Balboa Yacht Club’s 2011 Junior Summer Sailing Program Balboa Yacht Club

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Balboa Yacht Club’s
2011 Junior Summer
Sailing Program

Balboa Yacht Club

1801 Bayside Dr.

Corona del Mar, CA 92625


Sea Urchins
Prerequisites: Must be 6 - 7 years old.
Schedule: 9:00AM-12:00PM Monday -Thursday

Dates: Session 1: June 27-July 14


Session 2: July 18 – August 4

Full Summer: June 27 – August 4
This class is designed for juniors who are not quite ready to be in a sabot on their own. We will begin with basics in water/boating safety and progress to knot tying, nautical terms and code flags. They will also do some sailing with their instructors and even sailing with some of the more experienced children in the program. The focus of the class is to make the students comfortable on the water while they color, paste and sail their way through the summer.
Beginning Sabots

Prerequisites: Must be 8 years old by the beginning of the program or about to enter 3rd grade.

Schedule: 9:00AM-12:00PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4

This class is designed to teach the basics of sailing with

the hope that your child will want to continue on to the

next level. Children will learn about boat parts, wind

direction, points of sail, cruising and onto the

basics of racing all the while making dozens of new

friends! Remember each child must provide his or her

own boat, with all the right parts, on the first day of class.
Introduction to Racing Sabots

Prerequisites: Must have completed at least one season of a beginning sailing class.

Schedule: 1:00PM – 4:30PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4

This class is for children who have experience sailing but

need to work on building their skills before they begin to

race. Children may have the potential to move into C3’s by the end of the summer or by the Fall Program.
Sabot C3 - Beginning Racing

Prerequisites: Must have completed at least two seasons of sailing or at least 9 years old.

Schedule: 11AM-4:30PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4

This class is the first opportunity for sailors to

race against fellow BYC sailors as well as sailors from

other yacht clubs in the harbor. There is no prior racing

experience required. Juniors who are comfortable with

their sailing skills and have a desire to start competing

will enjoy this class. Sailors will begin learning the racing

rules, racing tactics and tricks to improve boat speed.

Sailors will race in Balboa Bay Fleet races Tuesdays and

Thursdays every week as well as have the opportunity to

sail in weekend regattas.

Sabot C1’s & C2’s – Intermediate Racing

Prerequisites: Must have competed in C3’s and placed high enough to move up to C2’s.

Schedule: 11AM-4:30PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4**

Any sailor qualified as a C1 or C2 sailor last year

will begin here. This class is for sailors who want to

move forward in the racing scene and want to build on

the knowledge they have acquired. Sailors will learn

more intermediate and advanced racing rules, skills and

tactics. This class is designed to help sailors become

better racers in the hopes of attending such events as

Summer Gold Cup and the Naples Sabot National

Championship Regatta. These sailors will attend Balboa

Bay Fleet races as well as weekend regattas with their

Sabot A’s & B’s – Advanced Racing

Prerequisites: Must have competed in C1’s and placed high enough to move up to B’s.

Schedule: 11AM-4:30PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4**

This class is for the advanced sabot sailors who want to

conclude their summer at Naples Sabot National

Championship Regatta. Advanced boat handling, rules

and tactics will be extensively covered during this class.

This class will also deal with mental and physical

preparation. Sailors will attend Balboa Bay Fleet races

as well as weekend regattas with their coach.
Summer Sabot Regattas
Balboa Advanced Sabot Clinic

June 11-12 at Balboa Yacht Club

All Girls Sail Jam

June 18 at Mission Bay Yacht Club

Junior Commodore’s Cup

June 26 at Lido Isle Yacht Club

Summer Gold Cup

July 9-10 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club

Dutch Shoe Marathon

July 22 at San Diego Yacht Club

Mid-Summer Regatta

July 23 at Lido Isle Yacht Club

Naples Sabot National Championship Regatta
August 8-11 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club

Beginning CFJ’s

Prerequisites: Must be 13 years old or about to enter the 7th grade

Schedule: 9:00AM-12:00PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4

This class is open to the first 12 sailors on a first come

first serve basis. This class is designed for teenagers

who are new to sailing and/or new to double handed

boats. Participants will be using BYC owned boats and

equipment. This class will cover the basics of double handed sailing. This class is an excellent transition from Sabots to CFJs.
Intermediate CFJ’s
Prerequisites: Must be at least 13 years old and have prior experience in double handed boats.

Schedule: 1PM – 4:30PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4
This class is designed for double handed sailors with the

emphasis on racing. Sailors will be using the BYC owned CFJ’s. Sailors will learn basic

spinnaker work, roll tacks, sail trim, etc. Objectives are to have members of this class compete in the Junior Olympics and CFJ Nationals – both take place in July.

Advanced Racing Class
Prerequisites: Must be a minimum of 14 years old with substantial racing experience.

Schedule: 1PM-4:30PM Monday – Thursday

Dates: June 27 – August 4
This class will be held in Lasers, C420s and CFJs. If you are interested in this class please contact the BYC Junior Sailing Office before submitting your application.

Summer Advanced Sailing Regattas
Area J Sears Eliminations – GC21’s

June 18-19 at Balboa Yacht Club

US Jr. Women’s Single-handed Championships

June 25-30 at Richmond Yacht Club

Jr. Commodore’s Cup

June 26 at Lido Isle Yacht Club

Ida Lewis Regatta

July 9-14 at Mantaloking/Bay Head Yacht Clubs

Junior Olympic Festival

July 15-17 at San Diego Yacht Club

Mid-Summer Regatta

July 23 at Lido Isle Yacht Club

Flight of the Lasers

July 24 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club

2011 CFJ Nationals

July 29-31 at Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club

Other Important Information…

  • All sailors must be able to swim – All summer program participants must pass a swim test. The test is by no means of test of how well you can swim but more how comfortable are you in and around the water. On the first day of the program all juniors will take this test. This test will take place within the BYC docks. Juniors will be asked to swim 50 feet and be able to tread water wearing a PFD.

  • All sabot sailors must have access to their own boat.

  • Registration Forms– The application form must be complete and only one sailor per application (no doubling up on siblings). Note some pages are double sided and there are several places that require your signature or initials. The Member rate only applies to children or grandchildren of members.

  • Discipline – It is the intent of the sailing program to provide all those involved with the most enjoyable and worthwhile summer. Our primary purpose is to provide safe, quality instruction and in order to accomplish this, discipline must be maintained. Prior to the beginning of the Summer Program, you will be e-mailed a Parent Handbook, which defines your responsibilities. Please discuss this with your child. You and your child will also be required to sign a Discipline Form which explains our Discipline Procedure for the summer.

  • Safety – Each sailor must come with their own properly fitting, type III US Coast Guard Approved life jacket which they will be required to wear at all times on the water as well as on the docks. In addition, program participants are asked to wear shoes with laces or Velcro. Tennis shoes, aqua socks, crocs and tevas are acceptable. A water bottle, hat or visor, sun glasses and sunscreen are HIGHLY recommended every day.

  • Parent of the Day (POD) – This is a great opportunity for parents and relatives to observe their children and the program at work. The POD provides support to instructors; helps monitor behavior on shore and offers simple first aid and TLC when necessary. On your application you are asked to submit two possible dates for either a morning (9:00AM-1:00PM) and/or an afternoon (1:00PM-4:30PM). We will issue a POD calendar with all participants scheduled times and phone numbers. If you are unable to make your scheduled date it is your responsibility to find a replacement.

  • Racing Classes – All sabot racing classes require that sailors be a member of the International Naples Sabot Association (INSA). Currently INSA dues are $20 if received prior to April 30th. Information about the class is available at All racers will also be part of the Balboa Bay Fleet. Dues for the BBF are included in your summer tuition. All CFJ, 420 and Laser sailors are also required to join their respective classes, especially if you are planning on racing in the Junior Olympics, CFJ Nationals, C420 Nationals, or any other event outside of the bay.

  • Volunteers – Volunteers are what make our program run smoothly! At the Parent Orientation please be prepared to join any of the following activities and/or committees: Family Fun Nights, Awards Dinner, Junior Sabot Nationals, weekly race committee, trophies, etc. With your help we can have a very successful summer!!

  • Prerequisites – After looking through the brochure, if you think your child is qualified for a certain class but doesn’t quite meet the prerequisites you are required to write a letter to the Junior Activities Committee (JAC) with your request and reasons why you think your child is ready for the particular class. Please send all letters either by email – or mail them directly to Balboa Yacht Club – ATTN: Junior Program and they will then be forwarded to the JAC.

  • Sign Ups – You may either mail your application in or bring your application by and ask whatever questions you may have. Payments are to be made either by check, BYC member charge or cash. NO CREDIT CARDS.

No applications will be accepted after
June 1st!

Applications will be processed in the order received; some classes do fill up quickly.

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