Aasg 0961 Study Skills

Partial Differential Equations

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Partial Differential Equations
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
First-order equations: the method of characteristics and systems of first-order equations. Second-order equations: the Cauchy-Kowaleskaya theorem, canonical forms of second-order equations, Fourier series, Fourier integrals, boundary-value and initial-value problems. Formerly MATH 362. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 2631 Minimum Grade of C and MATH 2651 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
MATH 3801 - Professional Practice
1 Credit Grading mode is S/U
Cooperative education at an off-campus site. Involvement in full-time work (40 hours per week or more) requiring knowledge and skills in the major. See the description of the co-op program in the department narrative for details. Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and acceptance into the Co-op program. Must be enrolled in one of the following Major fields of study: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics, Statistics. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Senior, Junior.This course may be repeated 3 times.
MATH 3901 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 390. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 3911 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 390. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 3921 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 390. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 3931 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 390. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 3951 - Junior Seminar
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
Career options. Graduate and professional school options. Attendance at department seminars and capstone presentations. Self-evaluation of progress in the major. Preparation for MATH 4951 - Senior Seminar including selection of senior capstone advisor and research topic. Formerly MATH 370. Offered spring semester. Must be enrolled in one of the following Fields of Study: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics, Statistics. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Senior, Junior.
MATH 4211 - Foundations of Geometry
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
An axiomatic approach to geometry including the concepts of incidence, ordering, separation, and congruence in incidence, affine, Euclidean, and non-Euclidean geometries. Formerly MATH 421. Offered alternate fall semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 2691 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
MATH 4401 - Mathematics Internship
1 to 8 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 470. Must be enrolled in one of the following Fields of Study: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Senior, Junior.
MATH 4411 - Number Theory w/Applications
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
An introduction to number theory, modular arithmetic and finite fields, with applications to pseudo-random sequences, cryptography and coding theory. Formerly MATH 411. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 1631 Minimum Grade of C or MATH 1621 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
MATH 4611 - Numerical Analysis
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Review of programming concepts using MATLAB or other programming software. Errors that occur in representing numbers on a computer and approximating solutions; methods for locating roots of a non-linear equation; interpolation, numerical differentiation; and numerical integration. Numerical solution of differential equations and of systems of linear algebraic equations. Splines. Formerly MATH 461. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 2651 Minimum Grade of C and MATH 3601 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
MATH 4651 - Probability Theory
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Axioms of probability theory; Discrete and continuous random variables; multivariate distributions; functions of random variables; Central Limit Theorem. Formerly MATH 480. Offered alternate fall semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 2631 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
MATH 4661 - Mathematical Statistics
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Sampling distributions; Central Limit Theorem; point and confidence interval estimation; hypothesis testing. Formerly MATH 481. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 4651 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
MATH 4901 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 4911 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 4921 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 4931 - Special Topics in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
MATH 4951 - Senior Seminar
1 Credit Normal Grading Mode
The student prepares a paper and gives a presentation based on the work done in both MATH 3951 - Junior Seminar and this course. Formerly MATH 493. Offered fall and spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 3951 Minimum Grade of C. Must be enrolled in one of the following Fields of Study: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Senior.Course Attributes: Critical and Creative Thinking, Effective Comm Writing.
MATH 4961 - Seminar in Mathematics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 494.
MATH 4971 - Independent Study
1 to 4 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly MATH 497. This course may be repeated 2 times.
STAT 1311 - Introduction to Statistical Reasoning
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Conceptual understanding and interpreting of statistical ideas; statistical literacy; numerical and graphical descriptions of data; normal distributions; probability, correlation, estimation and hypothesis testing. Cannot be taken for credit if credit has been received for STAT 1561, STAT 1761, STAT 2501 or PSYC 2401. Two years of high school algebra required. Formerly STAT 142. May not be enrolled in one of the following Major fields of study: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics, Statistics. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics, GE_Knowledge of Math/Stats, Scientific and Quant Literacy.
STAT 1561 - Statistics for Professionals 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Describing data graphically and numerically; describing bivariate data; probability concepts; random variables and probability distributions (both discrete and continuous); sampling distributions; statistical inference (point estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing) for a single mean and the difference between two means; statistical study designs. Formerly STAT 156. A student can only receive credit for one of the following courses: STAT 1561, STAT 1761, STAT 2501 or PSYC 2401. Two years of high school algebra required. Offered fall and spring semesters. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics, GE_Knowledge of Math/Stats, Scientific and Quant Literacy.
STAT 1761 - Statistics for Pharmacy
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Sampling distributions: Statistical inference (point estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing) for single means and proportions, and the difference between two means and proportions: Simple linear regression; Chi-square GOF test and tests of association; ANOVA; Statistical study designs. A student can only receive credit for one of the following courses: STAT 1561, STAT 1761, STAT 2501 or PSYC 2401. Two years of high school algebra required. Offered fall and spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):MATH 1471 Minimum Grade of D or MATH 1631 Minimum Grade of D. Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Pharmacy. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 1901 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 190. Prerequisite(s):STAT 1311 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 1561 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 1911 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 190. Prerequisite(s):STAT 1311 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 1561 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 1921 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 190. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 1931 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 190. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 2501 - Statistics for Scientists and Engineers
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Basic statistical techniques; random variables and probability distributions; sampling distributions; statistical inference (point estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing) for a single mean and the difference between two means; statistical inference (point estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing) for a single proportion and the difference between two proportions; statistical study designs; Formerly STAT 280. A student can only receive credit for one of the following courses: STAT 1561, STAT 1761, STAT 2501 or PSYC 2401. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite(s):MATH 1631 Minimum Grade of D or MATH 1621 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 2561 - Statistics for Professionals 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Review of inferential statistics; categorical data analysis (including goodness-of-fit tests and contingency table analysis); simple linear regression and correlation; multiple regression analysis; analysis of variance; analysis of covariance; statistical study designs. Formerly STAT 256. Offered fall and spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):STAT 1561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 2501 Minimum Grade of C or PSYC 2401 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics, Scientific and Quant Literacy.
STAT 2901 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 290. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 2911 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 290. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 2921 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 290. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 2931 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 290. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 2971 - Independent Study in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Individual study of a topic of particular interest to a student in statistics. This course may be repeated as topics vary. Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications: Sophomore, Freshman.This course may be repeated 5 times.Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 3051 - Tutorial in Actuarial Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Problem solving course to prepare students for the actuarial examinations. Topics corresponding to these examinations (probability, financial mathematics, statistical modeling, and risk management) will be offered in different semesters. Must be enrolled in one of the following Major fields of study: Mathematical Statistics, Statistics. This course is repeatable for a total of 6 hours.
STAT 3361 - Linear Algebra with Statistical Applications
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Systems of linear equations; matrix algebra; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; linear transformations; subspaces; determinants; inner products, orthogonal projections. Statistical applications for linear models; including simple and multiple regression models and one-factor and two-factor ANOVA models. Prerequisite(s):MATH 1641 Minimum Grade of C and STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C. Must be enrolled in one of the following Major fields of study: Statistics.
STAT 3501 - Applied Regression and Correlation Analysis
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Simple linear regression and correlation data analysis methods; multiple regression methods; analysis of variance; analysis of covariance; statistical study designs. Formerly STAT 281. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 1761 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 3511 - Categorical Data Analysis
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Statistical inference with regard to categorical variables, including goodness-of-fit tests, contingency table analysis, Fisher exact test, and logistic regression models. Formerly STAT 351. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 1761 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 3521 - Analysis of Variance w/ Experimental Design
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Single factor analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, two and multiple factor analysis of variance, completely randomized designs, randomized block designs, analysis of covariance, random effects models, additional experimental designs. Formerly STAT 352. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 1761 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 3531 - Survey Sampling Methods
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Statistical methods pertaining to survey sampling, with an emphasis on human populations, including simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, and the use of demographic information to reduce margins of error. Formerly STAT 353. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 1761 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 3541 - Nonparametric Statistical Methods
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Review of parametric inferential methods; nonparametric hypothesis testing (including Wilcoxon rank-sum, Wilcoxon signed-rank, sign, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman); nonparametric point and confidence interval estimation; rank correlation; randomization and permutation tests. Formerly STAT 354. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 1761 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 3551 - Applied Probability
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Combinational analysis; discrete probability distributions; exponential distribution; Poisson distribution; normal distribution; DeMoivre-LaPlace limit theorem; random variables and their properties; laws of large numbers; generating functions; random walk and ruin problems; Markov chains. Formerly STAT 355. Prerequisite(s):STAT 1561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 2501 Minimum Grade of C or (MATH 4651 Minimum Grade of C and MATH 1461 Minimum Grade of C) or MATH 1621 Minimum Grade of C or MATH 1631 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 3571 - Data Management and Statistical Computing
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Use of statistical software packages such as SAS, SPSS, or Excel. Topics include data management, data analysis, graphical displays and computer simulation. Formerly STAT 350. Prerequisite(s):STAT 1761 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 3801 - Tutorial-Actuarial Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Problem solving course to prepare students for the actuarial examinations. Topics corresponding to these examinations (probability, financial mathematics, statistical modeling, and risk management) will be offered in different semesters. Must be enrolled in one of the following Major fields of study: Mathematical Statistics, Statistics. This course is repeatable for a total of 6 hours.
STAT 3901 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 390. Prerequisite(s): (STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 256 Minimum Grade of C) or STAT 1761 Minimum Grade of C.
STAT 3911 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 390. Prerequisite(s):STAT 2561 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 3921 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 390. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 3931 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 390. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 4561 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Random variables and stochastic processes; Markov chains and their properties (discrete and continuous); other important stochastic processes and their properties; elementary stochastic calculus. Formerly STAT 356. Prerequisite(s): (STAT 2501 Minimum Grade of C or MATH 4651 Minimum Grade of C) and (MATH 2651 Minimum Grade of C or MATH 3261 Minimum Grade of C). Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 4571 - Linear Statistical Models
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Review of linear algebra; linear statistical models, including regression and analysis of variance models, from a vector space perspective; Bivariate and multivariate normal distributions. Prerequisite(s): (STAT 1561 Minimum Grade of C or STAT 2501 Minimum Grade of C or MATH 4661 Minimum Grade of C) and (MATH 3061 Minimum Grade of C or MATH 2651 Minimum Grade of C). Course Attributes: AS -Mathematics & Statistics.
STAT 4901 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 4911 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 4921 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 4931 - Special Topics in Statistics
1 to 3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Formerly STAT 490. Course Attributes: Requires Instructor Approval.
STAT 4971 - Independent Study
1 to 4 Credits Grading mode is S/U
This course may be repeated 2 times.
ARAB 1011 - Elementary Arabic 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
This course assumes no previous study of Arabic. The course will introduce the alphabet and sound system of Arabic and will assist in developing some basic reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The course will deal mainly with Modern Standard Arabic which is the formal language spoken in the Arab world. Some dialectal variations of Arabic will also be introduced when necessary. Course Attributes: AS -Foreign Language, AS -Non Western Cultural, Diversity-Human Interaction.
ARAB 1021 - Elementary Arabic 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
This course will reinforce material learned and practiced in Elementary Arabic 1 and help promote development of Arabic language abilities. This course will devote special attention to Arabic grammar and vocabulary to assist with developing an intermediate level of language accuracy. The course will deal mainly with Modern Standard Arabic, which is the formal language spoken in the Arab world. Some direct attention will be given to the different Arab dialects. Prerequisite(s):ARAB 1011 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS -Foreign Language, AS -Non Western Cultural.
ARAB 2011 - Intermediate Arabic 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Continued development of Arabic language skills. Prerequisite(s):ARAB 1021 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Foreign Language.
ARAB 2021 - Intermediate Arabic 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Continuation of ARAB 2011. Prerequisite(s):ARAB 2011 Minimum Grade of C. Course Attributes: AS -Foreign Language.
CHIN 1011 - Elementary Chinese 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Introduction to basic conversational Mandarin, familiarity with the foundations of the Chinese writing system. Course Attributes: AS -Foreign Language, AS -Non Western Cultural.
CHIN 1021 - Elementary Chinese 2
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Continuation of CHIN 1011. Prerequisite(s):CHIN 1011 Minimum Grade of D or CHNS 101 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS -Foreign Language, AS -Non Western Cultural.
CHIN 2011 - Intermediate Chinese 1
3 Credits Normal Grading Mode
Further building of listening and speaking skills. Continued addition of traditional and simplified characters, reading and composition practice. Prerequisite(s):CHIN 1021 Minimum Grade of D or CHNS 103 Minimum Grade of D. Course Attributes: AS -Foreign Language, AS -Non Western Cultural.
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