All About Coffee

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BRAZIL. SERVIÇO DE ESTATISTICA COMMERCIAL. Statistics of imports and exports. The movement of shipping, exchange and coffee in the republic of the United States of Brazil. (Yearly.) Rio de Janeiro.

BRAZIL and coffee; souvenir of the Louisiana purchase exposition. 1904. 28 pp.

BRAZIL coffee in England. Bulletin of the Pan American Union, 1915, XL: 514-515.

BRAZILIAN coffee propaganda, The. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1909, LXXXVIII: 1223-1224.

BRAZILIAN REVIEW, The: a weekly record of trade and finance. Rio de Janeiro, 1907-1914.

COFFEE crop of Brazil, The. Economist, 1909, LXVIII: 1030-1031.

COFFEE exports from Brazil, 1898-1900. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, 1900-1901: 2592-2593.

D'ANTHOUARD DE WASSERVAS, A. Le café au Brésil. Journal des Économistes, 1910, ser. 6, XXVII: 16-37.

DA SILVA TELLES, A.E. O café e o estado de S. Paulo. São Paulo, 1900. 60 pp.

EMPIRE of Brazil at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans, The. New York, 1885. 71 pp.

GREAT BRITAIN. FOREIGN OFFICE. BRAZIL. Résumé of a report published in the "Journal do Commercio" of Rio de Janeiro on the production of coffee in Brazil, with statistics respecting its consumption in the United States. London, 1899. 7 pp. Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous series, No. 512.

GROSSI, VINCENZO. La crisi del caffè e i progetti per la fissazione del cambio al Brasile. Nuova Antologia, CCVIII; (ser. 5, CXXIV): 484-494.

KAFFEEFRAGE in Brasilien, Die. Grenzboten, LXVI: 335-339.

LEROY-BEAUILIEU, PAUL. Les droits sur le café. Le Brésil, la France et nos colonies. L'Économiste français, XXVIII; no. 1: 101-103.

MOREIRA, NICOLAU JOAQUIM. Brazilian coffee. New York, 1876. 11 pp.

N. Lettres du Brésil. La question du café. L'Économiste français, XXVIII, No. 1: 374-377.

PATTERSON, W. MORRISON. Brazil's coffee trade of today. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 323-324.

PINTO, ADOLPHO AUGUSTO. The state of São Paulo. Chicago, 1893. 14 pp.

SÃO PAULO (state) BRAZIL. SECRETARIA DE COMMERCIO SE ORRAS PUBLICAS. Estatistica especial da lavoura de café nos municipios de Aracariguama, Atibaia, Bananal, Pilar, Sertãozinho e Redempcão. São Paulo, 1900. 33 pp. Supplemento do Boletin da Agricultura, 1900, ser. I: VI.

---- Estatistica especial da lavoura de café nos municipios de Apiahy, Batates. Caconde, Campos Novos do Paranapanema, Dourado, Fartura, Faxina, Itarare, Jaboticabal, Mocóca, Monte-Mór, Natividade, Nazareth, Pirassununga, Porto-Feliz. Remedios da Ponte do Tieté, São Pedro do Turvo. Sarapuhy, Serra Negra e Yporanga. São Paulo, 1901. 177 pp. Supplemento do Boletin da Agricultura, 1901, ser. 2: IV.

SEEGER, EUGENE. Coffee crop of Brazil. U.S. Consular Reports, 1898, LVII, No. 218: 334-336.

TRANSPORTING Brazil coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 214-224.

WARD, ROBERT DE C. A visit to the Brazilian coffee country. National Geographic Magazine, 1911, XXII: 908-931.

WILLIAMS, J.H. The Brazil coffee situation. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 221-222.

WINDELS, J.H. A coffee buyer's life in Brazil. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXX: 538-545.


DICKSON, SPENCER S. Colombia. Report on the coffee trade of Colombia. London, 1903. 8 pp. Great Britain. Foreign Office. Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous series, No. 598.


COSTA RICA. CONTABILIDAD NACIONAL. Exportacion de la cosecha de café.

COSTA RICA. DEPARTMENTO NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICA. Diagrams de los promedios obtenidos en la venta del café de Costa Rica en Londres en los años de 1890 a 1899. San José, 1900.

---- Exportaciones de café de la República de Costa Rica. San José, 1900. 14 pp. Alcance á La Gaceta, 1900, No. 99.

----Fluctuaciones de los precios del café en Hamburgo, 1880-1899. San José, 1900.

COSTA RICA. SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES. Estudio é informe sobre el café de Costa Rica. 1900. 48 pp.


DEKKER, EDUARD DOUWES. Max Havelaar; or The coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company; by Multaluli, (pseud.); trans. from the original ms. by Baron Alphonse Nahuijs. Edinburgh, 1868.

VERWANGING van de gedwongen koffieteelt door eene vrije volkskoffie-cultuur. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië new ser. 2, V: 252-261.


GRANROTH, ELIAS G. Om café och de inhemska wäxter, som pläga brukas i dess ställe. Abo, 1755. 18 pp.


ARREST DU CONSEIL D'ESTAT DU ROY, qui permet aux directeurs interessez en l'armement du vaisseaux la Paix, de vendre les balles de caffé dont il est chargé. Paris, 1720. 4 pp.

---- Qui accorde à la Compagnie des Indes le privilege exclusif de la vente du caffé. Paris, 1723. 4 pp.

---- Pour la prise de possession par la Compagnie des Indes du privilege de la vente exclusive du caffé, sous le nom de Pierre le Sueur. Paris, 1723. 7 pp.

---- Qui ordonne que les commis et employez de la Compagnie des Indes pour l'exploitation des privileges du tabac et du café, procederont aux visites et executions au sujet des toiles et etoffes des Indes et du Levant. Paris, 1723. 7 pp.

---- Que declare commune en faveur des habitants de Cayenne et de St. Domingue, la declaration du 27. Septembre 1735. Paris, 1735. 3 pp.

---- Portant reglement sur les caffez provenant des plantations et cultures des Isles Françoises de l'Amérique. Paris, 1736. 4 pp.

DAROLLES, E. Le café sur le marché française. Paris, 1885.

DÉCLARATION DU ROY, Qui regle la manière dont la Compagnie des Indes fera l'exploitation de la vente exclusive du caffé. Donneé à Versailles le 10. Octobre 1723. Paris, 1723. 15 pp.

---- Concernant les cafez provenant des plantations et culture, de la Martinique et autres Isles Françoises de l'Amérique. Donnée a Fontainebleau le 27. Septembre 1732. Paris, 1732. 9 pp.


SCHÖNFELD, KARL. Der Kaffee-Engrosshandel Hamburgs. Heidelberg, 1903. 135 pp.


GREAT BRITAIN. BOARD OF TRADE. Tea and coffee, 1888, 1893, 1899-1900, 1903, 1908, 1910. Statistical tables showing the consumption of tea and coffee in the principal countries of Europe, in the United States and in the principal British self-government dominions, and also showing the principal sources of supply. Parliament, House of Commons. Reports and papers, 1889, No. 12; 1894, No. 329; 1900, No. 351; 1901, No. 363; 1903, No. 304 (reprinted, London, 1905, 47 pp.); 1908, No. 378 (reprinted, London, 1911, 58 pp.); 1911, No. 275 (reprinted, London, 1911, 19 pp.).

GREAT BRITAIN. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Copy of diagrams showing the consumption from 1856 to 1888 of tea, coffee, cocoa, and chicory, of alcoholic beverages, and of tobacco, compared with the increase of population. London, 1889. House of Commons, paper 121.

LIFEBELT COFFEE COMPANY, LTD. The statutory meeting of the company. London, 1909. 2 pp.

OBERPARLEITER, K. Der Londener Kaffeemarkt. 1912.


ROEF-PRAATJE, tusschen verscheiden persoonen, over de tegenswoordige staat van Surinamen en de laage prys der producten; waarin klaar aangetoond word de verkeerde gewoontens, wegens het verkoopen der coffy by inschryving, tot merkelyk nadeel der houders en geïntresseerdens der Surinaamsche obligaties. Amsterdam, 1774. 175 pp.


HAWAII (Republic) LABOR COMMISSION. Report on the coffee industry. Honolulu, 1895. 33 pp.

HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The Hawaiian Islands, their resources, agricultural, commercial and financial. Coffee, the coming staple product. Honolulu, 1896. 95 pp. Also, Washington, 1897. 32 pp.


CLIFFORD, FREDERICK. Indian coffee: its present production and future prospects. Journal of the Society of Arts, 1887, XXXV: 519-534.

INDIA. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT. Note on the production of coffee in India.

INDIA. STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Production of coffee in India. 19--.

MEMMINGER, LUCIEN. The Indian coffee trade crisis. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917. XXXII: 506-510.

SCHUURMAN, G.E. Eenige beschouwingen over verkoop van gouvernements koffie in India. Rotterdam, 1877. 13 pp.


KAMERWIJSHEID (Relating to forced native labor in the island of Java) 1879. 31 pp. Reprint from Algemeen Dagblad van Nederlandsche Indië, Sept. 16, 18, 22, 24, 25, 1879.

DE KOFFIECULTUUR op Java. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Indië, new ser. 2, No. 5: 660-667.

KUNEMAN, J. De gouvernements koffie-cultuur op Java. 's Gravenhage, 1890. 201 pp.

ROSE, G.F.C. Eenge opmerkingen naar aanleiding van de conclusive van de neerderheid der commissie nit de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal over de nitkomsten van het onderzoek betreffende de koffij kultuur op Java. 1874. 39 pp.

SUERMONDT, G., and LONDON, H.H. Correspondentie. De West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij verdedigd tegen den schrijver van de koloniale kronijk in de Economist. 1868. 15 pp.

---- West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij verdedigd tegen de aanvallen van Volksblad en Arnhemsche Courant. Amsterdam, 1865. 44 pp.

---- West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Toegelicht. Supplement van den eersten druk met voorrede. Amsterdam, 1865. 19 pp.

VAN DEN BERG, NORBERT PIETER. Koffieproductie en koffieuitvoer. Batavia, 1884. 8 pp.

VAN VLIET, L. VAN W. De koffij-enquête in verband met de ontworpen West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Amsterdam, 1871. 35 pp.


ELLIS, GEORGE W. Coffee industry in Liberia. U.S. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports, 1904, No. 291: 21-22.

MORREN, F.W. Cultuur bereiding en handel van Liberia Koffie. Amsterdam, 1894. 36 pp.


HINOJOSA, G. Cultivo del café. México, 1883. 8 pp. (Mexico. Ministro de Fomento.)

ROMERO, M. Coffee and india rubber culture in Mexico; preceded by geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. New York, 1898. 416 pp.

TERRY, L.M. Coffee culture in Mexico. Overland Monthly, 1901, new ser. XXXVII: 702-709.


AMSTERDAM. VEREENIGING VOOR DEN KOFFIEHANDEL. Statistiek van koffie in Nederland. Amsterdam, 1914.

GROENEVELD, J. Tremijnzaken in koffie te Rotterdam. Rotterdam, 1893. 15 pp.

JACOBSON, J. "Ernstig bedreigd" "Opgeroepen," een woord naar aanleiding van "Ernstig bedreigd" door den heer J. Jacobson en de daarop gevolgde geschriften van de heeren G.H. Mees en A. Plate, door en Nederlandes. Amsterdam, 1879. 12 pp.

JETS over de koffij-veilingen der Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij. Rotterdam, 1847. 24 pp.

NETHERLANDS (KINGDOM) Laws, statutes, etc. Wij Willem, bij de gratie Gods, konig der Nederlanden ... enz., enz., enz. Allen den genen, die deze zullen zien ... salut! doen te weten: Alzoo wij, tot stijving der inkomsten van den staat, noodzakelijk geoordeeld hebben, dat de koffij binnen ons rijk gebruikt ... aan eene belasting op de consumptie worde onderworpen. 's Gravenhage, 18--. 8 pp.

SUERMONDT, G., and LONDON, H.H. West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Het advys der Kamer van Koophandel te Batavia, de Ond Koopman, enz. wederlegd. Amsterdam, 1866. 127 pp.

WAANDERS, F.G. van B. De koffiemarkt. The Hague, 1882. 27 pp.


PORTO RICAN coffee. Outlook, Mar. 24, 1906, LXXXII: 632; May 5, 1906, LXXXIII: 46-47.

UNITED STATES. PRESIDENT, 1901-1909 (ROOSEVELT) Message from the President of the United States relative to his visit to the island of Porto Rico. Washington, 1906. 200 pp. 59th Congress, 2d Session, Senate document 135. Message, dated Dec. 11, 1906, accompanied by petitions in relation to the coffee trade, etc., and losses by the hurricane of 1899; and the sixth annual report of the governor, Beekman Winthrop, dated July 1, 1906.

VAN LEENHOFF, JOHANNES W. The condition of the coffee industry in Porto Rico. Mayaguez, 1904. 2 pp. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular No. 2.

WEYL, W.E. Labor conditions in Porto Rico. U.S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin, 1905, XI: 749-753.


SPANIEN. Bestimmungen über die Einfuhr von Kaffee und Kakao aus Fernando Po. Deutsche Handels-Archiv. 1901. 141.


ROTTACH, EDMOND. L'organisation économique de l'Indochine et le café au Tonkin. Société de Géographic commerciale de Paris. Bulletin, 1913, XXXV: 643-660.


AMERICAN tea and coffee trade from 1847 to 1916. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 28.


COFFEE trade of the United States. Chamber of Commerce, New York. Annual Report 1908-1909, pt. 1: 23-29.

COFFEE Trade of the United States for the past six years. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 326-329.

COFFEE TRADE of the United States since 1821. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 336-338.

CUNNINGHAM, E.S. Export of Mocha coffee to the United States. U.S. Consular Reports, 1899, LXI: 625-628.

OUR fastest growing coffee port, including handling green coffee at San Francisco. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 524-528.

RENAISSANCE of tea and coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 218-229.

SLOSS, R. New York coffee party. Everybody's Magazine. 1913, XXVIII: 772-783.

TEA, coffee, wines, etc.; consumption of tea, coffee, wines, distilled spirits, and malt liquors in the U.S. since 1870, per capita of population. Washington, 1896-1899. U.S. Agriculture Dept. Yearbook, 1895: 552; 1896: 595; 1897: 754; 1898: 723.

UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF STATISTICS. Imports of coffee and tea. 1790-1896. Washington, 1896. Also, Monthly Summary of Finance and Commerce, 1896, new ser. IV: 670-690.

WAKEMAN, ABRAM. History and reminiscences of lower Wall St. and vicinity. New York, 1914. 216 pp.


ALTSCHUD, F. Die Kaffeevalorisation. Jahrbüch für Gesetzgebubg, 1910, 2.

ATTACKING Brazil's coffee trust. Literary Digest, 1912, XLIV: 1242-1244.

BRAZIL'S failure to control the price. American Geographic Society. Bulletin, 1909, XLI: 220-222.

CAMPISTA, DAVID. Valorisação do café e Caixa de conversão. Rio de Janeiro, 1906: 53.

CHANTLAND, WILLIAM T. Valorization of coffee. A detailed report of the transactions and facts relating to the valorization of coffee. Washington, 1913. 15 pp. U.S. 63rd Congress, 1st session. Senate Document, 36.

COFFEE combine at bay. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXII: 497-513.

COFFEE valorization and the Sherman law. Journal of Political Economy, 1918, XXI: 162-163.

COFFEE valorization scheme and the coming harvest, The. Economist, 1909, LXVIII: 910-911.

DE CARVALHO, J.C. O café do Brazil, estudos a favor da propaganda para a augmento do consumo e valorisação do café do Brazil no estrangeiro. Rio de Janeiro, 1901. 41 pp.

---- O café, sua historia, des valorisação e propaganda pada o augmento do consumo na Europa o algodão, a industria da tecelagem do algodão, sua origem, appareicimento e desenvolvimento na America do Sul. Conferencias publicas realissadas na séde la Sociedade nacional de agricultura. Rio de Janeiro, 1900. 53 pp.

DENIS, PIERRE. La crise du café au Brésil et la valorisation. Revue politique et parlementaire, 1908, LVI: 494-520.

FERREIRA RANGEL, SYLVIO. Valorisação de café. Rio de Janeiro, 1906. 18 pp. Also, A Lavoura, IX: 81-90.

FERRIN, A.W. Brazilian plan of limiting shipments. Moody's Magazine, 1912, XIII: 409-414.

HOW the coffee trust has held its grip. Current Literature, 1912, LIII: 52-54.

HUEBNER, G.G. Making green coffee prices. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912. XXI: 442-449.

HUTCHINSON, LINCOLN. Coffee valorization in Brazil. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1909, XXIII: 528-535.

KURTH, HERMANN. Die Lage des Kaffeemarktes und die Kaffeevalorisation. Inaugural dissertation, Jena, 1907. 34 pp.

LALIÈRE, A. La valorisation du café. Revue économique internationale, Feb. 15-20, 1910, VII, pt. 1: 316-350.

LÉVY, MAURICE. La valorisation du café au Brésil. Annales des Sciences politiques, 1908, XXIII: 586-603.

MACFARLANE, JOHN J. Coffee valorization analysed. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1910, XIX: 103-110.

MCKENNA, W.E. Cause of advance in price. Public, 1912, XV: 508.

OLAVARRIA, I.A. Liga de los paises cafeteros. Caracas, 1898. 20 pp.

PAYEN, ÉDOUARD. Au Brésil: la valorisation du café. Questions diplomatique et coloniales, XXIV: 728-740.

RAISING prices by destruction. Nation, 1909. LXXXVIII: 520-521.

RAMOS, F. FERREIRA. La valorisation du café au Brésil. 1907.

RATZKA-ERNST, CLARA. Welthandelsartikel und ihre Preise. Eine Studie zur Preisbewegung und Preisbildung. Der Zucker, der Kaffee und die Baumwolle. München, 1912. 244 pp.

SCHMIDT, FRITZ. Die Kaffeevalorisation. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 1909, ser. 3, XXXVIII: 662-670.

SIELCKEN, HERMANN. Coffee valorization explained. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XXI: 471-481.

---- A defense of valorization. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII, Supplement to no. 6: 17-21.

SLOSS, R. Why coffee costs twice as much. World's Work, 1912, XXIV: 194-205.

SUIT against the coffee trust. Nation, 1912, XCIV: 508-509.

SYNDICAT général de défense du café et des produits coloniaux. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, II: No. 6.

THEISS, LEWIS EDWIN. Why the price of coffee increases. Showing how a few rich men, who want to be richer, are pushing up the price of coffee. Pearson's Magazine, 1911, XXVI: 456-463.

TURMANN, MAX. Un état qui fait du commerce. Le Brésil et la valorisation du café. La Revue hebdomadaire, 1909, VIII: 450-470.

UKERS, WILLIAM H. The great coffee corner. Saturday Evening Post, 1909, CLXXXI: 5-7.

VALORIZING coffee. Review of Reviews, 1912, XLVI: 21-22.

VALUE of coffee. Current Literature, 1903, XXXV: 746-747.

WESSELS, L. De opheffing van het monopolie en de vervanging van de gedwongen koffie-cultuur op Java door een staatscultuur in vrijen arbeid. 's Gravenhage, 1890. 72 pp.

WILEMAN, J.P. Unparalleled valorization. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 444-445.

ZUR Frage der Kaffee-Valorisation. Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung, 1913, IX: 237-243.



NOTE. As this is a book about coffee, the entries in the Index refer--unless otherwise specified--to that general subject, and more particularly to Coffea arabica; other varieties are distinguished by their scientific or trade names. Thus, "Adulteration" refers to the adulteration of coffee; and "Adulterants," to the substances used for that purpose.

Abbreviations Used

bev. signifies beverage biog. " biography C. or c. " coffee C. " Coffeachk. " coffee-house keeper d. " died hyb. " hybrid ill. " illustration inv. " invention newsp. " newspaper pamph. " pamphlet pat. " patent, patentee per. " periodical pseud. " pseudonym q. " quoted v. " vessel, ship

Italicized words are either scientific terms or titles of publications. Titles of books are followed by the name of the author, if known; other publications are distinguished as broadsides, newspapers, pamphlets, or periodicals.

Geographical names are distributed under various topics, such as "Acreage," "Coffee houses," "Consumption," "Cultivation," "Exports," "Imports," "Production," and the like.

A Mon Café, Ducis, 548

Abbas, wife of, 21

Abbey, Charlotte, q., 177

Abbey, Roswell, pat., 245

Abbey, Freeman & Co., 482

Abd-al-Kâdir, 14, 431

Abd-al-Kâdir ms., 31, 431, 542, 543 Description, 541

Abele, Chris, pat., 630, 638, 644, 645; d. (1910), 641

Abeokutæ, C., 142 Java, 216

Abeokutæ × liberica, hyb., 146

Abigail, 13

Aborn, A.C., q., Cost card for roasters, 392

Aborn, Edward, 439, 514, 651, 701, 713, 714, 716, q., 715

Aborn, W.H., 715

About, Edmund F.V., q., 685

Abraham, 18

Abyssinian c., 353, 376, 377

Account of his Journeys, An, Olearius, q., 22

Ach (chemist), 186

Ach, F.J., 488, 509, 511, 513, q., 408

Acidity, percentages in c., 719

Acid c.'s, 397

Acids, 159, 168

Acker, Finley, pat., 472, 645, 649, 701

Acker, Merrall & Condit Co., 478, 494, 498

Ackland, James, chk., 118

Acreage Africa, British East, 230, 285 Argentina, 236 Australia, 238, 284 Brazil (sq. miles), 277 Ceylon, 236, 283 Ecuador, 236, 278 Federated Malay States, 238, 284 Guadeloupe, 233 Guatemala, 219 Guiana, British, 279 Haiti, 220, 281 Hawaii, 241 India, 226, 227, 282 Jamaica, 232, 281 Java, 215 Leeward Islands, 282 Mauritius, 285 Nyasaland, 230, 285 Philippines, 284 Porto Rico, 223 Salvador, 219, 280 Uganda, 230, 285 Venezuela, 212 Yemen, 230

Adams, chk., 559

Adams, Abigail, q., 467, 468

Adams, Isaac, pat., 245

Adams, John, 110, 113, 593

Adams, Pygan, 609

Adams & Son, 710

Addison, Joseph, 75, 80, 84, 557, 558, 560, 572, 575, 576, 577, 578, 593

Addison, Life of, Johnson, q., 561

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