Administer questionnaires to large samples to explain larger populations.
Administer questionnaires to large samples to explain larger populations.
Can guarantee anonymity
Used extensively today by researchers, politicians, and news organizations in:
Social research
Public opinion
To obtain information from a large number of individuals
To obtain information from a large number of individuals
To provide anonymity to respondents
To provide confidentiality to respondents
When observation is impossible – impractical
When information is obtained for descriptive purposes
When information is obtained for broad explanatory purposes
Information is collected by means of standardized procedures so that every individual is asked the same questions in more or less the same way. The survey's intent is not to describe the particular individuals who, by chance, are part of the sample but to obtain a composite profile of the population.
Information is collected by means of standardized procedures so that every individual is asked the same questions in more or less the same way. The survey's intent is not to describe the particular individuals who, by chance, are part of the sample but to obtain a composite profile of the population.
Follows a deductive approach:
Follows a deductive approach:
Develop hypotheses.
Develop an instrument (questionnaire).
(remember operationalization)
Pilot test the questionnaire.
Decide on population, get a representative sample.
Administer the survey
Analyze, interpret, and communicate the results
Remember, the questionnaire is a total package and needs
Remember, the questionnaire is a total package and needs
to be considered as such.
It needs a strong introduction conveying to the respondent what the survey is about.
It should indicate why the questions are being asked.
It needs interesting and readily answerable questions at the beginning to gain respondent attention and build rapport.
The conclusion should be gentle and friendly, expressing gratitude for the respondent's time and effort.
As respondents hear or read a survey question, they
As respondents hear or read a survey question, they
interpretation of the question, why it is being asked, and
what constitutes an acceptable answer.
Respondents may also expand or restrict the meaning of
concepts because the wording of a question evokes meanings that then dominate the definition of the concept.
The respondent’s interpretation of the question can also be influenced by information in response categories
different groups may use different vocabularies or organize their behavior in different ways.
different groups may use different vocabularies or organize their behavior in different ways.
to provide the analytic definition and ask the respondent to answer in its terms.
to allow respondents to answer using their native concepts and structure the sequence of questions so that the analyst can map native concepts onto the analytic concept.
two general approaches to defining a target event or behavior.
two general approaches to defining a target event or behavior.
to provide the analytic definition and ask the respondent to answer in its terms.
Next I’d like to know about vehicles, including automobiles, motorcycles, motor
scooters, and trucks. How many vehicles do you own?
to allow respondents to answer using their native concepts
I’d like to know about the vehicles you own. How many vehicles do you own?
Open Ended
Open Ended
What is your income? ________
What situations are particularly stressful for you? _________________________
closed ended
closed ended
Do you agree that Turkey should join the European Union and have free labor exchange with other European countries? Yes/No
Students should not be required to take a comprehensive exam. (A respondent who disagree with this statement…)
Does it seem possible or does it seem impossible to you that the Nazi extermination of the Jews never happened?
Avoid biased items and terms
Avoid biased items and terms
More support less support
Assistance to the poor welfare
Halting rising crime rate law enforcement
Dealing with drug addiction drug rehabilitation
Solving problems of big cities urban assistance program
Avoid double barreled questions
Avoid double barreled questions
United States should abandon its space program and spend the money on domestic programs
Do you listen to music and have the TV on while you are studying?
Answering the question should be possible
Answering the question should be possible
Questions should be relevant
Biliyorsunuz devlet verilen vergilerle bazı hizmetleri yerine getiriyor. Aşağıda size bazı hizmet alanları sayacağız. Bunların her biri için devletin aldığı vergilerden daha az mı, daha çok mu, yoksa şimdi harcadığı kadar mı harcama yapması gerektiğini düşünüyorsunuz? Yani mesela, devlet toplam 100 lira vergi topluyorsa bunu aşağıdaki hizmetler arasında nasıl dağıtmalı, paylaştırmalı?
Bilimsel araştırma-geliştirme
Avoid biased or loaded terms
Avoid biased or loaded terms
Bias refers to any property of questionnaire that encourages respondents to answer in a particular way
Do you agree or disagree with the recent Supreme Court decision…..
Should the government spend even more money on military?
Avoid asking questions beyond the capabilities of respondents:
Avoid asking questions beyond the capabilities of respondents: