All About Coffee

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Coffee, Its History, Cultivation and Uses, Hewitt, 480

Coffee kings First (Germany), 47 (U.S.), 517 Last (U.S.), 518

Coffee-makers' guild of Vienna, 51

Coffee man's granado, The (Broad-side), 66

Coffee palaces (see Coffee-houses)

Coffee Pep (brand), 539

Coffee pots (see Service)

Coffee Roaster & Mill Mfg. Co., 497

Coffee Roasters Traffic and Pure Food Association, 473

Coffee rooms (Norway), 686

Coffee scuffle, The (broadside), q., 64

Coffee shops (houses), London, 674

Coffee-smellers (Germany), 47

Coffee, tea, and chocolate, Concerning the use of, Dufour, 34

Coffee, tea, and chocolate, The manner of making, Dufour, 34

Coffee tree, Kentucky, 564

Coffee water (rosa-folis), 695

Coffey, 41

Coffi, 2

Cognac in c., 106, 686

Cogollo & Co., 34

Coho, 1, 2, 38

Cohoo, 2

Cohove, 91

Cohu, 2

Coit & Son, Henry, 476

Coke roasting, 385, 386

Colaux & Cie, pat., 625

Cole & Son, Stephen, 476

Coles Manufacturing Co., 472, 646

Colet M.H., q., 594

Colgate, Charles C., 492

Colgate, Samuel, 492

Collection of Voyages and Travels, A, q. 23

Collins, William, 580

Coloring substances, 170

Colombians (c.), 348-350, 363, 364

Colpani, 558

Columbia University, 186

Columbian Centinel, newsp., q., 434

Columnaris, C., hyb., 140

Comité Français du Café, 445

Commaille, q., 165

Commercial Ass'n, Santos, 314

Commercial coffee chart, 191

Commercial Coffee Co., 478

Commercial Organic Analysis, q., 159

Commissario, 303, 304, 305, 306, 312, 491

Commissions New York, 334, 336 Santos, 304

Committee of Correspondence, 120, 474

Committee of One Hundred (1774), 120

Commonwealth and c., 54, 59

Competition, retail, 426

Complet, Café, 683

Compton (Bishop of London), 570

Condorcet, 94

Confectionery, C., 695

Confessions, Rousseau, 102

Congensis, C., 147

Congensis var. Chalotii, 147

Congensis × Ugandæ, hyb., 146

Congo, Belgian, c., 353, 377

Congo coffee, caffein content, 161

Congress of Deputies, 120

Conkling & Lloyd, 476

Con léche, Café, 691

Connoisseur (London), per., q., 579

Conopios, Nathaniel, 40, 41, 43

Conquest of Granada, Dryden's (censured by Rota), 60

Conrad & Co., J.H., 502

Consolidated Coffee Co., 508

Consortium of 1868, 476

Constantine, George, chk., 61, 84, 584 (See Jennings, George)

Constantinople, Illustrated, Walsh, q., 663, 664

Constantinople in 1657, Relation of a Journey to, Rolamb, q., 23

Constantinople, Old and New, Dwight, q., 664-667

Constituents of c., Valuable, 693

Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens, Gilbert, q., 40

Consumo (grade), 261

Consumption, 285-302 Argentina, 279, 286, 287, 291 Australia, 286, 287, 291 Balkan States, 290 Belgium, 285, 287 Canada, 286, 287 Chile, 286, 287, 291 Colombia, 278 Cuba, 286, 287, 291 Denmark, 287, 290 Europe (19th Century), 295, 296 Federated Malay States, 284 France, 285, 287, 290 Average annual, 678 Germany, 285, 287, 290 Great Britain, 285, 287 Guiana, French, 279 Italy, 285, 287, 290 Mexico, 280 Netherlands, 285, 287, 290 New Zealand, 285, 287, 291 Norway, 287, 290 Peru, 278 Portugal (1919), 290 Russia, 285, 287, 291 Salvador, 280 San Francisco, 487 Scandinavia, 285, 290 Spain, 285, 287, 290 Sweden, 287, 290 Switzerland, 285, 287, 290, 291 Table of World, 287 Tea and c. comparisons, 288, 289 Union of South Africa, 286, 287, 291 United States, 106, 285, 287, 288, 293, 294 Popularity explained, 106 Prohibition; effect on, 689 World-war; effect on, 297 Venezuela, 278

Consumption per capita Foreign countries, 288-290 Groix, Island of, 176 Tables, 288 United States, 298, 299, 476 Methods of computing, 302

Containers, 402-404, 408-412, 470, 471 First paper and tin-end, 471 First strawboard (1881), 471 Leather bags, greased (1710), 620 Pots of various sizes (1790), 491, 492 Standardizing, 410 Vacuum, 471

Conti, Prince de, 590

Contracts, 329, 331 Cost-and-freight, 513, 515 In-store, 331 N.Y. Exchange, 333-335 To arrive, 335

Controversies England, 64-74 Commercial, U.S., 438 Medical, Eng., 58, 59 Political, Eng. (1666-72), 72, 73, 76 (See also Opposition; Coffee houses)

Conway, Charles, 499

Cooling, 381, 636, 641

Cooling machinery, 394, 395

Cooling machines Burns's flexible-arm, 652, 653 Emmerich automatic (1897), 639 German patents (1877-85), 638 Grohens's rotary, 646

Cook, O.F., q., 202, 223

Cooper, Charles, q., 675

Cooper, Cornelius, 492

Cooper, L.S., 495

Cooper & Co., Nathaniel, 476

Coorg c., 351, 379

Copha, 1, 2, 38

Cophie, 56, 58

Cophy, 56

Coppée, François, 565

Cordoba c., 347, 358

Corinchies c., 355, 371

Corner in Coffee, The, Brady, 563

Corners Arnold's (1869-1881), 517, 518 Blanco's (1895), 529 Kaltenbach's (1891-92), 476, 529 United States (1901), 530

Corn-poppers for roasting, 635

Correa & Sons, F.A., 338

Corbett, Barney, 503

Corbett & Heekin, 503

Corbin, May & Co., 485

Corinna (Mrs. E. Thomas), 575

Cornell & Smith, 508

Cost card for roasters, 392

Cost analysis, 407, 408 Retail, 418

Cost and freight brokers, 336, 337

Cost and profits, retail, 426, 427 Chart 428

Costa Ricas (c.), 348, 361

Coste, Felix, 448, 457, 514

Cotovicus, 32, 696; q., 20

Cottraux, E.P., 505

Cottrell, 496

Couha, 2

Couguet, Dr. A., q., 26

Coventry, Sir William, q., 72

Cowha, 2

Cowha, 2

Cowper, William, 88, 557; q., 550, 572

Cradle of Am. liberty, 293

Cramer. P.J.S., q., 133, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 147, 345

Crampton, G.E., 501

Crawford, Thomas A., 505

Crawley, Edwin, pat., 642

Cream in c., 399, 698

Crébilon, 94

Credit policy, retail, 428, 429

Creighton, Clarence, 477

Creighton & Ashland, 477

Creighton, Morrison & Meehan, 477

Creme, Café à la, 708

Crepaux, 708

Cripps, q., 602

Crispe, Sir Nicholas, 54

Crocker, Nathaniel, 508

Cromwell, Henry, 575

Cromwell, Oliver, 72

Crooks & Co., Robert, 485

Crooks & Co., Samuel, 501

Cross & Co., C.A., 642

Crossman, George W., 482, 518, 519

Crossman, W.H., 482, 518, 519

Crossmnn & Bro., W.H., 482, 484, 518, 530

Crossman & Sielcken, 482, 519, 521

Crossman-Sielcken contract, 519

Crouse & Co., Jacob, 508

Cruger, Henry, 475

Cruger, John, 475

Crusade (brand), 435

Cubans (c.), 351, 361

Cucuras (c.), 348, 349, 364

Cuchaletto (chocolate), 107 Sold in Boston (1670), 107

Culapius, S., pseud., q., 181

Culbreth, q., 181

Cultivation, 197-243 Crop maturity, 138 Early, 197 Spread of, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (see also Propagation)

Cultivation (geographical) Abyssinia, 1 Africa, British Central, 9 Africa, British East, 9 Amazonas (began 1752), 9 Angola, 229 Arabia, 2, 5, 230, 231 Began (A.D. 575), 5, 230 Argentina, 236 Australia, 9, 238, 239 Bolivia, 236 Bourbon (Réunion), 9 Brazil, 9, 74, 75, 204-208, 275 Profits (1900), 205 California, Southern, 9 Celebes (began 1750), 9, 217, 283 Ceylon, 236, 237 Begun by Arabs (before 1505), 6, 43 Begun by Dutch (1658), 6, 43 Systematic (1690), 282 Colombia, 208-212 Costa Rica, 9, 135, 225, 280 Cuba, 9, 231, 232 Dominican Republic, 232 Ecuador, 230 Federated Malay States, 238 Fiji Islands, 243 France, 6 Guadeloupe, 233, 234 Guam, 242, 243 Guatemala, 9, 135, 219, 220 Guiana, British, 235, 236, 279 Guiana, Dutch, 235, 236, 279 Guiana, French, 235, 236 Haiti, 9, 220 Hawaii, 9, 239, 241 Honduras, 234 Honduras, British, 234, 235 Indo-China, French, 9, 237 India, 5, 9, 225-227, 282 Jamaica, 9, 74, 233 Java, 9, 43, 74, 213, 293 Liberia, 230 Martinique, 6, 7, 8, 9, 233 Mexico, 9, 220, 221, 222, 280 U.S. interest, 221 Netherlands, 5, 6 Netherlands E. Indies, 6, 213-217, 283 New Caledonia, 243 Nicaragua, 227 Panama, 235 Pará, 9 Paraguay, 236 Peru, 236 Philippines, 9, 241, 242 Porto Rico, 9, 222, 223, 225 Queensland, 9 Rio de Janeiro, 9 Salvador, 217, 219, 279 Santo Domingo, 9 São Paulo, 205-208 South America (first), 279 Straits Settlements, 238 Sumatra, 216, 217, 283 Tahiti, 243 Tobago, 234 Tonkin, 9 Trinidad, 234 Uganda, 230 United States, 9 Venezuela, 9, 212, 213, 277 West Indies, 9 Western Hemisphere (first), 294

Cultured (brand), 474

Culver & Geiger, 509

Cumberland, q., 573, 574

Cummings, W.A., 496

Cunningham, 583

Cup of c., or c. in its colours, A (broadside), q., 64

Cup-testing, 356, 357 San Francisco, 487, 488

Curaçoa c., 351, 363

Cure-all, 58

Cure for drunkenness, 58, 61

Curiosities of Literature, D'Israeli, q., 41

Curtis & Burnham, 508

Curtis Publishing Co., 441

Cushing, q., 179

Customs and Fashions in Old New England, Earle, q., 709

Custom-house procedure, New York, 319

Cutler, Benjamin, 492

Cuyler, Philip, 475

C.W. (brand), 441

Cyrill, Patriarch, 40, 41

da Ponte, Lorenzo, 28

Dagoty, 589, 590

Dahlman, Henry, 506

Dahlman, John, 506

Daily Post (Lond.), newsp., q., 588

Dakin, Elizabeth, pat., 633

Dakin, William, pat., 633

Dakin & Co., 633

Dakotan, v., 316

D'Alembert, q., 3

Dally, Gifford, 128

Dana, John Cotton, q., 712

Dancourt, q., 554

Daney, Sidney, q., 8

Daniel, chk., 78

Dannemiller, A.J., q., 409 Coffee-selling chart, 409

Dannemillers & Co., 484

Danton, George Jaques, 94, 98

Danvers' Letters, q., 2

d'Argenson, De Voyer, 594

Dark roast, 356, 387

Darouf (Arabian bale), 266

d'Arvieux, Chevalier, q., 2

Dash, Bowie, 479, 497, 527

Dash, J. Bowie, 497

Dash & Co., Bowie, 469, 477, 528

Dater, Henry, 482

Dater, Philip, 482

Dater & Co., Philip, 482

Dauchet, 554

Daudet, Alphonse, 103

Daughty, Charles, M., q., 661-663

Daugleish, Dr., 677

Dauphine of France, 600

Davenant, Sir William, 80, 576

Davenport & Morris, 485

David, 13

Davies, Tom, 567, 568

Davies & Co., John L., 502

Davies & Co., Ltd., Theo. H., 488

Davis, S.L., 499

Davis & Co., Noah, 501

Dawson, August T., q., 711, 712

Dayton & Co., 480

Dayton Spice Mills, 443

Dayton Spice Mills Co., 508

De Belloy, Jean Baptiste, inv., 94, 621, 622, 697, 698

de Boze, q., 543

de Bussy, Th. Roland, q., 656

de Chirac, 6

de Clieu, Mathieu Gabriel, 6, 7, 8, 233, 550 Memorial to, 9 Verses about, 8 Voyage to Martinique, 6, 7

De Constantinople à Bombay, Lettres, Della Valle, q., 12

de Coverley, Sir Roger, 86

De Fremery & Co., 488

de Goncourt, Jules, 102, 103

de Gourcuff, O., 557

de Jour, Rouillé, 8

de Jussieu, Antoine, 6

De la Café, de Gourcuff, 557

de la Motte, Houdard, 554

De Lancey house, New York, 121

de Lannay, Count, 47

de Laval, Pyrard, q., 2

de l'Écluse, Charles, 31

De Lessert & Co., J.S., 476

De Lima, D.A., 482

De Lima, D.A. & J., 482

De Lima & Co., D.A., 482

De Luxe, Café (Guadeloupe), 257

de Mattei, Natale, pat., 653

De Mattia, pat., 166

De Mattia Bros., 686

de Maupassant, Guy, 565

de Mere, Mlle., 91

de Monteith, Fulbert, q., 22

de Musset, Alfred, 98, 102, 565; q., 103

de Noailles, Duke, 567

de Nointel, 542

De Quincey, Thomas, q., 562

de Pompadour, ill., 588, 600

de Rabutin-Chantal, Marie, 91

de Sacy, Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre, 17; q., 2, 663

De Saluberrimá Cahue seu Café, etc., Nairon, 16

de Santais, Edward Loysel, pat., 629

De Sarlo, q., 186

de Saxe, Marie-Josephe, 600

de Sévigné, Madame, 91, 565

de Thévenot, Jean, 31, 91

de Tournemine, 591

de Wildman, M.E., q., 132

Dealers, Wholesale New Orleans, 486, 487 New York, 475-482

Dearman, Richard, pat., 621

Decaffeinated (see Caffein-free)

Declaration of Independence, 111

Decoction defined, 698

Decreuse, 589

Deep Sea Hotel (Arbuckle's), 524

Deer Co., A.J., 443, 472, 473, 643, 646

Defendorf, George, 492

Deffes, 594

Defoe, Daniel, 80; q., 78, 79

Dehio, 186

del Castillo & Co., Rafael, 340

Delafield, Henry, 476

Delafield, William, 476

Delille, Jacques, q., 547

Dell, John C., pat., 644

Della Valle, Pierre (Pietro), 543; q., 2, 12, 27

Delphine, Sr., pat., 639

Demidoff, Prince, 103

Democracy, Coffee and, 20, 21, 54, 72, 75, 293 Am. colonies, 107 Boston, 111 England, 59 France, 100 Italy, 28

Demonstrations, etc., Store, 425

Dennis, 575

Denobe, pat., 621

Deodorant, 58, 180

Department stores, 415

Des Arts & Henser, 476

Des Dames du Temps Jadis, Villon, q., 135

Descamps, 591

Desmoulins, Camille, 94, 100

Desserts, recipes, 723, 724

Destrée, q., 186

Desvignes, pat., 157

Detroit Testing Laboratories, 715

Developing point, 389

Deverall, R.R. & A. 501

Devers, A.H., 507

Dewevrei, C., 142 Java, 214

Diarrhea, effect of c. on, 181

Diary, Jourdain, q., 1

Diary and Correspondence, Evelyn, q., 40

Dickinson, Gilchrist, 476

Dictionary, d'Alembert, q., 3

Dictionary, d'Arvieux, q., 2

Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, q., 164

Dictionary, New English, Murray, q., 1

Dictionary, Universal, q., 176

Diderot, Denis, 94; q., 96, 98

Dieckmann & Co., 488

Diefenthaler, Charles E., 497

Diefenthaler, T.F., 497

Dietl, 186

Dietz, F.C., 508

Digestion, effect of c. on, 175, 177, 178-180

Diligence (infusion device), 620

Dilworth & Co., J.S., 507

Dilworth Bros., 435, 507

Dimond & Gardes, 482

Dimond & Lally, 480, 482

Direct-flame roasting, 386, 641

Discovery of c. (see Origin)

Diseases and pests, 147, 148, 152, 203, 204 C.-berry beetle, 203 C.-leaf miner, 147, 203 Eel-worm disease, 204 Fungoid, 147, 148, 203 Hemileia vastatrix, 148, 152, 203 Insects, 203 Leaf blight Ceylon 203, 236, 237, 282, 283 Dominican Rep., 281 Hawaii (1855), 241 India, 226 Philippines (1889), 242 Pellicularia tokeroga, 148 Root disease, 148, 204 Sphaerostilbe flavida, 204 Spot of leaf and fruit, 148

D'Israeli, I., 557: q., 41, 53, 72, 91

Distillation devices Napier-List (1891), 639 Napierian (1870), 639 Napier's vacuum (1840), 637 Wyatt's patent (1802), 621

Ditson, Thomas, pat., 245

Dittman, Charles, 486

Dittman, Jr., Charles, 487

Dittman Co., Chas., 486, 487

Divination by coffee grounds, 558

Divorce, C. and, 22

Doane & Co., J.W., 482, 484, 485

Dolton & Co., Wm., 508

Domestick Coffee Man, Broadbent, q., 293, 697

Dominguez, Andres, 221

Donaldson, 578

Donovan, Prof., q., 704

Donmartin, inv., 620, 697

Donns, q., 8

Doolittle, q., 167

Doran, John, q., 705

Dorn, R.H., 505

Dorr, S.H., 535

Dorsay, Benjamin, 468

Dorset, Earl of, 584

Double roasting, 387

Douglas, James (Bishop of Salisbury), 42, 543, 574

Downer, Samuel A., 502

Downer & Co., 501, 502

Downtown Association, New York, 517

Drake, Samuel Gardner, q., 108, 116

Drake & Co., W.D., 507

Dramatic Literature, C. in, 554-556

Draper & Co., John H., 482

Dressing machinery, 245

Drew, J.C., 505

Drink (see Beverage)

Drinksum (brand), 524

Droste, H.R., 503

Drouais, François Hubert, 589, 599

Drug stores, C. sold in, 415

Drums (see Containers)

Drupes (see also Botany; Fruit), 136

Dry method, 136, 249, 251

Dry roast, 389, 391

Dryden, John, 60, 77, 78, 80, 84, 574, 575, 583, 584

Drying, 251

Drying grounds, 251, 254

Drying machinery, 254, 255

Du Barry, Madame, ill., 92, 563, 566, 588

Du Belloy, Archbishop, 697

Du Mont, 543

Du Tour, q., 707, 708

Dubard, Prof., q., 147

Dublin Philosophical Journal, per., q., 704

Ducis, 548

Duehring, Carl H., pat., 642

Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre, 34, 432, 543, 557; q. 2, 11, 13, 74, 98

Dugdale, E., 470

Dumant, Pierre Étienne Louis, q., 13

Duncan, James, q., 59

Duncombe Mfg. Co., F.A., 649

Dunham, Charles A., 508

Dunks, John, 118

Duparquet, L., pat., 469, 639

Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co., 639, 644

Durand, Calvin, 502

Durand, H.C., 502

Durand, H.C. & C., 502

Durand & Co., 502

Durand & Kasper, 502

Durand & Kasper Co., 485

Durant, Nicholas Felix, pat., 625, 634, 699

Durieux, Elizabeth, 178

Duryee, P.S., q., 420

Dutch (see Netherlands)

Dutch New York, Singleton, q., 105, 115, 125, 709

Duties, Export Angola, 268 São Paulo, 315

Duties, Import Abyssinia, 310 Belgium, removed (1904), 296 England (1692, 1732), 74 United States, 296, 468 Porto Rico requests, 472 (See also Chronology)

Dwight, H.G., q., 664-667

Dwinell, James F., 501

Dwinell & Co., 501

Dwinell, Hayward & Co., 501

Dwinell, Wright & Co., 485, 501

Dwinell-Wright Co., 501, 629

Dybowski, C., 144 Java, 216

Dybowski × excelsa, hyb., 146

Dyer & Co., 501

Dykes & Wilson, 480

Dymond & Gardes, 486

Eagle Coffee and Spice Mills, 503

Eagle Spice Co., 507

Eagle Spice Mills, 503

Eames, Wilberforce, 474

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