5. Tuition fees (may be subjected to slight changes)
International students: 5200 Euros (those fees include a 6-month internship period in one of the research laboratories of INSA Centre Val de Loire).
Students who were registered at INSA Centre Val de Loire in fourth year and following the Master in double degree courses: 170 Euros (those fees do not include a 6-month internship period in one of the research laboratories of INSA Centre Val de Loire).
Students having validated a M1 Master’s level in France : 250 euros (those fees do not include a 6-month internship period in one of the research laboratories of INSA Centre Val de Loire).
Pr. Jean-Mathieu Mencik
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées Centre Val de Loire
Campus de Blois
3 rue de la chocolaterie
CS 23410
41034 Blois Cedex, France
Email : jean-mathieu.mencik@insa-cvl.fr
Phone :
Useful links:
- INSA CVL: http://www.insa-centrevaldeloire.fr/
- Polytech’Tours: http://polytech.univ-tours.fr/
- LMR – Laboratory of Mechanics & Rheology: http://www.lmr.univ-tours.fr
- GREMAN – Research Group on Materials, Microelectronics, Acoustics and Nanotechnologies: http://www.lmp.univ-tours.fr
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