10. Tudományos, szakmai közéleti tevékenység, nemzetközi kapcsolatok;
Az 1992-93 tanévben DIMACS posztdoktori ösztöndíjas voltam az Egyesült Államokban, a New Jersey állambeli DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) Kutatóközpontban. 1986-ban két hónapot, majd 1987-88-ban hat hónapot töltöttem Párizsban az Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications Informatika Tanszékén.
Az angol nyelvű CV-k listája
List of CV-s in English starts
Program coordinator: Bálint Tóth
1. Personal data:
Birth date: 1955
Highest school degree: university diploma
Speciality: physicist
Phone, email: 463-1101, balint@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Stochastics
Position held at BME: full professor, head of department
Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
CSc (mathematics) 1988
PhD (mathematics) 1998
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
DSc (mathematics) 1999
Dr Habil (BME) 1998
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 1999-2002
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1989-1991
Applied mathematics 1 (mechanics)
Applied mathematics 2 (partial differential equations)
College International, Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program, 1992-1998
Probability theory
Functional analysis
ELTE (Budapest), External Department of Mathematical Physics, 1993-1998
Mathematical methods of statistical physics
Percolation theory
The quantum Heisenberg and Hubbard models
Topics in random walks
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1998-2008
Probability theory 1,2
Stochastic processes
Markov chains
Limit theorems of probability theory
Mathematical methods of statistical physics
Percolation theory
Selected topics from modern probability theory
7. Results and experience:
Research: I am active in main stream research in modern probability theory. I have published so far cca 40 research papers mostly in leading international journals. I have been invited as invited or plenary speaker to numerous highly ranked international conferences. I have acted as member of editorial board for the Annals of Probability (2001-2005) and Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (2003-….). For more details consult my CV at the web page http://www.math.bme.hu/~balint
PhD students: Two of my graduated PhD students are already active members of the international scientific community. Three more are ont he way to become so.
University teaching: For cca ten years I have supervised the mathematics program of BME. I have founded and coordinated the specialization in stochastics, which is a major success. Students graduating from our Institute with this specialization get best job offers or contiunue their academiccareer as PhD students.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
Thomas M. Liggett, Jeffery E. Steif and Bálint Tóth: Statistical mechanical systems on complete graphs, infinite exchangeability, finite extensions and a discrete moment problem. The Annals of Probability 35 (2007) 867-914
Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó: Perturbation of singular equilibria of hyperbolic two-component systems: a universal hydrodynamic limit. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 256 (2005) pp. 111-157
József Fritz and Bálint Tóth: Derivation of the Leroux system as the hydrodynamic limit of a two-component latice gas. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 249 (2004) pp. 1-27
Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó: Onsager relations and Eulerian hydrodynamic limit for systems with several conservation laws. Journal of Statistical Physics, 112 (2003) pp. 497-521
Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó: Between equilibrium fluctuations and Eulerian scaling: Perturbation of equilibrium for a class of deposition models.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 109 (2002) pp. 177-205
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
Domokos Szász and Bálint Tóth: Bounds on the limiting variance of the ``heavy particle'' in R^1. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 104 (1986) 445-457
Domokos Szász and Bálint Tóth: Towards a unified dynamical theory of the Brownian particle in an ideal gas. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 111 (1987) 41-62
Bálint Tóth: `True' self-avoiding walk with bond repulsion on Z: limit theorems. The Annals of Probability, 23 (1995) 1523-1556
Bálint Tóth: Generalized Ray-Knight theory and limit theorems for self-interacting random walks. The Annals of Probability, 24 (1996) 1324-1367
Bálint Tóth and Wendelin Werner: The true self-repelling motion. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 111 (1998) 375-452
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:
I cooperate with mathematicians from various countries (e.g. France, The Netherlands, Sweden, USA, etc) Find the list of my coauthors on my homepage. .
I have organized eight successful international conferences int he past and I plan to organize more int he future.
I took part in the work of scientific organizing committees of numerous international conferences and congresses. Between 2002-2007 I was the Hungarian member of the international steering committee of the Random Dynamics of Spactially Extended Systems (RDSES) project of the European Science Foundation.
I worked on the editorial board for the following international journals: The Annals of Probability (2000-2005); Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré – Probabilités et Statistiques (2003-.....); Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (1997-....., 1999-2000 editor in chief)
Full-time faculty members:
1. Personal data:
Birth date: 1976
Highest school degree: university diploma
Speciality: physicist, physics teacher
Phone, email: 463-1111, balazs@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Stochastics
MTA-BME Stochastics Research Group
Position held at BME: assistant professor, researcher
Type of employment (BME): full time, tenure track
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
PhD in mathematics, 2003 : Coupling methods in stochastic deposition models
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
Bolyai János Award, 2006
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)
Since 1999 I have taught several engineering mathematics classes, and an exercise class of introductory probability for physicist students in the BUTE. From 2003 to 2006 I have taught a large calculus, an introductory differential equations and linear algebra, combinatorics, probability and stochastic processes lecture in the US, then I have taught physicist analysis and differential equation courses and a calculus class in English back in the BUTE.
7. Results and experience:
I have conducted research in the area of interacting particle systems since 1999. I published my results, part of them with coauthors, in leading journals of the field (Journal of Statistical Physics, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Communications in Mathematical Physics, The Annals of Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability), and also presented results in prestigious international conferences. I was awarded personal research grants of the National Science Foundation of the US, and of OTKA. I also published popularizing articles in Urban Traffic and Mathematical and Physical Journal for Secondary Schools.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
Exact connections between current fluctuations and the second class particle in a class of deposition models, (with Timo Seppäläinen), Journal of Statistical Physics, pp. 431-455, Volume 127, Number 2, (2007)
Cube root fluctuations for the corner growth model associated to the exclusion process (with Eric Cator-ral and Timo Seppäläinen), Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 11 (2006), 1094-1132.
The random average process and random walk in a space-time random environment in one dimension (with Firas Rassoul-Agha-val and Timo Seppäläinen), Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 266, Number 2, (2006), 499-545.
Multiple shocks in bricklayers' model, Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 117, Issue 1-2, (2004), 77-98.
Growth fluctuations in a class of deposition models, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Volume 39, Issue 4 (2003), 639-685.
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:
1. Personal data:
Birth date: 1974
Highest school degree: university diploma
Speciality: physicist
Phone, email: 463-1499, pet@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Differential Equations
Position held at BME: assistant professor
Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
Ph.D. in mathematics, 2003: Some Geometric Aspects of Multi-dimensional Hyperbolic Billiards
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
János Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2005–2008
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)
BSc courses at the Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, regularly since fall semester 1998, 2–5 courses / semester:
Lecturing: Calculus (Mathematics B1) and Probability (Mathematics B4, Statistics 1) for engineering and economics majors,
Tutorials: Calculus (Mathematics B1, A1); Linear algebra and Multivariable Calculus (Mathematics B2, A2); Differential equations (Mathematics B3) and Probability (Mathematics B4) for engineering, economics and physics majors
Calculus 1 BSc course at New York University, fall semester 2006
Course on Advanced topics in Dynamical systems for MSc. and PhD. students, Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, jointly with Domokos Szász, fall semester 2007
Reading course on Ergodic theory for PhD students, Central European University, Budapest, spring and fall semesters 2005
7. Results and experience:
See 6 and 8.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
(Nikolai Chernov-val, Szász Domokossal és Tóth Imre Péterrel közösen) Multi-dimensional semi-dispersing billiards:singularities and the fundamental theorem, Annales Henri Poincaré 3 (2002), 451-482
(Nikolai Chernov-val, Szász Domokossal és Tóth Imre Péterrel közösen) Geometry of multi-dimensional dispersing billiards, Astérisque, 286 (2003) 119-150
(Tóth Imre Péterrel közösen) Correlation decay in certain soft billiards, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 243 (2003) 55-91
(Tóth Imre Péterrel közösen) Hyperbolicity in multi-dimensional Hamiltonian sytems with applications to soft billiards, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 15 (2006) 37-59
(Sébastien Gouezel-lel közösen) Limit theorems in the stadium billiard, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 263 (2006) 461-512
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:
Lectures at international conferences, seminars and colloquia
International collaborations.
1. Personal data:
Birth date: 1949
Highest school degree: university diploma
Speciality: mathematician
Phone, email: 463-1101, belab@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Stochastics
Position held at BME: associate professor
Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
PhD. in mathematics 1997
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)
I teach at BME since 1977. I taught every mathematical course at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Architecture. Lately I gave lectures to students of mathematics at the School of Natural Sciences on insurance mathematics and extreme value theory, too.
I taught Mathematics at the Spokane Falls Community College, Washington, USA thru 2 and half year.
I work in the education for 33 years.
7. Results and experience:
See 6 and 8.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
B. Barabás, Kovács Sándor és Reimann József: Növekednek-e az árvizek?, Szolnoki Műhely: Szemelvények a Vásárhelyi terv továbbfejlesztését megalapozó tanulmányokból. Szolnok, 2003.
B. Barabás, L. Barabás, J. Tögye, Dr. S. Faragó, Non-parametric trend analysis of migrating waterfowl, IUGB 2005 – XXVII Congress of the International union of Game Biologists
Bela Barabas, Luciano Caglioti, Claudia Zucchi, Marco Maioli, Emese Gal, Karoly Micskei, Gyula Palyi: Violation of Distribution Symmetry in Statistical Evaluation of Absolute Enantioselective Synthesis ,The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2007
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:
Hungarian Actuary Society
1. Personal data:
Birth date: 1955
Highest school degree: university diploma
Speciality: mathematician
Phone, email: 463-1101, marib@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Stochastics
Position held at BME: associate professor
Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
CSc, 1993
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)
1992- : assistant prof., 2000-: associate prof., Budapest Univ. Of Technology and Economics. Subjects: Calculus, Probability Theory for engineering students in Hungarian and in English.
Mathematical Statistics and Multivariate Statistics for math. students.
Applied Statistics and Statistical Methods of Data Mining for PhD Students.
1995-1996: teaching Calculus at the Spokane Falls Community College, WA, USA.
2007: teaching Statistics and Multivariate Statistical Analysis for PhD students at the Central European University, Budapest
7. Results and experience:
Finding relation between spectral and classification properties of multigraphs. Randomized algorithms for noisy matrices. Applying statistical methods in biology and sociology.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
Bolla, M., Distribution of the eigenvalues of random block-matrices, Lin. Alg. Appl. 377 (2004), 219-240.
Bolla, M., Molnár-Sáska, G., Optimization problems for weighted graphs and related correlation estimates, Discrete Math. 282 (2004), 23-33.
Bolla, M., Recognizing linear structure in noisy matrices, Lin. Alg. Appl. 402 (2005), 228-244.
Bolla, M., Krámli, A., Statisztikai következtetések elmélete, Typotex, Budapest, 2005.
Bolla, M., Noisy random graphs and their Laplacians, Discrete Math., in press.
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
Bolla, M., Spectra, euclidean representations and clustering of hypergraphs, Discrete Math. 117 (1993), 19-39.
Bolla, M., Tusnády, G., Spectra and optimal partitions of weighted graphs, Discrete Math. 128 (1994), 1-20.
Bolla, M., Michaletzky, Gy., Tusnády, G., Ziermann, M., Extrema of sums of heterogeneous Quadratic forms, Lin. Alg. Appl. 269 (1998), 331-365.
Bolla, M., Recognizing linear structure in noisy matrices, Lin. Alg. Appl. 402 (2005), 228-244.
Bolla, M., Distribution of the eigenvalues of random block-matrices, Lin. Alg. Appl. 377 (2004), 219-240.
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:
Managing editor of Schweitzer Competitions 1962-1991, Springer 1996 (Series ed.: Paul R. Halmos, ed.: Gábor J. Székely), ISBN 0-387-94588-1
Referee of the AMS journal STMA
1. Personal data:
Birth date: 1947
Highest school degree: university diploma
Speciality: mathematician
Phone, email: 463-2094, ferenczi@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Algebra
Position held at BME: associate professor
Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
CSc (mathematics), 1988
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship 2000-2004
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)
I teach at BME since 1971. I gave lectures on Calculus, Probability theory, Linear algebra and Mathematical Logic at the Faculty of Electrical and Software Engineering. Lately I gave lectures on Mathematical logic and Set theory to students of mathematics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
7. Results and experience:
My area of research is Algebraic logic, Non-classical logics and Probabilities on algebraic structures. I've published 21 research papers so far.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
Matematikai Logika, Műszaki kiadó, 2002, 350 old,
Probabilities on first order models, Publications de l’Institut Mathematique, 78, 92, 2005, 107-115
On some developments in the representation theory of cylindric-like algebras, Algebra Universalis, 55, 2-3, 2006, 345-353, with Sági G.
On representability of neatly embeddable cylindric algebras, Logic Journal of IGPL, 15, 2, 2007, 183-197
Finitary polyadic algebras from cylindric algebras, Studia Logica, 1, 87, 2007
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
Measures and Measurable Functions on Cylindric Algebras, Candidate Theses, 1986
On homomorphisms between relation algebras, Algebra Universalis, 24, 474-479, 1990
On diagonals in representable cylindric algebras, Algebra Universalis, 41, 187-199, 1999
On representability of neatly embeddable cylindric algebras, Journal of Applied Non-classical logic, 3-4, 2000, 300-315
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:
I organized some international conferences on algebraic logic in Budapest in 1988, 1994, 2002, 2005.
I am on the editorial board of Journal of Applied Logic (Elsevier).
I took part in the International project TARSKI (COST) 2001-2005.
1. Personal data:
Birth date: 1959
Highest school degree: university diploma
Speciality: mathematician
Phone, email: 463-3156, friedl@cs.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Computer Science and Information Theory
Position held at BME: associate professor
Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);
PhD in mathematics, 1994, Decomposition of matrix groups and algebras
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught):
On Budapest University of Technology and Economics, starting from 1993, various classes on discrete mathematics, theory of algorithm, formal languages for students in electrical engineering, informatics, and mathematics; for interested students training sessions for international programming contests.
On Eötvös Loránd University various classes on algorithms and complexity theory for students in mathematics and applied mathemateics. From 1995 one of the leader of the Complexity Seminar. Between 2000 and 2005 leader of the mathematics seminar of the Bolyai College of Eötvös Loránd University
7. Results and experience:
Research area: Combinatorial and algebraic algorithms, quantum computing, complexity theory
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:
K. Friedl, L. Rónyai: Order shattering and Wilson's theorem, Discrete Mathematics 270 (2003), 126--135.
G. Hegedűs, K. Friedl, L. Rónyai: Gröbner bases for complete l-wide families, Publ. Math Debrecen 70(2007), pp. 271--290.
K. Friedl, G. Ivanyos, F. Magniez, M. Santha, P. Sen: Hidden translation and orbit coset in quantum computing, 35th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), San Diego, 2003, pp. 1-9.
K. Friedl, G. Ivanyos, M. Santha: Efficient testing of groups, 37th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), Baltimore, 2005, pp. 157166.
K. Friedl, G. Ivanyos, M. Santha, Y. Verhoeven: On the black-box complexity of Sperner's Lemma, 15th International Symp. on Foundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2005, Spinger LNCS vol. 3623, pp. 245—257.
9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
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