A historical Perspective During the Reign of


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(Secret Societies and the Chinese Fist Way)
[Moro Kessha to Kobushi-Ho]

(The Many societies of the Fist Way)
During the middle half of the 12th Century during the late Sung era (1122- thru to the Manchu era ending around 1912) there was an 800 year period of which there was foreign tampering or expansion by the powers thru and even into the 20th Century.
During this time there were many secret societies formed to deal with a variety of matters foreign and domestic. In between this buildup the government was watching closely these other types of societies and the religious ones that were growing. Of these there were the most plentiful which were the Kobushi-Ho groups. At one point they were infinite in nature. Their presence always boated about. They were built around the fist, cane, and sword. The larger ones were built around the fist way and their large volume of techniques.

In China’s history we find many records detailing empty hand defensive techniques. This era needed this type of art to protect the citizens from a variety of mishaps. There were many Kobushi-Ho scholars during these times that specialized in revolutionary movements. Socially this type of action was a necessity. The government usually looked the other way at their activities.

With so many centers opening with branch offices it was hard to keep track of them. Their rank and file was well defined and had a strict code under which they operated. Majorities of the people in China were Kobushi related in some respect. These brave men stood up for what they believed in and their righteous causes were many.
Their tight knit ranks were a very highly mobile force. Some of them are mentioned as we have in past writings. During the early 12th Century we have the early Southern Sung (1127~1279) there was a famous military commander Gakubi whose Byakuren-Shu or White Lotus Sect and its leader Danei. During the middle 14th Century we have the Gensho Shoku (1280~1644) we have the Red Scroll Rebels, which were active.

These ran right along with the continuing Byakuren-Shu leaders Kansando Jifushu, Ryufukutsu, Josuki, and Choshisei. Then there were the Buto-Ka Kobushi originators Chosanbo that were broken up into sub groups.

During the middle 16th Century we have the Ming Kasai Nengen (1522~1566) in which the Byakuren-Shu’s leadership was passed onto Rifukutatsu as was noted in the historical writing Kikoshin-Sho.
According to the Sokukeiko during the early 17th Century (Ming-Tenki Nengen 1621~1629) there was an Emperor by the name of O-Shin who was credited with being the sect of another martial sect. His descendant Oko Kenfushi Masei was the next in line for the Byakuren-Sho. He was a great leader and martial scholar. Toward the end of the 17th Century we have the author Nichichiroku talking about Koenbu. Then we go into the late 18th Century (Manchu – Kenryu ~ Kakyo Nengen) we have the Byakuren-Sho leader O-Rin no Koganshu whose originator was Hanmeitoku. Next we have the Byakuren-Sho no Shidosha Ryusho, Ryushikyo, and Soshisei. During the 19th Century at the closing years of the Ming we have Daitoe no Kaito Ryushitan who formed the Joteisha sect whose founder was Shukuto.
After that the presidency of this sect was handed to Koshuzen Karoe whose originator was Rodaika. Then during the early 19th Century we have the Giwadan coming out or the Boxer Rebellion and their advocates, which were Kokuseibun, Koryo Chotokusei, Sofukuden, Kasenko, Shujinto etc etc. Historically, these men have been very popular amongst their people. Every year these men are praised for their efforts. Of all the eras and sects we spoke of these many secret societies made many good changes in these eras for all alike. Even so the religious sects and their branch groups were many.
They were important in that they were almost wiped out during the early 12th Century. But with the advent of the Byakuren-Sho or White Lotus society and their tight knit organization they survived. By the end of the 20th Century these groups still survived especially the Byakuren-Sho who played a significant part in the Boxer Rebellion.

They did though for a while come to a grinding halt for some reason. They went underground whether to hide or recoup records do not indicate. For the most part the Kobushi-Ho temples faired well but the secret societies kind of petered out for a time. The religious societies also flourished along with the Kobushi-Ho temples. Both the Northern and Southern Byakuren-Sho tried following the same path but could not. With is then they started opening up more being less secretive and more open. This had its good points and bad points. During the 7th Century was the earliest records indicate that Byakuso was the original founder of the White Lotus Group.

Byakuso had several associates Keiei, Ryuyuimin, and Raishishu. At their core was the Buddhist religion. From this they developed their exercises based on Buddhist prayer and different exercises the Buddhists had developed.

From this Buddhist pure land sect Byakuren-Sho was developed. They pledged in a secret ceremony to reveal their existence, teachings, or techniques to the uninitiated in deference to their Buddhist teachers and their name came from the temples one side, which was under water and also had many white lotuses growing so from these flowers the monks said came devotion and purity. After this in China many Buddhists sects originated form these same roots.

The religious groups of the time were a socially motivate groups. Their activities sparked much debate but the really accomplished a lot thru rebellion during their time. Many of these outcast groups and leaders became Ronin with no master to serve. So they in turn each started their own private groups to insure their art never died out.
They represented a common cause that the peasant or workingman could relate to achieve common goals or objectives. Ridding their land of foreign influence, trade, foreign religion etc etc. They were bent on destroying everything foreign. Before and after the Sung eras in Soochow Province Boshigen’s Byakuren-Sho’s movement to make government change was afoot for everyone’s benefit.

[Moro Kessha to Kobushi-Ho]

(The many societies associated with the Fist Way)

Now we have the Byaku Unkyo or the White Cloud Society, which ranked right along or was equal to the Byakuren-Shu or the White Lotus Society. There were two others the Itanja-Kyo and the Mikanshu-Kyo. They were representative of the offshoot styles based on the Byakuren-Shu style of martial art.

In another report during the closing years of the Sung era Danei the White Lotus leader at this time was well organized and was overseer of the Hoku no Kin (1115~1234) and the Nyoshinzoku no Kangan-Shi Kenkoku. This was instituted as it was predicted that aggression or invasion by other sects or by the government was imminent.
Many believed they had the resources to martial a self-defense force to stop these incursions. The many during that era who were adept in Kobushi-Jutsu and Bo-Jutsu it was noted in historical accounts. Their leader Danei was as some dispute a factual leader during as stated above during the Sung Dynasty from about the 5th Century B.C. thru to the beginning of the 3rd Century. If one were to take a look at this period this was a new era for the Ming’s.
During the Chou era’s Sengoku Jidai (403~221) Danei was also said to have been active in Weikoku or the ancient province of Wei in the ancient city of what was called Kayo-Shi. There was a village during in this city called Eikin and the people in this village received assistance at one time from Danei. The government seat during that time was called Yokuyokenko, which actually was the prefectural government seat who governed this province and its people. Danei was providing some assistance to the people and the government during this time.
During the Sentoku Nengen (1426~1456) there were many well-known martial scholars especially Jishiyu who was credited with being a genus of his time. During the closing years of the Sung Dynasty not much information on the Byakuren-Kyo or White Lotus Sect’s organization and its leader Danei is available.

There is talk of another document a Tohogen Monroku and in it talks of an Italian foreign national named Margo Borga who lived in Peking for 17 years. He served the founder Fubirai (1215~1294) who supposedly had formed a branch of the White Lotus Sect called Sadoransei. However, this group was noted for its heretical or paganistic beliefs which were opposite of the teachings of the original founder of the Byakuren-Kyo.

It was said that the Yuan emperor Jun Tei suppressed this group during the Shisei Nengen (1341~1368). A priest named Ranjyo from Hopei Province and Kasando and Kanrinjifushi from the Sung restoration era were performing rituals and exorcisms utilizing a variety of signs, curses or Furoku talismans to purify what the group had done. A man named Jiheito was preaching during this time on the spiritual energy of Byakuren-Kyo and that this evil society that was formed everyone was socially against it and should be prohibited. It was made so by a political mandate by the Mongol emperor.

This resistance this group was fomenting eventually turned into a rebellion, which was taking shape quickly in the world. The Red Scroll Group Rebels also stood up in defense of this group.

During the closing years of the Ming Dynasty the Byakuren-Kyo’s doctrine and following was dwindling because of the above incident. Also during this time there was famine and poverty, which was affecting the peasant population. Then this broke out adding more pain to misery.
The Miroku-Kyo or Miroku Sect believers aided the Byakuren no Hana, which was just opening up their tenets, was based on the Miroku Buddhists beliefs. All they wanted was prosperity and they leaned toward an anti-rebellion type of attitude. They had affiliations with the Pure Land Buddhist Sect. They also aided the Byakuren-Kyo due to their situation.
During the middle half of the Ming era The White Lotus Sect or the Byakuren-Kyo had thoughts of joining forces with the Red Scroll Group and Kasando, Kanrinu, Ryufukutsu, Jojuki and Chosei Seido who were active in Hopei, Honan, Anhwei, Hupei, Szechwan, and Koso Provinces.

Furthermore, this was noted by the Ming era founder Shugansho (1328~1398) that during this time Chushin Butai was the new leader of the Byakuren-Kyo. From this sect and the Meison-Kyo or Meison Sect came another offshoot sect during the 3rd year of Kobu (1370) by Sadowakushu no Shikai formed the Byaku Un-Kyo or the White Cloud Sect which unfortunately another prohibited group.

During the Ming era there were many societies, which were constantly changing in the ideas, concepts, and leadership of the basic White Lotus Societies. Eventually though they built there groups and everyone’s confidence in their sect once again thru active and passive rebellions.
During the Kasei Nengen (1522~1566) in Shansi Province, Byakuren-Kyo flourished once again as did Rifukutatsu another martial artist popular during the Tenki Nengen (1621~1627) in Shantung Province’s. These groups also took active participation in the Jokyo Kahoku no O-Shin no Ran.
The O-Shin Ran or O-Shn Rebellion was a very violent clash. He led the spearhead attack using spiritually guided energy, which he called Monkoyo. They were also aided by the Jokoju no Shudan or Jokoju Group and the Go-Ryu Shi and the Byaku Daijo-Kyo or sects. O-Shin after this rebellion died in prison during the 47th year of the Manchu 10,000-year calendar.
After that his one child Okokenya succeeded him. Upon entering into this new era in the year 1777 during the 39th year of Kanryu in Shantung Province another martial rebellion broke out called the Orin ga Ran or the Orin Rebellion. Then in 1785 during the 50th year of Kanryu in Honan Province the Hanmeitoku & Kongankyoshu Rebellions broke out. These rebellions went on and on until they finally ended it.

This then ushered in the Manchu era, which supposedly brought an end to, this, is type of rebellion and brought peace to the Manchurian people. The government had started a suppression campaign to stop these seemingly endless strings of rebellions for whatever reason. This mandate was strictly enforced and took place in the Provinces of Honan, Senshi, Szechwan, Kansu and in the mountain region of Samkei where they all came from. In almost everyplace in these provinces the enforcement was in affect.

Because of this effort riots started popping up everywhere by the above groups. Of interest during the Kakei Nengen (1796~1804) their were three significant rebellions in Honan Province there was the Ryusho no Ran, in Anhwei Province there was the Ryushikyo no Ran and the Shushisei no Ran. During the year 1850 the 30th Year of Doko we had the Jotei, Eshu, and Koshuzen Taihei Tengoku no Ran or the (3) Peaceful Heavenly Kingdom’s Rebellion.
On into history then we have the Shintatsu no Kosho Nengen or the Shintatsu no Kosho era opening up (1875~1908). During this time the Byakuren-Kyo had resurfaced with its leader this time being Ryushitan as the former leader or Sect President. He led the infamous Shantung no Ran supported by the Hachikakyu-Kyo or the Hachikakyu Sect and tributary branch Rika-Kyo. Of these groups was a man named Kokuseibun who was an advocate of the Boxer Rebellion or the Giwadan. There was a sect also during this time called the Byakuren Kyohi or the Wicked White Lotus who used unconventional methods i.e., magic or sorcery aside from the normal fist, spear, and sword to achieve their means.

The reason they used magic was that arms were slowly being outlawed.

Next is a short list of people from different eras of importance. The Nanso no or Southern Sung Boshigen, Danei The Yuan era ‘s Kansando, Kanrin Jifushi, Ryufukutsu, Josuku, Chshisei, Ming era, Rifukutatsu, Jokyo, O-Shin and Okenfushi, Masei, Manchu era Orin, Hanmeitoku, Ryusho, Ryushikyo, Soshisei, Koshuzen, Ryushitan, Kokuseibun etc, etc. Each had their own specialty Fistway, Cane Way, Spear Way and each were experts in one or all.
The next is a following outline for general purposes. The Meimatsu Byakuren-Kyo’s system or lineage and the Shukyoteki Himitsu Kessha or the Religious Secret Societies era each had there own tenets and distinctive peculiarities. These features manifested themselves under a variety of guises i.e., some groups identified themselves as agricultural or Tax societies while promoting dissent amongst the peasant class. This then led to dissent and abolishment of higher taxes and idle workers.

This then led to the villagers forming specialized groups. From these groups came the agricultural coops. With this done within the religious secret societies there was calamity and inside political ramifications resulting in the formation of Shomuyun no Kessha or the Shomoyun Society.

In those days the state of affairs was turmoil. According to the Meijitsuroku 10,000 calendar during the 46th year (1618) 9th month, 7th day at between the hours of 7-9 AM a document was formed Shokandogoshi no Bosorai this report detailed the following

(Translated from Chinese)

[During these troubled times it is difficult to maintain law and order against the Barbarian Wind who plagues us. They appeared to make light of us, our system and our general way of life. We need a lever to oust them. They strike in indirect ways and then go into hiding. Their dialect is hard to understand and often slurred when speaking. A new form of loyalty must be formed]

The above came from famous Chinese

Calligraphy work entitled Koyosha.
The above is one of the reasons why that the above rebellions were formented. The secondary reasons were with the Chinese government. The dealings with the Barbarian were always beset by lies, cheating, etc. Language was always a problem in that constant misunderstanding of the dialect was a problem. But some things of value did come from these talks. The Ming’s and the Manchu’s and their religious societies like the Byakuren are representative examples of a well-established group.
Many other societies assumed alias’s so as not to be identified with the parent group, which was used to prevent detection.
For example the Ming era when it opened up we had the following sects appear the Byakuren-Kyo, Kongen-Kyo, Monko-Kyo, Daijo-Kyo, Shamon-Kyo, Netsuhan-Kyo, Kofu-Kyo, Roshi-Kyo, Raso-Kyo, Namu-Kyo, Joku-Kyo, Gomei-Kyo, Daijomui-Kyo etc.
Half of these changed their names during the early years of the Manchu era to the Heavens Law Sect. Especially, Daito E, Ryuga E and Tongan-Kyo. The Hachika-Kyo, Giwa Kobushi, Shincha-Kyo, Kinen-Kyo, Nyoi-Kyo, Nyokatsu-Kyo, Byakujo-Kyo, Butsumon-Kyo, Koyo-Kyo the other half kept their original group names.
The Chugoku Shukyo Kessha and the study and research of these groups was done by an individual named Shusei Chufu. This literary work he did on secret societies is a literary masterpiece. This treasured volume is one of a kind. The ancient Buddhist Heavenly Flower Sutras (20 Pages) in this work are especially interesting. As will be talked below is a brief list of secret societies and their founders:
Society Founder (So-Priest)

1. Kokun-Kyo (Rikokun)

2. Kiyo-Kyo (Hyoko-So)

3. Mui-Kyo (Shii-So)

4. Koten-Kyo (Fusei-So)

5. Nanmu-Kyo (Sonsoshi)

6. Gomei-Kyo (Gomei-So)

7. Tongo-Kyo (Tongoshi)

8. Kangen-Kyo (Kangen-So)

9. Enton-Kyo (Fuzen-So)

10. Tatsuma-Kyo (Tatsuma-So)

11. Joku-Kyo (Joku-So)

12. Seida-Kyo (Ryo Bosatsu)

Ryo The Buddha

13. Ryuten-Kyo (Mai Bosatsu)

Mai The Buddha

14. Nanyo-Kyo (Nanyobo)

15. Kinsan-Kyo (Hise-So)

16. Kinzen-Kyo (Kinzen-So)

17. Daijo-Kyo (Shakubutsu-So)

18. Shugen-Kyo (Shugen-So)
The centers for these societies were to numerous to count. The descendants of Byakuren initiated many of these rebellions along with a man who was very famous and known as Honshin Fukumei. He was known for his patriotism movement. Soon after this movement known as the Koshuzen opened up its centered was known as Haiman Kyohan and their slogan was “Support the Peasant Class”.

The peasants were well organized by this time and their nationalistic support and resistance was huge in scope. They termed the phrase “ Taihei Tengoku no Ran” from (1850~1864). They along with the Benhatsuzoku no Ran expanded there sphere influence well into the Manchu era.

Once their society’s framework was worked out all the other societies fell into place, as it was the trend then to reshape the future thru rebellion. This then led into the aforementioned Kobushi Hi no Ran or the Wicked Fist Way Rebellion which then was termed the Giwadan no Jiken (1899~1900).

In the old days the Chinese people were caught up in these mini wars or rebellions. Some thought they were the thing to do others disagreed. The west and all its territories were embroiled in colonization efforts in China also at this time. Raids and aggression were a normal occurrence much to dismay of the Chinese. In return the Chinese did the same to the long nosed Barbarians.

The Manchu government and their weak diplomatic efforts resented the voice of others in their affairs as was seen with the western religious enclaves. The Manchu government though encouraged their people to be strong during these troubled times. But the anti-foreign sentiment was already an established forum and solid as a rock. The ideology behind this movement was based on the peoples revolutionary party or the Minshoku no Kakumei. They promoted a strong self-defense and organized such against the Barbarians. The backbone of this was based on the (3) Big Secret Societies to carry this mandate out. The government looked the other way.

For example Hanshin Fukumei and the Honman Kyohan were responsible for encouraging the Chinese race to be self-governing. They wanted freedom from Manchu oppression. Thus the underground resistance was formed.

Thereafter, the anti-foreign sentiment grew, as this was all the fault of foreigners. The time was at hand to strike out. The Manchu internationally were weak as was stated earlier in their diplomatic efforts to resolve internal/external crises.

This was due to their lack of exposure in such matters. The Chinese people finally stood up and rebelled. They were as it was said racially motivated to do so. This was due also to the politics of the day. If the politics were right they could very easily reshape a nation and bring it out of chaos. But since this resistance effort was centered on the Boxers this would not happen soon. The three big societies effectively ruled during this chaotic period. Historically this period of events was the genesis of a new era to become. The Hyo or diagram attached is a synopsis of the resistance and their progenitors:

The Hachika-Kyo was also known by another name the Tenri-Kyo. The Byakuren also used this name. During the Manchu era’s Kakei Nengen (1796~1821) a list was compiled by the sect head and region or zone, which is presented next:
Sect Region & Head

1. Kanka-Kyo To Shantung Teito no Chenkyo

2. Kanka-Kyo To Shantung Bujo no Teibyakukyo

3. Ryoka-Kyo To Honan Guken no Kakutsuko

5. Daka-Kyo To Shansi Kyujo no Kokokuryu

6. Rika-Kyo To Shantung Bujo no Choeisan

7. Kanka-Kyo To Hopei no Daiko no Rinshin

8. Shinka-Kyo To Honan Katsuken no Ribunsei

The above Hopei Rinshin and Honan Ribunsei were considered rulers Rinshin’s name was changed to Rinshin no Tenno and Ribunsei was named Ribunjo no Ninno. Rinshin was located in Chokurei and Ribunjo was located in Shantung. This was noted during the 13th year of Kakei (1813) when a Hanran opened up but failed as quickly as it started.

After this the sects involved in the unnamed rebellion scattered to the winds to start fresh elsewhere. The sub groups Giwaken, Seicha, Kinen, Nyo-I, Nyokatsu, Byakuyo, Butsumon, Koyoto all went elsewhere to teach. All should be remembered in that they were all part of the Giwadan.

CHUI #28
Daito Kai reigned during the closing years of the Shindai Kocho (1875~1908). All must remember what the White Lotus Sect did for China during this reign. The Giwaken no Renshu or Righteous Fist Training President Ryushitan whose title was Fuku-Kai Kaito then Sho Churin and Choten Kichu followed. During this time during the Kocho era’s 23rd year Uechi Kanbun showed up Toshin no Meiji 30th year in Shantung Province Dashu Prefecture and subsequently joined a sect to harden or temper his martial spirit. There was a story of a German missionary involved in a killing, which became known as the Sochu Jiken. During this time the German was teaching in an area I believe was Kosho Wan or Koshu Bay and this is where the incident started and ended.
Another story The Tenchi-Kai or the Heaven Earth Society was formed and was also known under another name Sango-Kai that was formed during the Manchu’s Koki era’s 13th year (1674). A famous Shorin-Ji So or Shorin-Ji Priest who worked for the government was killed by burning at the stake for setting up an illegitimate organization during the Kenryu era (1736~1798) which led the Rinsobun no Ran no Kai. This society led eventually to the Minkoku Kakumei.
The members of this sect were from Daitei Taoist and Bukkyo sects. Its leader was known as Rodaika. After the Taihei Tenkoku no Ran (1850~1864) the then Shogun made them all disband so with no livelihood they all became destitute some turned to gambling others went on to train others in secret.
Fu O Shin was one who started his own society Monko-Kyo. He received an inheritance and combined the scattered White Lotus factions like the Daijo-Kyo into one system.
Another Jojoju formed the Kenryu-Kakei no Byakuren-Kyo. He received must guidance from his counterpart in Shantung Province. The southern areas will still active with rebellions even at this date. In all places mass burnings were common. Food shipments were cut off from most provinces.

Soldiers were called in to oversee and police the area. Jokoju at the end of the Ming era and into the start of the Manchu era assisted a man named Bushorei (1640~1715) who wrote novel Kaiki Shosetsu entitled Ryoseishi I, which was about the Byakuren-Kyo. It was about how they used magic and sorcery to achieve their means during their previous rebellions.

This was one of the many legends of the Byakuren-Kyo

that were put into writing.

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