in the ranks was good strategically.

Those who ruled knew that those who bore the burden

of this type of arduous training (for example Bujutsu) in service to an emperor would possess superior fighting skills and this collection individuals would serve the country.

With this in mind the armed warrior or Bushi with this type of skill and the essentials of Kobushi Ho was nonetheless formidable and changed the way wars were fought.

Thus during the Army Corp's structuring of battle tactics and the Bushi utilizing Bujutsu there was a need for adding a regimen of exercises along with Kobushi Ho, which increased the unification of the mind, body, and spirit.
--- Bujutsu no Keitei to Sono Kaihatsu---

With this came a system of ranking for Kobushi Ho Along with systematic exercises, which grew from infancy into highly technical art forms. Although the results at first were unnoticeable, the outcome was surprising to say the least. As the shaping and development of Bujutsu by man took hold the Bujin had at his disposal many requisite fighting skills either by hand or armed might in which to serve his master.

Consequently the development of certain fighting techniques developed and grew at an astonishing rate. And so the use of weapons techniques used during battle were less than the ones when employing hand to hand.

But eventually this changed so that both were equal. But this also depended on the Bujin who may or may not have chosen this path. Maybe he chooses to specialize in one specific area.

But those who wanted a more rounded education choose to include many art forms in their repertoire of fighting skills.
The need for supplementary training and tactics was merged into the training, which also helped the Bujin keep his skills honed to razor sharpness at all, times.

Chapter I Section I

Background on Strength/Power and its Uses (Cont)
There was a need originally during the origins of Bujutsu to be combined with Kobushi Ho in order to be effective. This was prior to the systemization of both art forms. This was due to the fact that both had similarities in their ideas and use. Again this type of integration process caught on during is development and became an effective tool the military commanders used to train its soldiers. After all the influence heterogeneity of both Bujutsu and Kobushi Ho was to come about regardless. This also means that historically the heterogeneity indicates that both systems users thought and acted logically and strategically.
Portable weapons became the weapons of choice.

The first art form was Bojutsu the art of the short staff as the weapon of choice. The weapon tactics included ideology from both Kobushi Ho and Jujutsu.

The origins of Kenjutsu came from applications taken from Bujutsu and Taijutsu. With the ongoing refinements with copper and iron sword making gradually became refined.
Jujutsu relied on body contact at some point in time during practice. Space and action were synonymous.

Kobushi Jutsu was also based on body contact and space and action concept, as was Bujutsu. The former Jujutsu was able to attain body contact while grappling and employ a variety of body redirection techniques. The differences between the two were basically technique oriented.

The art of motion involves two processes, which might seem strange. This is especially true when it involves the logic and strategy of two fighting styles, Jujutsu and Kobushi Jutsu.
Both styles originated about the same time. One was dividing and growing (Jujutsu) and the other grew with almost no outside influence.
  Chugoku Kobushi Ho no Kaiso Ron- ­

(Discourse on the Origins of Chinese Kobushi Ho)
Most of the martial arts historically originated from warrior families with ancient roots. But most sources available are vague when it comes down to identifying specific families or individuals. Finally historical records, which support these original families, are often times based on legend, hearsay or falsehoods. Legends in general seemed to be told in three's. The first legend of the existence or origins of fighting styles or systems were probably originated by "higher authorities" as a means of self-preservation. The second is that the real facts surrounding individuals might be true and that the content of the original historical records might also be true. The third is, as one researches historical records it may show that the actual facts regarding a system may have been altered for whatever reason.

As this discourse continues let’s talk briefly about the founder of Chinese Kobushi Ho. For example the founders of Chinese Shorin Kobushi Ho and the Japanese Shorinji Kobushi Ho might have been not just one person but contributions from many people. Now the idea of Daruma, who is popular in China as being the founder, might not also be true.

Let us talk some about Bodai Daruma who came from an era around the northern/southern dynasties (420 589). He supposedly left China while employed by a military emperor during the ongoing civil strife and crossing a land bridge from China into India bringing with him a form of Suyama Shorinji and after settling established a Zen sect. This is a well-known historical fact. Facts about this sect are scant. Daruma according to historians was the founder of Shorin Kobushi Ho. Most Chinese still believe this theory.
Consequently, the discourse on the founder of Shorin Kobushi Ho who was Daruma and his subsequent discussions of on the subject of existence. The organization of this subject matter revolves around the perfection of the self.
Chinese Kobushi Ho researchers Togo and Jotetsu verified the facts concerning Daruma and his teachings about life and martial prowess.
During the reign of Kobun Tei (Emperor Kobun 420 497) there was a high priest by the name of Kenda who was also thought to be the founder of Shorin Kobushi Ho.
This theory appears a little strange in that there are little facts are or knowledge available supporting this theory. More facts regarding Daruma as being the founder are more readily available than the former. However, they’re those who believe than Kenda is the #1 founder and Daruma as being the #2 founder of Shorin Kobushi Ho.

On the continuous discourse of Shorin Kobushi Ho's founder there were other facts which were related to this discussion for example here was a monument in a remote region where Daruma came from which stated were this styled originated and talks about the historical lineage. This monument is now missing. Therefore, this could have been used with other pieces of evidence to substantiate this styles founder.

The idea of two founders Daruma or Kenda this idea is still being disputed as a fabrication not of Daruma but of Kenda. But who will step forward and clarify these findings? Who was the learned scholar? Who was the learned man with all the knowledge?

In spite of it all, the general populace times takes precedence and more times than naught mistaken beliefs holds onto social subjectivisms often as gospel. Both Daruma and Kenda according to historians were explaining to people certain beliefs and scientific principles which this art form proglumated. But this is also hearsay and cannot be substantiated.

The thought was that maybe someone read certain historical data and was passing this incomplete knowledge onto to certain people and stating that they were the founder. This is one of the other possible theories that were being considered. So with no accurate historical records these theories cannot be substantiated.
Only with thorough investigations and definite proof can any of these stories be held as proof positive. People often get used to hearing other people expound on styles, theory, and whatever other principles which could lead one to believe that individual was a particular founder of a style.

Maybe some people are satisfied that there were "two founders". Maybe people were satisfied that there were "two old learned teachers" of this ancient style, and that it's not a problem historically speaking.

Some think of two teachers as fanciful legend. The intellectual and logical person thinks there was one original founder and teacher. Such is the case with so many arcane martial art customs during Daruma's and Kenda's time teachers and Buddhist Monks. Also you had another style to deal with during this time. Fu En Shorin Kobushi, which is weaved into the former stories of founding fathers. This theory is also ion the historical records and told with other legends.

The tendency for most of the masses is to believe all of what you see and none of what you hear. For example meditation was one aspect of any art that most people then did not understand especially when it came to practicing it with particular art.

Only when it's practiced and fine-tuned can one benefit from its experience and what it can do for you. This was important in the Shorin Kobushi art forms repertoire. Some styles utilize it and some others it is not stressed as being important.

Back to the discourse on Shorin Kobushi, it is felt that available data points to one person as its founder. None of the available data points to a high priest or any famous priest, which would lead one to a founder. An understanding of the historical records at best is incomprehensible to most of the masses that do not know how to separate fact from fantasy.

Only those people who are highly trained know what's fact or fantasy. Universal praise goes out to Daruma the "Great Teacher" and founder of Shorin Kobushi. This was taken from a Manchu Dynasty book in 1827 stating the same.
Another point to mention is that in the year 628 there were three original documented letters from the Tang Dynasty discussing Shorin Kobushi and Daruma as being the founding father of this important style. In the preface it was stated that in Japan, Daruma was "The" great teacher who came from China to India to teach others about the way.
After he stopped teaching he yearned to know more about life and existence. He went into seclusion in a cave and sat facing a wall for many years on those two aforementioned ideas. Eventually he died meditating.
The main point the founder of Shorin Kobushi wanted passed down was as stated by Chou Hyou In (927 976) was that this art be taught to people who were willing to learn and sacrifice themselves to learning this art. Ming era military commander talked of a new historical narrative regarding this art the Kobushi sutras. These must be looked at, understood and implemented. Comments from the following teachers of Seishin Kobushi, Shi Kobushi, and Chomon Kobushi who carried on Darumas work along with Chou Hyou In who were the post predecessors should be investigated for further information.
Now a little more information on a Southern Sung military commander Takehi (1103 1141), and his opinion on the Shorin Kobushi Kaisho. A military commander must be endowed with intelligence and courage even in the wake of death he must not be afraid. Takehi who was a Chinese national was given the rank of Hachi Dan. He by his own hand had slain many opponents. His chivalrous stories as a master as told by the general public were many. A national hero during this era was a boon for all.
This lends credence to the need to read and understand the exploits these people who learned from the originator of Kobushi Ho. Now the as the story goes the originator of Shorin Kobushi was a separate historical event. Like the stories of Kenda and Daruma (The Great Teacher), Chou Hyou In, and Takehi these four need to be pointed out as being people who contributed to the development either directly or in directly need to be congratulated to the effort they put in to carry out the traditions of these similar styles.
Chugoku Kobushi Ho no Soshiki Taika no Jidai
Those who could not hold or have weapons, the fist way utilizing the hands and feet to attack, defend or counterattack by a piercing another's defense was a must in order to survive. This was especially true during battle. Humanity had to have a way to survive bare handed.
Thusly the Te Kobushi way, which utilizes hand and leg movements offensively/defensively are of the oldest forms of defense known to man.
In the beginning these were man's genesis to a style, which would help him survive. During this time fist fighting techniques were in their primitive stages of development. They were used for off/def purposes. The type of skill developed was considered conscious or intuitive. Te Kobushi's movements though were learned through repetition training. Later unconscious action took hold as a by-product of this arduous training/conditioning. The use of basic principles and scientific principles laid the base for this eclectic style.

In most cases the adaptation of certain physical properties of certain animals helped advance the development of these fighting techniques. This also helped to establish a basic organization and documentation for historical purposes.

Ideally the use instinctive, intuitive or conscious action for defensive actions was desired. The military organizational efforts utilizing these fist-fighting techniques were for strategic use only. These techniques were geared for disarming armed swordsman bare handed.
Consequently, Chugoku Kobushi Hols organizational system as use by the military began in the "In" era starting approximately 1050 1700 B.C. and in the Chou Dynasty as early as 771 1051 B.C.. During Daruma’s era there were divisions in standards when dealing with Shorin Kobushi and Chinese Kobushi Ho's systems/techniques. Consequently the great teacher by laying a good foundation he established a good standard for his art. This was good in that this systematic organization established was for the good of all during that period. This all happened when the great teacher/monk came across the bridge and established his sect in 527.
The above mentioned information concerning Shorin Kobushi's founder Daruma was to give a historical perspective with opinions, facts and conjecture in order for the reader or serious scholar to glean through for self edification. On the other hand it would give scholars something to base a sound theory on and give the masses an idea were this style came from and where it was going to.
Most of us have tendencies, which come from the heart to hold fast to the theory that Daruma the great teacher was the founder of Shorin Kobushi.
So as Shorin Kobushi was in the process of expanding we have to be tolerant of the legends, which dispute the facts. Also during this expansion a new era was brought about by the introduction of this style and its origins systemization and intent for future use. Also with the introduction of Dan ranks during the Chou, Han and Shin era's the Chinese had a way to control that got to teach or perform a certain style. There should have been no differences in style according to some but there were.
When you had self-righteous people who did not know anything about this art and trying to proglumate it, then you had Daruma who set the standard for stylized systemization should be lauded for his efforts in this eclectic style.

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