All About Coffee

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Bourdon, Isid, q., 565

Bourne, H.R. Fox, q., 54

Bovee & Co., Wm. H., 506

Bowdoin, Gov. (see Chicory), 468

Bowers, B.O., 480

Bowman, chk., 53, 54

Bowman, John, pat., 637

Bown, W.J.H., 510

Bown & Bro., W.T., 507

Bowring & Co., 488

Boyd & Co., G., 501

Braas, Joseph, 507

Brancho, João Alberto C., 9

Bradford, Cornelius, chk., 119, 120

Bradford, John R. (Mrs.), 614

Bradford, Phebe C., 614

Bradford, William, chk., 127, 128, 129

Bradley, Prof. R., 42

Bradley, Richard, q., 58

Brady, Cyrus Townsend, 563

Brady, Dr., q., 177

Bramhall Deane Co., 634

Brand advertising, 455, 462-465

Brand, Carl W., 448, 507, 514

Brandenburg, Elector of, 45

Brandenstein, Edward, 506

Brandenstein, M.J., 506

Brandenstein, Manfred, 506

Brandenstein & Co., M.J., 471, 488, 506

Brands, 434, 435, 440, 441, 462, 465, 469, 470, 474, 496, 522-524, 538, 539

Brasher, Abraham, 609

Brasher, Ephraim, 609

Brass, Italico, 556

Braun Co., 472, 646

Brayley (topographer), 582

Brazil Coffee Co., 478

Brazil coffee delegation, 514

Brazil-grading, 331

Brazil Trading Co., 485

Brazils (c.), 341-345, 366

Breakfast (brand), 524

Bregolini, Ubaldo, 27

Brett, Colonel, 576

Breur, Moller & Co., 340

Brewing, Altitude limit 9,000 feet, 715 Art of Calkin's patent, 702 Muller's patent, 702 Below boiling point, 515, 707, 714, 717 Care in, 723 Chemistry of, 168, 718-720 Clarifying, 704, 705 Comparison of methods, 720, 721 Evolution of, 702, 704 Filtration vs. percolation, 515 Incorrect methods injurious, 179 N.C.R.A. recommendations, 717 Research, Un. of Kansas, 714 Scientific, 718-722 Thurber's method, 712

Brewing devices (1760-1855), 620-629 Acker's (1884), 645 American colonial, 709 Andrews' reversed Fr. drip (1841), 627 Best materials, 717, 721, 722 Blickman's (1916), 652 Care of, 722 Casseneuve's reversed Fr. drip, 623 Cauchois's porcelain-lined urn, 645 Cauchois's centrifugal pump, 651 Chapman's tea or coffee pot, 649 Chronology (1879-1921), 643-654 Combined making and serving pot, 616 Comparative test (1915), 714 (1917), 716 Criterion, 674 Earthenware, painted (Abyssinia), 655 First (boiler), 615, 616 First French patent (1802), 621, 699 First U.S. patent (1825), 469, 624, 625, 699 Fountain, 674 German patents (1877-85), 638 Levant (1691), 696 Le Brun's Cafetiére, 710 Manning's combined, 637 Martelley's patent (1825), 699 Moneuse's urn (1869), 639 Muller's Art of Making Coffee, 653 Napier-List machine, 700 Parker's steam-fountain, 705 Platow, 674 Rabaut's reversed Fr. drip (1822), 623 Savage's tea or coffee pot (1904), 649 Sené's, "without boiling" (1815), 623 Still's steam coffee-maker (1902), 647 Syphon (Napier), 674 Verithing (Summerling's), 674 White's urn (1908), 651 Wyatt's distillation apparatus, 699

Brewing methods, Abyssinia, 655 American colonies, 708, 709 Arabia, 658-663, 695 Australia, 692 Austria, 671, 672 Belgium, 672 Brazil, 691 Bulgaria, 678 Canada, 686, 687 Ceylon, 670 China, 670 Cuba, 692 Denmark, 678 England (1662), 696; (1722), 697; (19th cent.), 704-707 Europe, 670-686 (19th century), 704-708 Finland, 678 France, 678-683 (1669), 696; (1711-1812), 696-698; (19th cent.), 707, 708 Buc'hoz's recipe, 708 Germany, 684, 685 Great Britain, 672-678 Greece, 685 India, 670 Italy, 686, 696 Japan, 670 Java, 670 Levant (1691), 696 Martinique, 692 Mexico, 687 Netherlands, 686 New Orleans, 689, 690 New York, 690 Hotel Ambassador, 691 Waldorf-Astoria, 690, 691 New Zealand, 692 Oriental, early, 31, 694, 695 Paris, 670 Panama, 692 Persia, 670 Philippines, 692 Portugal, 686 Scandinavia, 686 Roumania, 686 Russia, 686 Servia, 686 Spain, 686 Switzerland, 686 Turkey, 31, 665, 667, 668 U.S., 687, 691, 709-723 Jabez Burns' method, 712 Vienna, 670, 671, 672

Brewing process Goldsworthy's (1920), 702

Brews, Composition of, 721

Brief and merry history of England, q., 77

Brief description, etc., A, pamph., ill., 70, 71

Briggs, James H., 477

Briggs & Meehan, 477

Brillat-Savarin, 565; q., 557, 697

Brisbane, v., 316

British E. India Co., 75, 82, 106, 601

British Pharmaceut. Codex, q., 183

Broadbent, Humphrey, q., 293, 618, 697

Broadhurst, (tenor), 582

Broad-side Against C., A; or, the Marriage of the Turk, q., ill., 69, 70

Broad-sides and pamphlets, 58, 60, 61, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 432, 433, 434

Brock, J., 503

Brokers Abyssinia, 308, 310 Arabia, 310, 312 New York, 336, 337 (see also Dealers, wholesale)

Bronson, Jr., A.E., pat., 647

Bronson, Zenos, pat., 245

Bronson-Walton Co., 647

Brougier, pat., 167

Brown, Agnes, 526

Brown, Arthur W., 482

Brown, James, 497

Brown, Tom, q., 75, 572, 574

Brown & Jones, 497

Brown & Scott, 497, 499

Brownejohn, William, chk., 118

Browning, Charles H., q., 126

Bruce, James, q., 693

Bruckman & Co., L., 496

"Bruderherz" (Kolschitzky), 51

Bruff, Sr., Thomas, pat., 468, 621

Brûleau, Café, 106

Bruning, William H., pat., 653

Bruno, Bishop Joachim, 9

Bubonic-plague boom (1899-1901), 529

Bucararamangas (c.), 348, 364

Buck, John H., q., 607

Buckeye (brand), 470

Buc'hoz, Pierre Joseph, q., 708

Budan, Baba, 5, 225

Budenbach, T.O., 497

Budgell, 576, 578

Buds, beverage from, 694

Buffon, 98

Buitzenzorg c., 355, 373

Bukabensis, C., 146

Bulfinch, Charles, 113

Bullard & Co., C.G., 485

Bullata, C., hyb., 140

Bulson, A.E.J., q., 182

Bun, 1, 3, 12

Bun safi (cleaned beans), 266

Buna, 41

Bunca, 12, 25

Buncha, 12

Bunchum, 11, 12, 25

Bunchy, 38

Bunge, Edouard, 532, 534

Bunn, 3, 12, 17, 35

Bunn, El, 662

Bunnu, 25, 38

Burbank, Luther, 161

Bureaus Bus. research (see Harvard) Chemistry, U.S., 144

Burke, Edmund, 81, 574

Burke, Richard, 573, 574

Burman, q., 183

Burmester, H.W., 488

Burn, J.H., q., 62

Burns, A. Lincoln, 526, 527; q., 391, 394

Burns, George, chk., 121

Burns, Henry, 508

Burns, Jabez., 494, 496, 630; biog., 517, 526; d. (1888), 526, 637; pat., 469, 634, 644, 645; q., 634, 635, 636, 637, 712 Starts Spice Mill, per., 470

Burns, Jabez (Mrs.), 526

Burns Jr., Jabez, 526, 527

Burns, Robert, 526, 527; pat., 647, 652

Burns, William G., 526, 527; pat., 652, 653

Burns & Brown, 495

Burns & Sons, Inc., Jabez, 526

Burr, Aaron, 123

Burstone mills, 637

Burton, Robert, 543, 557; q., 13, 38

Bush Terminal Stores, ill., 322

Bute, Lord, 572

Butler, Dr., q., 179

Butler, Earhart & Co., 469, 508

Butler, Crawford & Co., 508

Button, chk., 575, 578

Buying Abyssinia, 308, 310 Arabia, 310, 312 Brazil, 303-308 Netherlands E. Indies, 312

Buying and selling green c., 303-312

Byerly, Thomas, 585

Byerley, Sir John, 585

Cabarets à caffè, 33 (See also Coffee houses)

Cabarrus, E.T., 538

Cable-break panic (1884), 528

Cadwallader, pseud., 581

Café à la crème, 708 à la minute, 708 au lait, 691, 696 avec beurre, 683 bonifleur (Guadeloupe), 257 brûleau, 106 complet, 683 con léche, 691 de luxe (Guadeloupe), 257 en parché (Guadeloupe), 257 en pergamino (grade), 261 filtré, 675 gloria, 683 mazagran, 92, 655, 682 melangé, 671 nature, 683 sultan, 658 sultane, 694

Café, The, per., 34

Café, literary, artistic, and commercial, The, per. (French), 34

Caféier et le Café, Le, Jardin, ill., q., 2, 6, 14, 31 32, 33, 629

Cafés Berlin Admiral's, 684 Bauer, ill., 684 Des Westens, 684 "Groessenwahn", 684 Josty's, 684 Kranzler's, ill., 684 Victoria, 684 Hague, The St. Joris, 686 London Gatti's, ill., 675, 677 Kardomah (chain), 675 London Café Co., 674 Monico, ill., 675, 677 Nero, 674 Pioneer, 677 Popular, 675, 677 Ritz, 678 Trocadero, 657 Naples Toledo, 686 New York Fleischmann's, 690 Paris Paix, de la, 683 Prévost, 683 Régence, de la, 683 Venice Florian's, 686 (See also Coffee houses; Hotels; Restaurants; Taverns)

Cafés chantants (see Coffee houses)

Caffè, 3

Caffè, Il, Belli, 549

Caffè, Il (almanac, 1829), 558

Caffè, Il, per., (1764-66), 30, 558

Caffè, Il, per., (1850-52), 558

Caffè, Il, per., (1884-89), 558

Caffè Pedrocchi, Il, per., (1885), 558

Caffearine, 159

Caffein, 159, 161, 162, 166, 167, 175, 176, 179, 182, 437, 711, 718, 721 Analyses for, 172 Chaff contains, 708 Harmless in moderation, 717 Hollingworth's experiments, 187, 188 Loss in roasting, 167 Physiological action, 183-188 Robusta, C., 145 Solubility, 160

Caffein content (C. arabica), 161

Caffein-free c., ill., 142, 404 Artificial, 161, 162, 163, 721 Natural, 161, 162, 721 Varieties, 147

Caffetannic acid, 158, 159, 166, 174, 721 Analysis for, 173 Lead number, 514 Misnomer, 716, 718, 719 Physiological action, 182

Caffinets (see Coffee houses)

Caffeol, 163, 164, 719, 720 Physiological action, 183

Caffeone, 163

Cage, R.H., 505

Cage & Drew, 505

Cage, Drew & Co., Ltd., 505

Cahoa, 1, 2

Cahouah, 15

Cahove, 91

Cahua, 1, 38

Cahue, 1, 2

Cahve, 31

Cahwa, 45

Caleb, Negus, 5

Calkin, Benjamin H., pat., 652, 702

Calorific value of c., 180

Calvados, 682

Campaigning with Grant, Porter, q., 563

Campbell (chemist), q., 163

Campbell, chk., 576

Campbell, Charles, 482

Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, q., 570

Campen, Christopher, q., 12

Canadian Bank of Commerce, 488

Canby, Edward, 509

Canby, Frank L., 509

Canby, Ach & Canby, 508, 509

Candle, Sales by, 571

Canephora, C. Botanical description, 145 Caffein content, 161 Ceylon, 236 Java, 216 Varieties, 146

Cannon & Co., F., 485

Canova, 28, 29

Cans (see Containers)

Cantatas Bach's, q., ill., 595-599 Fuzelier's, music by Bernier, q., 594

Cantino, Cesare, 549

Caouhe, 2

Caova, 2, 26, 41

Caphe, 1, 38

Capodimonte c.-pot, 607

Capitazias, 306 (See Porthandling charges)

Capuchin, Café, 683

Caracanda Frères, 338

Caracas c., 348, 364

Caracol (grade), 261

Caracollilo (grade), 264

Caramel in c., 718

Carazo, Padre, 225

Carbohydrates, 165

Cardamom in c., 657, 696, 709

Caret, q., 555

Carey, 80, 576

Carey & Co., 480

Cargoes Damaged, 321, 322 Record (Brazil to U.S.), 315, 316

Carhart & Bro., 482

Carit & Co., S.A., 487

Carjat, 103

Carmen Caffaeum, Massieu, q., 543-547

Carne, John, q., 668-670

Carnegie, Andrew, 521

Carpenter, Samuel, 126

Carr, Chase & Raymond, 501

Carret & Co., J.E., 340

Carruthers, 549

Carson & Co., W.K., 485

Carte, D'Oyly, 678

Carter, James, pat., 469

Carter, James W., 494; pat., q., 629

Carter Bros. & Co., 507

Carter, Macy & Co., 480

Carter, Mann & Co., 501

Cartons (see Containers)

Casanas, Ben. C., 503, 513, 535; q., 415

Case, Howard E., 496

Caseneuve, pat., 623, 699

Casilla (grade), 261

Castel, q., 548

Castle Bros., 488

Caswell, George W., 505, 506

Caswell Co., George W., 506

Catalog, Hudson-Fulton Celebration, q., 607, 609

Catalogue of the Rarities to be seen at Adam's, 559

Catalogue of Traders' Tokens, Burn, q., 62

Catch crops, 203

Cauchois, Frederick A., 498, 701; pat., 472, 645, 649, 651

Cauphe, 38

Cavanaugh, Rearuck & Co., 502

Cave, 31

Caveah, 2

Cavee, 26

Cavekane, 32

Cazeneuve, q., 159

Celebes c., 355, 374

Centlivre, Susannah, q., 554

Central American coffee San Francisco's fight for trade, 489-491

Central Americans (c.), 347, 359-361

Certified Java and Mocha (brand), 524

Ceylons (c.), 351, 352, 370

Chaa (tea), 35

Chabert, Josephine, 518

Chabraeus, 543

Chaff Removal deprecated, 714 Rich in caffein and aroma, 708

Chain-stores, 415, 417, 418

Chamber of Commerce (New York), 119, 120

Chamberlain, George A., q., 563

Chamberlain, Orville W., pat., 652

Chamberlaine, John, q., 432

Champmeslé, 91

Champney, Elizabeth W., q., 563

Chaouah, 1, 2, 35

Chaova, 41

Chapin, Harold, 556, 563

Chapman, D.J., 501

Chapman, J.W., pat., 649

Character of a coffee house, The (broadside) q., 66-68

Characteristics Complete reference table, 358-378 Governing influences, 156 Green and roasted, 341-378 Leading growths (chart), 191

Charcoal, C. classed as, 20

Charles II, 20, 41, 59, 71, 72, 74, 82, 109, 554 Proclamation against c. houses, 73

Charlet, 593

Chase, Caleb, 501

Chase & Co., Geo. C., 499

Chase & Sanborn, 435, 470, 471, 485, 498, 501

Chase, Raymond & Ayer, 501

Chatfield-Taylor, H.C., q., 556

Chatterton, Thomas, 80, 85, 88

Chattopádhyáya Virendranath, q., 1, 2

Chaube, 2, 25, 41

Checking the roast, 387, 391

Cheek, Joel O., 509, 513, 515

Cheek-Neal Coffee Co., 443, 509

Cheek, Norton & Neal, 509

Cheetham, Jr., William H., 501

Chelsea bunhouse (London), 560

Chemical analysis Bean, 171-173 Beverage, 714

Chemistry, 155-173 U.S. Bureau of, 338, 391, 396

Cheribon c., 355, 373

Chess in c. houses, 96, 98, 104

Chesterfield, Lord, 576

Chesterton, Gilbert K., 553

Chestnut, q., 155

Chevalier, Aug., 142

Cheyne, George, q., 59

Chiapas c., 345, 358

Chibouk, 663

Chicago Liquid Sack Co., 471

Chicago Theatre Society, 555

Chicory Botanical description, 170 Chemical analysis, 170 Extracts of c., use in, 109 First use (Holland, 1750), 170 Introduced into U.S. (1785), 468 Microscopic exam., 152, 153 Substitute for c., 46

Chicory in coffee, 404 France, 678 Great Britain, 673 Paris and Vienna, 670, 671 Scandinavia, 686

Children, effect on, 177, 178

Childs (grocer, St. Louis), 631

China & Java Export Co., 488

Chlorogenic acid. 718, 719

Choate, Joseph H., 690

Chocolate Discovery of, 12 Introduction into North Am., 106 Prices, London (1662), 59 Sold in London (1657), 56 Sold in London c. houses, 41, 61, 78, 80

Chocolate Cream (brand), 441

Chocolate houses (see Coffee houses)

Chocolate pots, 609

Cholera, effect on, 181

Chops Brazil, 306 New York, 321

Chréstomathie Arabe, de Sacy q., 2, 17, 663

Christian beverage, 26

Chronology, A coffee, 725-737

Chubuck & Saunders, 508

Churchill, 579, 580

Churchill & Co., Frederick A., 502

Cibber, Colley, 579; q., 575, 577

Cinnamon in c., 105, 696, 709

Cinnamon roast, 388

Cincinnati, Society of the, 120

Cincinnati Spice Mills, 503

Cipriani, 84, 583

City, The, q., 86

City Coffee Works, 492

City Directory, New York (1848, 1854), q., 494 (1861) q., 496

City Dock Co. (Santos, Brazil), 303

City roast, 388

Clarification, 704, 705

Clark, Ammi, pat., 625

Clark, Charles A., 506, 514

Clark & Host Co., 506

Clarke Bros. & Co., 508

Clay bowls, 616

Cleaning machinery, 246, 248, 257, 383, 385 Hungerford's patents, 644

Clearing Ass'n, N.Y. Exch., 331, 335

Clearwater, Judge, 609

Clement VIII, Pope, 26

Climate, Best for c., 198

Closset, Emile, 507

Closset, Joseph, 507

Closset & Devers, 507

Closset Bros., 507

Cloves in c., 696, 709

Clubs Boston First, 111 Merchants, 111 London Court de Bone Compagnie, 60 Evolution of, 75 Hanover, 577 Literary, 583 London coffee-house Bread Street, 60 Devil Tavern, 60 Friday Street, 60 Mermaid Tavern, 60 Rota, 59, 60, 583 Turk's Head, 81 Turk's Head Society, 583 White's, 87 New York Coffee House, 690 South America, 690 Phila., supersede c. houses, 130

Clubs and Club Life in London, Timbs, q., 570-585

Coal roasting, 385, 386

Coarse (see Grinds)

Coated c. Rulings (U.S.) against, 337

Coatepec c., 345, 358

Coating, 166, 396 Condemned by N.C.R.A., 513 Reasons for, 170

Coatzacoalcos c., 345, 358

Coava, 36

Cobáns (c.), 347, 359

Cobbett, William, q., 561, 562

Cochrane, q., 185

Cocoa, first used in Europe, 25

Coffa, 2, 36, 38

Coffalic acid, 719

Coffao, 2

Coffe, 2

Coffee, Keable, q., 181, 182

Coffee, A short historical account of, Bradley, 42

Coffee and Repartee, Bangs, q., 564, 565

Coffee Book, The, q., 714

Coffee cantata, Bach, 46

Coffee Club (U.S.), 453

Coffee Club, The, per., q., 177

Coffee from Plantation to Cup, Thurber, q., 182, 712

Coffee Grinding and Brewing, N.C.R.A., 715

Coffee house, most beautiful, 599

Coffee house, The (comedy) Rosseau, 88

Coffee house, The new and curious, per, 45

Coffee house or newsmongers' hall, (broadside), 68, 69

Coffee-house keepers, London Proposed newspaper monopoly, 74 Tokens, ill., 56, 62, 74, 89, 582, 602, 603

Coffee houses, 293 Advantages, 72 Algeria, 656 Arabia, 658 Augsburg, first (1713), 45 Berlin Arnoldi, 45 City of Rome, 45 English, 45 Falck's (Jewish), 45 First (1721), 45 Miercke, 45 Royal, 45 Schmidt, 45 Widow Doebbert's, 45 Boston, 108-113 American, 108, 111 Auctions held in, 112 British, 108 Crown, ill., 108 Exchange, 112, 113 First, 108 Green Dragon, ill., 109, 110, 111 Gutteridge, 108 London, 108, 116, 467 North-End, 112 Royal Exchange, 112 Stage coaches start from, 110, 112 Washington, 110 Brazil, 691 Cairo, number (17th century), 26 Chicago Exchange, 106 Lake Street, 106 Washington, 106 Constantinople, 663-667 Prices (1554), 19 Damascus, 668-670 First, 19 Gate of Salvation, 19 Roses, 19 Egypt, 656, 657 England First (1650), 41, 53 Decline, 75 Ordered suppressed, 72, 73 Proclamation by Charles II, 73 Proclamation rescinded, 73 Europe, first, 27 Exeter (Devon) Mol's, 42 France, 33, 682, 684 Germany, 683, 684 First (1675), 45 Hamburg, first (1675), 45 Italy, 27, 28 First, 27, 686 Leipzig, first (1694), 45 London, 53-89 Adam's (and museum), 559, 560 Baker's, 87 Baltic, 87 Batson's, 78 Bedford, 80, 84, 88, 576, 579, 580 Blue Hall, 575 Bowman's, 83 British, ill., 79, 86 Button's, ill., 80, 81, 83, 84, 570, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 593 Caledonien, ill., 84, 593 Chapter, 78, 80, 88, 582 Child's, 78, 88, 560, 582 Cocoa-Tree, 78, 79, 87, 560 Decline of, 61, 62, 81, 82, 674, 675 Dick's, ill., 87, 88, 555, 572 Dish of Coffee Boy, ill., 603 Don Saltero's, ill., 80, 86, 88, 558 Museum, 559 Edinburgh Castle, 75 Farr's, 54 Fire of 1666, 61, 62 First (1652), 42, 53, 54, 293 Folly (house-boat), 89 Garraway's (or Garway's) ill., 56, 77, 80, 83, 561, 570, 571, 572 Gaunt's, 588 George's, 584, 585 Giles's, 560 Grecian, ill., 61, 77, 80, 85, 560, 584 Groom's, 572 Hamlin's, 78 Jacob's, 42 Jamaica, 83 Jenny Man's, 560 Jerusalem, 88 Joe's, 571 Jonathan's, 88, 554, 560, 572 Little Man's, 79, 88 Lloyd's, ill., 75, 80, 85, 572 London 88, 582 Man's, 61, 88 Miles's, 583 Nando's, 80, 88, 572, 585 New England and North and South American, 88 New Lloyd's, 86 New Man's, 88 New Slaughter's, 84 News centers, use as, 77 North's, 78 Number (1715), 74 Old Man's, 77, 79, 88 Old Slaughter's, 84 "On the Pavement", 583 Rosée's, 42 Peele's, 80, 88, 585 "Penny universities", 3 Percy, 89, 585 Piazza, 80, 89, 581 Piazza coffee room, 580, 581 Rainbow, 62, 77, 89, 572 Read's, 74 Red Cow, 83, 574 Robins's, 63 Robinson's, 570 Rochford's, Mrs., 79 Rose, 84, 574 Royal Swan (and museum), 559 Second, 54 Shakespeare, 84 Slaughter's, ill., 80, 84, 85, 580, 583, 584, 593 Smyrna, 79, 80, 89, 573 Squire's, 86 St. James's, 75, 78, 79, 80, 88, 558, 560, 562, 573, 574, 588 Stone's, 675 Thomas's, 84 Tiltyard, 78 Tom King's, 89, 581 Tom's, ill., 80, 85, 575, 576, 579, 580, 593 Turk's Head, 56, 59, 80, 81, 89, 582, 583 Turk's Head, Canada and Bath, 583 Virginia, 83 Welch (Daniels), 78 White's, ill., 79, 87, 558, 587, 588 Burned (1733), 587 Widow Hambledon's, 575 Williams's, 78 Will's, 77, 79, 80, 83, 558, 560, 574, 575, 588 Young Man's, 78, 79, 88 Marseilles, first (1671), 32 Mecca Opposition, 17 Relicensed, 18 Milan Demetrio, 30 Netherlands, 44, 686 New England, 107-113 New Orleans, 106 New York, 115-124 Auctions held at, 118 Bank, 121, 124 Burns, ill., 117, 121 City, 119 Civic forums, use as, 115, 117, 118, 120 Directory, use as, 120 Double R., 690 Exchange, 118, 119 Exchange coffee room, 120 Exchanges, use as, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123 First (1696), 116 Decline, 123 Gentlemen's Exchange, 118 Keen and Lightfoot's, 120 King's Arms, ill., 116, 117, 118, 121, 467 Merchants, ill., 115, 118, 119, 122, 123, 593 Birthplace of Union (1774), 474 Congress of Deputies Suggested, 120 Memorial tablet (1914), 473, 474 Organizations meeting therein, 120 New, 117,118 New England and Quebec, 121 New York, 120 Pequot, 611 Social centers, use as, 115 Tontine, ill., 120, 121, 123, 593 Whitehall, 121 Nuremburg, first (1696), 45 Oxford Jacob's, 41, 53 Jobson's, 41 Tillyard's, 41 Padua: Pedroechi, ill., 29, 30, 599 Paris, 91-104 Alcazar d'Hiver, 98 Anglais, 103 Bonnard's, 98 Beauvilliers', 102 Chartres, 102 Chat Noir, 104 Concert du XIX Siécle, 98 Concert Européen, 98 Des Mille Collonnes, ill., 99 Development of. 94, 96 Durand, 104 Dutch, 103 Eldorado, 98 English, 103 Février's, 102 First (1672), 291, 670 Folles Bobino, 98 Foy, ill., 97, 100 Gaieté, 98 Grand Commun, 102 Gregory's, 93 Guerbois, 104 Laurent, 103, 554 Lefévre's, 96 Le Gantois's, 93 Littéraire, 103 Madrid, 103 Magny's, 94, 96, 102 Maire's, 103 Maison Dorée, 103 Makara's, 93 Maliban's, 93 Mapinot, 102 Massé's, 102 Méot's, 102 Momus, 100 Number of, 93 (1843), 94 Paix, de la, 103 Pascal's (Fair of St. Germain), 33, 92 Paris, ill., 101, 103 Procope, ill., 94, 95, 98, 566 Rambuteau, 98 Régence, 96, 98 Riche, 103, 104 Rocher de Cancale, 104 Rotonde, 100, 102 Royal Drummer, ill., 94 Stephen's, 93 Terre's, 103 Tortoni, 103 Tour d'Argent, 94 Trois Frères Provençaux, 102 Vachette, 102 Venua's, 102 Véry, 102 Voisin, 103 Persia, 21 Philadelphia, 125-130 Decline of, 130 Exchange (proposed), 130 Scene from Hamilton, ill., 556 Exchanges, use as, 128 First (1700), 126 James, 127 London, ill., 125, 126 Slave auctions, ill., 128 Sunday closing, 129 Swearing, gaming, etc., prohibited, 128 London (2nd), ill., 127 Merchants, 125, 129, 130 Roberts', 127 Social centers, use as, 125, 130 Ye coffee house, 125, 126, 467 Post-office, use as, 126 Portugal, 686 Regensburg: first (1689), 45 Santo Domingo, first (1738), 34 Spain, 686 St. Louis: Leonhard's, 105 Stuttgart: first (1712), 45 Turkey, 32, 663-670 Closed, 20 Reopened, 21 United States (1700), 708 Venice, Abbondanza, 28 Angelo Custode, 28 Arabo-Piastrelle, 28 Arco Celeste, 28 Aurora Plante d'oro, 28 Buon genio-Doge, 28 Coraggio-Speranza, 28 Dame Venete, 28 Ducca di Toscana, 28 Florian, ill., 27, 28, 29, 555 Fontane di Diana, 28 Imperatore Imperatrice della Russia, 28 Menegazzo, 28 Orfeo, 28 Pace, 28 Pitt. l'eroe, 28 Ponte dell' Angelo, 27 Quadri, 28 Redentore, 28 Re di Francia, 28 Regina d'Ungheria, 28 Spaderia, 27 Tamerlano, 28 Venezia trionfante, 28 Vienna, 671, 672 Blue Bottle, 50, 590 First, 51, 590 Kolschitzky's, 50 Mosee's, Franz, 51 Number of (1839), 52 Sacher, 50 Schrangl, 671

Coffee houses vindicated, pamph., q., 71, 72

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