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Birth date: 1976

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: szabosz@renyi.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Geometry

Position held at BME: assistant professor

Type of employment (BME): full time
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in mathematics

CSc in mathematics
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics

Dr. habil
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

BME : Differencial lgeometriy 2: Matematika A1

Szegedi University: Simplectic geometry

Strasbourgi Louis Pasteur Egyetem: algera, linear algebra, matematika with Maple,geometry in 3-space, probability theory and statistics

7. Results and experience:

See 6 and 8.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Sz. Szabó: Reidemeister-mozgások a csomóelméletben. Polygon, 13 (2005), 19-34.

  2. Sz. Szabó: Nahm transform for integrable connections on the Riemann sphere. To appear in Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France, 2008.

  3. Sz. Szabó: Transformées de Nahm et de Laplace parabolique, submitted.

  4. Sz. Szabó, A. Kürsat: Algebraic Nahm transform for parabolic Higgs bundles on P1. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics-preprint No. 128, (2006).

  5. Sz. Szabó: The extension of a Fuchsian equation onto the complex line. To appear in Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 2008.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1941

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-1101, szasz@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1971

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics, 1981

Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,1995
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 2000-2003

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught):

Probability theory, Stochastic processes, Ergodic theory and dynamical systems, Selected topics from the theory of dynamical systems, Mathematical modelling.

12 years of teaching.
7. Results and experience:

Research topics: stochastic processes, dynamical processes, nonequilibrium

statistical physics.

Awards: Grünwald Prize (1969), Research Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1984), Szele Prize (1995), Széchenyi Prize (2005),

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Recurrence Properties of Planar Lorentz Process, Duke Mat. Journal. pp. 33. 2007, (with D. Dolgopyat and T. Varjú, to appear)

  2. Local Limit Theorem and Recurrence for the Planar Lorentz Process, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 24 (2004), 257-278 ( with T. Varjú)

  3. Limit Laws and Recurrence for the Planar Lorentz Process with Infinite Horizon. J. Stat. Physics, 129:59-80, 2007 (with T. Varj´u).

  4. Multi-dimensional Semi-Dispersing Billiards: Singularities and the Fundamental Theorem, Annales Henri Poincaré, 3 (2002), 451-482 (with P. Bálint, N. Chernov, I. P. Tóth

  5. The Geometry of Multidimensional Dispersing Billiards, Astérisque, 286 (2003), 119-150 (with P. Bálint, N. Chernov and I. P. Tóth)

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Hard Ball Systems are Completely Hyperbolic, Annals of Mathematics, 149 (1999), 35-96 (with N. Simányi)

  2. A ,Transversal' Fundamental Theorem for Semi-Dispersing Billiards. Commun. Math. Phys.. 129 (1990) 535-560 (with A. Krámli and N. Simányi) Erratum: ibidem 129 (1991) 207-20

  3. The K-Property of Three Billiard Balls. Annals of Mathematics. 133 (1991), 37-72 (with A. Krámli and N. Simányi)

  4. Towards a unified dynamical theory of the Brownian particle in an ideal gas. Commun. Math. Phys.. 111(1987), 41- 62. (with B. Tóth)

  5. A problem of two lifts. Ann. of Probability. 5(1977), 550-559.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Memberof Ed. Boards of several international journals,

Chairman of the Committee of Mathematics of the Hung. Acad. Sci. ,1997-2003

Chair of, the Section of Mathematics, Hungarian Acad. Sci., June 2005 -

Member of the International Sci. Adv. Committee, Schrodinger Institute, Vienna (1992-99); of the Bernoulli Society,

of the Supervisory Board of Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest (2004-) IAMP, ISI.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1977

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-1101, szbalazs@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: assistant professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenure track
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in mathematics

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Since 2000: calculus and probability for civil engineer, architect and electrical engineer students. In 2007, „Probability 2” for students specialized in mathematics.

Supervision of several Msc students' research in applied mathematics 'Témalabor' (11 semesters). Supervison of a TDK, and an Msc thesis.
7. Results and experience:

See 6, 8 and 9.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Székely, B. and Szabados, T (2004) Strong approximation of continuous local martingales by simple random walks, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 41, 101-126

  2. Szabados, T. and Székely, B. (2005) An elementary approach to Brownian local time based on simple, symmetric random walks, Periodicam Math. Hung. 51, 79-98

  3. Balázs Székely, Trang Dinh Dang, István Maricza, Sándor Molnár (2006) Random multifractal model with given spectrum, Stochastic Models, 22 No 3, 483-508.

  4. Attila Kőrösi, Balázs Székely, Csaba Lukovszki, Trang Dang Dinh (2007) Modelling packet queuing of DSL access lines for the case of complete and partial rejections, to appear in Híradástechnika: Selected papers of the Hungarian Telecommunications Periodicals

  5. Csaba Lukovszki, Attila Kőrösi, Balázs Székely (2007) Stochastic Model of Finite Buffer Priority Queuing System with Multi-Type Batch Arrival and General Rejection, in the proceedings of IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Tamás F. Móri and Balázs Székely (2003) Almost sure convergence of partial weighted sums, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 99 (4), 285-303

  2. Szabados, T. and Székely, B. (2003) An exponential functional of random walks. J. Appl. Prob. 40, 413-426.

  3. Székely, B. and Szabados, T (2004) Strong approximation of continuous local martingales by simple random walks, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 41, 101-126

  4. Balázs Székely, Trang Dinh Dang, István Maricza, Sándor Molnár (2006) Random multifractal model with given spectrum, Stochastic Models, 22 No 3, 483-508.

  5. Csaba Lukovszki, Attila Kőrösi, Balázs Székely (2007) Stochastic Model of Finite Buffer Priority Queuing System with Multi-Type Batch Arrival and General Rejection, in the proceedings of IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1965

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2645, szenes@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Geometry

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in mathematics, 1992: The Verlinde Formulas and Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

15 years of experience. Calculus courses for engineers

Mathematics courses: topology, differential equations, differenctial geometry, representation theory.
7. Results and experience:

See 6. and 8.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. A. Szenes, M. Vergne, Toric reduction and a conjecture of Batyrev and Materov, Inventiones Math., 158, no. 3, 453-495, (2004)

  2. A. Szenes., M. Vergne, Mixed Toric Residues and tropical degenerations, Topology, 45, no. 3, 567-599, (2006)

  3. A. Szenes, Residue formula for rational trigonometric sums, DukeMath. J. 118, 189-228, (2003).

  4. A. Szenes, M. Vergne, Residue formulae for vector partitions and Euler-Maclaurin sums, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 30, 295-342, (2003).

  5. G. Berczi, A. Sz., Thom polynomials of Morin singularities, preprint, math.AT/0608285, (2006)

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Organized 3 conferences, gave lectures in 4 summer schools.

Administrative duties: represented BME in the MSc consorcium.

OTKA principal invetigator 2003-2008.

MC RTN principal invetigator 2003-2008.

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1975

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematics teacher

Phone, email: 463-3162, szeszler@cs.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Computer Science and Informatics

Position held at BME: assistant professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenure track
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in applied mathematics, 2006: Combinatorial algorithms in VLSI Routing

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

I have been teaching courses at the Department of Computer Science and Information Theory of BME since 1996. First as an undergraduate, later as a PhD student and finally, since 2001, as a full-time employee of the department, I have regularly been teaching a subject called ``Introduction to Computer Science'' to students of Informatics in the first year. Furthermore, I took part in developing the curriculum and co-authored a book for a course called ``System Optimization'' to 5th year students of Informatics and students of Mathematics of BME TTK. Since 2002, I have also been teachnig this subject regularly.

7. Results and experience:

My research interest field belongs mainly to VLSI routing. Most of my publications deal with graph-theoretical problems motivated by the detailed routing phase of the design of VLSI circuits. I wrote my Ph.D. thesis on the same subject under the supervision of Professor András Recski. I gave a survey talk on results attained by me and my co-authors in this field as an invited speaker of the 5th Japanese-Hungarian Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications in Sendai, Japan in 2007. Furthermore, I co-authored a paper on sufficient degree conditions for the hamiltonicity of a simple graph.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Stacho, L. és Szeszlér D.: On a generalization of Chvátal's condition giving new hamiltonian degree sequences, Discrete Mathematics (2005) 292, 159-165.

  2. Reiss A. és Szeszlér D.: 3-dimensional Channel Routing, Proc. 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (2005), 409-415.

  3. Recski A. és Szeszlér D.: The Evolution of an Idea - Gallai's Algorithm, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, (2006) 15, 317-328.

  4. Recski A. és Szeszlér D.: Routing Vertex Disjoint Steiner Trees in a Cubic Grid and Connections to VLSI, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2007) 155, 44-52.

  5. Recski A. és Szeszlér D.: 3-dimensional Routing, Proc. 5th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (2007), 138-145.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Szeszlér D.: Switchbox routing in the Multilayer Manhattan model, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., (1997) 40, 155-164.

  2. Recski A. és Szeszlér D.: 3-dimensional single active layer routing, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2098, 318-329, Springer, Berlin (2001).

  3. Jordán T., Recski A. és Szeszlér D.: Rendszeroptimalizálás, Typotex, 2004.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1977

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: computer program designer

Phone, email: 463-2140, bog@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Differential Equations

Position held at BME: assistant professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenure track
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in informatics

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Excercise courses: Numerical Analysis I-II., Operations Research, Operating Systems, Applications of Optimization, A1, A3

Optional course: The tools of AI

4,5 year
7. Results and experience:

In 1998-2000 as a demonstrator, in 2000-2003 as a Ph.D. student, and in 2003-2007 as a research assistant teaching exercise curses at the Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged. My dissertation was defended in 2007 at the University of Almería, which won the UPS-SOLA Dissertation Award of INFORMS' Section on Location Analysis. My publication list contains 13 manuscripts printed in journals or as book chapters and 3 accepted manuscripts.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Tóth B., J. Fernández, és Csendes T. Empirical convergence speed of inclusion functions for facility location problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 199(2), 384--389, 2007.

  2. J. Fernández, B. Pelegrín, F. Plastria és Tóth B. Solving a Huff-like competitive location and design model for profit maximization in the plane, European Journal of Operational Research, 179(3), 1274--1287, 2007.

  3. J. Fernández, F. Plastria, B. Pelegrín és Tóth B. Planar location and design of a new facility with inner and outer competition: an interval lexicographical-like solution procedure. Network and Spatial Economics, 7(1), 19--44, 2007.

  4. Tóth B. és L.G. Casado. Multi-dimensional pruning from the Baumann point in an Interval Global Optimization Algorithm, Journal of Global Optimization, 38, 215--236, 2007.

  5. J. Fernández és Tóth B. Obtaining an outer approximation of the efficient set of nonlinear biobjective problems. Journal of Global Optimization, 38(2), 315--331, 2007.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Visiting research positions: In 2001 one month at the Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany) with DAAD Fellowship. In 2002 five months at the University of Almería (Spain) with Erasmus/Socrates and OM Fellowship. In 2003 four months at the University of Vienna (Austria) as a research assistant. From 2003 until 2007 at the University of Murcia with the FPI doctoral fellowship of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain.

Member of the organizing committee of 3 past conferences.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1947

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2314, jtoth@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Analysis

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 1998–2001

Széchenyi István Scholarship, 2002–2005
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

ELTE, SOTE, BME, from 1973

7. Results and experience:

Awards: Farkas Gyula-prize, 1988

Prizes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (with coauthor), 1984 (Ecology), 1985 (Reaction kinetics)
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Gaveau, B.; Martinás, K.; Moreau, M.; Tóth, J.: Entropy, extropy and information potential in stochastic systems far from equilibrium, Physica A (Statistical Mechanics and its Applications) 305A (3-4) (2002), 445-466.

  2. Halmschlager, A.; Szenthe, L.; Tóth, J.: Invariants of kinetic differential equations, Electronic Journal of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 14 (2004), 1-14.

  3. Kovács, B.; Tóth, J.: Estimating reaction rate constants with neural networks, Enformatika. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences 4 (2) (2007), 515-519.

  4. Kovács, K.; Vizvári, B.; Riedel, M.; Tóth, J.: Decomposition of the permanganate/oxalic acid overall reaction to elementary steps based on integer programming theory, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 6 (2004), 1236-1242.

  5. Rózsa, Z.; Tóth, J.: Exact linear lumping in abstract spaces, Electronic Journal of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 21 (2004), 1-20.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

HAS Committee for Computer Science and System Theory

HAS Committee for Chemical Engineering Science

HAS Committee for Reaction Kinetics and Photochemistry


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1949

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-1101, vetier@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1983

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

33 year teaching experience, teaching practically all mathematics subjects taught at technical universities, mainly probability theory and related topics (statistics, stochastic processes, simulations)

7. Results and experience:

Statistical Physics, Ergodic Theory

Billiard in Potential Field (thesis, l983)

Results published in 6 papers and on conferences.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. „Interaktív szimulációs környezet a valószínűségszámítás egyetemi okatásához”, Multimédia az Oktatásban, Budapest, 2005;

  2. „Számítógépes szimulációk a valószínűség-számítás tanításában”, Felsőoktatási Matematika-, Fizika- és Számítástudományi Oktatók XXXI. Konferenciája, Dunaújváros, 2007

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Warszawa (1989);

  2. "Sinai-billiard in potential field (Construction of stable and unstable fibers)"; Proc. of Coll. on Limit Theorems, Ed. P. Révész (1984);

  3. "Sinai-billiard in potential field (Absolute continuity)"; Proc. of 3rd Pannonian Symp. on Math. Stat., Eds. J. Mogyoródy, I. Vincze, W. Wertz (1982);

  4. "Sinai-billiard in potential field (Ergodic components)"; Banach Center Publ., Vol. 23, "Valószínüségszámítás", egyetemi jegyzet, Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest (1981);

  5. "Szemléletes mérték- és valószínüségelmélet", egyetemi tankönyv, Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest (1991)

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Secretary of Higher Education Committee for many years.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1953

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2094, wettl@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Algebra

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1996: On homogeneous configurations of finite geometries

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 1998-2001

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

I teach at BME since 1978. I gave lectures on engineering courses in all engineering mathematics subjects (Mathematics B1–B4, A1–A3), and different topics on courses for mathematics students in connection with algebra, combinatorics and computer science (Number Theory, Symmetric Structures, Finite Fields, Computer Algebra, Cryptography, Informatics 1, Programming 1).

7. Results and experience:

My area of research is combinatorics and computer science. I've published 15 papers and as a coauthor 5 university books.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Gyöngyi Bujdosó and Ferenc Wettl. On the localization of TeX in Hungary. TUGBoat 23(1):21--26, 2002.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Endre Boros, Tamás Szőnyi, and Ferenc Wettl. Sperner extension of affine spaces. Geom. Dedicata, 22(2):163-172, 1987.

  2. Ferenc Wettl. On the nuclei of a pointset of a finite projective plane. J. of Geom., 30(2):157-163, 1987.

  3. Ferenc Wettl. Internal nuclei of k-sets in finite projective spaces of three dimensions. In Advences in Finite Geometries and Designs, pages 407-419. Oxford Science Publ., Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1991.

  4. Albrecht Beutelspacher and Ferenc Wettl. On 2-level secret sharing. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 3:127-134, 1993.

  5. Ferenc Wettl. Nuclei in finite non-desarguesian projective planes. In F. de Clerck et al., editor, Finite Geometry and Combinatorics, pages 405-412. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

I am the head of Periodica Polytechnica, the university publisher of 7 scientific periodicals of BME.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1973

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-3162, wiener@cs.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Computer Science and Information Theory

Position held at BME: assistant professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenure track
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in informatics

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Department of Computer Science and Information Theory, Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Introduction to Computer Science I., II., System Optimization, Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Theory of Algorithms

Department of Computer Science, ELTE: Computer Science, Search Theory and Communication Complexity
7. Results and experience:

Fields of interest: Combinatorics, Search Theory, graphs, hypergraphs, approximation algorithms

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. G. Wiener: The Recognition Problem in Combinatorial Search, in: I. Csiszár, G. O.H. Katona, G. Tardos (eds.): Entropy, Search, Complexity, Bolyai Mathematical Studies, Springer, 2007, pp. 233-264.

  2. G. Wiener: Search for a majority element, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 100 (2002), pp. 313-318.

  3. G. Wiener: Recognition Problems and Communication Complexity, Discrete Applied Mathematics 137 (2004), pp. 109-123.

  4. G. Wiener: Edge Multiplicity and Other Trace Functions, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29, 2007, pp. 491-495.

  5. G. Salamon and G. Wiener: On Finding Spanning Trees with Few Leaves, Information Processing Letters, to appear

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Part-time faculty members:

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1958

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 279-6164, Gabor.Ivanyos@sztaki.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Algebra

Position held at BME: sessional lecturer

Type of employment (BME): part time

Other employer: MTA SZTAKI

Position: senior research fellow
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1997: Algorithms for algebras over global fields

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

I teach at BME since 1992. Earlier I gave exercises and, in one semester, lectures on algorithms at the School of Electrical Engineering, for informatics majors. Since 2002 I gave lectures to students of mathematics at the School of Natural Sciences on various subjects belonging to algebra, its applications and related areas.

7. Results and experience:

My area of research is computer science and algebra. I have published 23 research papers so far.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Hidden translation and orbit coset in quantum computing, Proc. 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC'03), ACM Press 2003, 1-9. (Társszerzők: Friedl Katalin, Frédéric Magniez, Miklos Santha és Pranab Sen.)

  2. Efficient testing of groups, Proc. 37th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC'05), ACM Press 2005, 157-166. (Társszerzők: Friedl Katalin és Miklos Santha.)

  3. Quantum computing on lattices using global two-qubit gates, Physical Review A, Vol. 72, 022339 (9 oldal), 2005. (Társszerzők: Serge Massar és Nagy B. Attila.)

  4. Deciding universality of quantum gates, Journal of Algebra 310, 49-56, 2007.

  5. Root shadow spaces, European Journal of Combinatorics 28, 1419-1441, 2007. (Társszerző: Arjeh M. Cohen.)

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

From 2002 till 2005 I served as a member of the Mathemical Jury of the Hungarian Research Fund.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1950

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2324, ajarai@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Analysis

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): part time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

Dr. habil, 1996

CSc in mathematics, 1990
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc (matematika DSc (matematika), 2001

5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Undergraduate and graduate courses in calculus, measure theory, complex function theory, integral transforms, functional analisys, probability theory, orthogonal series, differential equations, harmonical analisys, topological groups, Haar measrue and applications, functional equations, topology, compilers, prime tests, fractals and number systems, factorization, computational number zheory, discrete mathematics, RISC processors.

7. Results and experience:

Fields of interest: Functional equations, measure theory, system programing, computational number theory and computer algebra, generalized number systems.

Results: 4 theses, 3 book, 7 lecture notes, over 60 papers, over 40 conference talks, over 40 software copyright, over 20 program plans and technical reports.

Awards: „Pro Universitate”, Kossuth Lajos University Debrecen, 1974. „Grünwald Géza award”, Bolyai Mathematical Society, 1979, Ministry award of the Ministry of Culture, 1990. Award „For outstading contribution to the conference”, International Symposium on Functional Equations, 1994. Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2000.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Járai Antal, Regularity properties of functional equations on manifolds, Aequationes Math. 64 (2003), 236-266.

  2. Járai Antal, Wolfgang Sander, On the characterization of Weierstrass’s sigma function, in: Functional Equations – Results and Advances, Kluwer, 2002, 29-79.

  3. Járai Antal, Mérték és Integrál, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2002, 198 p.

  4. Járai Antal, Measurability implies continuity for solutions of functional equations – even with few variables, Aequationes Math. 65 (2003), 236-266.

  5. Járai Antal, Regularity properties of functional equations in several variables, Springer, 2005, 363 p.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

President of the Hungarian TEX Society.

Member of the editorial board of Publ. Math. Debrecen, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest Sectio Computatiorica, and of Alk. Mat. Lapok.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1954

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 483-8349, kroo@renyi.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Analysis

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): part time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics

5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Central Michigan University, 1983-1984, visiting professor

Texas A@M University, 1985-1986, visiting professor

University of South Florida, 1986 Fall, visiting professor

Old Dominion University, 1988-1990, visiting professor

Kent State University, 1994-1997, visiting professor

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, professor

Budapest Semesters in Mathematics 1997-2006

Vanderbilt University, visiting professor, 2002. Fall, 2004 and 2005 Spring

Emory University, visiting professor , 2003. Spring

Central European University, 2004-

Sam Houston State University, 2006-2007, visiting professor

7. Results and experience:

See 6. and 8

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Kroó, Markov-type inequalities for surface gradients of multivariate polynomials, J. Approx. Th. 118(2002), 235-245.

  2. Kroó, A note on density of extremal sets in multivariate Chebyshev approximation, J. Approx. Th. 119(2002), 127-131.

  3. T. Erdélyi, A. Kroó, Markov-type inequalities on certain irrational arcs and domains, J. Approx. Th. 130(2004), 113-124.

  4. Kroó, E. B. Saff, Jackson-type theorems on some transcendental curves in Rn, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 301(2005), 255-264.

  5. Kroó, E. B. Saff, M. Yattselev, A Remez-type theorem for Homogeneous Polynomials, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 73 (2006), 783-796.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Member of the International Comity of the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society (1980-1989)

Member of the OTKA Mathematical Comity (1992-95),

Member of Editorial Boards of International Periodicals:

Journal of Approximation Theory

East Journal on Approximation, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1973

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2324, matolcsi@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Analysis

Position held at BME: assistant professor

Type of employment (BME): part time

Other employer: Alfred Renyi Inst. of Mathematics

Position: associate researcher
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in mathematics, 2003

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Calculus 1, lecture, tutorial

Calculus 2, tutorial

Functional analysis, lecture, tutorial

Mathematics A2, tutorial

Teaching at BME since 1999

7. Results and experience:

Two of my students received 1st prize at the TDK competition at BME.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. M. Matolcsi: On the relation of closed forms and Trotter’s product formula, J. Funct. Anal., 205/2(2003), 401-413.

  2. M. Matolcsi: Fuglede’s conjecture fails in dimension 4, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), no.10, 3021-3026.

  3. M. N. Kolountzakis, M. Matolcsi: Tiles with no spectra, Forum Math., 18 (2006), 519-528.

  4. B. Nagy, M. Matolcsi: Minimal positive realizations of transfer functions with nonnegative multiple poles, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50, Issue 9, Sept. 2005, 1447 – 1450.

  5. B. Farkas, M. Matolcsi, P. Móra: On Fuglede’s conjecture and the existence of universal spectra, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., Volume 12, Number 5 (2006), 483-494.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Refereeing for international journals, reviewing for Mathscinet, giving talks at international conferences, seminars, short visits and joint work with M. Kolountzakis, P. Jaming.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1974

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: biology-chemistry teacher, mathematics teacher

Phone, email: 483-8300, miklosi@ramet.elte.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: sessional lecturer

Type of employment (BME): part time

Other employer: MTA, Rényi Institute

Position: young researcher
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in theoretical biology and ecology, 2002

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Bekesy postdoctoral scholarship, 2004-2006

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Algorithms in bioinformatics (in Hungarian)

Stochastic models in bioinformatics (in Hungarian) (in English)

Monte Carlo methods in biostatistics (in Hungarian)

The bioinformatics of RNA sequences (in Hungarian)

Statistics for MSc in biology students (in Hungarian)

Bioinformatics and Genomics in medical research (in Hungarian)
7. Results and experience:

One summer student, five graduated MSc students, one graduated PhD student. Three peer-reviewed published paper with students, three more submitted manuscripts. Two of my graduated students are now PhD students in Oxford, a third one will start in 2008 autumn.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Lunter G.A., Miklós, I. , Song, Y.S. & Hein, J. (2003) An efficient algorithm for statistical multiple alignment on arbitrary phylogenetic trees J. Comp. Biol. 10(6):869-889.

  2. Miklós, I. (2004) Bioinformatikai algoritmusok(Algorithms in bioinformatics, in Hungarian) In: Informatikai algoritmusok (Algorithms of Computer Science), (ed.: Antal Iványi), Eötvös Kiadó Budapest. pp. 538-579.

  3. Miklós, I. (2007) Statistical multiple alignment chapter in Encyclopedia of Algorithms, Springer Verlag, in press.

  4. Miklós, I. &Meyer, I.M. (2005) A linear memory algorithm for Baum-Welch training. BMC Bioinformatics 6:231.

  5. Miklós, I., Meyer, I.M. & Nagy, B. (2005) Moments of the Boltzmann distribution for RNA secondary structures Bul. Math. Biol., 67(5):1031-1047.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Lunter, G.A., Miklós, I., Drummond, A., Jensen, J.L., & Hein, J. (2005) Bayesian Coestimation of Phylogeny and Sequence Alignment BMC Bioinformatics, 6:83.

  2. Meyer, I.M. & Miklós, I. (2004) Co-transcriptional folding is encoded within RNA genes. BMC Molecular Biology, 5:10

  3. Miklós, I., Lunter, G. A. & Holmes, I. (2004) A 'long indel' model for evolutionary sequence alignment. Mol. Biol. Evol., 21(3):529-540.

  4. Miklós, I. & Podani, J. (2004) Randomization of presence/absence matrices: comments and new algorithms Ecology, 85:86-92.

  5. Miklós, I. (2003) MCMC Genome Rearrangement Bioinformatics, special issue for ECCB2003 19(Suppl.2):ii130-ii137.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

I am the sccretary general of the Hungarian Society for Bioinformatics. International connections with the university of Oxford and University of British Columbia.


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1953

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-3175, petz@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Analysis

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): part time, tenured

Other employer: Alfred Renyi Inst. of Mathematics

Position: research professor

3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1982: Reduction Theory of Operator Algebras

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics, 1989: Stochastical Aspects of Operator Algebras

5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 1997-2001

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Undergraduate courses on ordinary diferential equations, introductory probability, functional analysis, mesure theory; graduate courses on mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics and operator algebras. Ph. D. students in mathematical physics, random matrices and free probability. Ph.D. courses in mathematical physics, free probability and quantum information theory.

7. Results and experience:

1998: Farkas Bolyai Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1997: Canon Fellow at the Science University of Tokyo (Japan)

1988: Prize for Young Scientists awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1985-86: Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship

1982: Geza Grunwald Memorial Prize awarded by the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society of Hungary

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. D. Petz, Quantum source coding and data compression, to be published in the proceedings of  Conference on Search and Communication Complexity, Bolyai Studies.

  2. F. Hiai, D. Petz and Y. Ueda, Free transportation cost inequalities via random matrix approximation,  to be published in Prob. Theory Rel. Fields

  3. D. Petz and J. Réffy, Large deviation theorem for empirical eigenvalue density of truncated Haar unitary matrices,  to be published

  4. M. Mosonyi and D. Petz, Structure of sufficient quantum coarse-grainings, to be published in Lett. Math. Phys., 

  5. Á. Császár and D. Petz, A panorama of the Hungarian real and functional analysis in the 20th century,  to be published

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Editor of Open Systems Information Dynamics

Editor of Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics

Editor of Studia Mathematica Hungarica

Associate editor of Periodica Mathematica Hungarica

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1946

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2140, simonov@econ.core.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Differential Equations

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): part time, tenured

Other employer: Alfred Renyi Inst. of Mathematics

Position: research professor

3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

PhD in mathematics, 1976

CSc in economics, 1982
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in economics, 1991

Dr. habil,2001
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Various US universities (1984, 1987), Budapest University of Economics (1987-1999), BUT (1999-), CEU (1997-)

7. Results and experience:

See 6, 8 and 9.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Simonovits, A.: Modeling Pension Systems, Oxford, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

  2. Simonovits, A.: "Designing Optimal Linear Rules for Flexible Retirement", Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2 (2003) 273–293.

  3. Simonovits, A.: "Optimal Design of Old-Age Pension Rule with Flexible Retirement: The Two-Type Case", Journal of Economics, 89 (2006) 197–222.

  4. Simonovits, A.: "Can Population Aging Imply a Smaller Welfare State?" European Journal of Political Economy, 23 (2007) 534–541.

  5. Simonovits, A.: "Social Security Reform in the US: Lessons from Hungary", Acta Oeconomica, 57 (2007)

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Simonovits, A.: "A Note on the Underestimation and Overestimation of the Leontief Inverse", Econometrica 43 (1975) 493–498.

  2. Simonovits, A.: "Buffer Stocks and Naive Expectations in a Non-Walrasian Dynamic Macrodynamic Model: Stability, Cyclicity and Chaos", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 84 (1982) 571–581.

  3. Molnár, Gy.–Simonovits, A.: "Expectations, (In)stability and (In)viability in Realistic Overlapping Cohorts Models", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 23 (1998) 303–332.

  4. Simonovits, A.: "The New Hungarian Pension System and its Problems", Transformation of Social Security: Pensions in Central-Eastern Europe, (eds: Müller, K., Ryll, A. and Wagener, H-J.) Heidelberg, Physica, 1999, 211–230.

  5. Simonovits, A.: Mathematical Methods in Dynamic Economics, Oxford, Macmillan, 2000.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Member of various scientific societies, member of the editorial board of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics


1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1963

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: electric engineer

Phone, email: 483-8300, simonyi@renyi.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Computer Science and Information Theory

Position held at BME: associate professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1991

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Courses taught at BME since 1991: analysis, introduction to the theory of computing, combinatorics and graph theory, theory of algorithms, information theory, combinatorics of set systems and hypergraphs, graphs and information theory, graphs and hypergraphs.

7. Results and experience:

Fields of interest:

combinatorics, graph theory, information theory.


Bolyai Farkas Award, 1998

Grünwald Géza Award, 1982

Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship, 1985-86
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. J. Körner, C. Pilotto, G. Simonyi, Local chromatic number and Spernercapacity, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 95 (2005), 101--117.

  2. G. Simonyi, G. Tardos, Local chromatic number, Ky Fan's theorem, andcircular colorings, Combinatorica, 26 (2006), 587--626.

  3. G. Simonyi, Asymptotic values of the Hall-ratio for graph powers, Discrete Math., 306 (2006), 2593--2601.

  4. G. Simonyi, G. Tardos, Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs, European J. Combin., 28 (2007), 2188-2200.

  5. J. Körner, C. Malvenuto, G. Simonyi, Graph-different permutations, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 22 (2008), 489-499.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. G. Simonyi: On write-unidirectional memory codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. IT-35, No. 3 (May 1989), 663--669.

  2. I. Csiszár, J. Körner, L. Lovász, K. Marton, G. Simonyi: Entropy splitting for antiblocking corners and perfect graphs, Combinatorica, 10 (1) (1990), 27--40.

  3. J. Körner, G. Simonyi: A Sperner-type theorem and qualitative independence, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, Vol. 59, No. 1, (Jan. 1992), 90--103.

  4. A. Sali, G. Simonyi: Orientations of self-complementary graphs and the relation of Sperner and Shannon capacities, European J. Combin., 20 (1999), 93--99.

  5. G. Simonyi: Perfect Graphs and Graph Entropy. An Updated Survey, Chapter 13 in: Perfect Graphs (Jorge Ramírez-Alfonsín, Bruce Reed eds.), John Wiley and Sons, 2001, 293--328.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Postdoc fellow at the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science in New Jersey,

guest researcher at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications in France.

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