In the absence of a national definition of waste and hazardous wastes, Tanzania uses the Basel Convention’s definition on Hazardous Wastes for transboundary movement of Hazardous Wastes.
Tanzania does not regulate/ control any additional wastes as hazardous that are not included in Art. 1 (1)a of the Basel Convention and would be controlled for the purpose of transboundary movements pursuant to Art. (1)b.
In Tanzania there are no wastes other than those pursuant to Art. 1 (1)a and/or Art. 1 (1)b of the Basel Convention that require special consideration when subjected to transboundary movement.
Data* on the Generation and Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes** and Other Wastes*** in 2000 (as reported)
Total amount of hazardous wastesand other wastesexported
No data
Total amount of hazardous wastesand other wastesimported
No import
*Figures are rounded to the nearest integer.
** Covers wastes under Art. 1 (1)a (Annex I: Y1-Y45) and Art. 1 (1)b.
*** Covers wastes under (Annex II: Y46-Y47).
Restrictions on Transboundary Movement
Amendment to the Basel Convention
The Parliament has ratified the amendment to the Basel Convention (Decision III/1) on 22nd April 2002.
Restrictions on export for final disposal and for recovery
Tanzania has no restrictions on the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery.
Restrictions on import for final disposal and for recovery
Tanzania restricts the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery. To initiate the work on the preparation of the national legislation, some background activities such as institutions framework study etc. are being undertaken. No import is allowed according to the Bamako Convention, to which Tanzania is a Party.
Restrictions on transit
Tanzania has no restrictions on the transit of hazardous wastes and other wastes.
Reduction and/or Elimination of Hazardous Waste Generation
National strategies/policies
Adoption of Sustainable Industrial Development Policy (1997); and
Advocating the cleaner production technique.
Measures taken by industries/waste generators
Some industries have adopted the cleaner production technology.
In preparation. However, there are sectoral legislations which need to be updated.
Economic instruments/ initiatives
In preparation.
Measures taken by industries/waste generators
Some industries apply cleaner production techniques to reduce waste generation.
Disposal/ Recovery Facilities
Ministry of Health is responsible for disposal of hospital waste by incineration. There are no sanitary landfills. Uncontrolled dump sites are used. Efforts to upgrade them are considered through “Sustainable City Programme”. The programme covers 9 Municipal cities of Tanzania. Construction of Municipal sanitary landfills is in the pipeline.
There are no recovery facilities in the country.