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The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones)

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9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

I am the secretary of the Doctoral Commitee of our faculty.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1942

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2324, bnagy@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Analysis

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1975

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics, 1985

5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 1997-2001

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Educational activities: different mathematical subjects for students of the faculties Structural Engineering, Architecture, Transportation Engineering, Chemical Engineering in the course of 40 years. Lecturer of Mathematics I on the Faculty of Chemical Engineering since 1976. Lectures Functional Analysis at the Technische Universitaet Berlin 1988-89, at present workplace 2001. Lectures Linear Systems

at present workplace 2003 and 2005.
7. Results and experience:

Professional and research achievements: Since 1988 leader of research groups OTKA

(Hungarian National Scientific Grants), evaluated always with highest qualification. Main research areas are theory of linear operators and linear systems, where I have

been official opponent or committee member of every candidate in the last 20 years.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. B. Nagy, M. Matolcsi, M. Szilvási, Order bound for the realization of a combination of positive filters, IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr., 52 (2007), 724-729.

  2. B. Nagy, K.-H. Förster, Spectral properties of operator polynomials with nonnegative coefficients, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 163 (2005), 147-162.

  3. B. Nagy, M. Matolcsi, Minimal positive realizations of transfer functions with nonnegative multiple poles, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50 (2005), 1447-1450.

  4. B. Nagy, M. Matolcsi, A lower bound on the dimension of positive realizations, IEEE Trans. Circ. Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 50 (2003), 782-784.

  5. B. Nagy, K.-H. Förster, Nonnegative unitary operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), 1181-1193.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Former member of the Mathematical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and of the Scientific Committeee of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering Member of the Doctoral and Habilitational Committeee of the Institute of Mathematics, and of its Doctoral School.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1979

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: applied mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2140, orlovits@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Differential Equations

Position held at BME: assistant lecturer

Type of employment (BME): full time
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Introductory mathematics for engineering students, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest (2004-2006, Mathematical analysis I-II., recital sessions), and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2006-present A1,A2,A3, recital sessions)

7. Results and experience:

I have started the Applied Mathematics Doctoral School of ELTE in 2003 as a young researcher in MTA SZTAKI (2003 – 2006: Young Researchers' Scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). One of the theses of my dissertation is to develop and analyse a recursive (on-line) parameter estimation method for GARCH processes. By the verification of the convergence of the prepared algorithm we have developed two useful technical tools: we have provided a simple method for the computation of the top-Lyapunov exponent of block-triangular stationary random matrices and examined the L_q stability of products of block-triangular stationary random matrices.

2005: Best Ph.D. Students' Award of the Computer and Automation Research Institute.

An another basic problem is to detect the structural changes in the financial market, which is reflected in changes of the GARCH parameters. A change point detection method for GARCH processes inspired by the results of L. Gerencsér and J. Baikovicius, leading a kind of Hinkley detector with appropriately defined residuals has been also developed in the off-line case.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. L. Gerencsér, Gy. Michaletzky, Zs. Orlovits: Stability of block-triangular stationary random matrices. To appear in Systems & Control Letters, 2007.

  2. L. Gerencsér, Zs. Orlovits: L_q-stability of products of block-triangular stationary random matrices. To appear in Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 2007.

  3. L. Gerencsér, G. Molnár-Sáska, Zs. Orlovits: Recursive estimation of Hidden Markov Models. In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, 2005.

  4. L. Gerencsér, Gy. Michaletzky, Zs. Orlovits: On the Top-Lyapunov Exponent of Block-triangular Stationary Random Matrices. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC 2007, Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2007

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Scientific membership: IEEE Control System Society from 2005.

Member of the organizing committee of a conference.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1956

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2094, prohlep@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Algebra

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1988

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 2000–2003.

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

I teach at ELTE, Dept. of Algebra and Number Theory, since 1978. I was teaching staff there between 1980 and 1997 (31th of Dec). I am a teaching staff at BME, Dept. of Algebra, since 1998 (1st of Jan). Beyond the normal teaching activity, I gave special courses in Artificial Intelligence, about the third generation of Logical Programming tools, Computer Mathematics and related topics.

7. Results and experience:

My area of research interest is Algebra, Logic, Algorithms and Programming (ALAP). I’ve published 12 well recognised research papers so far, collecting almost 100 citations.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. S. Linton, U. Martin, P. Prohle, D. Shand: Algebra and Automated Deduction. Springer Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence 1104 (1996), 448-462.

  2. Samuel M.H.W. Perlo-Freeman and P. Prohle: Scott’s conjecture is true, position sensitive weights. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1232 (1997), 217-227.

  3. P. Prohle: Which of the Cancellative Semigroups are Groups? Semigroup Forum Vol. 57 Num. 3 (1998), 438-439.

  4. P. Prohle: The analysis of fundamental notions of linear algebra. Technical University Press, Budapest, 1998, 194 pages, ISBN 963 420 585 2.

  5. P. Prohle: Does the Frobenius endomorphism always generate a direct summand in the endomorphism monoid of fields of characteristic prime? Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 30 (1984), 335–356.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Regular contributor to the International Mathematics Competition for University Students


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1948

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2587, recski@cs.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Computer Science and Informatics

Position held at BME: full professor, head of department

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1977

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics, 1984

5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 2000-2003

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Since 1972: Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, Department of Algebra and Number Theory and later Department of Computer Science,

Since 1990: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Computer Science and Information Theory

Gradual and postgradual courses in analysis, linear algebra and geometry, finite mathematics, combinatorial optimization, matroid theory..

7. Results and experience:

See 6, 8 and 9.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Recski A.: Two matroidal families on the edge set of a graph, Discrete Mathematics 251 (2002) 155-162.

  2. Radics N., Recski A.: Applications of combinatorics to statics – rigidity of grids, Discrete Applied Mathematics 123 (2002) 473-485.

  3. Recski A.: Maps of matroids with applications, Discrete Mathematics 303 (2005) 175-185.

  4. Recski A., Szeszlér D.: Routing vertex-disjoint Steiner trees in a cubic grid and connections to VLSI, Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (2007) 44-52.

  5. A. Recski, J. Szabó: On the generalization of the matroid parity problem, Graph Theory, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhaauser, 2006, 347-354.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

    1. M. Iri – A. Recski: What does duality really mean? Circuit Theory and Applications 8 (1980) 317-324.

    2. Recski: A practical remark on the minimal synthesis of resisitive n-ports, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems CAS-29 (1982) 267-269.

    3. L. Lovász – A. Recski: Selected topics of matroid theory and its applications, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di palermo II 2 (1982) 171-185.

    4. Recski: Matroid theory and its applicaations in electric network theory and in statics, Springer -- Akadémiai Kiadó, 1989.

    5. Recski: Combinatorics in electrical engineering and in sttatics, Handbook in Combinatorics, Elsevier, 1995, 1911-1924.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Secretary general of the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society

Member of the Science Ethics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Visiting professor in Denmark (1975/76), Turkey (1977), Gerrmany (1978, 1981, 1987-89, 1998/99), Japan (1978/79), Canada (1984), USA (1985, 1994/95), France (2003).


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1972

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematics teacher

Phone, email: 463-1101, csandor@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in mathematics, 1999

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Mathematics courses for civil engineers, architect and informatics students; number theory courses for mathematician students.

I have been teaching since 1999.
7. Results and experience:

See 6, 8 and 9.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Sándor, Csaba, On the number of solutions of the Diophantine equation $\sum\sp n\sb {i=1}\frac{1}{x\sb i}=1$. Period. Math. Hungar. 47 (2003), no 1-2, 215--219.

  2. Sándor, Csaba, A family of self-similar sets with overlaps. Indag. Math. (N. S) 15 (2004), 573--578.

  3. Sándor, Csaba, Non-degenerate Hilbert cubes in random sets. J. Théor, Nombres Bordeaux 19 (2007), no. 1, 249--261.

  4. Sándor, Csaba, An upper bound for Hilbert cubes. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 114 (2007), no. 6, 1157--1159.

  5. Sándor, Csaba, Random $B\sb h$ sets and additive bases in $\Bbb Z\sb N$. Integers 7 (2007), A32, 10 pp.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Sándor, Csaba, On the equation $a\sp 3+b\sp 3+c\sp 3=d\sp 3$. Period. Math. Hungar. 33 (1996), no. 2, 121—134.

  2. Sándor, Csaba, On a problem of Erdös. J. Number Theory 63 (1997) 203--210.

  3. Sándor, Csaba, A family of self-similar sets with overlaps. Indag. Math. (N. S) 15 (2004), 573--578.

  4. Sándor, Csaba, Non-degenerate Hilbert cubes in random sets. J. Théor, Nombres Bordeaux 19 (2007), no. 1, 249--261.

  5. Sándor, Csaba, Random $B\sb h$ sets and additive bases in $\Bbb Z\sb N$. Integers 7 (2007), A32, 10 pp.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

I am a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews.

Professional connection with Technical University of Ostrava.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1961

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-1101, simonk@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1992

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

Dr habi, 2002

DSc in mathematics, 2007
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship 1999-2003

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

21 years teaching at technical universities. Teaching int he US and in the UK (athogether 13 courses), Teching in a high school. Teaching 5 PhD courses and MSc corses for students of mathematics major at thge BME and at the Univ. Of Washington

7. Results and experience:

35 reaserch papers with 144 citations. Pleanary speaker at more than 10 international conferences.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Y. Peres, B. Solomyak, K. Simon, Absolute continuity for random iterated function systems with overlaps. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 74 (2006) 739-756.

  2. T. Jordan, M. Pollicott, K. Simon, Hausdorff dimension for randomly perturbed self affine attractors.Communications in Math. Phys. 270 (2007), 519-544.

  3. F. Hofbauer, P. Raith, K. Simon, Hausdorff dimension for some hyperbolic attractors with overlaps and without finite Markov partition. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 27 (4) (2007), 1143-1165.

  4. A.H. Fan, K. Simon, H.R. Toth, Contracting on average random IFS with repelling fixpoint. Journal of Stat. Phys. 122 (2006), no. 1, 169—193.

  5. M. Rams, K. Simon, Hausdorff and packing measure for solenoids Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 23 (2003), no. 1, 273-291.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Y. Peres, B. Solomyak, K. Simon, Absolute continuity for random iterated function systems with overlaps. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 74 (2006) 739-756.

  2. T. Jordan, M. Pollicott, K. Simon, Hausdorff dimension for randomly perturbed self affine attractors.Communications in Math. Phys. 270 (2007), 519-544.

  3. Simon, Károly The Hausdorff dimension of the Smale-Williams solenoid with different contraction coefficients. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 (1997), no. 4, 1221--1228.

  4. M. Policott, K. Simon, The Hausdorff dimension of $\lambda$-expansions with deleted digits. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), no. 3, 967—983.

  5. Simon, Károly The set of second iterates is nowhere dense in $C$. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 111 (1991), no. 4, 1141--1150.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Editor of the Central European Mathematical Journal. 2003-07.

Organizer of an international conference and one of the two organizers of another international conference.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1948

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: electrical engineer; applied mathematician

Phone, email: 463-1101, szabados@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: associate Professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in mathematics, 1982

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Calculus, Calculus, Real Analyis, Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, Complex Analysis; BudapestUniversity of Technology and Economics, in Hungarian (1972-) and partly in English (1986-).

Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Pre-Calculus, College Algebra, Elementary Statistics; Spokane Falls Comm. College (1991-1992).

Probability Theory, Statistical Methods; Budapest Semester in Mathematics (1996-).

Statistical Methods, Elementary Statistics; Western Maryland College Budapest (1998-1999).
7. Results and experience:

Computer simulation and pattern recognition of the electrical activation process of human heart, with the Postgraduate Medical School, Budapest, 1972-77.

Numerical solution of partial differential equations (finite difference and finite element methods for elliptic and hyperbolic equations) for the Videoton Electronics Company, 1981-88.

Software for computer aided design of university time tables, for the Technical University of Budapest, 1987-.

Image processing based on stochastic models, 1989-91.

Application of stochastic optimization for an inventory control problem, 1991-92.

Stochastic models of the immune system, with the Mathematical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Department of Immunology, National Cancer Institute of Hungary, 1995-.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. T. Szabados, B. Székely. An exponential functional of random walks. Journal of Applied Probability, 40, 413-426, 2003. MR 2004c:60099.

  2. B. Székely, T. Szabados. Strong approximation of continuous local martingales by simple random walks. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 41, 101-126, 2004. MR2082065.

  3. T. Szabados, B. Székely. Moments of an exponential functional of random walks and permutations with given descent sets. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 49, 131-139, 2004. MR2092788.

  4. T. Szabados, B. Székely. An elementary approach to Brownian local time based on simple, symmetric random walks. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 51, 79-98, 2005. MR2180635.

  5. T. Bakács, J.N. Mehrishi, T. Szabados, L. Varga, M. Szabó and G. Tusnády. T cells survey the stability of the self: a testable hypothesis on the homeostatic role of TCR-MHC interactions. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 144, 171-182, 2007.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. T. Szabados. Goodness of fit tests in metric spaces based on balls around the sample. Statistics & Decisions, 5, 381-389, 1987. MR 88k:62080.

  2. T. Szabados. On the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem for balls in metric spaces. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 24, 473-481, 1989. MR 92e:60002.

  3. T. Szabados. A discrete Ito's formula. In: Colloquia Mathematica Societas János Bolyai 57. Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics, Pécs, 1989, 491-502. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990. MR 92i:60105.

  4. T. Szabados. An elementary introduction to the Wiener process and stochastic integrals. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 31, 249-297, 1996. MR 96k:60212.

  5. T. Szabados. Strong approximation of fractional Brownian motion by moving averages of random walks. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 92,.31-60, 2001. MR 2002b:60070.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Referee of two Hungarian mathematical journals; reviever for the Mathematical Reviews; referee for the Hungarian Scientific Research Foundation (OTKA) and the Higher Education Textbook Competition; member of the AMS and the Bernoulli Society.


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