Refer to Main Minutes for a complete “Treasurer’s Report.”
Greg reported that the St. Louis meeting made approximately $24,000. He indicated he would have a 12 month view of the check register available at the fall 2014 meeting
10.8Recognition & Award’s Report – Bill Chiu
Refer to Main Minutes for a complete “Recognition & Award’s Report.”
The Recognition & Awards Chair presented
Bill discussed the awards structure. He is proposing to add a recognition for members that make significant contribution and based on longevity of service.
A motion was made to do a recognition for significant contribution based on longevity of service. The details and term of service will be worked out by the next meeting. The motion was made by Bill Chiu and seconded by Bruce Forcyth.
Refer to Main Minutes for a complete “Standards’s Report.”
The Standard Coordinator presented.
The Standards Report has been posted to the web site. Between October and March 1, there were three new revisions approved. There are two standards on the March REVCOM agenda.
A new format for the Committee PAR and Ballot Status was provided.
There are a number of new PARs that will expire at the end of the year.
A link to the Standards Dictionary has been posted on the Web and is available to all IEEE members.
10.10IEEE Staff Update
Jodi Haasz presented on Methods of Engaging with IEC.
Discussion of IEEE/IEC Collaboration and Cooperation
Current Joint Projects:
IEC/IEEE 60076-16 Ed.2: Power Transformers — Part 16: Transformers for Wind Turbine Applications – Draft under development
IEC/IEEE 60076-57-1202 Ed.1: Liquid Immersed Phase Shifting Transformers – Draft under development.
IEC/IEEE 65700-19-03 Ed. 1: Standard for Bushings for DC application – The document has completed the IEEE sponsor ballot recirculation comment. Next steps are for IEC to issue the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) for vote; concurrently, IEEE will submit the document to RevCom for approval.
Potential Future Maintenance Project
IEEE C57.15/IEC 60076-21 Ed. 1: Power Transformers — Part 21: Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test Code for Step-Voltage Regulators – A PAR has been submitted for the revision of the standard. IEC TC 14 has issued a Document for Comment (DC) to solicit interest for this project. The DC closes on 9 May.
Potential Future Joint Projects
Merger of IEEE C57.129-2007 (Standard for General Requirements and Test Code for Oil-Immersed HVDC Converter Transformers) and IEC 61378-2 (Convertor transformers - Part 2: Transformers for HVDC applications) – This will be discussed at the subcommittee meeting this week.
IEC TC 14 may be interested in merging IEC 60076-7 - Loading guide for oil immersed power transformers– Interest in merging with IEEE C57.91 – IEEE Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers and Step-Voltage Regulators. It was stated that this would not be a good joint project with IEC.
Potential Adoptions of IEEE Standards by IEC
IEEE C57.142-2010, IEEE Guide to Describe the Occurrence and Mitigation of Switching Transients Induced by Transformer, Switching Device, and System Interaction
IEEE C57.143-2012, Guide for Application for Monitoring Equipment to Liquid-Immersed Transformers and Components.
IEC TC 14 is interested in harmonizing IEC 60076-4 - Power transformers - Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing - Power transformers and reactors with IEEE C57.98-2012, IEEE Guide for Transformer Impulse Testss
IEC TC 14 is interest in adding the tutorial information from Annex E of IEEE C57.131-2012 (IEEE Standard Requirements for Tap Changers) into the revision of IEC 60214-2, Tap changers - Part 2: Application guide)
IEEE Adoption of an IEC Standard
A suggestion has been made for IEEE to adopt IEC 60214-1 (Tap Changers – Part 1: Performance requirements and test methods) once it is published by IEC. This adoption will replace IEEE C57.131-2012.IEEE Standard Requirements for Load Tap Changers. A task force under the Powers Transformers Committee will be meeting this week to further discuss.
TC10 expressed interest in jointly developing with C57.147. There is presently a TF to review combining of the various oil guides. If the guides are merged, then this will create problems with a joint development.
Don Platts indicated that there is no responsibility or obligation to harmonize documents. They are opportunities that may be considered.
Don indicated that a meeting with the IEEE Transformers Committee officers was held, discussing how these joint or adopted documents should be handled. The decision made was that the requestor will first go to the SC for a vote on how to proceed. At that point it will be brought back to the Admin SC for review and analysis to determine whether the Admin SC agrees with the approach presented by the SC.
Joe Watson brought up that there is a different meeting philosophy between IEC and IEEE. IEC has full day meetings and typically finish up a standard in a year or year and a half, whereas IEEE allots a 1.5 hour time slot twice a year. He indicated that it may be necessary better align these to be able to do joint documents.
10.11Meeting Planning Report – Gregory Anderson
No written report provided.
The Meeting host is Efacec. Erin Carpenter attended for Efacec. Greg reported that this is one of the largest meetings, with St. Louis still being the largest meeting to date. There are 498 registered meeting attendees. He expects there to be some no shows. There were 116 registered spouses.
Greg indicated he has a record attendance for the Monday lunch meeting. The lunch is offered free to all attendees at this meeting.
Greg discussed the status of the upcoming fall 2014 meeting in Washington DC, Metro Area.
The fall 2015 will more than likely be in Memphis, Tennessee.
Dave Wallach suggested rotating the time slot that the SCs are scheduled for on Wednesday so that the same SCs are not always the last meeting of the day. Greg indicated that he will look into this possibility.
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