Bài tập tiếng anh 8 thí ĐIỂm lưu hoằng trí Bản Word

I)-Complete the answers. Write the letter of the things you should do and the things you shouldn't do in formal e-mail etiquette

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I)-Complete the answers. Write the letter of the things you should do and the things you shouldn't do in formal e-mail etiquette.

  1. Use a title, last name, and colon to address someone you don't know well.

  2. Write in complete sentences.

  3. Use correct spelling.

  4. Use emoticons, like .

  5. Use all lower-case letters.

  6. Punctuate carefully.

  7. Date the e-mail.

  8. End with your name.

  9. Close the e-mail as a formal letter, for example, “Thank you so much”.

  10. Include abbreviations

  11. Use a first name and comma to address someone you know well.

Do’s: ________________________________________________________________
Don’ts: ______________________________________________________________
ll)-Read the following e-mail and circle all the formal e-mail etiquette mistakes. Then, rewrite the formal e-mail and correct the etiquette mistakes.
Maria, Thanks 4 lunch yesterday. it was GR8 2 C U. let's continue our conversation about the project, maybe Wednesday next week? My place? There's still lots 2 discus.

  1. BTW, please don't forget to bring the info we talked about. LMK about next week. C U L8R.

Your answer:


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III)-Rearrange the following parts to make an email to your teacher to submit your essay. Write the answers (1-10) in each blank. Then write your email in a correct format.
__________A. I really appreciate if you give some comments on my essay so that I will write better in the near future.
__________B. I have attached my essay on “Communication In the 21st century”, which is due by the end of today.
__________C. Best regards, Nguyen Thi Mai
__________D. Subject: English Essay from Nguyen Thi Mai
__________E. Thank you so much.
__________F. To: teacherLan@school.edu
__________G. My name is Nguyen Thi Lan, and I am your student from class 8C. __________H. Dear Ms. Lan,
__________ I. From: MaiNguyen@gmail.com
__________J. Thank you for allowing me to email it to you instead of turning it in during class.
Email Homework To Teacher


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I)-Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.


A. charity

B. reality

C. quality

D. density


A. curiosity

B. personality

C. community

D. university


A. additive

B. positive

C. primitive

D. possessive


A. nationality

B. mobility

C. equality

D. majority


A. transitive

B. effective

C. positive

D. sensitive

II)-Choose the best answer A, B,C or D to complete the sentences.
6. A study shows that teenagers use text messaging to communicate with their friends more than ________________.
A. to send email B. to write C. emailing D. texting letters

7. The _____________ communication services, along with chat rooms, continue to be an important part of children's online interactions.

A. online B. offline C. direct D. phone

  1. Email __________ are often necessary to join social networking sites, online games, and virtual worlds.

A. address B. information C. senders D. accounts 9. Email, and chat rooms let children __________ with friends and family

A. talk B. say C. speak D. communicate

  1. Skype is a voice __________ allowing users to talk to others across the world.

A. hardware B. software C. Internet D. web browser


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application access

  1. Luckily, there are many communication techniques to help overcome


A. foreign B. culture C. language D. sound barriers
languages shocks barriers

  1. A non-native speaker most likely can recognize the _________ the non-verbal communication.

A. second B. official C. sign language D. body language

language language

  1. The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across ____________.

A. languages

B. cultures

C. habits

D. people


Seven of 10 people prefer face-to-face _________ when having a date.

A. code

B. sign

C. language

D. contact


We should not _________ passwords with anyone.

A. share

B. send

C. bring

D. lend

III)-Choose the best answer A, B,C or D to complete the sentences with the correct verb form.
16. I __________ with my aunt when I go to Ha Noi next summer.

A. stay

B. staying

C. stayed

D. will be staying


“When is your math exam?” - “Well, at this time tomorrow, I _______for it.”

A. will sit

B. will be sitting

C. sit

D. is sitting


You'll recognize Jenny when you see her. She _________ a red hat.

A. wears

B. is wearing

C. will wear

D. will be wearing


Do you spend a lot of time _________ to music?

A. listen

B. to listen

C. listening

D. to be listening


How many times have I told you ____________ football in the street?

A. not to play

B. do not play

C. not playing

D. will not play


I don’t mind ____________ up early in the morning.

A. get

B. to get

C. getting

D. to getting


It was nice of her to let me ___________ her laptop.



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A. borrow

B. to borrow

C. borrowing

D. to borrowing

23. She is looking forward ____________ her grandparents again soon.

A. see

B. to see

C. seeing

D. to seeing

IV)-Complete the text with the words/phrases below.



keep in touch with




I’ve stopped going on social networks now because I was suffering from (24) ____________. Somebody was posting aggressive comments on my homepage. I’ve never (25) _____________ a nasty comment on anybody's (26) _________, and I don’t have any enemies so I think it was a stranger. I don't like the idea that a stronger can

  1. _______________ my photos or my personal information. Now, I prefer to (28)

___________ my friends by phone. If I want my friends to see photos or videos, I don’t need to post them (29) ________. I can send them on my phone by using the mobile application — Viber

V)-Rearrange the sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation, writing the letter (A-F) in each blank. Then practise it with your classmate.
30.________ A. Nick: When a student stays at home for illnesses, that student can have lessons through the Skype platform.
31.________B. Nick: Besides language learning, we can have virtual field trips by using Skype to take students to another country or area.

  1. ________C. Phuc: Hi, Nick. I think it’s a good idea to use Skype in our classroom. Can we present it in the next meeting?

  1. ________D. Phuc: I agree with you. Skype can be used to set up short communication sessions with native speakers to improve listening skills and oral communication.

  1. ________E. Phuc: It sounds very interesting. I like travelling very much. Teachers can offer help with homework, or give extra lessons to students through Skype.

  1. ________F. Nick: Great, Phuc. Teachers and students can benefit from Skype in the classroom, for example foreign language learning.


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VI)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
E-mail, and chat rooms let children communicate (36) _________ friends and family members. They can also allow children to connect with people that they have never (37) ____________ in person. Knowing a little about each of these communication services can help parents (38) __________children safer while online.
Through e-mail, (39) ________ can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have text, audio, and picture files attached. Signing up for an e-mail account is simple (40) __________ most services offer them for free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate content, so parents should warn children to be wary of e-mails from (41) ________ people.
Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyone can talk about (42) ___________ - current events, books, and other common interests. Users often do not know each other in real life, so it is important that parents keep a close eye on the content of any (43)__________________.


A. to

B. with

C. for

D. through


A. met

B. gone

C. asked

D. called


A. save

B. protect

C. surround

D. keep


A. receivers

B. messengers

C. users

D. partners


A. due to

B. because

C. because of

D. so


A. known

B. well-known

C. unknown

D. unpopular


A. every

B. something

C. nothing

D. anything


A. conversations

B. meetings

C. letters

D. users

VII)-Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Telepathy is the ability to communicate information using your mind. Information is transmitted from one mind to another using means other than your well-known perceptual senses. Telepathy ranges from the basic reading of minds to more intense power, such as implanting or disrupting thoughts in other people's minds.
There are a few common reasons why someone becomes telepathic. For example, there are those who are simply born with a sense of knowing. These people talk about seeing spirits. But they tend to suppress their abilities as children and often


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lose it as adults. Alternatively, a life-changing event may open them up to being telepathic and exploring their gift even further.
Also, there are times when a near-death experience or serious accident can also open someone up and cause a telepathic awakening. And in some cases, hypnosis or healing sessions can help a sixth sense to awaken. Such sessions help with getting energy flowing and causing a shift in awareness and consciousness.




Telepathy is the ability to communicate information using normal



Telepathy can be found in several forms.


People who often talk about seeing spirits may be telepathic.


Some people may not recognize and develop their telepathic abilities,

so they lose these skills.


A near-death experience or serious accident can make a person

become telepathic.


We can awaken telepathy by making energy flowing and causing a

shift between awareness and sleep.

VIII)-Read the text, and do the following tasks.
Mind-blowing facts about modern communication
The Internet holds about 5 million terabytes of data. That's about the same as 1 million human brains. According to experts, there are about 2 billion Internet users in the world. 70% of people in developed countries go online, but only 20% of people in developing countries can access to the Internet.
The average Internet user has 25 online accounts and logs in 8 times a day. 30% of Internet users have just 1 password for all their online accounts, and the most common password is “password1”. About 55% of users choose words which have some personal meaning, and 15% write down both their password and username.
Many people use Wi-Fi hotspots in public places, such as café, airports and hotels. 46% of them are worried about viruses and hackers. Many people type in personal information while using public Wi-Fi: 22% regularly type in email passwords,


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21% log onto Facebook and 8% do online banking, but they are unaware about how to be totally secure.
The first computer virus appeared in 1981. The first virus to affect mobile phones appeared in 2005. And the first anti-virus software came out in 1990. There are now about 6,000 new computer viruses every month.
87% of Internet users go online with their smartphone at least once a day. About
80% keep their smartphone turned on 24-7 and 23% use it during mealtimes.
500,000,000 people in the world have a Facebook account - that's about one in every 13 people. The average user has 130 “friends”, and 48% of adults check their Facebook page as soon as they wake up in the morning. Every 20 minutes. Facebook users around the world upload 2,716,000 photos.
Note: mind-blowing (adj) = extremely exciting or surprising (làm cho mê mẩn, sửng sờ)
Task 1: Choose the best answers.


How many Internet users are there in the world?

A. half a billion

B. one billion

C. two billion


How many new computer viruses are there every month?

A. 60

B. 600

C. 6,000


How many people in the world have a Facebook account?

A. 500,000

B. 5,000,000

C. 500,000,000

Task 2: Match the sentence halves and write the answer in each blank.






One in five people

A. have their phone all day, every day.



About one third of

B. have a Facebook account




22 percent of people

C. use their mobile phones while they’re

eating a meal



In 2005,

D. have access to the Internet in

developing countries.



500 million people

E. type in their email password on a

public computer



Four in five people

F. the first mobile phone virus appeared


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______ 59. 23 percent of people G. have only one password for all their

online accounts
Task 3: Match a word/phrase in column A with its definition in column B, and write the answer in each blank.






Access to the Internet

A. a programme that inserts itself into a

computer system and damage the

operation of the computer.



Internet user

B. a secret word that you must type in

order to use a computer system



online account

C. a programme used to protect the main

memory of a computer against a virus




D. an arrangement that a person has with

a company to allow him to use the





E. the range of a wireless (Wi-Fi) network



Wi-Fi hotspots

F. the chance of right to use the Internet




G. a person using a computer to change

information stored on another





H. copy programmes or information to

the Internet



anti-virus software

I. a person that uses the Internet




J. a name that you need to type in

together with a password before you

are allow to use the computer or the

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