Mrs. J. M. W. Kitchen of East Orange, N.J., born
Missouri, Jan. 29, 1975. Husband of Elsie Rodman
Kitchen, father of Beverly K. Almond of Bloomfield,
N.J., Myra K. Prindle, Redding, Conn., Hope K. Ayer,
Cabool. Nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Journalism. Advertising executive, Doyle, Kitchen and
McCormick, N.Y.C. Since 1934, full time with Oxford
Group and Moral Re-Armament. Author of the book,
Route 2, Cabool, Mo., 3 P.M., Saturday, Feb. 1.
Eventual interment, Gilmantown, N.H. In lieu of
3103 No. Campbell Ave., Tucson, Ariz. 85719.
from Glenn C., on "V. C. Kitchen and the Oxford Group"
Oxford Group books, V. C. Kitchen's "I Was a Pagan,"
for a book which I am writing .... If any members
additional information about V. C. Kitchen's life,
From: Doug B. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/10/2006 9:19:00 PM
in the past were nothing like you suggested in your response.
for yourself.
Then again, I haven't been to one in ten years..maybe their
(dougb at
++++Message 3317. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Joe and Charlie tapes online
From: serenityodaat . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/12/2006 11:29:00 AM
Hiya Jim!
This is from the foreword to the second edition of
"Alcoholics Anonymous":
"While the internal difficulties of our adolescent
period were being ironed out, public acceptance of
A.A. grew by leaps and bounds. For this there were two
principal reasons: the large number of recoveries, and
reunited homes. These made their impressions
everywhere. Of alcoholics who came to A.A. and really
tried, 50% got sober at once and remained that way;
25% sobered up after some relapses, and among the
remainder, those who stayed on with A.A. showed
improvement. Other thousands came to a few A.A.
meetings and at first decided they didn’t want the
program. But great numbers of these - about two out of
three - began to return as time passed."
- page xix and xx
When I sum this text up I get a recovery rate of
approx. 90%. And this is A.A. in general. The
Cleveland area showed a 100% recovery rate for a long
period of time.
Kindest Regards from Sweden with Love!
Anders B
Recovered alcoholic by the Grace of God
Note from the moderator:
In this group (unlike an AA chat group, of which
there are many) we're trying to keep away from
just people giving their opinions on things, no
matter how heartfelt their convictions.
This message however centers on a question of fact.
Anders has cited a quotation from the foreword to
the Big Book, and that involves a matter of historical
fact. One can also come up with a number of other
statements from the early period saying things quite
similar to this.
The key question is, what does the above statement
actually mean, factually?
The crucial clause in the passage which Anders
quoted is one which people often overlook:
"Of alcoholics who came to A.A. and really tried."
Go back and read that quotation from the foreword
to the Big Book, and notice that phrase.
That quotation says that 50% of the people who
"really tried" got sober. But how many does it
write off as people who didn't "really try"?
There is one place where Bill W. says that 3 or 4
out of every 5 people who came to their AA meetings,
decided after just a few meetings that this program
was not for them, and disappeared.
If 80% of the people who came to a few meetings
(4 out of 5) disappeared after a short period of
time, because "they didn't really want to try,"
there were only 20% left after that point. If only
50% of these actually got sober, that was a success
rate of only 10%, if we calculate these figures the
way they are calculated in analyzing modern AA
Arthur S. and Tom E. have been going through all
the early data which they can find, and they have
come to the conclusion that early AA almost certainly
had a much better than 10% success rate. Bill
Wilson was probably being overly pessimistic when
he said that 3 or 4 out of every 5 people disappeared
after a few meetings. But we have a large number of
statements from the early period making it clear
that they were also most definitely not achieving
anything nearly approaching a 50% success rate, if
we count all parts of the U.S. and Canada, and
everybody who had some kind of brief contact with
How about modern AA in the U.S. and Canada? The
best analysis of that data that I have seen is the
one which was given in Message 2379, which I attack
to the bottom of this posting. Just like in early
AA, we have large numbers of people in the modern
period who come to a few meetings, but then disappear.
Nowadays, 53% of the people who come to a few AA
meetings do not make it through to the end of their
third month. But of those who do make it past the
three month mark, 56% of those will be able to make
it successfully through their first year.
The main thing is to quit comparing apples and
oranges. The early AA figures, as in the passage
which Anders quotes, regularly make the claim that
50% of those who "really tried" ending up being
able to stay sober the first time through the program.
That is quite correct. By comparison, the modern AA
figures show that 56% of those who start attending
AA meetings and make it past their first three months
-- these are the ones whom the old timers would say
"really tried" -- end up making it successfully to
the end of their first year.
To my reckoning, that is fundamentally the same
kind of basic success rate, both then and now, a
roughly 50% success rate back then among those
who "really tried," and a roughly 56% success rate
now among those who "really tried."
Glenn C., South Bend, Indiana
Message 2379
Date: Mon May 9, 2005 11:56 am
Subject: Success vs. Gloom-and-Doom
56% of those who stay three months are still
active in AA at the end of a year. That first
year is the hardest: the retention rates
dramatically improve for those who have earned
their one-year chip. The current U.S. population
(U.S. Census Bureau) is 296 million, with around
220 million over eighteen years of age. In the
data given below, the NIAAA estimates that roughly
8% of the U.S. population over age 18 abuse alcohol
(17.6 million out of 220 million), but that there
are only 7.9 million true alcoholics over eighteen
years of age in the U.S., which is 3.6% of the
population over eighteen years of age. With roughly
1 million AA members, that means that around 12 to
13% of these genuine alcoholics (about one out of
eight) is in AA at this point.]
There is a tendency of some observers to offer
a pessimistic view of A.A. today. This becomes the
basis for advocating return to the practices of
some time in the past. Often, they back this up
with a misreading of one particular graph in a
summary of the 1977 through 1989 Triennial Surveys.
"Percent of Those Coming to AA Within the First
Year Who Have Remained the Indicated Number of
Months." It graphed the "Month" and "Dist"
(distribution) columns here. Note the "Dist" column
adds up to 100. It is NOT a retention percentage.
For every 100 people surveyed with under a year,
13% were in their 2nd month and 9% were in their
4th month. The "New" column I added is scaled to
show retention. The "3mo" column tracks retention
after the usual introductary period when, presumably,
only "real alcoholics" (about half) will stay.
Month Dist . New . 3mo
1 ... 19 ... 100
2 ... 13 .... 68
3 ... 10 .... 53
4 .... 9 .... 47 . 100<=== Over 3 months
5 .... 8 .... 42 .. 89
6 .... 7 .... 42 .. 83
7 .... 7 .... 36 .. 77
8 .... 6 .... 34 .. 72
9 .... 6 .... 32 .. 68
10 ... 6 .... 30 .. 64
11 ... 6 .... 28 .. 60
12 ... 5 .... 26 .. 56
The Dist(1)=19 does NOT mean that "81% dropped
out in a month." Dist(3)=10 does NOT mean that
"90% leave within three months." And Dist(12)=5
does NOT mean that "95 abandon active participation
in AA inside of a year." What it does show is
that 56% of those who stay three months are still
active in A.A. at the end of a year. Other Survey
results show substantially better retention rates
after the first year. Here is a typical example of
misinterpretation of the table.
> "Those of us who have survived in A.A. for a
> good many years know for a certainty the dire
> failure statistics of today -- statistics reported
> by A.A.'s own service structure:
> 81% of new members drop out in a month;
> 90% leave within three months; and
> 95% abandon the active participation in AA inside
> of a year."
That's just not true. Another misreading of statistics
is to forget that not everyone who shows up at an
A.A. meeting is an alcoholic. And not everyone with
"a drinking problem" is an alcoholic (yet) either.
For example, in 2002 the National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism said that there were 9.7 million
"alcohol abusers" and 7.9 million "alcohol dependent
people" over age eighteen. There are clear definitions
for these two categories. Only the 7.9 million are
what A.A. calls "real alcoholics." These NIAAA numbers
are misquoted as:
> "And in America, there are less than a million
> AAs at any given time out of an estimated
> eighteen million alcoholics in all."
Eighteen million is the total of "real alcoholics" and
"a certain type of hard drinker." Further, most
alcoholics have never tried or even visited Alcoholics
Anonymous and have never made any serious attempt at
recovery through any other means. With that in mind,
one million sober American AAs is rather impressive.
It also shows the need to reach out and invite more
alcoholics to try Alcoholics Anonymous. Let's hope
the pessimistic message of gloom-and-doom doesn't scare
away and discourage the rest of those who need help.
often said that 50% of those (as they put it) "who
made a serious effort" in AA got sober the first
time they tried. Careful reading of the early
documents and interviews with old timers makes it
clear that they were not counting those who came to
a few meetings but then fizzled out when they gave
their 50% success rate. When early groups gave their
membership figures, they usually made a rough-and-ready
but clear distinction between the numbers of those
at their weekly meetings who were just coming to a
few meetings at that point and the numbers of those
who were much more committed members. So early
success rates were not actually all that much
different from the present success rate. AA is
still extraordinarily effective today, just as it
was in the old days, particularly when we remember
that alcoholism has always been the third leading
cause of death in the United States ever since the
1930's: a fifty percent remission rate for what is
frequently a fatal disease is medically impressive
by any standards.]
++++Message 3318. . . . . . . . . . . . The Exact Quote from Francis
Hartigan''s Book In Regard To Early AA''s Success
From: backtobasicsbillybob . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/12/2006 1:50:00 PM
"We have to wonder why both the Wilson's and the Smiths did not simply
give up. Today the nations best treatment centers report success rates
ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent. During Bill's stay in Akron, he
and Bob calculated their success rate to be about 5 percent, and among
the few who seemed to catch on, not all of them were able to maintain
consistent sobriety. The first edition of AA's Big Book, published in
1939, contains the personal recovery stories of many of AA's earliest
members. Some years later, Bill made notations in the first copy of
the book to come off the press, indicating which of the individuals
portrayed therein had stayed sober. A good 50 percent had not."
Francis Hartigan, Bill W., Pages 91-92
++++Message 3319. . . . . . . . . . . . The Exact Quote From Dr. Bob''s
Memorial Service, Nov. 15th, 1952
From: backtobasicsbillybob . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/12/2006 2:18:00 PM
"You haven't any conception these days of how much failure we had. How
you had to cull over hundreds of these drunks to get a handful to take
the bait. Yes, the discouragement's were very great but some did stay
sober and some very tough ones at that."
Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob's Memorial Speech, Nov. 1952, At The 24th Street
Club in New York City, New York.
To Thine Own Self Be True, Billy-Bob
++++Message 3320. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Use of Dash in First Step
From: Ernest Kurtz . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/10/2006 2:28:00 PM
Messages from Ernest Kurtz, James Blair, Tim T.,
Mackley, Robert Stonebraker, and mrjocisoo7
on the dash used as punctuation in the middle
of the first step.
From: Ernest Kurtz
(kurtzern at
On Bill W's intentions in writing AA's First Step:
Bill commented in several letters, usually to
individuals inquiring about the distinction
between "defects of character" and "shortcomings"
in Steps Six and Seven, along the lines that he
had no such ideas in mind as he wrote those Steps,
but that he thought it wonderful that people found
so much in them.
My reading of some of the drafts of Bill's AAGV
articles, later collected in *The Language of
the Heart,* inclines me to suspect he would have
said something similar about portions of the AA
Big Book.
ernie k.
From: James Blair
(jblair at
What is historical about the proper use of English
grammar? Bill may not of been up there with Einstein
but he did have some command of the English language.
"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (end of
thought) - (new thought) that our lives had become
We need to stick to reading the black stuff and leave
the white stuff alone.
From: Tim T.
(pvttimt at
Tim T., here, an alky.
How interesting! My grand-sponsor Bob Anderson
"ran" our meeting in which I got sober finally in 1978.
At the time he had 25 years, having sobered up in
Cleveland in 1953. His sponsor was an iceman named
Ed S. who in turn sobered up on the Cleveland-Akron
AA axis. Bob has been dead for 7-8 years now, having
finished his aa career in southern California.
My grand-sponsor taught us stuff that isn't
exactly in the big book, but he claimed was the
"original" way it was taught in the early days in
northern Ohio. It included his description of the
"dash in the First Step!" And he taught us just as
you described it!
Another bit of "original" lore he taught us
was that the Second Step is found in the big book
between the ABC's and the Third Step prayer. Right
after the ABC's it says: "Being convinced, we were
at Step Three, which is that we decided to turn our
will and our life over to God as we understood Him.
Just what do we mean by that, and just what do we do?"
Bob taught us that this means that in order to be
convinced, we must work Step Two, and that the
discussion that follows is therefore Step Two.
Then, just before the Third Step prayer, it
says, "We were now at Step Three." Bob would say to
us, "How can you NOW be at Step Three, if what went
before wasn't Step Two?" And it kind of all made
sense to us, how the preceding discussion about
running the show, being the director, selfishness
and self-centeredness, troubles of our own making,
etc, etc, was largely a description of the insanity
of Step Two. His point was that our thinking is
still screwed up even when we are dry. Made sense
to me. And it was very helpful to me in working
through my early sobriety.
I guess those of us around today will never
really appreciate the apparent wide diversity of
opinion and approaches taken in the early days.
One also has to remember that there weren't very
many at that time. I'd imagine that some millions
of folks have come in, stayed, gone back out,
whatever over the last 70-ish years. It makes this
forum valuable in appreciating that wide range of
Thanks for your subject.
(mackleyhome at
Tommy, I suggest that you check a high school English
Text for that time period. You might well find that the ninth
punctuation mark was the DASH. It's most common usage
was to indicate "end of complete thought" DASH or --
"beginning of new and somehow related thought." It was on
having this pointed out to me that I realized for the first time
that my life was unmanageable because of my drinking, not
the reverse. As to Bill's education, didn't he had two
advanced degrees?
And you use the word pedant as if it were a bad thing.
Just thought you might be interested.
Rayville LA.
From: "Robert Stonebraker"
Dear Tommy,
Your point is well taken on Bill's punctuation
skills at but it is good to remember that other
well educated (in writing) people had to do with
the changing from the ‘final draft' to the first
printing, first edition, Big Book, e.g.:
Mar (?), The much changed book manuscript was turned
over to Tom Uzzell. He was a friend of Hank P, an
editor at Collier's and a member of the NYU faculty.
The manuscript was variously estimated as 600 to
1,200 pages (including personal stories). Uzzell
reduced it to approximately 400 pages. Most cuts
came from the personal stories, which had also been
edited by Jim S (The News Hawk) a journalist from
Akron, OH. (AACOA 164, BW-FH 126, PIO 203)
Silkworth and Dr Tiebout offered similar advice.
(AACOA 167-168 NG 67-77)
The dash:
I have always thought the dash simply completes the
sentence, e.g.: "She was very smart - she got
straight ‘A's"
Or powerless - unmanageable. This means to me that
the fact my life may be unmanageable today has
little to do with the fact that I drank alcoholically
a long time ago.
Thanks for the subject,
Bob S, from Indiana
(mrjocisoo7 at
The detailed study of the big book allows us to
really stay busy. But also help us target the very
book that has helped millions of people. I am pro
study in detail. It helps centers me.
++++Message 3321. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Question about Clyde Bertram
From: John Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/10/2006 2:16:00 PM
I heard Clyde speak at a conference in Pennsylvania
about six or seven years ago...I was most struck by
his ability (need?) to recite "How it Works" from
memory. He was then more than 50 years sober.
He was also pitching his book, which didn't carry
his real name due to the anonymity tradition.
I believe he was a carpenter through most of his
drinking, and became a certfied addiction counselor
after he got sober.
On 4/10/06, Jean Cottel wrote:
> I have come across a booklet called "Stand Tall
> Again," written under the pen name of "Freeman."
> It is signed in the front "Clyde Bertram, 'Freeman'".
> No date on it, it is a story of getting sober in AA.
> Information?
> Jean Cottel
> (jcottel at
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