Additional protocol to the Agreement between the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Repu

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{0>(a) Complete rotor assemblies <}0{>(a) L-assemblaġġi kompluti li jduru <0}

{0>Thin-walled cylinders, or a number of interconnected thin-walled cylinders, manufactured from one or more of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this section.<}0{>Iċ-ċilindri b’ħitan irqaq, jew numru ta’ ċilidnri b’ħitan irqaq li huma maqgħuda, fabbrikati minn materjal wieħed jew aktar b’saħħa għolja għar-ratio tad-densità deskritti fin-nota ta’ spjegazzjoni f’din is-sezzjoni.<0} {0>If interconnected, the cylinders are joined together by flexible bellows or rings as described in Section 5.1.1.(c) following.<}0{>Jekk maqgħud, iċ-ċilindri huma maqgħuda flimkien b’minfaħ flessibbli jew ċrieki msemmija fis-sezzjoni 5.1.1.(ċ) li ġejja.<0} {0>The rotor is fitted with an internal baffle(s) and end caps, as described in Section 5.1.1.(d) and (e) following, if in final form.<}0{>Il-mutur huma mgħammar b’baffle(s) interna u għotjien tat-tmiem, imsemmija fis-sezzjoni 5.1.1.(d) u (e) li ġejjin, jekk ikunu fil-forma finali.<0} {0>However the complete assembly may be delivered only partly assembled.<}0{>Madankollu l-assemblaġġ komplut jista’ jkun konsenjat biss maqgħud parzjalment.<0}

{0>(b) Rotor tubes <}0{>(b) Tubi tar-rotor <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared thin-walled cylinders with thickness of 12 mm (0,5?<}0{>Iċ-ċilindi ta’ l-istruttura rqiqa mfassla jew preparata b’mod speċjali bil-ħxuna ta’ 12 mm (0,5"<0}{0>) or less, a diameter of between 75 mm (3?<}0{>) jew inqas, dijametru bejn il-75 mm (3"<0} {0>) and 400 mm (16?<}100{>) u 400 mm (16"<0} {0>), and manufactured from one or more of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this section.<}0{>), u fabbrikkati minn materjal tas-saħħa qawwija waħda jew iżjed għar-ratio tad-densità deskritti fnota ta’ spjegazzjoni f’din is-sezzjoni.<0}

{0>(c) Rings or bellows <}0{>(c) Ċrieki jew minfaħ <0}

{0>Components especially designed or prepared to give localised support to the rotor tube or to join together a number of rotor tubes.<}0{>Il-komponenti mfassla jew preparati b’mod speċjali biex jagħtu appoġġ lokalizzat għat-tubi tar-rotor jew biex jgħaqdu flimkien numru tat-tubi tar-rotor.<0} {0>The bellows is a short cylinder of wall thickness 3 mm (0,12?<}0{>Il-minfaħ huwa ċilindru qasir bil-ħxuna ta’ 3 mm (0,12"<0} {0>) or less, a diameter of between 75 mm (3?<}100{>) jew inqas, dijametru bejn il-75 mm (3"<0}{0>) and 400 m (16?<}95{>) u 400 mm (16"<0}{0>), having a convolute, and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this section.<}80{>), billi għandu l-konvoluzzjoni, u fabbrikkati minn materjal tas-saħħa qawwija wieħed għall-iskala tad-densità msemmija fin-nota ta’ spjegazzjoni f’din is-sezzjoni.<0}

{0>(d) Baffles <}77{>(d) Baffles<0}

{0>Disc-shaped components of between 75 mm (3?<}0{>Komponenti bil-forma ta’ diska ta’ bejn il-75 mm (3"<0} {0>) and 400 m (16?<}100{>) u 400 mm (16"<0} {0>) diameter especially designed or prepared to be mounted inside the centrifuge rotor tube, in order to isolate the take-off chamber from the main separation chamber and, in some cases, to assist the UF6 gas circulation within the main separation chamber of the rotor tube, and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this section.<}0{>) dijametru mfassal jew preparat b’mod speċjali biex ikun mibni fit-tubu rotor ta’ ċentrifugazzjoni, bil-għan li tkun isolata l-parti tat-tneħħija mill-parti prinċipali tas-separazzjoni u, f’xi każi, biex jassisstu ċ-ċirkolazzjoni UF6 gass fil-parti l-prinċipali tas-separazzjoni tat-tubu rotor, u fabbrikati minn materjal tas-saħħa qawwija wieħed għar-ratio tad-densità msemmija fin-nota ta’ spjegazzjoni f’din is-sezzjoni.<0}

{0>(e) Top caps/bottom caps <}0{>(e) It-tappijiet ta’ fuq /tappijiet ta’ isfel <0}

{0>Disc-shaped components of between 75 mm (3?<}100{>Komponenti bil-forma ta’ diska ta’ bejn il-75 mm (3"<0} {0>) and 400 (16?<}0{>) u 400 (16"<0} {0>) diameter especially designed or prepared to fit to the ends of the rotor tube, and so contain the UF6 within the rotor tube, and in some cases to support, retain or contain as an integrated part an element of the upper bearing (top cap) or to carry the rotating elements of the motor and lower bearing (bottom cap), and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this section.<}0{>) dijametru mfassal jew preparat b’mod speċjali biex jiffitja għat-tmiem tat-tubu rotor, u għalhekk fih UF6 f’tubu rotor, u f’xi każi biex jappoġġa, iżomm jew ikun fih bħala parti integrata ta’ l-element tal-parti ta’ fuq tal-boxxla (it-tapp ta’ fuq) jew biex iġġorr l-elementi li jduru tal-mutur u l-boxxla ta’ isfel (it-tapp ta’isfel), u fabbrikkati minn materjal tas-saħħa qawwija wieħed għall-iskala tad-densità msemmija fin-nota ta’ spjegazzjoni f’din is-sezzjoni.<0}

{0>Explanatory note <}100{>Nota ta’ spjegazzjoni <0}

{0>The materials used for centrifuge rotating components are:<}0{>Il-materjali wżati għal komponenti li jduru fiċ-ċentrifugazzjoni huma:<0}

{0>(a) maraging steel capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 2,05 x 109 N/m2 (300 000 psi) or more, <}0{>(a) azzar maraging b’kapaċità speċifika ta’ saħħa finali tensile ta’ 2,05 x 109 N/m2 (300 000 psi) jew aktar, <0}

{0>(b) aluminium alloys capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 0,46 x 109 N/m2 (67 000 psi) or more, <}86{>(a) liegi ta’ aluminju b’kapaċità speċifika ta’ saħħa finali tensile ta’ 0,46 x 109 N/m2 (67.000 psi) jew aktar, <0}

{0>(c) filamentary materials suitable for use in composite structures and having a specific modulus of 12,3 x 106 m or greater and a specific ultimate tensile strength of 0,3 x 106 m or greater ('Specific Modulus' is the Young's Modulus in N/m2 divided by the specific weight in N/m3; 'Specific Ultimate Tensile Strength' is the ultimate tensile strength in N/m2 divided by the specific weight in N/m3.<}0{>(c) il-materjal filamentari tajjeb għall-użu fl-istrutturi komposti u li għandhom il-modulus speċifikat ta’ 12,3 x 106 m jew akbar u s-saħħa speċifika finali tensile ta’ 0,3 x 106 m jew akbar (' Modulus Speċifiċi' huwa l-iżgħar Modulus f’N/m2 diviż bl-użin speċifiku f’N/m3; 'Saħħa Speċifika Finali Tensile' hija saħħa finali tensile f’N/m2 diviża bl-użin speċifiku f’N/m3.<0}

5.1.2. {0>Static components <}0{>Il-komponenti statiċi <0}

{0>(a) Magnetic suspension bearings <}0{>(a) Il-boxxli tas-sospensjoni manjetika <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared bearing assemblies consisting of an annular magnet suspended within a housing containing a damping medium.<}0{>Assemblaġġi tal-boxxli mfassla jew preparati b’mod speċjali jikkonsistu minn kalamita annulari sospiża mingħajr il-post li jkun fih il-medju tar-rimi.<0} {0>The housing will be manufactured from a UF6-resistant material (see explanatory note to Section 5.2).<}0{>Il-post għandu jkun fabbrikat minn materjal reżistenti UF6- (Ara nota ta’ spjegazzjoni għas-Sezzjoni 5.2).<0} {0>The magnet couples with a pole piece or a second magnet fitted to the top cap described in Section 5.1.1.(e).<}0{>Il-koppji tal-kalamita b’biċċa arblu jew it-tieni kalamita ffitjata mat-tapp ta’ fuq imsemmi fis-Sezzjoni 5.1.1.(e).<0} {0>The magnet may be ring-shaped with a relation between outer and inner diameter smaller or equal to 1,6:1. The magnet may be in a form having an initial permeability of 0,15 H/m (120 000 in CGS units) or more, or a remanence of 98,5 % or more, or an energy product of greater than 80 kJ/m3 (107 gauss-oersteds).<}0{>Il-kalamita tista’ tkun fil-forma ta’ ċurkett b’relazzjoni bejn id-dijametru ta’ ġewwa jew ta’ barra iżgħar jew indaqs għal 1,6:1. Il-kalamita tista’ tkun fil-forma li jkollha l-permeabbilità inizjali ta’ 0,15 H/m (120 000 fi CGS uniti) jew aktar, jew remanence ta’ 98,5 % jew aktar, jew il-prodott ta’ l-enerġija ta’ iżjed minn 80 kJ/m3 (107 gauss-oersteds).<0} {0>In addition to the usual material properties, it is a prerequisite that the deviation of the magnetic axes from the geometrical axes is limited to very small tolerances (lower than 0,1 mm or 0,004 in) or that homogeneity of the material of the magnet is specially called for.<}0{>Barra minn hekk mal-propjetajiet tal-materjal tas-soltu, huwa mitlub speċjalment minn qabel li d-devjazzjoni tal-fus tal-kalamita mill-fus ġeometriku huwa limitat għal toleranzi żgħar (inqas minn 0,1 mm jew 0,004 fi) jew li l-materjal tal-kalamita jkun omoġenju.<0}

{0>(b) Bearings/dampers <}0{>(b) Il-boxxli/smorzaturi <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared bearings comprising a pivot/cup assembly mounted on a damper.<}0{>L-assemblaġġ tal-boxxli li jinkorporaw pern/tazza li huma mfassla jew preparati b’mod speċjali u armati fuq smorzatur.<0} {0>The pivot is normally a hardened steel shaft with a hemisphere at one end with a means of attachment to the bottom cap described in section 5.1.1.(e) at the other.<}0{>Il-pern huwa normalment xaft ta’ l-azzar imwebbes bl-emisfera f’tarf wieħed bil-mezz tat-twaħħil mat-tapp ta’ taħt imsemmi fis-sezzjoni 5.1.1.(e) fl-oħra.<0} {0>The shaft may however have a hydrodynamic bearing attached.<}0{>Ix-xaft jista madankollu jkollu boxxla idrodinamika mwaħħla miegħu.<0} {0>The cup is pellet-shaped with a hemispherical indentation in one surface.<}0{>It-tazza għandha l-forma ta’ palletta b’indentazzjoni emisferika f’wiċċ wieħed.<0} {0>These components are often supplied separately to the damper.<}0{>Dawn il-komponenti huma ħafna drabi provvisti separatament mill-ismorzatur.<0}

{0>(c) Molecular pumps <}0{>(c) Il-pompi molekulari <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared cylinders having internally machined or extruded helical grooves and internally machines bores.<}0{>Iċ-ċilindri mfassla u preparati b’mod speċjali li għandhom xquq elikali maħruġa jew toqob b’magni interni u tal-magni interni.<0} {0>Typical dimensions are as follows:<}0{>Id-dimensjonijiet tipiċi huma kif ġejjin:<0} {0>75 mm (3?<}0{>75 mm (3"<0} {0>) to 400 mm (16?<}0{>) sa 400 mm (16"<0} {0>) internal diameter, 10 mm (0,4?<}0{>) dijametru intern, 10 mm (0,4"<0} {0>) or more wall thickness, with the length equal to or greater than the diameter.<}0{>) jew aktar ħxuna tal-ħajt, bit-tul indaqs jew akbar mid-dijametru.<0} {0>The grooves are typically rectangular in cross-section and 2 mm (0,08?<}0{>Ix-xquq huma tipikament rettangulari fis-sezzjonijiet maqtugħa u 2 mm (0,08"<0} {0>) or more in depth.<}0{>) jew iżjed fil-fond.<0}

{0>(d) Motor stators <}0{>(d) Stators tal-magna <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared ring-shaped stators for high speed multiphase AC hysteresis (or reluctance) motors for synchronous operation within a vacuum in the frequency range of 600-2 000 Hz and a power range of 50-1 000 VA. The stators consist of multiphase windings on a laminated low loss iron core comprised of thin layers typically 2,0 mm (0,08?<}0{>Stators bil-forma tonda mfassla u preparati b’mod speċjali għal veloċità multifażi AC hysteresis (jew mhux kif suppost) il-magni għall-operazzjoni sinkronizzata fil-vacuum fir-ratio tal-frekwenza ta’ 600-2 000 Hz u r-ratio ta’ l-enerġija ta’ 50-1 000 VA. Dawn l-istators jikkonsistu minn tidwir multifażi iron core b’fili irqaq laminat b’telf baxx tipiku 2,0 mm (0,08"<0} {0>) thick or less.<}0{>) oħxon jew inqas.<0}

{0>(e) Centrifuge housing/recipients <}0{>(e) Il-post ta’ ċentrifugazzjoni/reċipjenti <0}

{0>Components especially designed designed or prepared to contain the rotor tube assembly of a gas centrifuge.<}0{>Il-komponenti mfassla jew preparati b’mod speċjali biex ikun fihom l-għaqda tat-tubi rotor ta’ ċentifigazzjoni tal-gass.<0} {0>The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm (1,2?<}0{>L-ippostjar jikkonsisti f’ċilindru riġidu tal-ħxuna ta’ l-istruttura sa 30 mm (1,2"<0} {0>) with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting.<}0{>) bit-truf preċiżati bil-magni biex ippoġġu l-boxxli bi flange wieħed jew aktar għall-għarmar.<0} {0>The machined ends are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the cylinder's longitudinal axis to within 0,05° or less.<}0{>It-truf bil-magni huma paralleli għal xulxin u perpendikulari għal fus lonġitudinali taċ-ċilindru għal 0,05° jew inqas.<0} {0>The housing may also be a honeycomb type structure to accommodate several rotor tubes.<}0{>L-ippustjar jista’ jkun ukoll tip ta’ struttura ta’ xehda biex jakkomoda ħafna tubi rotor.<0} {0>The housings are made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6.<}0{>Il-postijiet huma magħmula minn jew protetti minn materjali reżistenti għal korrosjoni mill-UF6.<0}

{0>(f) Scoops <}0{>(f) Sassli <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared tubes up to 12 mm (0,5?<}0{>Tubi mfassla u preparati b’mod speċjali sa 12 mm (0,5"<0} {0>) internal diameter for the extraction of UF6 gas from within the rotor tube by a pilot tube action (that is, with an aperture facing into the circumferential gas flow within the rotor tube, for example by bending the end of a radially disposed tube) and capable of being fixed to the central gas extraction system.<}0{>) dijametru intern għal ħruġ UF6 gass minn ġo t-tubi rotor b’azzjoni tat-tubu pilota (li hija, bil-ftuħ li tħares fil-kurrent tal-gass ċirkonferenzali fit-tubu rotor, per eżempju billi jgħawweġ it-tmiem tat-tubu radjalment mitmum) u kapaċi li jkun iffissat mas-sistema ċentrali tal-ħruġ tal-gass.<0} {0>The tubes are made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6.<}94{>It-tubi huma magħmul minn jew protetti minn materjali reżistenti għal korrosjoni mill-UF6.<0}

5.2. {0>Especially designed or prepared auxiliary systems, equipment and components for gas centrifuge enrichment plants <}0{>Is-sistemi awżiljarji mfassla u preparati b’mod speċjali, it-tagħmir u l-komponenti ta’ l-impjanti msaħħa ta’ ċentrifugazzjoni tal-gass <0}

{0>Introductory note <}100{>Nota ta’ introduzzjoni <0}

{0>The auxiliary systems, equipment and components for a gas centrifuge enrichment plant are the systems of plant needed to feed UF6 to the centrifuges, to link the individual centrifuges to each other to form cascades (or stages) to allow for progressively higher enrichments and to extract the 'product' and 'tails' UF6 from the centrifuges, together with the equipment required to drive the centrifuges or to control the plant.<}0{>Is-sistemi awżiljarji, it-tagħmir u l-komponenti għall-impjanti msaħħa ta’ ċentrifugazzjoni tal-gass meħtieġa biex jipprovdu UF6 għal ċentrifugazzjonijiet, biex jgħaqqad iċ-ċentrifugazzjonijiet individwali għal kull forma oħra tal-kaskata (jew stadji) biex jippermettu għat-tisħiħ għola progressiv u biex jinħarġu l-'prodotti' u 'truf'UF6 miċ-ċentrifugazzjoni, flimkien mat-tagħmir meħtieġ biex jagħmel iċ-ċentrifugazzjoni jew jikkontrolla l-impjant.<0}

{0>Normally UF6 is evaporated from the solid using heated autoclaves and is distributed in gaseous form to the centrifuges by way of cascade header pipework.<}0{>Normalment UF6 huwa evaporat mill-użu solidu ta’ l-autoclaves imsaħħna u mqassma fil-forom tal-gassijiet għaċ-ċentrifugazzjonijiet bil-metodu ta’ xogħol bil-pajpijiet fil-forma ta’ kaskata<0} {0>The 'product' and 'tails' UF6 gaseous streams flowing from the centrifuges are also passed by way of cascade header pipework to cold traps (operating at about 203 K (-70 °C)) where they are condensed prior to onward transfer into suitable containers for transportation or storage.<}0{>Il-‘prodott' u 'truf'UF6 tat-tmexxija tal-gassijiet miċ-ċentrifugazzjoni huma wkoll mogħdija bil-metodu ta’xogħol tal-pajpijiet fil-forma ta’ kaskata u nases kesħin (jaħdmu madwar 203 K (-70 °C)) fejn huma kondensati fuq trasferiment ta’ wara f’kontenituri tajbin għat-trasportazzjoni u l-immaggazzinar.<0} {0>Because an enrichment plant consists of many thousands of centrifuges arranged in cascades there are many kilometres of cascade header pipework, incorporating thousands of welds with a substantial amount of repetition of layout.<}0{>Għaliex l-impjant ta’ arrikkiment jikkonsisti f’eluf ta’ ċentrifugazzjonijiet arranġati f’kaskati li hemm ħafna kilometri ta’ xogħol tal-pajpijiet fil-forma ta’ kaskata, li jinkorporaw eluf ta’ weldjaturi b’ammont sostanzjali tar-repetizzjoni tat-tfassil.<0} {0>The equipment, components and piping systems are fabricated to very high vacuum and cleanliness standards.<}0{>It-tagħmir, il-komponenti u sistemi tal-pajpijiet huma fabbrikati f’standards għolja ta’ vacuum u ta’ ndafa.<0}

5.2.1. {0>Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems <}0{>Is-sistemi ta’ dħul/is-sistemi tal-ġbid tal-prodott u truf <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared process systems including:<}0{>Is-sistemi tal-proċess imfassla jew preparati b’mod speċjali nkluż:<0}

{0>- feed autoclaves (or stations), used for passing UF6 to the centrifuge cascades at up to 100 kPa (15 psi) and at a rate of 1 kg/h or more, <}0{>- autoclaves ta’ dħul (jew stazzjonijiet), użati biex jingħadda UF6 għall-kaskati ta’ ċentrifugazzjoni sa 100 kPa (15 psi) u f’rata ta’ 1 kg/h jew aktar, <0}

{0>- desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the cascades at up to 3 kPa (0,5 psi) pressure.<}0{>- desublimers (jew nases kesħin) użati għat-tneħħija UF6 mill-kaskati sa 3 kPa (0,5 psi) presjoni.<0} {0>The desublimers are capable of being chilled to 203 K (-70 °C) and heated to 343 K (70 °C), <}0{>Id- desublimers huma kapaċi li jitkessħu sa 203 K (-70 °C) u jissaħħnu sa 343 K (70 °C), <0}

{0>- 'product' and 'tails' stations used for trapping UF6 into containers.<}0{>-l-istazzjonijiet 'prodott' u 'truf'użati biex jinqabdu UF6 fil-kontenituri.<0}

{0>This plant, equipment and pipework is wholly made of or lined with UF6-resistant materials (see explanatory note to this section) and is fabricated to very high vacuum and cleanliness standards.<}0{>Dan l impjant, it-tagħmir u xogħol bil-pajpijiet isiru kollha jew imdawwra bil-materjal reżistenti għal UF6 (ara n-nota ta’ spjegazzjoni għal din it-taqsima) u huma fabbrikati f’standards għoljin ta’ vacuum u ndafa.<0}

5.2.2. Is-sistemi tal-pajpijet tal-magni {0>Machine header piping systems <}0{> header <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared piping systems and header systems for handling UF6 within the centrifuge cascades.<}0{>Is-sistemi tal-pajpijiet mfassla jew preparati b’mod speċjali u sistemi headers għall-immaniġġjar tal-UF6 fil-kaskati ta’ ċentrifugazzjoni.<0} {0>The piping network is normally of the 'triple' header system with each centrifuge connected to each of the headers.<}0{>Ix-xibka tal-pajpijiet hija normalment tas-sistema ta’ fuq ‘tripla’ ma’ ċentrifugazzjoni konnessa ma’ kull header.<0} {0>There is thus a substantial amount of repetition in its form.<}0{>Għalhekk hemm ammont sustanzjali tar-repetizzjoni f’din il-forma.<0} {0>It is wholly made of UF6-resistant materials (see explanatory note to this section) and is fabricated to very high vacuum and cleanliness standards.<}70{>Huma magħmula kollha bil-materjal reżistenti għal UF6 (ara n-nota ta’ spjegazzjoni għal din it-taqsima) u huma fabbrikati f’standards għoljin ta’ vacuum u ndafa.<0}

5.2.3. {0>UF6 mass spectrometers/ion sources <}0{>UF6 spettrometri tal-massa/sorsi joniċi <0}

{0>Especially designed or prepared magnetic or quadrupole mass spectrometers capable of taking 'on-line' samples of feed, product or tails, from UF6 gas streams and having all of the following characteristics:<}0{>Spettrometri tal-massa mfassla jew preparati b’mod speċjali bil-kalamita jew quadripole kapaċi li 'on-line' jiġbru kampjun tad-dħul, prodott jew truf, mill-kurrent tal-gass UF6 u li għandhom il-karatteristiċi kollha li ġejjin:<0}

1. {0>unit resolution for atomic mass unit greater than 320; <}0{>unit tar-resoluzzjoni għal massa atomika iżjed minn 320; <0}

2. {0>ion sources constructed of or lined with nichrome or monel or nickel plated; <}0{>Is-sorsi joniċi mibnija minn jew imdawra minn nichrome jew monel jew banjati fin-nijkil; <0}

3. {0>electron bombardment ionisation sources; <}0{>is-sorsi tal-bombardament ta’ l-elettroni jonizzati; <0}

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